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霸权货币体制具有内在的脆弱性.美国经济的衰落及美国滥用美元的优势地位正在导致美元的衰落,而欧元崛起与亚洲货币走强正在分割美元的储备货币地位.由于美元的衰落与欧元的局限,人民币将成为最具潜力的世界货币.人民币担当主导货币将是中国崛起在政治与经济上成熟的标志.  相似文献   

世界货币美元在整个世界经济的发展过程中发挥着重要作用,但也成为美国掠夺其他国家的发展成果的重要工具。从本世纪初以来的美元贬值并没有超出美国和美元持有国的承受范围,也并非经济基本面因素所致,美元还有可能回到强势的位置上来。而从欧元、日元和英镑等其他世界货币来看,全球要颠覆以美元为主导的国际货币体系是不现实的。但就长期而言,美元必然会随着美国整体实力的相对衰落而影响减小,但其霸主地位仍难撼动。  相似文献   

本文从战争视角切入,对全球失衡进行了深入分析。鉴于美元的中心地位,文中引入一国货币为国际储备货币,构建了基于垄断竞争和黏性价格的两国一般均衡模型,考察了储备货币发行国的财政冲击和货币冲击对全球失衡以及他国经济与福利的影响。美国巨额战争开支引致的财政恶化是影响其经常账户赤字的重要因素。得益于美元的国际储备货币地位,美国的巨额赤字才得以弥补,美元换财富的模式才得以持续;而非储备货币国家的产出、消费、经常项目和贸易条件等在长期都受到负面冲击,居民福利下降。为应对"美元霸权",中国应积极推进人民币国际化。  相似文献   

西方货币国际化理论综述   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
自20世纪60年代以来,随着美元霸权地位的衰落、日元国际化的推进以及欧洲货币一体化的成功进行和欧元作为国际货币的出现,货币国际化问题引起了越来越多西方学者的兴趣。对于什么样的货币能够成为国际货币、货币国际化对本国及其他国家会产生什么样的影响以及影响货币国际地位的因素等问题,西方学者从不同的角度进行了深入探讨。另外,对于国际货币之间的替代现象,学者们也通过模型分析给出了解释。  相似文献   

陈征 《当代经济》2009,(22):10-11
当前国际金融体系的显著特征是美元在国际金融体系中的支配地位,在金融交易、衍生品交易、贸易计价、官方储备和作为锚货币方面,美元仍然是世界上最主要的货币.但是,随着全球经济的发展,欧盟、东亚等地区经济实力不断提升、美国"双赤字"的巨额累积、美元的长期贬值,美元本位的国际货币安排暴露出越来越多的问题.美元本位下美元汇率的变动给国际金融体系带来了巨大的风险.本文针对美元贬值不可避免的事实,指出了美元贬值将导致全球金融动荡,提出了东亚经济体的应对策略.  相似文献   

美元的霸权地位以及美国特殊的国际资产负债结构为美国攫取巨额国际转移财富提供了条件。另外,美国国际资产负债结构特征也表明,在全球实体经济失衡的同时,全球虚拟经济层面同样存在失衡,这种"双重失衡"的局面为全球经济调整增加了困难。据此类推,这次危机不仅打击了美国的商业银行以及其他金融机构,也打击了美国的货币霸权。国际货币地位的争夺将更加激烈,国际货币合作将更加困难。美国通过价值渠道获得国际转移财富的持续性也将受到冲击,因此美国的高消费时代将难逃调整的厄运。  相似文献   

国际铸币税收益是国际储备货币发行国凭借本国特殊的货币地位而获得的一种收益,它是从国内铸币税派生出来的,并且是与国内铸币税性质相似的一种收益。美国作为当今世界最主要的国际储备货币———美元的发行国,获得了巨额的流量和存量意义的国际铸币税收益。国际铸币税收益一方面反映了现行国际货币制度利益分配的严重失衡,另一方面也说明我国应该坚定不移地推进人民币的国际化。  相似文献   

针对中美贸易逆差过大问题,商务部长薄熙来用"顺差在中国,利润在美国"的说法予以驳斥,这一论断的依据是美国依靠美元特殊的国际货币地位和外汇储备特征实行对全球的金融剥削、新一轮全球产业分工重组背景下制造业的国际转移、跨国公司内部贸易、美国独特的进口商品结构、油价上涨以及美国"双赤字"的宏观政策所实现的,而巨额贸易逆差也成为自20世纪90年代以来,美国经济持续增长的助推器.然而,在美元地位不断下降的背景下,美国经济增长模式也存在潜在的危机,而美国对内外经济失衡的调整,也势必造成美元高利率和贸易保护主义重新抬头等一系列后果.  相似文献   

论人民币国际化进程中的货币替代   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人民币国际化是一个从周边化、区域化到国际化,从国家货币、区域货币到国际货币的渐进动态过程.随着我国经济的快速发展和对外开放交流程度的提高,国内对美元等国际货币支付结算的需求增加,出现美元等替代人民币的"美元化",同时,随着中国-东盟自由贸易区的建立和发展,人民币在周边国家或地区的流通规模越来越大,进而出现替代周边国家货币的"人民币化"货币反替代现象.因而,货币替代与货币反替代也是人民币国际化渐进进程中的必然现象,而这种现象对我国经济的影响有利也有弊,本文对此加以分析并提出应对措施.  相似文献   

一、人民币国际化是多方面的要求 1.世界格局多极化趋势要求有与之相符的货币多极化格局,中国作为多极世界的一极,人民币应该成为多极货币格局中的一极。当前国际的竞争是综合国力的竞争,综合国力的基础是经济实力。在经济实力的竞争中,20世纪要争做贸易大国,而21世纪则要争做金融大国。对原来几个国际货币发行国的分析不难看出,货币国际化是提高国际地位的重要途径。尤其是20世纪90年代以来,以货币手段为核心的金融外交成为各大国角逐国际舞台的重要外交手段,而掌握着国际货币发行权则是他们的砝码。中国要力争在本世纪中叶成为中等发达国家,就要力争成为中等金融大国,而不掌握国际货币发行权的金融大国是不完整的金融大国,这与中国作为多极世界中一极的大国地位是不相符的。 2.现行的国际货币秩序具有严重的剥削性,人民币国际化有利于中国摆脱这种货币剥削。在现行的国际货币秩序中,国际货币的职能由少数金融大国的国家信用货币行使,这些国家凭  相似文献   

Using simulations projecting Chinese economic growth into the future, this paper first examines when China will overtake the USA to become the largest economy. Demographic changes that affect economic growth are taken into consideration in these projections. China is expected to become number one sometime in the mid-2020s, unless its growth rate of gross domestic product per worker declines dramatically, à la the lost decade of Japan. Next, the paper examines whether China becoming the number one economy will mean its currency, the renminbi (RMB), will become the international key currency. According to the basket currency regressions during the period that Chinese currency was gradually appreciating against the US dollar from July 2005 to August 2008, it is shown that the RMB has already acquired a strong influence on the Asian currencies. This shows that the RMB is fast gaining the status of a regional anchor currency for a possible regional joint float. As the Chinese government proceeds with internationalization of its currency, the RMB is expected to gain in the ranking of other aspects of international currency, such as the store of value and the medium of exchange.  相似文献   

何琼隽 《经济前沿》2011,(3):91-105
本文在全球化的条件下,把霸权作为一个重要的系统变量引入国家竞争战略理论框架,在通过考察以美元霸权为基础的现实国际分工格局的变化以及对美国经济战略调整进行具体的历史分析基础上,构造了一个四维三极全球生产形态模型。这个模型可以恰当地描述创新型国家与追赶型国家相互之间的竞争行为,更深刻地刻画了国家竞争战略的本质特征。  相似文献   

Although China, now the world’s second largest economy and largest goods trading nation, has rolled out the ambitious currency internationalization protocol while maintaining strict capital controls for nearly a decade, the implications of this unique reform path on the international economy still present uncertainties. In this paper, we fill in this gap by developing a two country, two-goods model to investigate the impacts of currency internationalization on the international price system, which consists of goods market and factor market interactions. We propose a critical condition of sustainable currency internationalization and reveal high international price sensitivity to exchange rate adjustments.  相似文献   

中心国金融危机与国际货币体系更替之间的联系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中心国金融危机与国际货币体系更替之间存在密切联系,当国际货币体系的中心国霸权地位开始逐步下降后,会带来外围国家对其货币作为储备货币的信心下降并诱发中心国储备货币信心危机的发生。从历史来看,中心国出现储备货币信心危机通常还不是货币体系更替的标志性事件,只有当中心国出现主权债务危机时,旧的国际货币体系才会到达终点。当前中国作为外围国家,应重点关注中心国美国的国债市场变化趋势,从而选择正确的应对措施。  相似文献   

当前人民币国际化优势与劣势并存。中国经济实力和综合国力增强,金融机构国际地位提升,人民币公信力提高,人民币国际化环境改善等,使得人民币国际化具有占优条件。另一方面,金融市场不够发达,资本项目较低的开放度,人民币不能够自由兑换,又使得人民币处于国际货币竞争劣势。从货币国际化竞争条件内生性理论来看,需要动态看待人民币国际化条件:随着人民币国际化的推进,将一定程度上促进人民币国际竞争条件的改善。中国应采取分步实施策略、同步推进金融市场与人民币国际化进程、促进贸易发展和提高综合国力、"两个平行金融市场"制度推进金融市场建设、完善人民币汇率形成机制、加强区域合作等有效措施,改善人民币国际化竞争条件。  相似文献   

On the welfare benefits of an international currency   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Is it beneficial for a country's currency to be used internationally? And, if so, can we quantify the benefit? Since the emergence of the euro, there has been great interest in the consequences of a transfer of the dollar's premier international role to the euro. This paper presents a novel model-based approach towards assessing the welfare benefits associated with the international use of a country's currency. Apart from the familiar benefits associated with seigniorage, residents of the issuing country experience an increase in the purchasing power of their currency both at home and abroad. In the calibration exercise carried out in this paper, we find the benefits of an international currency to be quantitatively significant. The welfare gain for the Euro area in having the euro internationally used ranges from 1.9% to 2.3% of consumption depending on relative inflation rates. The rest of the world is not indifferent as to which currency circulates as the dominant international currency. Conditional on their currency not being used internationally, their preference is for the dominant international currency to be the one with the lowest inflation rate.  相似文献   

Attitudes for a common currency differ from nation to nation, or from region to region. We analyse regionally differing voting results of a referendum held in Sweden in lieu of joining the European Monetary Union. We put a special focus on the role of the industrial mix – being a potential factor influencing heterogeneous transmission – and find a significant, but subordinated, impact on voting behaviour.  相似文献   

The dollar was the dominant international currency following World War II. However, as the international economy has changed in dramatic ways, the dollar's international role also has changed. Although the dollar's role has declined, it remains an important international currency. Furthermore, the world does not appear to be moving toward a tripolar monetary system. The dollar and the deutsche mark, not the yen, are the most important international currencies. The dollar's role has declined due to the collapse of the Bretton Woods system in 1973, the decline in the relative importance of the United States, and deregulation of the world financial market.  相似文献   

This study analyses how a state’s reactive currency statecraft – its strategic reaction to an international currency issued by a foreign state – is shaped, by devoting special attention to its broad foreign policy stance towards the state issuing that international currency, with a main empirical focus on the Japanese case with regard to the Chinese renminbi. This research argues that a state uses its policy related to a foreign international currency as a diplomatic means of managing its political relationship with the state issuing that currency, while also showing that in general most market actors are not greatly interested in their governments’ policies regarding foreign international currencies, especially those that are newly internationalising ones. This study finds as well that the conventional notion of ‘competition’ between international currencies does not necessarily affect a state’s reactive currency statecraft, even if its own currency is a major international one. All of this suggests that the inter-state politics between the state issuing an international currency and foreign states does have a crucial impact on the currency’s international use, especially during its early stages of internationalisation. It also implies that a state’s reactive currency statecraft can be fluid, depending upon the directions of its foreign policy.  相似文献   

从美国债务上限调整的议案及美国信贷主权评级的下调,可见现行由美元和欧元所组成的二元国际货币体系并不稳定。为测度出人民币的引入能否增加国际货币体系的稳定性,本文先建立面板回归模型分析影响一国货币国际化的基础条件因素,并在模型的基础上,测度出人民币在可自由兑换后将成为一个能与欧元相互抗衡的国际货币。通过方差比较,本文论证了由美元、欧元和人民币三种货币所组成的外汇储备组合较二元体系下的稳定,说明人民币国际化有助于改革现行的二元体系,使国际货币体系发展成为更稳定的三元体系,从而促进全球经济的健康发展。  相似文献   

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