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在新时代背景下要促进社会更快速、稳定的发展就需要把握新闻传媒的相关功能,从而引导社会价值取向。当前社会随着科学技术的不断发展,使得信息化传播也越来越快,传播的信息也各自不一,新闻传媒是社会相关信息的重要宣传方式,新闻传媒要把握时代主题,积极弘扬社会主义正能量,净化我们的信息环境。从一定程度上讲,新闻传媒对于社会的引导功能主要表现在思想文化、价值取向、人生意义等方面。本文就针对新时代背景下就如何把握和运用新闻传媒相关功能为出发点进行相关分析,并对于新闻传媒在发挥社会引导作用遇到的问题及相关解决方法进行了针对性的重点阐述。  相似文献   

县级电视台是新闻传媒的基础性传媒媒介,对新闻传媒信息具有重要影响意义,随着计算机信息技术的发展,县级电视台逐渐完成了现代化传媒体系的转变。现阶段,县级电视台的新闻报道方式存在很多问题,新闻信息不及时、缺乏特色、没有社会影响力等问题,严重限制了县级新闻传播的效果,基于此,本文对如何改进县级电视台的新闻报道方式进行深入研究,探讨如何加强县级电视台新闻传播的效果。  相似文献   

董柏生 《中国市场》2014,(39):191-192
作为灾难性事件载体的灾难新闻,其报道方法和途径不仅关系到灾难信息的传播效果,而且还关系到灾难事件主体的精神状态和面貌。因此,灾难新闻除了要及时地报道灾难,理智、科学地分析灾难之外,新闻记者还应力求受众的内心体验放在第一位,把受众的利益放在首要位置,给予灾难主体足够的关怀,坚持"以人为本"的理念。同时,在灾难新闻的报道中新闻的真实性和及时性固然重要,但是在灾难发生时更要发挥的是新闻职业专业人士的伦理道德,以浓墨重彩彰显生命在灾难中的尊严与价值、无私与智慧等人性的光辉。  相似文献   

新闻传媒是党的重要的执政资源,具有其他组织、机构无法取代的功能。从目前情况看,新闻传媒在传播有新闻价值和社会价值的信息、设置相应议程有效引领社会公众舆论、进行舆论监督扣干预社会生活、为公众提供媒体所能提供的其他服务方面,还存在很大潜能。对执政者而言,运用新闻传媒的能力是其执政能力的重要构成部分。发挥新闻传媒的作用,很重要的是要通过它来体现执政党的意志和人民的心声,达到两者的统一,并在政党执政规律与新闻传媒运行规律之间寻求统一。  相似文献   

新闻传媒在推进思想政治教育中具有重大作用,已经成为了政治信息体系中的核心.本文结合作者在浏阳的工作实际,总结了县域新闻传媒思想政治教育功能存在的主要问题,提出了通过实施科学有效的传播策略和建构增强传播效果的保障体系来增强新闻传媒的思想政治教育功能.  相似文献   

信息的传播在人们生活工作中越来越占有很直接的影响作用,传媒从业人员的职业道德也面临着严峻的挑战,部分新闻工作者和新闻媒介道德缺失,搞有偿新闻、虚假报道、新闻腐败等败坏新闻道德的事件时有发生,严重地损害了新闻宣传的公正性和公信力,败坏了新闻工作者的形象。  相似文献   

在社会发展中,新闻传媒业承担着传播信息及文化的职能。随着数字媒体、网络媒体等新媒体的发展,新媒体的普及给传统新闻传媒业带来了巨大冲击,企业面临着业务量下降、竞争力不足等问题,经营难度不断增大。对此,新闻传媒企业在发展中应关注传统媒介与新媒体的融合,从业务和管理层面做好融合工作,尤其需要重视成本管理工作。本文从新闻传媒业成本管理的基本原则出发,探讨了现阶段新闻传媒业在成本管理方面存在的问题,并提出了有效的问题解决对策,希望能够帮助新闻传媒企业更好实现降本增效目标,推动企业的健康发展。  相似文献   

马志春 《中国报业》2012,(10):49-51
在当前竞争激烈的传媒生态环境中,读者选择报纸时,已经从“看内容买报”转变为“认品牌读报”,报纸品牌传播的作用日益显著。随着新闻传播“分众化”时代的到来,读者不再是传统意义上的信息被动接受者,而是现代信息消费者,并且主动参与到新闻传播活动中。  相似文献   

杨致文 《中国报业》2023,(5):142-143
媒介技术的发展深刻影响着新闻信息的呈现方式、传播速率以及规模,进而重塑整个新闻传媒产业的业务链条与业态面貌。数字技术的发展带动新闻生产与传播模式的变化,实现新闻价值的变迁,以“聚合式”“个性化”为代表的新闻传播新形态正逐渐成为主流趋势。在此背景下,本文基于媒介技术对新闻传播的影响,深入分析新闻传播形态的发展趋势与变革方向,提出应对新闻传播形态变化的策略,以更好地帮助新闻媒体迎合时代主流,实现创新发展。  相似文献   

传媒产业的蓬勃发展,急需先进传媒理论的指导。作为传媒大国,学界和业界还存在着"拿来主义"、"经验主义"等不足,体现出我国新闻传播理论自信不足,创造力不强,急需加强中国特色社会主义新闻传播理论研究和创新,增强新闻传播理论的国际话语权和影响力,进而增强我国的国家软实力。本文从新闻传播理论的内在基础、本质内涵、显著特征、提升路径、保障机制、检验标准等六个维度,提出提升新闻传播理论创造力的对策。  相似文献   

随着手机媒体的兴起,双语新闻在信息交流中的地位和作用日趋重要。手机新闻文本所具有的真实性、精细性和简洁性等特点决定了其翻译方法应区别于一般的文本翻译。变译理论为手机新闻的英译提供了全新的理论基础,其变译策略包括摘译、编译、改译和参译等。变译的目的是使译文更好地满足读者的需要,真正实现新闻的有效传播。  相似文献   

This study examines brands' vulnerability to fake news. The rapid spread of online misinformation poses challenges to brand managers, whose brands are cocreated online, sometimes to the detriment of the brand. There is a need to identify the information sources that are likely to be trustworthy and to promote positive consumer attitudes toward brands. The data for this study were taken from a Flash Eurobarometer of 26,576 respondents across 28 European countries. Cluster analysis and partial least squares structural equation modeling were used to analyze the data and unveil users' attitudes toward fake news. The findings show that users' attitudes toward fake news differ among European countries. Younger and tech-savvy users are more likely to recognize fake news and are consequently able to evaluate digital information sources without relying on policy interventions to limit the impact of fake news. Brand managers can use the findings of this study to better understand different kinds of users' susceptibility to fake news and reshape their social media branding strategies accordingly. It is hoped that this paper will encourage further research on brand management in relation to fake news and promote the widespread adoption of best practices in social media communication.  相似文献   

新媒介环境下新闻采写课程改革研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前新媒体对新闻采写的冲击主要来自两个方面:媒介融合的加速和移动互联网的崛起。媒介融合要求新闻采写课必须打破过去课程设置过窄、教学方法单一的困境,培养学生跨媒介的思维能力和一专多能的报道技能。移动互联网的崛起要求新闻采写课在培养学生政治敏感、宣传意识的同时,应加大受众意识、服务意识方面的训练,不断增强新闻报道的可读性和公信力;此外采写课还应培养学生在移动互联网上获取信息、创作"微"新闻的能力,为他们将来的新闻报道工作打下坚实的基础。  相似文献   

在电视媒体的竞争中,将娱乐因素融入到节目中成为电视媒体赢得收视率的重要途径,电视新闻也不可避免地走上了娱乐化的道路。从弗洛伊德的心理分析学角度来看,新闻娱乐化一方面使得媒体在很大程度上把受众的本能欲望作为新闻价值选择的标尺;另一方面,媒体提供给受众的新闻成品又刺激了受众潜意识中的“暗影”。  相似文献   

This paper examines the role of media coverage and investor attention on the outcomes of seasoned equity offerings (SEOs). I use an archive of Thomson Reuters news articles to proxy for firm visibility and investor attention. I find that the volumes of news articles prior to the offerings are positively associated with the offer price discounts of SEOs. Furthermore, the volumes of news articles are negatively associated with the cumulative abnormal returns three days around the SEOs. I conclude that the costs of equity increase with media coverage prior to SEOs. Overall, the evidence is consistent with the hypothesis that media coverage affects investors' information processing in SEOs. Copyright © 2018 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


There is general agreement with the notion of public relations as the management of relationships between interacting organizations and key publics. The news media are a key public for organizations seeking to deliver information to viewers and readers of the media. The relationship between press relations practitioners and news media members, thus, is an important element in the practice of press relations. However, a review of relevant literature finds little to assist those charged with responsibility for managing that relationship. In this study, the authors advance the notion of a media audit as a means of identifying opportunities and issues and to serve as a tool for providing insight into ways to enhance the practitioner—media member relationship. The theoretical framework for the study is that of relationship management, and the research contributes to a growing body of research in that area.  相似文献   

We test news media's disciplining by dissemination role and predictive power in insider trading related issues with a large and novel dataset on Chinese firms between 2008 and 2017. We find that more media coverage is associated with significantly lower level of insider trading profitability, which confirms the disciplining by dissemination role of media documented in the developed market. However, as a new evidence to the media and insider trading literature, we also find that media's negative tone has a positive correlation with future insider trading profitability, which is consistent with the media predictive power argument. In addition, we find that media's predictive power is amplified by a firm's good governance structure and low level of information asymmetry. Our study shows news media's effectiveness in predicting opportunistic insider trading in China.  相似文献   

21世纪以来,网络体育新闻报道作为一种新型的体育新闻报道方式得到了迅猛发展。这种新闻报道方式有着时效性强、信息表现形式多样化、受众参与互动性强、信息海量性等优点.但也存在新闻造假、忽视对新闻内容的选择和忽视新闻内容自身价值等缺陷。因此.这种新闻报道方式应充分发挥优势,努力克服自身缺陷,并进一步强化新闻从业人员的专业素养和社会责任意识.以便更好地为公众提供信息服务。  相似文献   


The aim was to analyze the role of fear and panic caused by a zoonosis in the development of eating habits and rituals. The news media, being the source of information for the consumers about infectious agents having a high morbidity and mortality, can cause fear and panic about foodstuffs of animal origin. In this way, they play an important role during changes in eating habits, many of which become rituals. Rituals affect consumers' behavior and perceived needs regardless of socio-economic class, thus they increase consumption. Hence, the mass news media for selling profit-making information or promoting one kind of food against another, or the products of one country against those of another could use fear and panic caused by zoonoses.  相似文献   

Sharing of fake news on social media platforms is a global concern, with research offering little insight into the motives behind such sharing. This study adopts a mixed-method approach to explore fake-news sharing behaviour. To begin with, qualitative data from 58 open-ended essays was analysed to identify six behavioural manifestations associated with sharing fake news. Thereafter, research model hypothesizing the association between these behaviours was proposed using the honeycomb framework and the third-person effect hypothesis. Age and gender were the control variables. Two data sets obtained from cross-sectional surveys with 471 and 374 social media users were utilized to test the proposed model. The study results suggest that instantaneous sharing of news for creating awareness had positive effect on sharing fake news due to lack of time and religiosity. However, authenticating news before sharing had no effect on sharing fake news due to lack of time and religiosity. The study results also suggest that social media users who engage in active corrective action are unlikely to share fake news due to lack of time. These results have significant theoretical and practical implications.  相似文献   

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