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7月27日,国内领先的会员制高端购物网站尚品网召开了新闻发布会,宣布获得以成为资本领投的5000万美元风险投资。2010年7月份刚刚上线的尚品网不但刷新了互联网企业融资效率的记录,而且成为了迄今为止高端电子商务领域的单笔金额最大的一笔融资。新一轮融资将为尚品网在奢侈品网购领域继续领跑提供强大的资金保障,为尚品网继续提升消费者体验和优化各项业务流程奠定了坚实基础。  相似文献   

本文对中国当前3个主要的B2C电子商务网站的购物结算流程进行了问卷调查研究,研究发现3个网站在用户主观满意度上皆表现较好,其中当当网在可用性五个维度的评级中优于京东、卓越网.  相似文献   

本文以顾客的整个网购过程为研究范围,将网络顾客在B2C网站的购物感知作为研究对象,建立一个具有实践价值的网络顾客忠诚性影响机理模型,并进行了实证分析。研究结果表明:网站商品质量、网站交互性、网站售后服务对B2C购物网站品牌忠诚性具有显著的正面影响,网站的系统质量对网站品牌忠诚性的影响不显著,物流服务感知和网站促销感知对网站的行为忠诚具有正面影响,但对网站的态度忠诚影响不显著。  相似文献   

<正>[来源:联商网]对于风投机构而言,目前对奢侈品网站的投资"布局"之意远超过"逐利"。7月27日,国内又一家会员制奢侈品购物网站获得融资:尚品网宣布获得5000万美元C轮融资,成为资本领投、前两轮投资方晨兴创投和思伟投资继续跟投。  相似文献   

随着网络的普及,网络购物已经成为一种趋势并受到了大学生群体的青睐。基于问卷调查数据,借助技术接受模型(TAM模型)和SPSS16.0统计分析系统对影响大学生进行网络购物的因素进行了实证分析和研究,由18个变量因子中得出了:外界宣传、网上购物体验、物流因素、网站因素、口碑影响、商品试用六个公共因子对大学生网络购物有显著性影响,并有针对性地提出了提供个性化服务;适当推行低价策略,同时保证商品和服务的高质量;注重和大学生消费者的双向沟通等今后需要注意和改进之处。  相似文献   

本项研究随机抽取了南京409个企业网站,从网站的建设、网站服务器端的配置两个角度来进行调查研究,文章分析了电子商务应用中所存在的问题,客观分析南京中小服务企业在电子商务方面的发展现状。发现:江苏大多数中小型服务企业仍然处于电子商务应用的初期阶段。本文相信网站的可用性是评价电子商务应用水平的核心因素,讨论江苏中小型服务企业的电子商务应用水平首先要研究企业网站的可用性。这给江苏的相关决策部门提供了一个科学的证据和提示,有助于推广电子商务在江苏中小型服务企业中的应用。  相似文献   

高翔 《中国电子商务》2010,(6):12-12,14
对于电子商务而言,站内搜索结果的好坏对网站商品的销量有决定性的作用。站内搜索是网站的核心竞争力之一,指对网站内邵信息的精确检索和资源挖掘,它为用户提供准确、全面、快速的站内信息检索服务。对于电子商务网站而言,站内的每一条信息都具有一定的商业价值,而有限的页面是无法反映所有信息价值的。因此,站内搜索也就成为了电子商务网站发展的关键和是网站的核心服务。站内搜索效果的优劣能够直接决定网站商品的销量,如果消费者不能搜索到他们想要的商品,那幺他们就可能会转移到其他网站。因此,拥有高质量的站内搜索引擎对于在线销售是十分重要的。购物搜索引擎能够理解为搜索引擎的一种细分,也就是在网上购物领域的专业搜索引擎。网商利用购物引擎进行推广能够增加被用户发现的机会,从而实现促销的目的,因此成为网上销售的一种常见促销手段。本文重点比较购物搜索引擎的发展进行了研究和探讨。  相似文献   

任恺 《江苏商论》2015,(2):20-23
在网络消费者购物率不断提高的背景下,如何在众多的电子商务企业中脱颖而出,将消费者吸引到自己的购物网站,成为现在电子商务企业首要考虑的问题。本文将网络购物环境分为网站易用性、网页设计、在线服务和交易安全性四个维度,运用结构方程模型研究各因素对网络购物意愿的影响。通过对样本数据的实证分析,发现网页设计、在线服务的优化能够进一步提升网站的易用性,进而有利于促进消费者购物,而交易安全性和在线服务则对购物意愿有着较为明显的促进作用。  相似文献   

本文以国内网购论坛网友点评为依据,对淘宝商城、京东商城、当当网三家网上商城的顾客感知形象进行实证评价。研究结果表明:顾客对国内网上购物商城感知形象的整体评价主要集中于"商品质量"、"商品价格"、"物流便捷性"、"服务态度"、"网站促销"及"退换货服务"等方面。尽管三家购物商城的吸引物相似、定位相近,但顾客对三家商城的形象感知存在明显差异。最后,依据研究结论,对国内网上购物商城的发展提出相关建议。  相似文献   

近年来电子商务在中国迅猛发展,大量购物网站纷纷涌现并盈利颇丰,然而与其销售模式相比,众多网站的物流运作依然存在较多问题。本文即是通过对有拍网这一新兴购物网站的物流运作进行分析,发现其物流方面存在的问题,并提出改进方案。  相似文献   

Books reviewed:
Paco Underhill, Why We Buy: The Science of Shopping
Adrienne Baker (ed), Serious Shopping. Psychotherapy and Consumerism
Julian Markham, The Future of Shopping
Steffano Korper and Juanita Ellis, The E-Commerce Book
Daniel Miller, A Theory of Shopping  相似文献   

Shopping Motives     
Knowledge-intensive business services (KIBS) are a key sector in any knowledge economy, and as such they are subject to multiple policy influences. This article considers the inadvertent impacts of policies on KIBS, using examples drawn from the policy setting in Finland. The key elements of the policy environment are described, with particular attention to innovation policy and small and medium enterprise support policies. The direct and indirect effects of public policies on KIBS are explored with particular attention to effects on innovativeness. The role of research and training organisations as a semi-competitor of KIBS is highlighted. The examples analysed suggest that policy has simultaneously both positive and negative impacts on the innovativeness of KIBS industries.  相似文献   


The analysis of consumer shopping behavior is one of the most critical aspects which has to be taken into consideration in a context of retailing internationalization, where managers need to define the degree to which international firms can standardize or adapt their strategies in foreign markets. The aim of this research is to analyze and point out the main cross-cultural differences regarding in-store behavior comparing three countries: Italy, France and Poland. The study presents the results of an empirical research carried out on the household goods retail sector, which shows on a global level a positive growth trend that is predicted to continue in the next years especially through the internationalization of the retailing chains.  相似文献   

香港素有“购物天堂”的美称,这里的商店营业时间相当长,有不少更是通宵达旦。从清晨到深夜,露天集市和知名商家轮流登场,逛得游人欲罢不能。特别是每年的冬、夏季节,各家商店还会推出清仓大甩卖。夏季折扣期为7-9月,冬季为12月至次年2月。减价期间,就连高档的名牌精品,都实实在在地大打折扣,有时甚至低至二折,让人不能不为之心动。  相似文献   

近年来,网购在我国急速发展,成就斐然。与传统购物模式相比,网购能够降低社会商品的总体价格水平,增加社会商品需求总量。此外,网购的出现和成功是符合比较优势的;网购用户规模的扩大会强化网购的影响;当前我国消费者收入水平不高是网购成功的重要因素之一;网购的进一步发展有利于技术进步、制造业规模扩张及就业增长。  相似文献   


The generalizability and applicability of the Consumer Shopping Inventory (CSI) scale on Indian sample in predicting online shopping behavior was examined. CSI scale has been adapted by researchers to validate its applicability in different countries. Results revealed new factors and different segments of consumers were identified by factor analysis. The findings posit that the original U.S. eight-factor model could not be confirmed completely on Indian sample. However, the study found support for five factors: quality-conscious shopper, fashion-conscious shopper, uninterested shopper, impulsive shopper, and brand-conscious shopper. Online shopping behavior was categorized under convenience, information availability, and cost factors. Demographic factors do not influence consumers' decision to shop online. Consumers shopping online frequently and Impulsive shoppers are likely to look at convenience factor of online shopping. Information availability was important for fashion-conscious shoppers, consumers frequently shopping online, and impulsive shoppers. Brand-conscious shoppers and quality-conscious shoppers were not likely to purchase online.  相似文献   

The World Wide Web has rapidly become an alternative means to reach customers and has attracted the attention of many businesses. Unfortunately, however, despite its growth, there is little knowledge of which consumers would be willing to switch to the new format and to what extent. Our paper is aimed at providing some insights into these questions. Specifically, we propose a model to identify segments that differ in their shopping style, i.e., in their preference for which format, or bundle of formats, they like to shop in.Our research question, and model, is similar in spirit to prior research in marketing on how consumers choose assortments. Despite this similarity, our research makes some substantive and methodological contributions to the literature. Substantively, we examine the issue of the choice of channel assortments by consumers across a variety of product categories. We believe this is an important question and one that has not been examined earlier. From a methodological point of view, our model adds to earlier work by specifying the utility of an assortment as a sum of the deterministic and stochastic components of the utilities of its members. This contrasts with previous research where only the deterministic components of the utilities of the component brands of an assortment are added and the relationships between their random components are not accounted for.We calibrate the model on data regarding the format choices of households. In order to control for potentially similar format preferences across purchases of different categories we specify the model to allow for correlation between format preferences over the choice history of each household. Our results suggest that there are four segments of consumers that differ in their preference for different types of formats.  相似文献   

This research examines the cognitive procedures that underlie experiential versus task‐focused shopping orientations. The authors propose that consumers with a task‐focused shopping orientation and consumers with an experiential shopping orientation apply different cognitive procedures during shopping. Studies 1, 2, and 3 show that consumers with a task‐focused shopping orientation are more likely to activate the cognitive procedures of an implemental mindset, whereas consumers with an experiential shopping orientation are more likely to activate the cognitive procedures of a deliberative mindset. Study 4 demonstrates a fit effect between activated cognitive procedures and shopping orientation. Activating a mindset that matches the shopping orientation increases the monetary value that consumers assign to a product. The studies extend previous research by linking shopping orientations to mindsets and by providing evidence for mindset fit. The findings suggest that marketers and retailers will benefit from addressing experiential and task‐focused shoppers via the mindsets that underlie their shopping orientation.  相似文献   

The websites-based social network, as a social media, provides and shares abundant information via organizing users’ content and contacts, whereby users’ activities in the real world can be imaged to the websites. However, users’ content and contacts in real-world social networks cannot be detected easily. Herein, we construct a website interaction network to reflect the online social network, based on mapping relationships among websites, webpages, and attributes of a social event. This network reflects the social association relationships between websites of an event, which can be mapped to the users’ relationships in the real-world social network. In this article, we study the structural features of a website interaction network and, then, mapping of these features to the real-world social network. Further, we discuss implications for human behaviors, human relationships, and structure of human society. Experimental results show that the website interaction networks concerning popular social events have power-law scaling in degree distribution and exhibit small-world properties.  相似文献   

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