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哥本哈根气候变化大会以后,气候变化受关注程度达到顶峰,科学、经济、政治等各界人士都开始从自身角度发表对气候变化的看法和质疑,尤其是近期出现的多次"气候门"事件,波澜迭起,使气候变化研究经历了有史以来最大的挑战和质疑。本文就当前争论最激烈的问题,包括气候是否在变暖、气候变暖的原因、气候变暖的影响及是否要发展低碳经济等进行了讨论和分析。  相似文献   

当今世界,气候变化问题已经不再是单纯的环境问题,而是国际关系中的焦点问题.气候变化问题的政治化和经济化趋势,对国际秩序重建和世界经济转型产生深刻影响.然而,迄今为止,对气候变化成因的判断在科学上还存在很大不确定性,气候变化领域的争论始终没有停止.而在国际政治的强力推动下,气候变化问题的利益冲突正在演变为激烈的国际竞争.  相似文献   

气候变化:发展与减排的困局——国外气候变化研究述评   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
气候变化问题得到了社会科学界的广泛关注。经济学的关注点集中在采取措施减缓气候变化是否值得、依成本和收益分析应将温室气体浓度稳定在什么水平、全球为应对气候变化应付出多大成本、最优的减排路径是什么等问题。由此形成了行动派和怀疑派两个阵营,而行动派内部也存在积极和消极两个分歧。政治学界对气候变化的关注首先集中在国际政治和全球治理方面,其次是民主体制能否应对气候变化。此外,气候政治学还日益向国家安全、社区治理甚至政治哲学如正义问题等领域扩展。社会学对气候变化的关注则着重从风险分析、全球社会、气候伦理、社会制度等层面切入。  相似文献   

李伯涛 《经济评论》2012,(2):153-160
二氧化碳等温室气体减排的政策工具选择问题是气候变化经济学中的一个重要研究领域。本文对该领域的最新研究进展作了全面的综述,试图梳理出在应对气候变化政策工具选择问题上各种不同主张的分歧所在,为中国碳减排的政策框架制定提供启示。通过对比分析关于传统的命令-控制工具和新型的基于市场的工具效率的几种不同观点,对处于政策工具选择争论核心的两种市场型工具——碳税和总量控制与交易制度在经济效率、政治可行性、执行成本、国际合作等方面各自的优劣性进行了重点评论,并讨论了更复杂的复合工具和双轨规制方法的特征。最后探讨了中国碳减排的政策工具选择问题,并指出了气候变化政策工具选择领域未来的研究重点。  相似文献   

“碳金融”的兴起源于国际气候政策的变化,准确地说是起源于两个具有重大意义的国际公约——《联合国气候变化框架公约》和《京都议定书》的生效。1994年3月生效的《联合国气候变化框架公约》,是世界上第一个为全面控制二氧化碳等温室气体的排放、以应对全球气候变化给人类经济和社会带来不利影响的国际公约,也是国际社会在对付全球气候变化问题上进行国际合作的一个基本框架。在《公约》之后,  相似文献   

企业的道德责任和企业的道德血液问题,越来越引起人们的关注。经济与道德、企业与伦理并非毫无关联,而是有着密切的关系。从市场经济的角度来看,合乎道德的行为是市场有效运作的前提,也是企业生存的前提。从企业的角度来看,伦理问题是企业生存的深层次问题。从利益相关者角度来看,经济行为必然涉及一定的社会关系,必然体现为伦理问题。要想使企业具有道德血液,一是要加大对企业违规行为的处罚力度,用他律的外在机制保障企业的"道德血液"不至枯竭;二是要建立以企业责任为核心的企业文化,为企业打造具有"道德血液"的造血机制。  相似文献   

随着世界各国对气候变化问题的日益重视,气候外交开始成为外交舞台的新主角.气候变化问题正演变成一个涉及全球环境、国际政治、世界经济、国际贸易等问题的复杂议题。作为一个负责任的大国,中国必须充分利用自身的影响和地位,积极开展国际合作,椎动气候问题的最终解决,同时采取正确的措施维护自身的国家利益和发展中国家的权益,维护世界正义。防止气候问题衍生是发达国家主导世界政治经济秩序的新工具和发展中国家面临的新“壁垒”.  相似文献   

国际劳工标准(ILS)是近年来在许多国际场合争论比较激烈的一个问题,发达国家坚持要把ILS拉入多边贸易谈判,而广大发展中国家对此问题一直持怀疑、回避的态度。近来以巴苏为代表的一些经济学家站在发展中国家的立场对这一问题提出了具有建设性意义的新观点,这些新观点将会对ILS问题的争论有重要影响。有鉴于此,本文将简要地介绍这些新观点。  相似文献   

气候变化是人类面临的一个空前复杂的综合性问题.我国易受气候变化影响,面临着国际应对气候变化的减排压力,而我国应对气候变化立法供给严重不足,无法系统应对气候变化.我国有必要借鉴国际和域外国家应对气候变化立法经验,以生态中心主义理念为指导,运用系统论的理论和方法修订《环境保护法》,实现对各环境介质的系统保护,制定应对气候变化专门法及配套法规、规章,完善相关法律法规,实现对气候变化的系统性立法防治,保持气候系统结构和功能总体平衡稳定.  相似文献   

气候变化与公共财政政策的理论分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、气候变化问题的由来和影响 气候变化是一个典型的全球尺度的环境问题.早在20世纪70年代,科学家们就已经把气候变暖作为一个全球性环境问题提出.80年代以来,随着人们对人类活动和全球气候变化关系认识的深化,尤其是随着近百年来最炎热天气的出现,这一问题开始成为国际政治和外交的议题.  相似文献   

污染者负担原则作为环境法的基本原则,通过明确环境责任主体、责任范围为环境问题的解决指明了方向。气候变化作为新型环境问题,其所具有的复杂性、全球性以及不均衡性对污染者负担原则的适用提出了新的要求:气候变化背景下要求更加全面完整的把握污染者负担原则,充分挖掘其隐性公正性,要求重新界定污染者的内涵,实现负担的实质正义。基于此种要求,文章提出了从受益者负担消费者负担以及共同但有区别的责任三个角度来适用该原则的建议。  相似文献   

人类应对气候变化进入关键时期,各国纷纷通过国内立法来履行《气候变化框架公约》及《京都议定书》所确定的共同但有区别的责任。欧美日国家应对气候变化的法律制度与我国的经济发展利益攸关,对我国参与国际气候谈判具有重大影响。我国尚未制定专门的气候变化法,应探析他国应对气候变化的立法经验,遵循科学发展观的理念,完善有中国特色的气候变化应对法律制度体系。  相似文献   

Multi-level Governance and Global Climate Change in East Asia   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Climate change is an issue that requires integrated action at multiple levels of government and within the spheres of politics, economics, and society. National, regional, and local governments have both distinct and complementary roles in developing climate mitigation and adaptation strategies. Compared with the attention that has been given to international and national activities in East Asia, relatively limited attention has been paid to the role of urban and regional governments in combating global climate change. Cities and provinces are initiating their own climate action plans, positioning themselves as environmental model cities, and joining local, national, and international networks for climate change. This article examines urban and prefectural climate policies in China, Japan, and South Korea within a multilevel governance framework.  相似文献   

International transfers in climate policy channeled from the industrialized to the developing world either support the mitigation of climate change or the adaptation to global warming. From a purely allocative point of view, transfers supporting mitigation tend to be Pareto-improving whereas this is not very likely in the case of adaptation support. We illustrate this by regarding transfer schemes currently applied under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Kyoto framework.However, if we enrich the analysis by integrating distributional aspects, we find that international adaptation funding may help both the developing and developed world. Interestingly this is not due to altruistic incentives, but due to follow-up effects on international negotiations on climate change mitigation. We argue that the lack of fairness perceived by developing countries in the international climate policy arena can be reduced by the support of adaptation in these countries. As we show - taking into account different fairness concepts - this might raise the prospects of success in international negotiations on climate change. Yet, we find that the influence of transfers may induce different fairness effects on climate change mitigation negotiations to run counter.We discuss whether current transfer schemes under the UNFCCC and the Kyoto framework adequately serve the distributive and allocative objectives pursued in international climate policy.  相似文献   

Climate change will affect security of individuals and populations as well as the security of states. The article reviews evidence on the scope and nature of the climate change challenge; reviews how these impacts manifest themselves in insecurity at diverse scales; and examines evidence on the political economy of adaptation responses to these impacts. I argue that climate security has been framed in public and policy debate over climate change such that climate change impacts are a threat to nation states in terms of their interests, their economies and their borders. This framing crowds out, subverts and constrains framing in terms of human-well being. I suggest that human security provides a broader and more encompassing notion of climate security than that focussed on security of states. Here, climate security focuses on the idea of freedom from harm and fear of individuals and communities and the capability to adapt to any imposed harm. From that human security perspective, the central analytical issues become those of vulnerability, adaptation and justice.  相似文献   

低碳经济发展模式与全球机制:文献综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
气候变化已成为当今国际社会的热点和焦点问题,应对气候变化的全球实践催生了低碳经济的理念和发展模式,低碳经济将推动人类生产和消费方式的重大转变,促进相关领域国际协调机制的改革和创新。目前,低碳经济受到了国内外学术界的普遍关注,这一领域的研究取得了重要进展。本文从低碳经济的内涵、特征和发展动因入手,对相关研究成果进行综述,以现有文献为基础,着重分析低碳经济发展模式、全球机制以及低碳发展模式对中国经济增长的影响,探讨未来低碳经济研究的方向和重点。  相似文献   

近年来,气候变化成为与人类社会发展和生存密切相关的全球性热点。澳大利亚受到气候变化的严重影响。然而,长期以来,澳大利亚政府在应对气候变化方面一直落后于整体发达国家。自2006年开始,以《地方政府气候变化适应行动》的出台为标志,澳大利亚政府的态度发生了积极的变化。文章对澳大利亚应对气候变化影响的相关背景和举措以及澳大利亚环境和水资源部出台的《地方政府气候变化适应行动》报告进行了介绍和评述,并结合该报告观点及我国实际情况提出了相应的启示和建议。  相似文献   

Policy Framework for Transition to a Low-Carbon World Economy   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
Climate change mitigation policy is the most difficult to come before our polity in living memory. There can be no solution without international agreement involving all substantial economies, and yet each country has an incentive to free ride on others. The international agreement must have five parts: agreement on the objective in terms of concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, agreement on allocation of an emissions entitlements budget among countries, agreement on rules for international trade in entitlements, agreement on developed countries taking the lead on development of low-emissions technologies, and agreement on assistance from developed countries for climate change mitigation in developing countries. Two sources of market failure must be corrected to achieve emissions reduction targets efficiently: the external costs of emitting greenhouse gases and the external benefits of private investment in innovation in relation to low-emissions technologies.  相似文献   

Scaling-up clean energy is vital to global efforts to address climate change. Promoting international trade in clean energy products (e.g. wind turbines, solar panels) can make an important contribution to this end through business and market expansion effects. If ratified, the landmark Paris COP21 Agreement will commit states to firmer climate actions, this necessarily requiring them to strengthen their promotion of clean energy technologies. Well over a hundred countries already have active policies in this area, many including industrial policy measures that impact on the international competitiveness of their clean energy sector. At the same time, governments have gradually liberalised their clean energy trade regimes, and large producers are negotiating an Environmental Goods Agreement (EGA). Clean energy trade is expanding and disputes among nations in this sector are growing. The World Trade Organisation (WTO) still has limited ‘policy space’ for climate action. Meanwhile, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) still had narrow and infrequent connections with trade matters. Moreover, WTO-UNFCCC engagement on trade-climate issues overall has been largely confined to information sharing and secretariat-level dialogue. This paper explores the extent to which clean energy trade is currently governed, where certain governance gaps and deficiencies exists, and argues why addressing them could help expand trade in clean energy products. It also contends that the most fundamental challenge for the future governance of clean energy trade concerns how to reconcile ramped-up interventionist climate action with an essentially liberal trade order.  相似文献   

低碳经济下中国零售业发展的对策   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
“低碳经济”是以低能耗、低污染为基础的绿色经济,是应对气候变暖的必然选择。中国零售业积极发展“低碳经济”是适应国际政治经济发展、应对国内外同行竞争的需要;是节约成本,刺激新的经济增长点的需要。中国零售业应从政策层面、技术层面、管理层面等多方面入手,制定策略,发展低碳经济。  相似文献   

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