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在网络经济新商业背景下,用户创业门槛降低、创业边界扩大,致使用户创业的规模、数量不断扩大和增加,用户创业形式也在发生演变。文章运用规范的文献研究法,梳理了用户创业研究进程,提炼出创新型和交易型两大用户创业类型,并结合网络经济新商业环境分析了用户创业研究的新领域,以系统归纳现有用户创业理论研究,助推网络经济新商业环境下用户创业实践的开展。  相似文献   

马丽  赵蓓 《财经论丛》2018,(4):94-103
创业导向是企业价值增值,实现增长的战略选择.本文以机会获取为中介变量,以环境不确定性为调节变量,构建了一个有中介的调节效应模型,旨在揭示高层管理者关系对企业创业导向的影响机制.基于210家成熟企业数据的实证研究结果表明:高层管理者商业关系、政治关系对企业创业导向有正向影响,机会获取在高层管理者商业关系、政治关系与创业导向间发挥完全中介作用;环境不确定性削弱了高层管理者商业关系、政治关系对企业机会获取的直接效应,从而弱化了其对创业导向的间接效应.  相似文献   

社会创业在新的世界环境下诞生,其与企业社会责任、商业组织、政府以及市场和社会的紧密联系使得其与它们之间的关系变得模糊而复杂,综述了国内外对社会创业内涵的定义,旨在理清其与商业创业和慈善等之间的关系。  相似文献   

影响全球商业环境的十大趋势,美国最佳小型企业创业经验,关于世界级小企业的五条研究结论  相似文献   

随着科技的高速发展以及大学生就业问题的日益突出,大学生自主创业受到越来越多的关注。本文以北京、上海、无锡、徐州、广州、深圳六个城市为研究对象,利用159份六城市大学生创业企业和673名在校大学生的调查问卷,并根据GEM模型中的政府政策及项目、金融支持、教育及培训、商业环境及基础设施、研究开发和城市文化六个方面比较分析了大学生创业的整体环境,为有志于创业的大学生创业者选择创业环境提供参考建议。  相似文献   

刘如江 《光彩》2013,(3):67
出版社:湖南文艺出版社出版时间:2011.06本书能够把创业理论与中国商业环境和中小企业的特殊性结合起来,并用略带戏谑的语言,为经营者和创业者描绘一幅极富真实感的创业百像。这100条铁律不仅仅  相似文献   

本文将现在研究热门的儒商文化纳入到创业网络构建中,研究具有东方文化圈特色的创业企业的创业活动.通过对现有的关于儒商文化的基本特征进行归纳整理,本文总结了儒商文化下创业网络构建所体现的显著特征,主要有:注重学习的商业精神、讲求诚信的商业精神.追求创新的商业精神、合作共赢的商业精神、具有社会责任感的商业精神.期望对于后续关于创业网络构建的研究能起到一定的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

袁铭良 《新财富》2004,(1):15-17
为吸引境外投资者,亚太多个地区推出了新的入境计划,其中包括以投资环境良好著称的新加坡与香港。2003年11月1日起,新加坡开始推行商业入境证计划,以鼓励境外企业家,特别是中国商人在新加坡创业,有意在新加坡创业的外国人可凭借商业计划,在当地居留两年,持有商业入境证者可在居留期内无限次出入境,还能更新居留期限并为家属申请居留权。  相似文献   

创业教育是知识经济时代就业的必然趋势,也是大学生积极服务社会,并引领社会发展的必然选择,通过大学课堂创业培训,大学生进实验室。参加商业大赛,种子基金支持各个环节,为大学生创业教育提供—个知识丰富课堂,内容全面的培训,切实参与环境,为大学生创造创新创业能力的培训提供一点有价值的思考  相似文献   

我国创业教育起步于上个世纪九十年代,经过十多年的探索发展,虽取得了一些可喜成绩,但仍存在很多问题.鉴于此,本文拟从社会环境、政府政策、社会支持、高校师资四方面对美国创业教育发展历程进行分析,借鉴其开展创业教育的先进经验,以助于我国创业教育缩短探索期,加快发展脚步. 一、美国创业教育发展历程 (一)萌芽阶段(20世纪70年代以前) 美国创业教育的萌芽要追溯到1919年,美国商人霍勒斯·摩西创立青年商业社(Junior Achievement),青年社对高中学生实施的商业实践教育,帮助那些有创业意愿的学生成立自己的公司,进行市场调研、选择商品,为商品定价确定销售方案,建立公司账目、计算盈亏等.  相似文献   

文章通过使用2016年35个城市的上市公司微观数据,并匹配相应的营商环境指标和企业家才能指标数据,定量分析了企业家才能、营商环境对企业全要素生产率的影响。实证分析结果表明:企业家才能对企业全要素生产率影响存在着营商环境“门槛效应”,即企业家才能只有与一定的营商环境相结合,才会对企业全要素生产率提升产生积极作用;企业家才能对企业全要素生产率的影响存在着明显的区域差异和产业差异特征:沿海地区企业家才能对企业全要素生产率的影响要强于内陆地区企业家才能对企业全要素生产率的影响;企业家才能对传统产业企业全要素生产率影响大于对战略新兴产业企业全要素生产率影响。  相似文献   

儒商精神在现代管理境遇中能否内生,从其历史溯源、存在特质和实践内生等几个维度进行递进式分析。儒商(精神)的存在特质就是基于中国本土文化场,以商业文化的探讨为指向,探讨管理哲学视野下的组织文化的儒商(精神)向度。这种定位在儒家强文化势能塑造的惯习下,在管理学理论与实践导向管理精致化的管理文化时代体现的管理模式中,其存在有实践需求。它的根基是具有中国本土传统文化支撑的商业意识形态。中国古代的儒商精神内生是从广域单一儒家文化场内生出儒商精神,而面向未来的儒商精神内生是从多元商业文化备选境遇中选择儒商精神,两种内生状态、程度迥异。面向未来对儒商(精神)在商业实践中内生应保持谨慎的乐观,因为在强国家主义主导下的传统儒家的强政治文化资源若仍主导儒商精神的塑造与重构,其既可以导向积极的儒商(精神),也可以因传统儒家文化中的消极内容使儒商(精神)在面向未来中导向一种颓废的商业意识形态。儒商(精神)面向未来实践需要重构,面向儒家原生资源挖掘其创造性、生生不息、有情有义的精气神,这可以优化并更新儒商精神内涵,为新时代全球化中的工商业文明的塑造提供更多的希冀。  相似文献   

在应用型本科院校商科专业中倡导创业意识、构建创业文化氛围、实施有效的创业教育是实现其培养目标的重要途径。文章分析了目前创业教育在应用型商科学生培养中遇到的问题;解析了创业文化导向对培养商科创业型人才的重要意义;对创业型商科人才培养的优化路径进行了创新性探索。  相似文献   

In this paper we use a comparative perspective to explore the ways in which institutions and networks have influenced entrepreneurial development in Russia. We utilize Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) data to study the effects of the weak institutional environment in Russia on entrepreneurship, comparing it first with all available GEM country samples and second, in more detail, with Brazil and Poland. Our results suggest that Russia's institutional environment is important in explaining its relatively low levels of entrepreneurship development, where the latter is measured in terms of both number of start-ups and of existing business owners. In addition, Russia's business environment and its consequences for the role of business networks contribute to the relative advantage of entrepreneurial insiders (those already in business) to entrepreneurial outsiders (newcomers) in terms of new business start-ups.  相似文献   

受2008年金融危机及我国沿海地区产业结构调整的影响,中西部地区农民工纷纷返乡创业,成为推动欠发达地区县域经济发展的重要力量。在分析农民工返乡创业支持体系影响因素的基础上,通过对中西部地区农民工创业现状的调查,结合Logistic回归模型,针对研究结论,提出了从政策环境、创业培训、金融服务、风险预警等方面促进中西部地区农民工返乡创业更好更快发展。  相似文献   

This article critically analyses how the entrepreneurial ecosystem and institutional environment influences the development of frugal innovation and informal entrepreneurship. There is a dearth of empirical research on African entrepreneurship ecosystems and complementors that produce innovations in the informal sector. We address this gap, by examining why and how informal businesses operate and evolve. Based on a qualitative approach, interviewing 20 business owners in Nigeria, two focus groups meeting with 5 and 7 business associations leaders, respectively, we examine the role of institutional environments, how entrepreneurs operate and overcome the barriers to entrepreneurship. The results reveal a model of determinants of frugal innovation and informal entrepreneurship ecosystem comprising formal/informal rules, access to market, and family as important elements that act as a means to effective knowledge flows, networking, capital, and resources sharing.  相似文献   

The sheer impact of the recent global financial turmoil and scandals (such as Enron and WorldCom) has demonstrated that unbridled commercial entrepreneurs who are allowed to pursue their short-term opportunities regardless of the consequences has led to a massive depreciation of the wealth of nations, social livelihood and environmental degradation. This article suggests that the time has come for entrepreneurs to adopt a more integrative view of business that blends economic, social and environmental values. Social entrepreneurs present such a proposition through their deep commitment towards the social vision, appreciation of sustainable practices, innovativeness, ability to build social networks and also generate viable financial returns. It could be expected that social entrepreneurs often possess certain distinct personality characteristics which define their behaviours/actions. Personality traits are partly developed by innate nurturing, socialization and education. These tacit traits are also formed values/beliefs held and play an important role in driving social entrepreneurial decision making. Thus, personality traits may influence the intentions and the manner in which the individual acts. We hold that if social entrepreneurship is to be effective and impactful, business and management education can facilitate the development of these critical personality traits. Thus, this study primes at determining the personality traits that influence social entrepreneurs’ start-up intentions. It also reinforces the findings that personality traits do influence entrepreneurship in general. This study examines the influence of the Big Five personality traits on social entrepreneurship dimensions. The findings reveal that agreeableness positively influences all dimensions of social entrepreneurship, whereas openness exerts a positive influence on social vision, innovation and financial returns. Methodologically, this study develops valid and reliable scales for social entrepreneurship and verifies the adopted Big Five personality measure of Schmit et al. (Pers Psychol 53:153–193, 2000) using the five-point Likert scale. The implication of this study is that element of appreciation of social responsibility, sustainability and character development needs to be integrated within the business education curriculum to support social entrepreneurs in realizing genuine value and impact to the causes and communities they serve. Future business leaders also need to be equipped with entrepreneurship skills, while exuding independent and reflective thinking in the pursuit life-long learning. The originality of this study lies in its focus on personality traits on social rather than commercial entrepreneurship. It is hoped that the findings will trigger a paradigm shift towards greater social entrepreneurship through education by nurturing sustainable development values in future business graduates.  相似文献   

The abundant academic literature on international entrepreneurship has attracted the attention of many researchers in various fields (international business, entrepreneurship, management, marketing, to mention a few). A debate has been opened on whether international entrepreneurship is indeed a field. In this article, we seek to contribute to this debate. We applied a bibliometric analysis to 567 articles on international entrepreneurship published during the 1989–February 2015 period. The main indices that this is an emerging field are as follows: a concentration of publications on central contributors and universities, key dates of social events, the creation of a journal dedicated to the topic and a strong identity of keywords. A co-citation analysis shows that the international entrepreneurship field is structured on a stable body of references, organised into five key clusters, distinct from its mother disciplines: international business and entrepreneurship. Our work helps to identify the paradigmatic approaches that structure international entrepreneurship.  相似文献   

Chinese diaspora is one of the most important areas in the field of immigrant entrepreneurship and the Chinese case is, for absolute numbers, entrepreneurship rates and scientific attention, one of the most significant phenomena in the world and in Italy. While much of the literature on the topic focuses on ethnic networks and social ties, there is a lack of studies that acknowledge the role of business networks in the later growth of migrant entrepreneurship, when the importance of social ties within the ethnic community diminishes. This paper tries to answer the following research question: Which is the role of ethnic networks and business networks in the path of evolution of Chinese migrant entrepreneurship? Thus, the paper analyses the structure and characteristics of ethnic networks and business networks and the role of each in the growth and evolution of Chinese migrant entrepreneurship. Our research considers business networks as the main focus of analysis that may replace social ties in consolidating insidership in new business settings and in finding new opportunities. A qualitative methodology is adopted, namely a multiple case study. Five cases of individual Chinese companies settled in a specific area are presented, for which the networks in which they are involved are traced and analysed. The case analysis shows that in the evolution of Chinese migrant entrepreneurship, ethnic networks are very important in the early phases of the business, but the role of cross-cultural business networks becomes relevant for further development. Implications—managerial and for policy makers—are highlighted and discussed.  相似文献   

William J. Baumol is the 2003 winner of the International Award for Entrepreneurship and Small Business Research. Throughout his career Baumol has urged the profession to pay attention to the instrumental role of entrepreneurship in economic renewal and growth. At the same time he has insisted that economists continue to use their usual tool box when the purview of analysis is extended to entrepreneurship. Hence, Baumol can be characterized as a revolutionary from within. In this article we present and discuss Baumol's research contribution in the areas of entrepreneurship and small business economics, notably from a growth perspective. In addition to placing his work in these areas into the wider context of his full contribution, we emphasize Baumol's findings that growth cannot be explained by the accumulation of various factors of production per se; human creativity and productive entrepreneurship are needed to combine the inputs in profitable ways. As a result, an institutional environment that encourages productive entrepreneurship and human experimentation becomes the ultimate determinant of economic growth.  相似文献   

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