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根据微观经济学的需求理论,结合相关研究进展,文章构建了包括基本经济因素(收入和相对价格)、对外开放度、旅游业发展水平、人口统计特征、突发事件等变量在内的出境旅游需求模型,以74个国家/地区1995—2013年的数据为样本,分析了发达经济体和发展中经济体出境旅游需求影响因素的总体特征与异同。结果表明,收入和价格是影响出境旅游需求的决定性因素,对外开放度、旅游业发展水平、人口统计特征及突发事件等其他因素对出境旅游需求同样具有一定的影响。其中,收入、价格以及产业发展水平对发展中经济体出境旅游需求的影响作用相对更大,而对外开放度和人口统计特征(就业水平、年龄结构和受教育水平)对发达经济体出境旅游需求的影响更加显著。  相似文献   

“十一五”开局之年,山西迎来了第一个“五一”黄金周,此黄金周旅游经济主要指标均创新高,实现了社会效益和经济效益双丰收。七天时间,共接待国内外旅游者1055.24万人次,比去年同期增长22.36%;旅游收入达36.0938亿元,比去年同期增长31.41%,取得了旅游经济开门红。旅游收入排前五位的是:太原(7.115亿元)、晋中(6.12亿元)、长治(3.65亿元)、临汾(3.64亿元)、运城(3.5亿元)。“五一”黄金周期间,共发生旅游投诉107例,未发生重大旅游安全事故,实现了“安全、秩序、质量、效益”四统一的目标。  相似文献   

国妤 《山西旅游》2006,(1):22-22
2006年春节“黄金周”大槐树旅游区整体接待安全有序,形势喜人,与去年同期相比接待人数增长3303%,门票收入增长2399%,各项指标刷新了历次春节黄金周记录,取得经济效益和社会效益双丰收,实现狗年旅游接待首战“开门红”。  相似文献   

籍振芳   《山西旅游》2006,(3):6-8
今年的“五一”黄金周,是我们组织开展黄金周假日旅游以来的第17个黄金周。经过七年的发展,黄金周假日旅游经济已经成为我省旅游经济的重要组成部分,做好黄金周各项旅游工作,对于完成“十一五”开局之年旅游业发展任务,乃至推动全省经济社会的发展,具有十分重要的意义。日前,全国假日旅游部际协调会议印发了《关于做好2006年“五一”黄金周旅游工作的通知》,为确保“五一”黄金周旅游工作实现“健康、安全、秩序、质量”四统一的目标。  相似文献   

黄金周假日旅游存在的问题及对策研究综述   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:16  
李幼常 《旅游学刊》2006,21(11):12-18
近年来,黄金周假日旅游蓬勃发展,满足了国民日益增长的旅游需求,促进了旅游业及社会经济的发展;但同时,黄金周假日旅游中也暴露出来很多问题,引起了各方面的强烈关注,引发了各界特别是旅游学界对黄金周假日旅游及黄金周制度的研究和探讨.本文试图对近年来有关黄金周假日旅游中存在的问题、成因及解决问题的对策的研究做一回顾和总结.  相似文献   

中国城市居民旅游需求差异分析   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
滕丽  王铮  蔡砥 《旅游学刊》2004,19(4):9-13
旅游需求分析是旅游开发的基础。旅游需求差异分析有利于认识旅游市场特征。本文认为差异问题可以转化为分类问题,于是利用人工神经网络的Kohonen网络对中国39个城市居民的旅游需求分类,然后考虑了收入、旅游消费占收入的比例、区域旅游供给强度和交通条件4个因素,对各个类型的城市居民旅游需求特征信息进行了进一步的分析。得到的认识是:(1)从出游率和消费两方面衡量中国城市阃居民的旅游需求的确存在类型差别,并且在不同程度上与人均收入有相关关系。(2)人均收入与旅游需求存在相关性,但是不同地区(城市)的人均收入只影响其部分旅游需求。  相似文献   

中国休闲度假旅游的必由之路:从"黄金周"到带薪休假   总被引:33,自引:3,他引:33  
王兴斌 《旅游学刊》2002,17(4):51-55
“黄金周”长假期促进了假日经济的发展,开启了中国城镇居民休闲度假旅游的新时期,但“黄金周”“赶集式”的旅游也有不少负面影响。本文在分析“黄金周”旅游利弊的基础上,从自主式“个性化旅游方式的发展趋势、旅游的可持续发展、加快休闲制度与国际接轨等方面,论述了全面实行带薪休假制的必要性与可行性。  相似文献   

今年“五一”黄金周,我市假日旅游市场欢乐祥和,繁荣有序。在市委、市政府和省旅游局的领导下,在有关部门和全市旅游战线职工的支持努力下,我市假日旅游各项工作取得了丰硕的成果。实现了“安全、质量、秩序、效益”四统一的目标。黄金周期间,我市绿色生态观光旅游、红色旅游和农家乐乡村游大放异彩,吸引了周边地区和中远程客源市场的大量游客。全市共接待游客97.19万人次。同比增长28.64%;旅游收入3.65亿元人民币,同比增长45.74%。综合分析,今年“五一”黄金周假日旅游市场主要呈现如下几个特点:  相似文献   

今年“五一”黄金周,按照全国假日办的统一要求和部署,实现了“健康、安全、秩序、质量”四统一的预期目标,取得了旅游接待和收入均创历次黄金周最高水平的佳绩。  相似文献   

程平平  杨效忠  彭敏 《旅游学刊》2015,30(3):106-115
伴随着居民收入的增长以及出游意愿的增强,旅游大众化、常态化趋势日益明显.特别是“黄金周”假期期间,游客出行数量激增,造成部分景区游客数量暴涨,旅游拥挤现象十分严重,成为社会各界关注的重要议题.旅游拥挤造成的景区生态环境恶化、游客满意度下降等问题亟待解决.文章在国内外旅游拥挤相关文献的检索和分析基础上,总结了国外关于旅游拥挤研究的最新进展,指出国外研究的成果主要集中于旅游拥挤与密度、影响旅游拥挤感知的因素、旅游拥挤准则等方面;而国内旅游拥挤相关研究关注点与国外存在一定的差异,更加侧重于旅游容量、社会承载力等方面的探讨.最后,在对国内外旅游拥挤研究比较的基础上提出相关研究启示.  相似文献   

论度假旅游资源的分类与评价   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
杨振之 《旅游学刊》2005,20(6):30-34
本文认为,现行的国家标准《旅游资源分类、调查与评价》只适用于观光旅游资源的分类与评价,对度假旅游资源的分类、评价则不适宜。文章对度假旅游资源的构成要素作了较为详细的研究与评价,认为度假旅游资源由观赏游憩资源、生态环境资源、服务设施及服务、餐饮及其环境、娱乐项目五大要素构成,生态环境粪旅游资源是度假旅游资源的基础要素,生态环境在度假旅游地可直接转化为度假旅游产品,与游客进行着能量交换。度假游客对度假旅游地的需求,对度假旅游吸引物的评价决定了度假旅游资源的分类、评价。奉文对度假旅游资源的分类、评价标准作了尝试性的研究。  相似文献   

Tourism development during holiday periods may influence tourism total factor productivity (TTFP) in the industry. However, little is known about the impact of holiday tourism on TTFP. Focusing on China's Golden Week holiday system, this study applies dynamic panel models to test the effect of holiday tourism development on TTFP with panel data of 31 provinces in mainland China from 2001 to 2019. The study also compares the effects before and after 2008 when the Golden Week holiday system changed from three weeks to two weeks with shorter holiday breaks. Results show that holiday tourism development has a negative effect on TTFP. Before 2008, the magnitude of the negative effect was constant while after 2008 the negative effect was reduced significantly. This study contributes to the understanding of TTFP from a holiday tourism perspective. The findings offer valuable implications for national holiday governance and tourism productivity in developing countries.  相似文献   

For over a decade Chinese tourism policy has constrained the holiday periods for its citizens to a limited number of well-defined Golden Weeks. This study explores the representations of 450 Chinese residents from five popular tourist regions in these holiday periods. The study is embedded in the framework of social representations theory underpinned by an emic approach to this topical issue. More specifically, the researchers employed an open-ended survey in Mandarin, eliciting the perceived advantages and disadvantages of the structured holiday periods. Many positive features of each individual Golden Week were identified, while some problems resulting from congestion were also highlighted. A common and hegemonic social representation was revealed and presented using the treemaps approach. A range of key managerial interventions are required for improving the periods as travel opportunities both within and outside China.  相似文献   

旅游经济增长点分析——基于“黄金周”效应的实证   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在旅游经济研究当中,"黄金周"效应一直是学者们关注和争论的议题.研究者们在肯定"黄金周"对我国旅游经济发展积极作用的同时,也从不同角度对日益凸显的负面影响问题进行了分析.本文试图变换视角,以证券市场旅游酒店板块上市公司为研究对象,采用事件研究法,对"黄金周"前后公司股票收益率变化情况进行分析,从上市公司的价值变化和市场投资者角度审视"黄金周"实施对旅游经济增长点的经济效果.实证结果表明:"黄金周"事件对旅游酒店板块上市公司价值增长有短期正面效应,在一定程度上能够推动旅游经济的增长,但从长期和总体来看,负面效应更加明显,说明已有"黄金周"制度安排不利于旅游市场的可持续发展.本文研究结论同时支持了<全国年节及纪念日放假方法>修订的及时性和现实意义.  相似文献   

旅游企业社会责任对目的地形象及游客忠诚的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沈鹏熠 《旅游学刊》2012,27(2):72-79
在旅游市场竞争日趋激烈的背景下,由旅游企业经营所引发的社会责任问题受到广泛关注,但学界关于旅游企业社会责任的影响研究还不够系统和深入.文章将旅游企业社会责任划分为6个方面,将目的地形象划分为认知形象和情感形象两个方面,并构建了旅游企业社会责任对目的地形象及游客忠诚的影响模型.实证研究表明,旅游企业社会责任在目的地形象及游客忠诚形成中发挥非常重要的作用,其中,经济责任、环境责任、游客责任、员工责任和法律责任对认知形象有正向影响,游客责任、员工责任和慈善责任对情感形象有正向影响;认知形象和情感形象不仅对游客忠诚产生直接影响,而且通过游客满意对游客忠诚产生间接作用.相比认知形象,情感形象对游客满意和忠诚的影响作用更大.  相似文献   

This paper assesses the potential implications on off-season tourism of enhancing the cultural offer of Rimini, a popular Italian seaside holiday destination hosting about 12 million overnight stays per year. Since more than 9 million of these stays are concentrated in the summer season, in the last 20 years. Rimini has been undergoing a policy of seasonality smoothing, which mainly pivots around business and cultural tourism. This assessment has been carried out through discrete choice experiments submitted to a sample of about 800 tourists who visited Rimini outside the summer months. Since tourism can be viewed as a composite good, which overall utility depends on how the component characteristics are arranged, the choice experiments allow to disentangle the importance and the willingness to pay of tourists for different attributes of the holiday. The choice model incorporates a number of possible changes to actual tourism features (which are also the subject of public debate), including them in hypothetical alternative “holiday packages”. The conditional logit analysis of the choice experiments can highlight any synergy or trade-off between cultural and business tourism. Results suggest that business and leisure tourists share many features related to the use of the territory, while there are important trade-offs between these two groups and cultural tourists. Since business tourists have a higher willingness to extend their stay, a softer budget, and their demand is also complementary to the demand of summer tourists (Brau, Scorcu, & Vici, 2009), from the destination point of view investing in this market segment would be the best option. Although a “second best”, however, cultural tourists share with the local population of Rimini many aspects of the demand of territory (Figini, Castellani, & Vici, 2009). Hence, cultural tourism can play a fundamental role in the intermediate season as a tool for smoothing seasonality, to diversify investments and to give value to the city’s cultural heritage.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on volunteer tourism organisations that offer conservation expeditions, where volunteer tourists can assist in scientific research or ecological restoration. It seeks to identify organisational images and suggest how these images affect the expectations of volunteer tourists. Using the promotional material of volunteer tourism organisations, the contents of organisations' mission statements, promotional photographs and volunteer testimonies were analysed. Potential volunteer tourists were also asked to perform a multiple sorting procedure on the organisations' brochures to assess their images of volunteer tourism organisations. From the results, four groups of volunteer tourism organisations were identified and labelled ‘conservation research expeditions’, ‘holiday conservation expeditions’;, ‘adventure conservation expeditions’ and ‘community holiday expeditions’. It is proposed that organisations need to be aware of their perceived images in order to match their volunteers' expectations and needs, manage tourists' expectations and ensure the success of their volunteer tourism expeditions.  相似文献   

This study examines the factors that lay behind the development of the Golden Week holiday system in China in 1999 and 2007. It does so by evaluating three dimensions, namely (a) dominant government policy, (b) the pattern of tourism demand and (c) the degree of public participation in the policy making process. Both quantitative and qualitative methodologies are used in a content analysis of 45 related documents. The results indicate that while little relationship existed between the demands of tourism and public policy in both 1999 and 2007, the requirements of social policies and a greater role being attributed to public participation in the policy making were more emphasized in 2007. The theoretical contributions and practical implications of this study are also addressed.  相似文献   

This article presents the results of a survey of tourism consumers from the Destinations Travel Show in the UK in 2000. Four hundred and eleven tourism consumers were interviewed over four days at the show on the type of information that they used in the selection of their holiday destination. This article posits that the power of the consumer can be a major force for progress towards greater sustainability by the tourism industry, acting as a rationale for change, which is often missing from more traditional planning, management or regulatory techniques. The research shows consumers are already making decisions based on environmental, social and economic quality for day-to-day products and are keen to transfer these habits to the purchase of tourism products. Recommendations are made, highlighting the need for the tourism industry to capitalise on this demand for a wider range of product information and so promote moves towards greater levels of sustainability in the industry.  相似文献   

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