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糖尿病肾病作为糖尿病最主要的并发症之一,备受关注。但一直以来没有专门用于这一疾病治疗的药物,对糖尿病肾病的治疗还是采用联合用药为主,综合降血糖、降血压以及降血脂等方面的药物进行治疗。本文分析了糖尿病肾病的流行病学现状,以及近年来糖尿病肾病治疗药物的市场变化情况。随着人口老龄化的日益突显,肥胖人口比例不断上升,糖尿病患者的数量不断增大,糖尿病肾病治疗药物的需求也不断上升。  相似文献   

在10年前,全球肺动脉高压征(PAH)治疗市场仅为寥寥数亿美元,显示出一片青涩。而目前这一市场已翻了10倍。形成了一定的规模市场。随着医学的进步和国内外医药市场的接轨,我国对肺动脉高压征的临床治疗有了一定的认识,从而推动了肺动脉高压征临床药物市场的发展进程。  相似文献   

目的:了解最近3年来上海市医院治疗良性前列腺增生(BPH)药物应用的情况,方法:调研上海市119家样本医院2008—2010年治疗BPH药物主要品种金额、用量、DI)DS(用药频度)和增长率以及临床用药评价。结果:非那雄胺、坦洛新、多沙唑嗪、普适泰和特拉唑嗪,占市场主导地位。结论:治疗BPH物的市场潜力很大.  相似文献   

良性前列腺增生(Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia,BPH)是引起中老年男性排尿障碍原因中最为常见的一种良性疾病。临床特点以尿频、夜尿次数增多、排尿困难为主,严重者可发生尿潴留或尿失禁,甚至出现肾功能受损。前列腺增生症的发病机制至今仍未阐明,近年来西医倾向于内分泌学说,认为前列腺增生的发生与老年时期男性体内性激素失衡有关,因此有关西医的药物治疗机制基本围绕雄性激素进行。中药制剂治疗BPH的作用机理是多靶点治疗,对患者进行整体调理,但由于多方面的因素困扰,中药制剂至今没有成为治疗BPH的主流药物。  相似文献   

目的:了解2011-2013年上海样本医院治疗良性前列腺增生(BPH)药物应用的情况。方法:调研上海市119家样本医院2011-2013年治疗BPH药物主要品种金额,用量,DDDS(用药频度)和增长率以及临床用药评价。结果:非那雄胺,坦洛新,多沙唑嗪,普适泰和特拉唑嗪,占市场主导地位。  相似文献   

进入新世纪以来,全球发达国家和快速发展的发展中国家的传染性疾病已得到了有效的控制,而影响人类健康的非感染性疾病日益凸显。2013年世界卫生组织(WHO)已把关注全球性非感染性疾病高血压作为重点工程。众所周知,原发性高血压和继发性高血压是导致心脑血管系统疾病的主要根源。随着全球老龄化发展进程的加快,以及卫生医疗事业的发展,在高血压临床治疗药物的巨大需求下,不断刷新了抗高血压市场份额。  相似文献   

近年来,生物技术药物如日中天,成为全球倍受追捧的品种,也是全球生物技术制药公司竞相开发的新品种。随着临床适用症的不断扩展,在抗恶性肿瘤和自身免疫系统缺陷疾病的治疗中发挥了不可估量的重要作用。这主要是在许多化学药物对人类疾病表现出无能为力时,生物技术药物以其独特的作用机制,树立了在临床治疗的优势。  相似文献   

伴随着人类对疾病的认识水平逐步深入到基因层面以及基因检测的技术进步,全球分子诊断市场快速增长,分子诊断新技术及其在临床上的最新应用得到飞速发展。人类基因组DNA全序列数据的公布标志着生命科学发展已逐步进入基因组医学时代。基因组医学对疾病诊治的首要贡献便是预测医学或称为分子诊断技术。现在,分子诊断不仅在传统的传染病、遗传病的筛查与诊断、移植配型检测方面发挥作用,还被大量用于肿瘤个体化诊疗、昂贵药物治疗监测、药物代谢基因组学研究等领域。  相似文献   

陈思羽 《汽车观察》2008,(11):30-31
不断蔓延的金融危机导致需求和购买力下降,这让本身就已疾病缠身的不少汽车巨头心力交瘁,新兴市场成为他们惟一的救命稻草。  相似文献   

近年来,全世界肿瘤疾病的发生率呈不断上升趋势,据世界卫生组织(WHO)统计数据显示,2007年,全球新确诊的肿瘤病人已达到了1200多万人;恶性肿瘤已是导致人类死亡的主要疾病之一。其中肺癌、胃癌、肝癌、结肠癌和乳腺癌名列前几位。2008年WHO在美国亚特兰大召开的国际肿瘤学年会上提出,到2010年全球恶性肿瘤将取代心血管病成为世界死亡人数最多的疾病。迄今为止,我国抗肿瘤药物已发展到6大类,180多个品种、国际上公认疗效较好的常用抗肿瘤药物有60多种,大多数产品已在我国上市,且具有一定的生产能力,在人体差异性和不同肿瘤等多种因素影响下,各类药物在市场中也有着不同的表现  相似文献   

We examine the role of consumption externalities in the demand for pharmaceuticals at both the brand level and over a therapeutic class of drugs. Externalities emerge when use of a drug by others affects its value, and/or conveys information about efficacy and safety to patients and physicians. This can affect the rate of market diffusion for a new entrant, and can lead to dominance of one drug despite the availability of close substitutes. We use data for H2-antagonist antiulcer drugs to estimate a dynamic demand model and quantify these effects. The model has three components: an hedonic price equation that measures how the aggregate usage of a drug, as well as conventional attributes, affect brand valuation; equations relating equilibrium market shares to quality-adjusted prices and marketing levels; and diffusion equations describing the dynamic adjustment process. We find that consumption externalities influence both valuations and rates of diffusion, and that they operate at the brand and not the therapeutic class level.  相似文献   

During the past three decades, a series of changes in the market environment have altered the structure of the pharmaceutical industry. While these changes have benefitted the generic drug sector, the effect on the branded drug sector has been detrimental. In sum, these changes have shortened the product life cycles for branded drugs by shifting market share to generic drugs sooner. As a result, it is more challenging for branded drugs to meet return on investment expectations because sales revenue has decreased. This study examines change in the pharmaceutical industry through the lens of the Structure‐Conduct‐Performance paradigm. While research and development intensity has remained stable during the past three decades, new product introductions have shifted to favor brand extension drugs over new, innovative drugs. This change in conduct, reflecting the structural changes that have impacted the industry, indicates a transformation in managers' expectations for returns from investment in new drug development. From a performance standpoint, in the latter part of the period studied, we find a positive relationship between stock return and the introduction of brand extensions reflecting the stock market's approval of the change in product strategy. Our discussion concludes that emerging structural changes may help offset the challenges faced by the branded drug sector and ultimately drive additional changes in the branded sector's conduct.  相似文献   

This paper examines the price effects of generic drugs that are produced by brand-name drug firms and that are labeled, priced, and marketed to compete against independent generics. The strategy of introducing such “pseudo-generics” – also known as “authorized generics” – has raised some antitrust concerns. One defense of this strategy has been that the additional competition created by pseudo-generics should lead to lower prices. This paper develops a simple model to show that pseudo-generics can be expected to have exactly the opposite effect. It then examines empirical evidence on this point from the Canadian pharmaceutical market, showing that there appears to be a positive relationship between drug prices and the share of generic sales made by the brand’s own pseudo-generic.  相似文献   

前药原理与新药设计   总被引:4,自引:5,他引:4  
探索前药原理在新药设计中的规律,推动新药研究工作的开展,通过文献检索,综合、归纳、分析、概括前药原理在新药设计方面的典型事例。前药原理在新药设计中广泛应用,不仅可对经典的含羧基、羟基、氨基药物进行结构修饰制成前药,还可制成偶氮型前药、曼尼希碱型前药、一氧化氮型前药及开环、闭环等新型结构的前药,既保持或增强了原药的药效,又克服了原药的某些缺点。利用前药原理设计新药投资少、风险小、成功率高,适合我国国情,是值得推广的新药研究途径。  相似文献   

This article evaluates the welfare implications of a public procurement program, where the Ecuadorian government procures medicines used for cancer treatment and distributes it to patients for free with the aim to benefit the poor. Using a unique dataset on Ecuador’s pharmaceutical market, we estimate a structural model of demand and supply, and focus on two research questions related to this program. First, we consider a targeting strategy commonly implemented in various developing countries, where patients below a given income threshold qualify for the free drug. We compare this with a simpler drug distribution mechanism where every patient is a potential recipient of the free drug and the patients are served on first-come-first-serve basis. Our results show that the poor patients do self-select into the program, and the first-come-first-serve strategy does benefit the poor more compared to the relatively rich. However, the targeting strategy does a much better job in serving the poorest patients. Second, we study the supply side implications of this program. Our counterfactual exercises show that when the government procures low-cost drugs and provides them for free, it distorts the supply side incentives, and hence, market prices of similar low-cost drugs may increase by about 7% in response. Prices of the high cost drugs remain mostly unaffected. Therefore, the policy may end up negatively affecting near-poor patients that did not qualify for the free government drug.  相似文献   

This paper analyses how market shares for brandname drugs are affected by generic competition. The analysis is based onmicro data for twelve different original drugs, which are all subject togeneric competition. For five of these drugs, we find that the price of theoriginal relative to the average price of the generic substitutessignificantly affects the market share of the original drug. In addition,the introduction of a so called ``reference price' system appears to havehad a significant impact on the market shares of five original drugs.  相似文献   

Recent decades have seen a growth in treatments for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) including many branded and generic drugs. In the early 2000's, new drug entry dramatically altered market shares. We estimate a demand system for ADHD drugs and assess the welfare impact of new drugs. We find that entry induced large welfare gains by reducing prices of substitute drugs, and by providing alternative delivery mechanisms for existing molecules. Our results suggest that the success of follow‐on patented drugs may come from unanticipated innovations like delivery mechanisms, a factor ignored by proposals to retard new follow‐on drug approvals.  相似文献   

国际抗肿瘤药物市场趋势及制剂技术进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
从肿瘤类疾病流行病学情况、全球抗肿瘤药物市场状况和主要跨国医药企业对该类产品的发展等情况对抗肿瘤药市场趋势进行了综合分析,并对近年抗肿瘤药制剂技术的进展进行了简要介绍,以期为中国抗肿瘤药物的发展提供参考依据。  相似文献   

There is a growing literature on the importance of being first, which suggests that where there is uncertainty about the product quality of late entrants' brands the pioneering brand will retain a competitive advantage. This is consistent with studies of the U.S. drug industry. Using Canadian data for the drug industry it is shown that eliminating quality differences is a necessary but not sufficient condition for late entrants to gain market share. In addition, price competition has to be stimulated. Under these conditions the late entrants have taken up to 100 percent of the pioneering brands market.  相似文献   

通过设计定量研究分析方案,根据调查结果,了解影响降压药在医院推广的相关因素,包括医生的处方行为和使用习惯;医生决策过程和驱动因素等,以期为我国国产品牌降压药品在北京地区医院的推广提出建议.  相似文献   

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