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铁路资金结算所下设的结算室,其主要职责是办理内部单位账户间的往来资金结算,通过在工行、建行、中行和农行四大银行开设的银行账户集中办理内部账户与对外银行账户间经济业务往来的实划资金,保证运输生产、铁路建设、职工生活等各项资金的需求。本文反思了银行账户目前存在的问题,并提出了对结算所银行账户管理中可以整改问题的对策及建议。  相似文献   

本文以上市银行为样本,应用面板的个体固定效应模型,不仅研究股权集中度、董事会特征与银行绩效间的关系,而且研究股权集中度与董事会特征的交互效应与银行绩效间的关系。研究发现:(1)董事会的规模、董事会独立性、董事会积极性都与银行绩效有显著的正相关;(2)股权集中度与银行绩效有显著的正相关关系;(3)股权集中度与董事会特征间存在交互效应,即股权集中度与董事会特征的交叉项与银行绩效有显著的负相关关系。  相似文献   

国家助学贷款政策自出台至今出现了学生违约率高、银行追缴困难、高校声誉受损等一系列问题,本文试图通过对国家助学贷款在银行和学生间的博弈分析,提出应降低银行追缴成本,提高学生贷款违约代价,加大违约惩罚力度等办法,促使学生按期还款。  相似文献   

我国十大商业银行即将实现通存通兑交通银行、中信实业银行、招商银行、深圳发展银行、广东发展银行、福建兴业银行、中国光大银行、华夏银行、上海浦东发展银行、中国民生银行10家商业银行9月10日在苏州签署协议,中国的银行将第一次实现了跨行间的通存通兑。根据签署的协议,未来10家银行的用户只需在其中一家银行开户,就可以这10家银行申请办理存取卡,此外,将在银行卡业务上逐步实现网络、机具和商户的共享,保证任何一家协议银行发行的银行卡都能够在其他银行和商家通用。有关协议还规定在网上银行业务方面,协议银行将逐步…  相似文献   

随着电子支付方式的演进和创新,银行业务面临着巨大的挑战。围绕电子支付当前的主要方式、产品和组织创新,其对银行服务方式、成本以及银行行际间合作,全球支付系统和兴起的第三方支付带来的冲击和影响进行论述,然后提出一些建议。  相似文献   

大型商业银行分支机构的撤并,导致银企间距离增大,从而对城镇及农村地区贷款产生影响。文章通过建立模型,提出了两个假设,并对大型商业银行乡镇企业贷款数据(衡量贷款区域集中度)和银行不良贷款率二者的关系进行检验。结果发现,二者成强正相关,从而证明了由银行机构撤并导致的银企间地理距离的增大使得信息不对称加重和银行对企业实施地缘信贷配给的假设。  相似文献   

开展收费权质押业务中的法律问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文探讨了收费权的债权性、风险性和期待性的特征,认为公益型收费权不宜被质押,而高速公路及基础设施的收费权可以有条件予以质押,并从银、企、政府间关系入手分析了银行在收费权质押业务中如何保障其效益性和安全性,讨论了银行对收费权行使质权的方式。  相似文献   

建构“流程银行”在我国最早由银监会主席刘明康于2005年10月提出。刘明康指出,我国银行业存在的一系列弊端,根源在于银行运作管理模式是建立在“部门银行”基础上,导致针对客户需求的服务、创新和风险防范等受到人为地限制,出了问题部门间相互推卸责任,因此根本出路是对部门银行模式进行再造,建构流程银行。在银监会的推动下,中国银行业掀起构建流程银行的改革潮流,成为股改上市后中国银行业改革的又一重要方向。  相似文献   

谢卫虹 《价值工程》2012,31(6):208-209
信任是高校财务部门与银行间进行业务合作的基础。本文采用理论和实证相结合的研究方法,对高校财务人员对银行员工的信任与其合作行为之间的关系进行了研究,结果显示:高校财务人员对银行人员的信任可以用银行人员的能力、仁爱心和公正一致性3个结构维度来衡量,能力信任和公正一致性信任对高校财务人员和银行员工间的合作行为具有正向的显著预测作用,且前者对合作作为的预测作用要大于后者,但仁爱心信任对合作行为不具有预测作用。  相似文献   

本文采用实证方法以江西省为例研究区域银行发展与区域经济增长间的关系。首先用存贷款与GDP的比值来衡量银行发展,选取江西省每年实际GDP自然对数作为经济增长指标,用于衡量江西省经济增长。经实证发现二者存在协整关系,银行发展和经济增长是互促关系。  相似文献   

城市群与群内高速公路,应在保证城市功能和高速公路的主功能有效发挥的前提下,双方互动联合,以城市为点,以高速公路为线,以行政和经济区域为范围,发展服务区经济与道口经济,建立物流中心,建设城市经济带.  相似文献   

The REF, C, and score are a means to give quantitative values for product performance. Other product variables defined as humidity control factor, shear control factor, differential temperature control factor, product life factor, and cost factor were not addressed as part of this study. Additional variables include delivery, maintenance, and warranties. These components can be added to the score in some weighted manner as they become clinically founded. Interface pressures and shears were not measured for beds that are gatched. Each product tested will have characteristics pertinent to its own design that must be addressed to minimize sacral and coccyx skin breakdown when subjects are in this posture because some pneumatic pads bottom out to give excessive sacral and coccyx pressure while others wrinkle when used in this position. This is of major concern when one considers that the coccyx is more susceptible to pressure than any other bony prominence. There may be some aversion to labeling support product performance because it will allow the purchaser to know what is being bought. This initial study indicates the feasibility of quantitating what all patients require: a valid interface support surface for each specific need. The user can be adequately informed before the purchase as to a product's merits without being influenced by the results of inadequate testing, referrals, or sales media influences. Although cushions, shoes, or other prosthetic/orthotic devices were not part of this study, it is appropriate to rate all these devices in a similar manner by simply comparing pressure relief attained to that desired, expressing the result as a percentage of the worst case, and then labeling the product accordingly. Those subjects with sensation can rate comfort as part of the overall score. For cushions, ischial tuberosity pressure relief can be expressed as a percentage of the maximum attainable relief. Metatarsal head relief during gait as well as during static testing can be measured, and claims can be made for shoes and sneakers. Where impact loads and shear forces are paramount, the score must comprise appropriate parameters. Similarly, amputee distal stump relief as a percentage of worst case could be specified by the fitter. Iliac crest relief as a percentage of worst case can also be specified by the fitter. In all instances the score is not a subjective rating but one that can be measured correctly. All body support products can be given an REF, C value, and score as well as other qualifying values where appropriate instrumentation and sufficient subject sampling is used.  相似文献   

This study applies a hidden Markov chain model in quality function deployment to analyze dynamic customer requirements from probabilities viewpoints. In reality, the needed probabilities can be computed based upon the experts’ opinions for economic conditions as well as the customers’ surveys by asking customers’ preferences under different economic conditions. Each customer requirement can be analyzed as time goes by. In addition, the changes for each technical measure can be closely examined from time to time. More importantly, when new customers’ surveys are conducted and available as well as the new economic conditions analyzed by experts have been updated, both customer requirements and technical measures can be adjusted in a timely basis to reflect and fulfill the dynamic customer requirements. As a result, this proposed approach provides a decision maker to analyze and satisfy both past and present customer needs early on such that a better strategy can be made based upon the most updated customers’ surveys and economic conditions.  相似文献   

The 1990s will be a decade of increasing dramatic and traumatic change for hospitals. Reimbursement, technology, and consumers, either alone or in concert, will be the forces that will shape hospitals in the future. At the end of the 1990s we will have hospitals that offer technology to the critically ill, outpatient surgical services, and comforting care for those in the late years of life. Material management will be important to hospitals because expense control will be as important as ever. However, I believe the role of a material manager will diminish as the services provided change and as the role is folded into the responsibilities of those who manage one of the three critical business areas hospitals will be in. This new hybrid of today's manager will still apply all of the concepts to the distribution of supplies in a hospital as today's material managers do but will use them as only a part of their overall management responsibility.  相似文献   

Abstract. This paper summarizes and critically surveys research on hyperinflation. Appraisal and review of the literature considers the origins, development, termination, and the lessons to be learned from hyperinflations. The historical evidence as well as the econometric evidence is analyzed. It is concluded that while the lessons to be learned from such episodes perhaps have been overstated a number of useful implications may be derived from studying hyperinflations, such as an understanding of the forces which link monetary and fiscal policies to inflation, and policy makers'role in influencing individuals'expectations.  相似文献   

刘广孚 《价值工程》2010,29(19):166-167
电工电子学是中国石油大学的一门国家级精品课程,本文介绍了该课程的试卷批阅流程及特点。在阅卷时采取集体阅卷、试阅、流水作业、复查和反复检查的标准流程,有效避免错判和错给分的现象。借助于Excel软件进行单题成绩的登记、再查、誊写的标准流程,避免分数登记错误、分数计算错误,并根据学生的各题得分情况用EXCEL软件对试卷进行统计分析,从中发现教学中存在的问题,以便于进一步提高教学质量。  相似文献   

本文介绍了中国大豆进出口现状以及通过国际竞争力评价指标体系说明中国大豆出口的竞争优势与劣势,综合中国大豆产业所存在的问题和所具有的优势,提出在WTO的规则下,中国应采取的对策。  相似文献   

独立性是民间审计的本质特征,是审计质量的基本保证。我国目前民间审计独立性水平不高,究其原因,既有外部环境法制不完善且执法不严等原因;又有被审计单位法人治理结构不完善,事务所聘任制度存在缺陷等产生的影响;还有民间审计行业自身职业道德、事务所的规模等影响因素。针对目前情况,要通过制度的规范特别是完善民事赔偿制度约束审计人员的行为;必须解决被审计单位聘任并支付审计费用的问题;另外事务所必须增强自身实力,从而提高其抵御外界压力及增强自身独立性的能力。总之,只有各方共同努力,才能使民间审计的独立性得到加强,促进民间审计的进一步发展。  相似文献   

The paper asks the question – as time series analysis moves from consideration of conditional mean values and variances to unconditional distributions, do some of the familiar concepts devised for the first two moments continue to be helpful in the more general area? Most seem to generalize fairly easy, such as the concepts of breaks, seasonality, trends and regime switching. Forecasting is more difficult, as forecasts become distributions, as do forecast errors. Persistence can be defined and also common factors by using the idea of a copula. Aggregation is more difficult but causality and controllability can be defined. The study of the time series of quantiles becomes more relevant.  相似文献   

我国住房公积金管理体制及运营模式改革探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国住房公积金制度发展至今,其发挥作用的经济社会环境已经发生了巨大的变化,这给我国住房公积金制度重新定位带来重大机遇,同时也对住房公积金管理体制和运营模式提出了更高要求,即管理机构必须遵循安全性和流动性的资金运作原则才能更好发挥保障性作用。现阶段应将住房公积金明确定位于政策性金融,将住房公积金管理中心改造为政策性住房金融机构,纳入金融监管体系,并建立专门的行业监管机构;同时还需要完善强制储蓄的补偿机制,打破公积金封闭运行系统、建立资本金制度。  相似文献   

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