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跨国公司在华子公司成长与发展的战略角色及演变趋势   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
本文分析了影响跨国公司在华子公司成长与发展战略角色的因素,并提出了在华子公司战略角色的四个假设,在实证研究的基础上,本文归纳和分析了跨国公司在华子公司的战略角色类型,并从动态的角度对华子公司战略角色演进的趋势进行研究。  相似文献   

我国作为引进外资最多的发展中国家,多年来"以市场换技术"的战略并没有达到应有的效果,很多当地企业没能从这些公司中学到真正有用的技术和管理知识.基于此,本文以网络理论为基础,根据子公司与母公司及东道国当地组织的知识交易关系的差异将跨国公司子公司的战略角色分成生产基地、运营中心及当地生根三种类型,并以在华子公司为例进行了实证研究.研究结果表明,大部分跨国公司在华子公司为生产基地型,与当地组织少有知识、信息的交流与合作.  相似文献   

新世纪、新阶段,企业形象作为一种资源对于提升企业市场竞争力的作用越来越受到重视。实施企业形象战略,开发企业形象资源,是实现激流勇进的重要途径。一、认清企业形象内涵,明确“定形”依据企业形象是一个企业在社会公众心目中的总体印象,是企业文化的外显形态,是一个综合多种因素的价值体系。开发形象资源,首先要认识和掌握其内涵,并据此结合自身情况确定具体的企业形象定位。企业形象是竞争实力的物化体现。市场经济条件下,由于产品质量和技术的普遍提高以及商品种类的日益繁多,单纯靠质量和服务很难取得市场优势。在众多企业和商品形成…  相似文献   

基本竞争优势模型的构建与应用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
本文基于竞争优势模型分解、整合发展趋势与营销管理、战略管理等管理思想日益融合的态势及波特竞争优势三角框架^①,创新性地构建、阐释了一个基本竞争优势模型,强调了其时代竞争意义,预测了其发展趋势并做出了战略应用性的分析。  相似文献   

随着经济全球化的快速发展,国际竞争与合作不断加强,对知识资源的创造、管理、保护和运用已成为各国提升竞争力和取得竞争优势的关键因素。国际一流公司将知识产权视为公司的“生命线”,把知识产权作为企业最重要的发展战略之一。多数跨国公司以知识产权为核心的无形资产大大超过其有形资产,  相似文献   

论经济全球化时代跨国公司垄断结构   总被引:17,自引:6,他引:17  
在经济全球化时代,一国的竞争优势和影响力主要体现在其跨国公司对全球资源的支配力上。跨国公司的竞争优势来源于其垄断结构及由此带来的垄断结构利润。在全球化与信息经济条件下,跨国公司的垄断结构是有效率的,并不会妨碍竞争,这可以用新的可竞争市场理论来说明。  相似文献   

论提升我国大型煤炭企业集团的国际竞争力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、我国大型煤炭企业集团国际竞争战略1 总体思路和目标。我国大型煤炭企业集团国际竞争力战略提升的总体定位应该是直接与主导世界煤业市场的大型跨国公司展开竞争 ,取得在全球煤炭市场的持续性竞争优势 ,支撑我国煤炭工业由弱向强的转变 ,成为主导世界煤炭市场、引领世界煤业发展方向的主要力量 ,维护我国国家利益及能源安全。在竞争实力位次上 ,争取用 5年左右的时间 ,有 5家国内大型煤炭企业进入世界煤业前 10大公司的行列 ,有 2家进入到前 5位。同时必须清醒地认识到 ,综合竞争力位次之争 ,不仅仅是一个名次的问题 ,而是市场控制力、…  相似文献   

生态位理论认为企业竞争优势来源于生态位的差异。后发企业获得跨越式发展必须有正确的战略选择,破坏性创新战略通过低端破坏、新市场破坏、混合破坏等方式实现了生态位的分离,最终形成新的生态位。对后发企业而言,破坏性创新战略选择改变了目前竞争的态势,为其发展提供了更多资源,从而最终改变其竞争地位。  相似文献   

从理论上构建了企业战略管理对信用能力的影响机制和传导路径。从经典理论出发,根据战略管理的3个层次,对每个层次的战略管理进行了细分,这些细分战略分别主导着企业内外部资源配置的效率,决定了企业的竞争优势和市场地位;竞争优势和市场地位影响了企业的资产质量和盈利能力,进而演化为企业的经营性、投资性和融资性现金流创造能力,反映了企业资源配置的效果;现金流创造能力对债务的保障程度构成了企业信用能力的主要组成部分,直接决定了信用能力。信用能力又验证了战略管理的执行效果。如此循环往复、不断强化、互相促进,带动企业实现可持续发展。  相似文献   

20世纪 80年代以来,越来越多的公司通过战略联盟的方式参与全球竞争,世界涌起联 盟 热潮。这一新型的竞争模式给世界经济带来了巨大变化。近期,宝钢、武钢、首钢 3家结 成战略联盟更是在国内钢铁行业中掀起了联盟热浪。本文拟从战略联盟的发展态势,一般特 征等方面入手,客观分析战略联盟特别是钢铁行业的战略联盟对攀钢的影响。   一、战略联盟的发展态势   战略联盟是指由两个或两个以上有着对等经营实力的跨国企业之间,出于对整体市 场 的预期和企业总体经营目标、经营风险的考虑,为达到共同拥有市场,共同使用资源和增 强竞争…  相似文献   

全球生产网络中战略隔绝机制的存在,使得依托跨国公司战略空间集聚效应所形成的产业集群具有内在的封闭性,由此导致当地集群的“升级悖论”:集群内企业沿某一特定产品—技术路径升级越快,当地根植性与当地产业关联被弱化的可能性也就越大。本文进一步以大陆台商笔记本电脑产业集群为例,对战略隔绝机制所产生的特定影响及其现实意义作了说明。  相似文献   

The paper describes how six large Swedish multinational corporations manage the task of assuring strategic integration between headquarters and foreign subsidiaries. Swedish companies are shown to address the problem in an informal way and by leaving their foreign subsidiaries a great deal of autonomy. However, in many instances the necessary integration is not assured. Cases of strategic conflict between parts of companies are analysed, characteristics of and trends in the environment of multinational corporations are identified, and theoretical considerations are applied. With this discussion as a basis, some suggestions are advanced about how to involve subsidiaries more in strategic decision making.  相似文献   

This study investigates the impact of entry timing, mode of entry, market focus, and location advantages on the financial performance and survival of multinational corporations (MNCs) in China. Three major results were found. First, MNCs that entered China in an earlier year had a higher level of profit than those that entered in a later year. Second, equity joint ventures (EJVs) had a higher profit level than cooperative operations or wholly foreign‐owned subsidiaries. Third, MNCs that utilized well the location advantages in China had a higher profit. We also found that EJVs were more likely to survive compared to cooperative operations, while wholly owned subsidiaries did not differ from EJVs. The findings are based on a 2‐year study of about 1000 MNC operations in China. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This research examines the question of whether rivalry is greater between or within strategic groups by utilizing more direct, dynamic and fine-grained measures of rivalry. Examining the competitive actions of firms in different strategic groups to determine if competitive responses were more likely to occur from firms in the same strategic group, or from firms in different strategic groups, the research found that competitive responses cannot be predicted by strategic group membership. Importantly, however, strategic group membership is a predictor of the manner by which firms compete with one another, or the frequency with which they undertake competitive actions, cut prices, instigate warfare and imitate rivals. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the impact of high‐performance work systems (HPWSs) on both voluntary and involuntary organizational turnover rates. Most research on this topic has been done in the United States. Given the global competitive pressures confronting many of the countries of East and Southeast Asia, companies in this region are seeking to become more flexible and often adapt HPWSs practices. We explore the impact of HPWSs in both locally owned companies and subsidiaries of multinational corporations in Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, and Thailand. These countries have significantly different national cultures from the United States and most other Western countries and HPWSs effects in relation to turnover might vary from the studies based in the United States. Our findings are, however, somewhat consistent with U.S.‐based studies. In fact, HPWSs were found to be more effective in reducing turnover in locally owned companies than in subsidiaries of Western and Japanese multinational companies.  相似文献   

Organizations are using strategic alliances to develop competitive advantages in quality, innovation, and cost. To capture the potential synergies of these alliances requires that the partners develop long-term relationships. This study develops a model of strategic alliance relationship development based on the theory of cooperative and competitive goal interdependence. Thirty pairs of supplier and customer organizations in Xian, China participated in a survey where the supplier indicated the commitment and goal interdependence and the customer rated the relationship's long-term orientation. Results suggest that the commitment by both supplier and customer organizations to quality develop cooperative interdependence, which leads to effective strategic partnerships.  相似文献   

This article conceptualizes the relationships among strategic resources, strategic actions, and consequent performance by incorporating the strategic sense-making perspective into the resource-based view. Specifically, the study suggests that the firm can use both market-driven strategic actions such as organizational responsiveness and market-driving strategic actions such as innovation strategy to make sense of strategic resources such as a market information system. The firm can then translate the strategic resources into a competitive marketing advantage, which leads in turn to superior financial performance. The study tests this framework by surveying 180 manufacturing firms in China. The empirical results support the theoretical framework.  相似文献   

Research Summary: Organizations face tensions to conform to industry norms for legitimacy yet differentiate for competitive advantage when implementing strategies. We suggest this tension is due to and resolved through organizations’ cognitive negotiations of multiple levels of identity. Through an inductive study in the recreational vehicle industry, we find that organizations concurrently draw on identities at the organizational, industry, and strategic group levels to formulate and enact specific competitive actions. Specifically, we find that organizational identity relates to decisions on product offerings; industry identity relates to downstream strategy; and strategic group identity relates to upstream strategy, firm boundaries, and expansion mode. Our findings highlight the importance of strategic group identity and inform a grounded model describing how organizations draw upon different levels of identity to influence strategy. Managerial Summary: Many managers experience tensions of differentiating their firms’ competitive actions from rivals, while conforming with industry norms and practices. In this article, we argue that a manager can navigate these tensions by understanding their firm, strategic group, and industry identities and how these identities interrelate. Through a qualitative case study of the U.S. recreational vehicle industry, we show that each level of identity influences different competitive actions, with firm identity connected to product offerings, industry identity related to managing downstream distribution, and strategic group identity related to firm boundary and acquisition strategies. Overall, strategic group identity is the most critical for managers as this level filters how they view competitors and provides the rules of competition.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the utilization of guanxi, which is an important cultural and social element in China, and the impact of guanxi on firm performance. Although guanxi is embedded in every aspect of Chinese social life, companies demonstrate different needs and capacity for guanxi cultivation. Chinese firms develop guanxi as a strategic mechanism to overcome competitive and resource disadvantages by cooperating and exchanging favors with competitive forces and government authorities. We develop an integrative framework theorizing guanxi utilization according to institutional, strategic, and organizational factors, and we explore the impact of guanxi on firm performance, primarily sales growth and net profit growth. Our findings, based on a survey of 128 firms in central China, provide strong support that institutional, strategic, and organizational factors are critical determinants of guanxi with competitive forces. However, only institutional and strategic factors are significant for guanxi utilization with government authorities. In general, guanxi leads to higher firm performance, but is limited to increased sales growth, and has little impact on profit growth. Guanxi benefits market expansion and competitive positioning of firms, but does not enhance internal operations. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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