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This paper focuses on the comparative performance of Japanese and Western television manufacturing in the United Kingdom. It offers explanations of how differences in policies and practices lead to superior performance levels in the selected Japanese companies.  相似文献   

从石油安全视角考察中美石油竞争关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国是全球最大的石油消费国和进口国,中国是紧随其后的第二大石油消费国,并且也是消费量增长最快的石油进口国,如何解决双边能源安全问题,已成为中美双边对话的重要议题。本文从梳理国内外的研究成果入手,简要分析了现实主义和自由主义能源安全观的主要观点及不足。在确立石油安全分析框架以及对比考察中美两国能源安全形势的基础上,文章提出高油价以及安全错位是导致两国能源关系紧张的根源所在。  相似文献   

德国19世纪著名教育学家第斯多惠,在他的文化适应性原则下所构建的教育目的观,包括了三个基本精神:国民教育思想、培养具有时代品质的人的教育思想和培养"全人"的教育思想.尽管他的教育目的观有其时代以及个人的局限性,但他看到了教育的社会功能和个体功能,这不仅在当时是进步的,而且对我们现在构建教育目的也是有启发的.  相似文献   

This paper constructs a consistent set of quarterly Japanese data for the 1960–2002 sample period and compares properties of the Japanese and U.S. business cycles. We document some important differences in the adjustment of labor input between the two countries. In Japan most of the adjustment is in hours per worker of males and females and also in employment of females. In the U.S. most of the adjustment is in employment of both males and females. We formulate, estimate, and analyze a model that makes the distinction between the intensive and extensive margin and allows for gender differerences in labor supply. A weak empirical correlation between hours per worker and employment in Japanese data is a puzzle for our theory.  相似文献   

A Multidimensional Analysis of the International Performance of U.S. Manufacturing Industries. — This study analyzes the determinants of three alternative measures of the international performance of U.S. manufacturing industries: export shares, the average number of foreign markets served, and the intensity of foreign direct investment. The factors affecting these three variables and various interactions among them are estimated econometrically using a sample of 37 U.S. industries. Overall, variables reflecting industrial organization, technological innovation, and scale economies are found to be more significant than traditional factor-proportions or labor-cost factors in explaining U.S. manufacturing performance in overseas markets.  相似文献   

This paper takes a fresh look at the important issue of regional competitiveness in the light of the recent publication of indicators of competitiveness by the DTI (1998). We set our analysis within the theoretical framework provided by Porter (1990) and our intention is to improve on these “official” indicators and also upon those of Gudgin (1996). Using a series of proxy variables which measure success in the areas deemed essential by the theory, we present evidence that the relative ranking of regions should be re-examined and provide a method which will allow policy makers to focus more directly on the specific areas that maximise regional performance.  相似文献   

木质林产品是典型的森林资源约束型产品,在中关木质林产品贸易中,家具占有举足轻重的地位。文章沿用古典贸易理论的思路,通过对中关木质家具与造纸业竞争态势的经验测算和分析,得出在以森林资源作为主要投入要素的木质林产品贸易上中国仍存在微弱比较优势,但同时也面临着生态陷阱的结论,并认为在全球经济可持续发展的背景下,各国应加强国际协调与合作.共同完善森林生态效益补偿机制,合理规划森林资源在不同产业间的分配和利用。  相似文献   

The Impact of the U. S. Unfair Trade Laws: A Preliminary Assessment.- This paper examines how the U.S. unfair trade laws affect imports and import-competing industries. It does so by analyzing data from the U. S. antidumping and antisubsidy cases completed between 1980 and 1992. The results of the paper suggest that the U. S. unfair trade laws significantly reduced “unfair” imports during this period. The paper also finds evidence that U.S. producers were the primary beneficiaries of this import reduction.  相似文献   

Conclusion The existence of competing interpretations of classics such as Ricardo, is one aspect of the continuation of distinct lines of inquiry in economic theorizing. This feature of economic knowledge may be related to the fact that theorizing in economics is often characterized by the specialized use of ordinary economic language, so that each theory generally derives its primitive terms from ordinary language through what one might call semantic specialization.Awareness of the history of economic concepts is essential to the interpretation of current economic controversies. Moreover, the history of economic thought should be based upon explicit recognition that alternative patterns of semantic specialization do exist in economic analysis and that distinct lines of inquiry are derived therefrom. Explicit recognition that disagreement is possible is an essential prerequisite for dialogues between distinct lines of research.The collection edited by Caravale is an important contribution which provides impressive evidence of the fundamental role that theoretical beliefs play in matters of textual interpretation. As such, the book is essential reading both to Ricardian scholars and to economists interested in the general issue of how analytical work and intellectual history interact upon each other in the formation of economic knowledge.This review article is part of the exchange of reviews between theAtlantic Economic Journal and theRivista Internatzionale Di Scienze Economiche E Commerciali (International Review of Economics and Business). L. E. Johnson is doing the reciprocal review of this book. The author acknowledges research support from the Italian National Research Council (CT 86.01257.10).  相似文献   

本文分析中国企业在美国对中国彩电反倾销案中失利的原因,阐述失利后如何应对反倾销。中国彩电反倾销失利的主要原因是:美国不认可中国的市场经济地位并通过反倾销手段控制中美双边贸易的不平衡和保护国家经济安全;我国彩电出口还没有摆脱低价格和数量扩张为主的格局。  相似文献   

《De Economist》1936,85(1):305-306

This paper uses a structural time series model to explore U.S. commodity market convergence, efficiency, and intertemporal smoothing from 1750–1949. I find near-continuous convergence that is largely concentrated in the frontier, broad antebellum efficiency gains, and intertemporal smoothing from the 1880s onward among the most perishable goods. The results reveal new periods of integration across all three metrics and underscore the rapid rate of integration on the frontier.  相似文献   

This study examines the effects of free trade between the U.S. and Mexico on the sectoral trade balance of the U.S. The empirical findings indicate that free trade would benefit the overall trade balance of the U.S., but the benefit will be small in the near to medium term for two reasons. First, there is a huge disparity between the economic sizes of the two countries. Second, a sizable share of Mexican exports already enter the U.S. under the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) or at low rates under maquiladora production-sharing arrangements. The relatively low tariff rates already in effect allow most of the benefits of trade between the U.S. and Mexico to be realized and therefore limit the potential benefits to the U.S. from free trade.  相似文献   

Dr. A. Plate     

刘致福 《走向世界》2014,(33):92-93
华盛顿故居位于弗吉尼亚州的波多马可河岸边。临近故居还有几公里时,路两边的树木就看出一种异乎寻常的茂盛。树都很粗,树叶乌黑黑的,树林很密,看不到边际。故居在一个小山包的山顶上,叫弗农山庄。弗农山庄是华盛顿同父异母的哥哥劳伦斯在其父亲所盖的一处房子基础上改建的,起名叫弗农山庄是为纪念哥哥心目中的一位偶像、一位英国海军上将。  相似文献   

进入21世纪后,中国工资的上升速度不仅远远高于美国工资的上升速度,而且也远远高于人民币对美元汇率的升值速度。通常这一变化应该引起中国对美贸易收支顺差的减少,但实际上,这一顺差不仅没有减少,反而出现了快速增长的势头。这是我国对外经济发展面临的一个反常现象。本文将从劳动生产率与工资的动态变化这一视点,探讨出现这一现象的原因。  相似文献   

A New Look at the Impact of U.S. Import Barriers on Corporate Profit Expectations. — The notion that industries benefit from protection is firmly grounded in trade theory. However, previous “event studies” measuring the impact of trade restrictions on stock prices reveal that shareholders expect no improvement in industry profits from protection. The implication is that barriers designed to promote industry adjustment are considered ineffective by equity holders. This investigation of U.S. “Escape Clause” cases shows that shareholders do expect protection to enhance profits, but not universally. Outcomes are linked to the type of trade measure selected, with industries protected by tariffs or global quotas faring better than those shielded by nonglobal “Orderly Marketing Agreements.”  相似文献   

This article analyzes the effectiveness of 125 U.S. boycotts from 1978 to 2017. On average, the results suggest that actual consumer boycott calls against U.S. target firms (treatment firms) had a negative and statistically significant effect on the shareholder wealth of U.S. target firms. The synthetic control method and the placebo tests confirmed that the negative cumulative abnormal returns (CAR) observed here are robust and not due to idiosyncratic shocks unrelated to the announced boycotts. Negative and statistically significant boycott effects were also found for boycott threats and categorical issues related to union issues, animal rights, living wages in less‐developed countries, racial/sexual discrimination, ideological issues, and political/religious boycotts. The results also show that firms with a higher level of competition and advertising activity experienced larger negative boycott effects; and firms with higher net income observed mitigated boycott effects.  相似文献   

H. A. Wijnne     
《De Economist》1871,20(1):420-422

付琳 《新疆财经》2012,(2):32-35
在应对危机的政策选择上,当利率接近为零时,量化宽松的货币政策就成为部分国家的选择。本文选择了连续推出两轮量化宽松政策的美国和作为全球最早采用过量化宽松政策又在应对这轮危机时重启该政策的日本,介绍了国际金融危机对这两国经济造成的影响以及他们各自推行量化宽松货币政策的具体内容,并对两国货币政策的侧重点和执行效果进行了综合比较。  相似文献   

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