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背景 2006年年底,我国人民币个人金融业务将对外资银行全面放开,此前相关政策已经逐步开放.2002年外资银行可以开办对国内居民的外币业务,2005年初外资银行又被许可经营人民币对公业务.2002年3月花旗银行上海分行推出贵宾理财业务后,各外资银行纷纷涉足国内外币个人理财市场,汇丰、渣打、荷兰等银行陆续开办了自己的贵宾理财中心.  相似文献   

根据WTO的有关协议,加入世贸组织后,我们必须取消外资金融机构经营人民币业务的限制,这意味着外资银行将会大举进入中国市场。由于国内银行长期经营人民币业务,经验丰富、网点众多,这些优势短期内外资银行不可能赶超,所以外资银行必然会以国际结算业务为突破口与国内银行展开激烈的市场竞争。外资银行作为国际结算业务的鼻祖,具有国内银行不可比拟的优势:  相似文献   

本文基于2005~2019年230家中国银行的非平衡面板数据,探究了商业银行收入多元化对流动性创造水平的影响。实证研究表明:(1)商业银行收入多元化能够显著提高总流动性创造水平及各部分流动性创造水平;(2)通过构建中介效应模型检验商业银行收入多元化影响流动性创造水平的传导机制发现,收入多元化主要通过提高银行主动风险承担意愿的方式推高了银行的流动性创造水平;(3)相较于中小型银行、中西部地区银行、外资银行和地方性银行,收入多元化对大型银行、东部地区银行、国有银行和股份制银行总流动性创造水平及各部分流动性创造水平的正向影响效果更为显著;(4)外部经济政策不确定性弱化了商业银行收入多元化对流动性创造水平的正向影响。为促进商业银行持续健康发展,商业银行应该在维持传统业务稳健发展的基础上促进非利息业务的快速发展,提升自身的收入多元化水平,进而提高银行的流动性创造水平,推动我国实体经济的健康发展;管理层应充分重视不同银行之间存在的差异,为我国商业银行业务多元化发展营造良好的环境。  相似文献   

本文基于主成分分析对我国银行业具有代表性的20家中外资银行的竞争力进行综合评价、比较。研究结果表明,国内本土商业银行的经营效益和综合竞争力强于外资银行;外资银行则在风险控制能力和业务创新能力方面具备竞争优势。根据实证分析结果,本文进一步分析了中外资银行竞争优势和劣势的成因,并对培育和提升国内商业银行竞争力提出了相关政策建议。  相似文献   

随着国内金融市场全面开放的临近,外资银行逐步加快了进入国内市场的步伐。很多外资银行的经营理念、业务系统、服务体系较中资银行先进。就国内银行现有的体制特点、运作模式来看,如果外资银行在国内发展公司业务,需要巨大的投入成本。外资银行在与国内银行的竞争中,必然会以个人金融业务为切入点。而作为潜力巨大的个人业务,信用卡业务必将成为外资银行的首选目标。  相似文献   

从短期看,外资银行对欠发达地区的影响不大,这是因为我国加入WTO之后国内银行有5年过渡期,加入WTO全面开放外币业务2年后才全面开放本币业务,5年后全面开放零售业务,外资银行不会也不可能马上进入我国经济欠发达地区抢滩设点,外资银行的最初目标重点在我国较发达地区尤其是大城市,欠发达地区较低的经济金融集中程度不能满足外资银行集约式经营所需的外部条件。但从长远看,外资银行随着我国市场的逐步开放必然会进入我国欠发达地区,必将使国内银行的市场占有率降低,盈利水平下降,存贷款份额减少,并可能暴露出国内银行自身体制的弊端,从而加剧国内风险的积累与释放,但是外资银行也会带来的服务方式、内容、金融工具和管理技术等,从诸多方面推动我国银行业的发展和改革。因此,我们必须站在客观公正的立场上,从正反两方面来剖析WTO对我国欠发达地区银行的影响。其不利的一面是。  相似文献   

按照中国政府的庄严承诺,外资银行今年将进入国内金融领域。据专家和金融界人士分析,外资银行在国内金融领域将首先进入银行信用卡市场。面对外资银行参与竞争,国内银行信用卡业务如何运作,采取哪些对策,才能在竞争中占有一席之地,这是入世后,人们对金融领域普遍关心的一个问题。一、充分认识银行信用卡市场的现状及其特点充分认识银行信用卡市场的现状及其特点,有针对性地采取措施,扬长避短,这是面对外资银行参与竞争,我国信用卡市场必须首先解决的认识前提。我国的信用卡业务经过十多年的经营和发展其影响和规模都有了一定的基础,优势  相似文献   

在我国即将对外资银行全面开放人民币零售金融业务的大背景下,多家商业银行已经在经营战略上将信用卡业务作为未来重要的盈利来源、稳定客户和持续经营的争夺焦点;同时,在提升银行管理水平和战略调整业务结构以及支撑资本运营的内部动因驱动下,国内各家银行近几年纷纷加大对信用卡运营的投入。  相似文献   

在我国即将对外资银行全面开放人民币零售金融业务的大背景下,多家商业银行已经在经营战略上将信用卡业务作为未来重要的盈利来源、稳定客户和持续经营的争夺焦点;同时,在提升银行管理水平和战略调整业务结构以及支撑资本运营的内部动因驱动下,国内各家银行近几年纷纷加大对信用卡运营的投入。2005年的  相似文献   

宁宇 《重庆金融》2001,(5):14-17
对外资银行人民币业务的放开一方面是深化金融改革,促进金融国际化的需要,另一方面也是加入WTO后履行金融服务协农逐步开放承诺的客观要求。理论和实践证明,外资银行经营人民币业务对我国经济发展有着积极的影响,诸如有利于推动我国引入和利用外资的进程;有利于回快先进金融技术的引进;有利于促进金融资源优化配置;有利于为我国银行在互惠条件下的国际化经营创造条件等待,不过,实现以上种种好处的前提则是对外资银行经营人民币业务实行有效的监管。  相似文献   

外资银行进入对我国银行业影响的实证研究   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
本文通过实证检验,分析了外资银行进入对我国国內银行绩效影响的短期效应,并同其它发展中国家的情况进行了对比研究。计量结果表明,由于我国经济金融体制上的固有特点,我国银行业绩效在面临外资竞争时,也表现出了较大的不同。  相似文献   

加入WTO后,外资银行加快了在广东市场的布局,机构数和资产规模逐年增长.外资银行在广东的大力发展对广东本地的中资银行在中间业务、客户以及人才等方面带来极大的挑战和竞争.中资银行要采取各种措施积极应对,才能在竞争中处于不败之地.  相似文献   

In a newly liberalized credit market, foreign banks with cost advantages are likely to be less informed than domestic banks that hold information on credit risks. These relative advantages may generate incentives for a foreign bank to negotiate acquisition of a domestic bank in order to capture information endowments. However, if it is difficult to assess the value of information held by banks, the foreign bank will face important choices about the optimal mode of entry and what acquisition price to pay. These choices have implications for the survival of domestic banks and how capital is allocated after liberalization.  相似文献   

The impact of foreign banks’ entry on the conventional banking sector has been well documented in the literature. However, empirical evidence on the impact of foreign banks’ entry on the Malaysian Islamic banking sector is completely missing from the literature. By employing the Malmquist Productivity Index method, the article provides, for the first time, empirical evidence on the impact of foreign banks’ entry on the efficiency and productivity of the Islamic banking sector. The empirical findings indicate that the De Novo foreign Islamic banks have been relatively more efficient and productive compared to their domestic and foreign Islamic bank counterparts. The results also suggest that the Malaysian Islamic banking sector has exhibited a higher level of total factor productivity during the post De Novo foreign Islamic banks’ entry period.  相似文献   

We examine the response of domestic Philippine banks to the relaxation of foreign entry regulations that occurred in the Philippines. We find evidence that foreign bank entry is associated with a reduction in interest rate spreads and bank profits, but only for those domestic banks that are affiliated to a family business group. Foreign entry corresponds more generally with improvements in operating efficiencies, but a deterioration of loan portfolios. Overall, we conclude that foreign competition compels domestic banks to be more efficient, to focus operations due to increased risk, and to become less dependent on relationship-based banking practices.  相似文献   

我国中外资银行私人银行业务的比较分析及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,我国私人银行业务的发展正处在起步阶段。本文对国内中资银行和外资银行在组织结构模式、品牌忠诚度、产品与服务以及专业化水平的竞争力进行对比,分析中资银行在发展私人银行业务中的不足,进而提出中资银行在发展私人银行业务的过程中应不断完善自身财富资产管理能力和服务团队的建设,既要加强与外资金融机构的合作,也要注重金融产品创新、建立高端的专业化人才队伍以及注重私人银行离岸业务的发展。  相似文献   

Analyzing 126 countries for 1995–2013, we investigate the link between bank globalization and efficiency from the perspective of both host and home countries. We find strong and consistent evidence that foreign bank entry is associated with lower efficiency in host countries (host-country effect), while foreign expansion in the banking sector improves the efficiency of banks at home (home-country effect). We further observe that the effect of bank globalization is dependent on the regulatory and institutional regimes of the respective host (home) countries. Specifically, stringent activity restrictions, tight supervision, fewer limitations on foreign banks, lower market entry barriers, and less government interference all help mitigate the efficiency loss from foreign bank entry. Less supervision power, multiple supervisors, more restrictions on foreign banks, and a competitive banking market are all conducive to the higher efficiency gain of incumbent domestic banks from the respective country’s outward investments in the banking sector. Moreover, we find that the adverse impact on efficiency from foreign bank presence is less pronounced for less risky, more profitable, and larger banks, while banks that are more efficient, more profitable, taking on more risk, and/or smaller gain more efficiency from their country’s foreign expansion.  相似文献   

中国即将加入WTO,大批外资金融机构将登陆抢占市场,国内商业银行将面临前所未有的竞争。要想在激烈的竞争中立于不败之地,必须进行金融创新,因为今后的竞争就是创新的竞争,商业银行只有不断地推陈出新,才能跟上时代的步伐,文章以商业银行的业务创新为切入点,从资产业务、负债业务和中间业务三大方面进行分析,以探求商业银行的创新策略。  相似文献   

2010年以来,随着我国经济逐步走出金融危机的影响以及外贸形势的好转,银行表外国际融资业务增长迅猛,在给银行带来经营收入的同时,其风险也不容忽视。该文阐述了银行表外国际融资业务快速增长的成因,及其潜在的宏观与微观风险,并从加强银行内部管理和外部监管两个层面就完善表外国际融资业务的风险管理提出建议。  相似文献   

This study examines the economic effects of the liberalization of foreign bank entry in the Philippines from 1990 to 2006. The findings provide strong evidence on the dominance of competition effects from foreign bank presence which lead to the reduction in the profitability and overhead costs of domestic commercial banks. These findings, which reveal that both the actual market penetration and mere presence of foreign banks seem to exert competitive pressure to domestic banks, imply that foreign banks may serve as an effective competitive force, reducing the excess profits earned by domestic banks and compelling domestic banks to update their production technologies and techniques to improve their cost efficiency.From a policy perspective, the findings on competition effects of foreign banks in the domestic banking system justify the liberalization of foreign bank entry in the Philippines. The main findings demonstrate that the goal of banking liberalization in transforming domestic banks to be more competitive and efficient works considerably well in the case of the Philippines. Aside from the policy of easing the entry of foreign banks, bank-specific conditions can have significant impact on the performance of domestic banks. Therefore, a sustained improvement in the efficiency of domestic commercial banks requires not only liberalizing the entry of foreign banks, but also on continued strengthening of domestic prudential regulation and supervision on the commercial banking system.  相似文献   

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