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2008年8月8日,还有一年,北京奥运已然进入倒计时。 奥运,作为体育营销的顶级平台,对于中国市场的企业来说,既熟悉又陌生。多年的体育营销经验,各种体育赛事的赞助活动,使得企业在奥运营销上初具经验。然而,奥运在中国召开,却又是前所未有盛事,中国企业能否成功畅游奥运这一世界性平台犹未可知。 对于奥运赞助商来说,筹备奥运营销的已有数年,步入了最后一年的收网阶段。如何充分利用奥运赞助商身份来挖掘商机,如何在传播、终端上统筹并进,如何在经历了数年的播种之后收获品牌或市场效益的果实,是每一个赞助商都在思考的问题。 而对于非奥运赞助企业来说,奥运所助推的消费动力已经体现,也正是企业发力的时机。然而,奥运知识产权和反隐性市场的大门,也在徐徐关闭。无论实力型企业抑或草根企业,都在寻找市场的空隙,寻找合理合法的机会接近奥运。 为此,本刊特别策划了《争夺“前奥运”市场》专题,以企业在奥运前夕的营销案例入手,希望为广告主有所借鉴。[编者按]  相似文献   

2008年奥运会对于中国来说,是一个推广国家形象、城市形象的良好契机;对于广大企业,则是推广企业形象和产品形象的难得平台。自2001年中国申奥成功开始,国内众多企业便开始谋划奥运营销传播策略,而随着08奥运的渐渐逼近,不管是奥运赞助企业抑或是非赞助企业,都开始了紧锣密鼓的奥运营销传播行动。  相似文献   

<正>奥运会是一个全球关注的体育盛宴,它不仅仅是运动员的竞技场同时也成为全球众多企业竞争赞助权的博弈场。奥运会作为营销平台的最大价值在于可以聚焦足够的消费者注意力,为赞助伙伴提供向世界展示产品、技术、服务和企业文化的大舞台,以提升品牌的知名度与美誉度,奥运营销战略在国际市场上已成为众多企业品牌  相似文献   

2008年北京奥运会带动了体育赞助营销在中国的迅速发展。奥运赞助对企业来说,是巨大的投入。奥运赞助的效果究竟如何,在现有的营销研究中鲜有涉及。本文介绍了笔者和益普索(Ipsos)公司的研究人员共同进行的企业奥运赞助营销实证研究。通过调查数据的采集和分析,我们发现,消费者并不能有效区分奥运赞助商和非奥运赞助商,但是奥运赞助有助于提高企业及其品牌的形象,增强消费者对其产品和服务的购买意愿。  相似文献   

刘念 《现代商贸工业》2007,19(11):157-158
北京成功申办第29届奥运会不仅是举国上下庆祝的喜事,更为我国企业提供了赞助奥运的机会。奥运赞助会提高我国体育经济与营销事业的发展,也为我国企业迈入国际市场进行全球化战略提供了一次良机。  相似文献   

清澜 《商务周刊》2009,(16):80-81
北京奥运会成功举办一周年之际,在回顾奥运精彩的同肘,中国商界和学术界又进一步把目光聚焦到了对企业奥运营销的成功与失败的探讨之上,希望通过一种反思的视角和理性的思维,从中国奥运赞助企业身上发掘出其利用国际化平台夯实自身竞争力的经验,以为中国企业在经济危机背景下解决竞争力难题寻找出路。作为首家赞助奥运的乳品企业伊利集团,因其精确到位的奥运营销而被广泛关注,并八选了复旦大学管理学院的经典案例库。  相似文献   

奥运文化具有传播面甚广、能轻易打破交流障碍等诸多优势,越来越多的企业开始以奥运为平台,以消费者为核心,通过整合传播,利用体育赞助、奥运明星、活动、公关等各种手段,建立品牌联想,有目的地推进营销策略和活动的实施。即将到来的2008北京奥运会被专家预测为最有市场开发价值的运动会。因此,对于赞助奥运会的企业来说,如何使已经产生的品牌效应不断持续地提升,是需要大家共同研究的课题。  相似文献   

文章对北京奥运会上国内赞助企业的奥运营销的表现得失进行了分析,同时对比非赞助企业的营销表现,指出了赞助企业和非赞助企业的问题和收获所在。  相似文献   

奥运市场蛋糕诱人,奥运营销商机无限。然而,抱上“奥运”这棵“大树”就高枕无忧了吗?1996年亚特兰大奥运会上,大约只有25%的赞助企业获得对称的回报。大部分的赞助行为都以失败而告终!  相似文献   

早在奥运赞助之初,奥康奥运推广的战略基本制定了造势以建立奥运赞助形象、切入市场获取投资回报、塑造大品牌形象的三大阶段方针。奥康是一个特别重视创意的、创造创意的企业。一次次的营销调研,一次次的提案,都在追求大创  相似文献   

邹飞鹏  卢金逵 《中国市场》2008,(36):126-127
目前,我国高校体育赞助市场还很不完善,高校体育营销运作很不规范,针对高校体育营销理论的专题研究较欠缺。通过对制约我国高校体育营销事业发展的因素的分析,力图提出一些推进我国高校体育赞助工作的营销策略,供高校在开展体育营销活动时作为参考。  相似文献   

Sponsorship has become an important tool for companies that target children with their market offerings. Despite growing firm interest in assessing sponsorship effectiveness and public concern about the effects on children, research to date has not investigated how sponsorship functions for children. This article addresses both issues by examining children's perceptions of sponsors (i.e., ability to identify sponsors in different conditions) and their perceptions of sponsorship (i.e., ability to understand sponsorship intentions). Because prior research on these issues is scarce, the conceptual reasoning relies on findings from advertising literature pertaining to children and sponsorship literature. An empirical study features sponsorships in a theme park for children. The results reveal implications for managers and public policymakers, as well as avenues for further research.  相似文献   

熊建萍 《中国市场》2008,(41):70-71
随着2008年北京奥运会的日益临近,越来越多的企业以前所未有的热情,投入到奥运营销热潮中来。与国际成熟品牌的奥运营销经验相比,国内企业对于奥运营销的真正实施策略缺乏透彻的了解,没有领会到奥运营销与企业品牌传播之间的真正内在联系,没有建立起一套适合奥运营销规律的整合传播策略体系。  相似文献   

In recent years, corporate sponsorship has become anincreasingly important element of the marketing communicationsmix. This paper uses data from the 1996 Atlanta Summer OlympicGames to measure the value of Olympic sponsorship. Using stockreturn data, we find that the shareholders of sponsoring firmsearn negative average abnormal returns around announcement ofOlympic sponsorship agreements. This finding, consistent withan agency cost explanation of corporate investment practices,is robust to variation in a number of firm- and sponsorship-specificvariables. In addition, cross-sectional analysis supports themonitoring hypothesis, as significant equity ownership by institutionalinvestors is positively related to abnormal returns around announcement.Our results suggest that utilizing Olympic sponsorships in themarketing communications mix may not be value-enhancing.  相似文献   

Research has demonstrated the importance of media context as a situational factor in advertising effectiveness. This preliminary study investigated the impact of a previously overlooked television context factor, the pre-commercial break announcement, during televised coverage of the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games in the USA. Broadcast advertising is not part of the official Olympic sponsorship package and advertisers must negotiate television schedules in addition to sponsor fees. During the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games, the official US television network, NBC, included numerous pre-commercial break mentions spotlighting official sponsors as well as other advertisers who purchased commercial time during the event. This study investigated the impact of pre-break announcements on viewers' ability for distinguishing between official sponsors and regular programme advertisers. It was determined that these announcements do influence recall and increase the likelihood that any advertiser will be identified as a sponsor, thus compromising the value of an Olympic sponsorship.  相似文献   

徐利刚 《中国广告》2009,(1):107-111
在越来越激烈的商业竞争和市场推广活动中,越来越多的企业倾向于以整合营销传播作为新的营销传播范式。本文讨论了整合营销传播的理论,阐述了整合营销传播的特征。接下来本文讨论了如何在将奥运元素与企业的整合营销传播战略匹配起来,最后分析了李宁公司在2008北京奥运会中的整合营销传播应用的成功案例,为我国企业今后整合营销之路提供了借鉴和指导。  相似文献   

Corporate sponso~ship of events has become a multi-bil- lion War promotional enteqnise. Some companies have sought methods of gaining the benefits of official spansorship while subvdng the esca- lating s m h i p fees charged by most major events. This approach has come to be known as ambush marketing. One event that is a traditional target for ambushers is the Olympic Games. Ambush marketers have found that by purchasing large amounts of advertising during these events they enjoy as much (or more) brand awareness as official sponsors incur- ring much greater costs. The results of this experimental study shed light on existing sponsorship questions, partic+rly ambush marketing in the Olympic context. Among the key finbgs are that coIlsumers seem unable to distinguish between official and ambush sponciors. This confu- sion has implications in terms of attibdinal measures, as study data indicate that sponsors rarely gain oompetitive advantage here, either. Measures of purchase intention also indicate that ambushers consistently do as well, or ktlw, than official sponsors.  相似文献   

对澳大利亚国家旅游品牌全球营销策略分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
悉尼奥运会的成功举办,产生了巨大的“奥运品牌效应”,带动了澳大利亚经济,推动了其树立奥运旅游的战略目标及旅游品牌营销与传播的整合。树立与推广澳大利亚国家旅游品牌全球营销策略,可加快中国旅游品牌化进程。应借鉴澳对目标市场细分,目标市场的确定以及整合各种媒体新品牌营销活动的成功经验,实施奥运阶段品牌营销策略和奥运旅游地区品牌营销策略,为中国充分利用举办北京奥运会之机,促进中国旅游向品牌化进程发展奠定基础。  相似文献   


Corporate sponsorship is growing in importance as an element of the communications mix. The number of companies participating in sponsorship, as well as corporate expenditures for sponsoring events, is on the rise as organizations seek new ways to reach audiences and enhance their image. The importance of corporate sponsorship is now generally acknowledged, but little research has been done to understand its value and effectiveness. An exploratory study was conducted to examine the relationship between sponsorship and corporate image. The results suggest that corporate sponsorship can improve corporate image, but its effects differ among companies. Moreover, sponsorship is only one of the information sources consumers use to form their impressions of an organization. Under certain circumstances, corporate sponsorship can damage, rather than enhance, the image of a company.  相似文献   

Sponsorship of large sporting and cultural events has become a major marketing communication tool, particularly when firms obtain exclusive rights and garner the hype associated with this honor. Concomitantly, ambush marketing—defined as attempts by competitors to exploit the event—has also increased in prominence. This article outlines what is known as the Li Ning affair, whereby major Olympic sponsor Adidas was ambushed by lesser-known Chinese sportswear company Li Ning, whose namesake founder was the most decorated Chinese Olympian and who lit the Olympic flame at the 2008 Beijing Olympiad. Data collected immediately following the closing of the Beijing Games isolates what we call the Li Ning effect—or, being incorrectly identified as an official sponsor—and the positive effects this has on measures of brand attitude and recommendation likelihood. As presented herein, seven lessons about ambush marketing can be derived from the Li Ning affair, which sponsors and those considering sponsorship opportunity might wish to learn.  相似文献   

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