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株洲,古称建宁,是湖南省“一点一线”区域经济带的重要城市,也是全省经济最发达的长、株、潭“金三角”一角。记者来到这个拥有着古老而神奇的历史文化古城,印象最深刻的便是一座高19.97米的巨形炎帝塑像,毅然地耸立于占地15公顷的中国南方最大的炎帝广场中心。据了解,中华民族的始祖炎帝神农氏,就长眠在株洲境内炎陵县鹿原陂。  相似文献   

位于湘江之畔的株洲,是我国农耕文化发源地之一。沐浴着中华民族始祖之一炎帝神农氏的泽惠,这块古老而神奇的土地更是钟灵毓秀,菁华叠翠。我国第一台航空发动机、第一枚空空导弹、第一台电力机车、第一块硬质合金等50多个“全国第一”相继在株洲诞生。  相似文献   

<正>红山文化在中华文明起源中所独具的地位一直是学界关注的热点,日前,辽宁省文物考古部门对外发布红山文化最新发掘成果。除了在牛河梁遗址周边发现大型生活聚落址外,考古人员通过考古发掘还形成很多新成果,这给“红山古国”原生型文明起源增加了新的证据。新发现:出土人骨测定显示食谷物为主新认知:红山先民从渔猎走向农业定居  相似文献   

杨青 《中国西部》2013,(22):126-127
中国饮茶历史源远流长,最早可以追溯到茶圣陆羽记载的"茶为之饮,发乎神农氏"的神农时期。中国人也素有"客来敬茶"的待客习惯。可见,茶,在中国人的生活中扮演着一种非常重要的角色。茶行  相似文献   

千里湘江,浩浩荡荡,一路北上。沐浴着中华民族始祖炎帝神农氏的惠泽,这片南北通衢的农耕文化发源地万物催生;承载着无数的梦想与荣光,这片底蕴深厚的寻根圣地溢彩流金……21世纪中华炎黄精英来到这块神奇的土地,在35平方公里的土地上,迸发出他们全部的才华和激情,用浓墨写就中国高新技术产业发展史上精彩的一页,描绘出株洲国家高新技术产业开发区发展的宏伟蓝图。——引子  相似文献   

余世存 《东北之窗》2014,(21):75-77
正文明源头如日月般的言说,暗含着文明命运的源代码,蕴藏着我们可望自新并"日日新"的巨大而永恒的秘密。它的存在本身就是对我们的召唤,需要我们瞻望、参详、持诵。经典在现代危机中日显正能量我国族立于日出东方,历百世而不衰,奠基于上古诸圣。如西人居处日归之地,越传统而现代,受教于创世诸神。西域创世有亚当,亚伯拉罕;东土开天有伏羲,炎帝神农。东海西海,心理攸同,得  相似文献   

薛凯洲  陈川 《走向世界》2012,(21):24-26
完善的国家机制.是保证国家正常运转的关键。史载.黄帝取代炎帝神农氏后.氏族部落联盟已经打造出了国家的雏形。《史记》记载,黄帝时期就有常设部队和卫戍部队.有官职、都邑.宗教礼制、疆域和分封制度.已经具备了国家的一些基本要素。到了尧舜时代,中华古国已经发展到了相当完备和成熟的时代.这其中起核心作用的就是舜帝。  相似文献   

李雪映 《发展》2013,(10):35-35
一、静宁县建设特色文化大县的优势和基础(一)比较优势静宁被誉为人类开元第一城,是传说中"始画八卦"人文始祖伏羲氏的诞生地。静宁也是华夏文明的发祥地之一,是陇东地区文化的渊薮之地。在这片黄土地上,考古发现了大量的古文化和古城遗址及古墓葬群和古建筑群,分布着新石器时代的大地湾文化、仰韶文化、马家窑文化、齐家文化等古文化遗存。静宁人杰地灵,产生了隗嚣、吴玠吴璘、刘琦等众多的文韬武略、彪炳史册的俊彦志士;也诞生了李广、李渊、李世民、李白、李世军等众多李姓历史名人。据史志记载,自宋到清,本县为全国出科举人才最多的地区之一。直到现在,教育依旧是全县发展的重点,1988年被中华人民共和国教育委员会和国家财政部授予"全国教育先进县"。静宁  相似文献   

神农故里,锦绣株洲。南北通衢,动力之都。株洲,古称建宁,中华民族的始祖、农耕文化的创始人——炎帝神农氏长眠于斯。株洲,地处长株潭“金三角”一隅,是新中国成立后首批重点建设的八个工业城市之一、长株潭两型社会建设综合配套改革试验区的一部分。此外,株洲还拥有全国文明城市、国家卫生城市、国家绿化城市、中国优秀  相似文献   

河姆渡遗址博物馆位于余姚市河姆渡镇,博物馆因保护和展示全国重点文物保护单位河姆渡遗址而建。河姆渡遗址是二十世纪中国最重要的考古发现之一,它向世人展示了七千年前长江流域繁荣的史前文明,它的发现和发掘动摇了中华远古文化起源于黄河流域的一元中心论,有力地证明了长江流域同样是中华民族远古文化的发祥地。  相似文献   

Cash crops such as specialty rice and other high‐value varieties produced for domestic and international markets are considered an increasing source of income for smallholder farmers in many Asian countries. The present study focuses on the factors affecting Vietnamese specialty rice farmers' choice of marketing channel and how their choice influences farm performance. The analysis has been conducted using multinomial logit and linear regression models on quantitative data collected from 280 specialty rice farmers in the Red River Delta, one of the main rice production regions in Vietnam. Results reveal that even though local collectors and wholesalers are still the most common recipients of farmers' goods in rural areas, reduction in transaction costs with regard to uncertainty influences farmers to choose modern marketing channels through collective action (via specialty rice farmer associations). This collective marketing channel helps farmers increase average prices received by US$0.028 per kg of paddy. Based on the results, manifold political implications are derived.  相似文献   

This paper examines monthly wage data collected by the Agro Economic Survey from seven villages in the Cimanuk River Basin of West Java, where data on agricultural and non-agricultural wages and prices of nine essential commodities were collected twice monthly between 1977 and 1983. Movements in money wages deflated by both the rice price and a weighted index of basic commodities are analysed in detail and differences between lowland and upland villages are discussed.  相似文献   

崔姗 《特区经济》2009,(11):115-117
经济全球化的进程在促进经济资源全球化配置的同时也强化了企业的环境责任,而企业的环境责任不仅对其周边环境乃至整个社会有着深远的影响,而且直接影响着企业自身的可持续发展。企业环境责任与污染源、污染治理的投入以及法律约束存在内在的相关性,强化污染的危险意识、环保投入的效益观念,发展循环经济和强化环境保护的法律责任能够有效促进湘江流域的污染治理和域内企业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

Do markets in less-developed countries abate consequences of climate stress? Using changes in regional rice prices across the 19 regions in Java, Indonesia, during 1935–40, this paper will assess how rice markets responded to variations in rainfall, which is an important factor in rice production. It finds that rice markets were highly integrated across Java. The El Niño-induced episodes of lower than usual rainfall in 1935 and 1940 did not have a negative effect on levels and variations in regional rice prices, nor did they have adverse consequences for the supply of rice. Adaptive responses of firms specialising in the trade of rice are argued to have mitigated regional deficiencies in food production caused by climate stress.  相似文献   

20世纪80年代以来,中国南方双季稻区出现的双季稻改单季稻已经造成水稻播种面积的减少,近年来直接影响到稻谷产量的增长。本文在新古典假设下,构建了农户行为模型,利用单位概率模型对影响江汉平原稻农水稻种植模式变化的深层次因素进行了分析,结论发现除气候变化等自然因素外,非农活动增加而引起的劳动力不足是导致双季稻改单季稻的主要原因。  相似文献   

绿色水稻生产对于当前粮食安全问题的改善以及农业生态环境的改良均有重大意义。研究过程中运用福利经济学理论分析农户作为理性决策者其生产绿色水稻的决策依据,认识到绿色水稻的经济效益高于常规水稻可提高稻农的经济福利;通过分析绿色水稻生产的外部经济性,认识到其外部经济性表现在生态效益、农业技术外溢、农产品国际竞争力强化。最后阐述政府鉴于绿色水稻生产的外部经济性以及为增进农户福利政策制定的建议。  相似文献   

This article studies the interrelation between spot and futures prices in the two major rice markets in prewar Japan from the perspective of market efficiency. Applying a non‐Bayesian time‐varying model approach to the fundamental equation for spot returns and the futures premium, we detect when efficiency reductions in the two major rice markets occurred. We also examine how government interventions affected the rice markets in Japan, which colonized Taiwan and Korea before the Second World War, and argue that the function of rice futures markets crucially depended on the differences in the structure of rice spot markets. Initially the increased volume of imported rice of a different variety from domestic rice disrupted the rice futures markets. Then, government intervention in the rice futures markets failed to improve the disruption. Changes in colonial rice cropping successfully mitigated the disruption, and colonial rice was promoted in order to unify the different varieties of inland and colonial rice.  相似文献   

珠三角利用外资面临的挑战及应对理念   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
改革开放20多年来,珠江三角洲充分利用其地缘优势,成为全国实际利用外资最多的地区。近几年,外商直接投资出现了明显的从珠三角向长三角转移的趋势。珠三角利用外资面临双重压力:一方面,长三角崛起与珠三角构成竞争态势;另一方面,珠三角自身“民工荒”和劳工成本上升、产业结构调整的压力日趋严峻。珠三角唯有鼓励自主创新,积极发展高科技产业,提高劳动力素质,促进产业结构升级,才能应对这些挑战。  相似文献   

Rising labour costs and declining terms of trade for rice farmers on Java during the 1980s have encouraged the adoption of labour-saving technologies. This paper uses extensive field survey evidence to illustrate current patterns of labour-displacing technological change in the Javanese rice economy. It presents the recent introduction of pre-emergence herbicides as a potential revolution in labour-saving technologies, comparable to that of small rice mills and sickles. The evidence shows that the growing use of tractors and machine threshers is further reducing labour inputs. These changes will have a profound effect on the role of women in rice agriculture. The paper compares the transition in the Javanese rice economy with that experienced elsewhere in Asia, and shows that the adoption of labour-saving technologies has occurred more slowly on Java than in other countries in the region.  相似文献   

The objective of the current paper is to explore the factors influencing the expansion and intensification of rice production in rainfed lowland sites. The village/lowland‐level data show the following: (1) the expansion of lowland rice cultivation has been driven by population pressure and accessibility to the market; and (2) the adoption of water control technologies is enhanced by the existence of immigrants and accessibility to the market. Rice cultivator data show that investment in water supply canals is influenced by land tenure security and that the canals enhance yield. This suggests that investment in water control technologies in rainfed lowland is necessary to realize a rice Green Revolution. Considering the fairly high average yield already achieved with water control technologies and the vast area of lowlands without water control technologies in rural area, there is a high potential of a rice Green Revolution in rainfed lowland in West Africa.  相似文献   

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