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施新华 《价值工程》2011,30(14):290-292
在经济运行过程中,人的知识、技术和能力具有与货币、土地、厂房、机器、设备等要素一样的属性,都是由投资形成且具有增值性,故都属于资本的范畴。中国是一个人力资源大国,如果允许人力资本作为出资,对于我国人力资源的优化配置将起到重大作用。  相似文献   

民营企业作为中国现代企业的重要组成部分,其对国民经济的发展和人民生活水平的提高都作出了极大的贡献。但98%的民营企业至今仍是中小企业,融资困难、信用不足、人才匮乏等问题也一直在困扰着它们。从目前情况看,民营企业的人力资源管理不完善是严重影响企业发展的重大问题之一,阻碍了民营企业的进一步成长。因此,如何加强和完善民营企业人力资源管理是当前我国民营企业在发展过程中亟待解决的问题。  相似文献   

朱斌 《活力》2008,(6):39-39
人力资源管理工作一方面要具有管理职能,另一方面又要具有服务职能。正确、全面认识人力资源管理工作服务质量及其管理.对履行好人力资源管理工作职能.提高人力资源管理服务水平具有十分重要的意义。结合当前人事工作岗位.就现代人力资源管理工作谈些粗浅的认识和体会。  相似文献   

信用风险是导致银行资产质量下降的主要原因,也是我国银行业面临的严重挑战之一。学习与借鉴国外先进的信用风险预测方法、度量技术与管理经验,建立、健全适合我国国情的信用风险评估体系,寻求行之有效的信用风险防范手段,对于提高商业银行的经营效益和资产质量,具有重大的现实意义。本文介绍常用的信用衍生产品在信用风险管理中的作用,并对各种产品的适用性进行讨论。  相似文献   

人力资源作为一项资产,取得或开发时需要付出一定的代价,而其本身更具有超出这种代价的经济价值。所以从会计学角度讲,人力资源包括人力资源成本和人力资源价值。于是人力资源成本和人力资源价值的会计确认、计量和报告,构成了人力资源会计的基本内容。  相似文献   

目前我国还没有一个具有中国特色的人力资源管理模式,在提倡建设和谐社会的今天,如何建设具有中国特色的和谐的人力资源管理模式是目前人力资源管理中的重要课题。本文在简要介绍外国人力资源管理模式的基础上,提出了建设以和谐管理理论框架为基础的,有中国特色人力资源管理模式的主要建议。  相似文献   

从人力资源开发角度谈企业文化建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
坚持以人为本,树立全面、协调、可持续的发展观。创造积极向上、和谐、具有强大精神凝聚力的企业文化是人力资源开发有力保障,同时也是人才成长、稳定和发展不可或缺的环境。在竞争十分激烈的现在经济社会中,现代企业要想在激烈的市场竞争中生存,一定要建立具有强大凝聚力的企业文化。本文从企业文化与人力资源的联系着手,分析企业文化在人力资源管理中的作用,进而提出从人力资源开发角度建设企业文化的对策。  相似文献   

美国企业人力资源管理及其启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
了解美国企业人力资源管理的传统模式,把握其最新的发展与变化,对提升我国企业的人力资源管理水平仍具有十分重要的启示意义。文章在回顾美国企业人力资源管理传统模式特征的基础上,从雇佣政策、招聘、薪酬、培训等方面逐一剖析了美国企业人力资源管理的新变化,从而对我国现代企业人力资源管理提供借鉴。  相似文献   

胡宇 《活力》2005,(6):114-114
人力资源是企业在某时点上能够加以控制、并能够带来未来收益的个体体力和脑力的总和,人力资源会计核算就是鉴别和计量人力资源存量及其变化数据的一种程序和方法,是实施人力资源管理的信息基础和财务保障。知识经济时代,建立和完善人力资源会计制度和计量模式,对于加强企业人力资源战略管理,提高市场竞争力具有极其重要的意义。  相似文献   

王融 《人力资源》2009,(23):74-74
一、从传统模式到战略理念 人力资源管理的发展历程经历了人事管理、人力资源管理和战略人力资源管理三个阶段。人事管理阶段,是以“事”为中心的管理模式;人力资源管理阶段,是以“岗位”为中心的管理模式;战略人力资源管理阶段,是从企业战略出发所进行的全方位人力资源管理活动,此阶段的管理活动对于企业全局具有战略支持作用。  相似文献   

政府对教育资源的配置是人力资本形成的一个主要决定因素,不同数量和质量的教育人力资本对经济增长的贡献也不同。受区域经济发展不平衡的影响,我国东部、中部和西部地区在人力资本数量和质量方面存在显著差别。为深入考察教育人力资本结构对经济增长的贡献,在将教育人力资本结构分为基础教育和高等教育的基础上,实证检验了东中西三大地区的教育人力资本结构对经济增长的贡献,结果表明:经济发展越快的地区,其高等教育人力资本对经济增长的贡献越大。因此,为发挥教育人力资本对经济增长的促进作用,行之有效的办法是提高公共教育支出预算,大力发展各级各类教育。  相似文献   

人力资本是区域经济增长决定性动因,而产业结构则反映区域资源配置与资源转换能力即财富创造能力的高低。在人力资本和产业结构优化的互动过程中,更需要从战略的角度提高人力资本水平,以推动区域经济协调增长,包括构建多元化的投资,增加人力资本投资存量;发展多元化教育模式,促进人力资本结构优化;优化人力资本配置结构,提高人力资本使用效率;缩小区域产业结构差距,建立地区间人力资本良性循环机制等。  相似文献   

广义资本结构是指企业所拥有的物质资本和人力资本存量的比例关系,以及物质资本和人力资本各自的内在结构。本文认为,广义资本结构是研究企业性质和利益分配的新概念和新视角。企业是人力资本与物质资本的利益结合体,而广义资本结构和利益分配制度是影响这两种资本结合效率的关键因素。  相似文献   

Do internal (administrative human capital) and external (social capital) resources work to reinforce the effects of each other? Work from multiple disciplines has approached this question, and we advance this literature with a theory of social and administrative resources as potential substitutes for each other in the production of public education outcomes. We argue that social capital benefits some groups more than others and that it interacts with management to improve performance. We therefore expect the benefits associated with social capital to be non-uniform across community groups. Using education as our area of study, we find that social capital offers the most direct and unconditional benefits to white students but that management can use human capital resources to compensate disadvantaged students who may lack support and resources outside of the classroom. We do not find support for the expectation that social capital and human administrative capital reinforce the benefits of each other, but we find evidence that the two resource types are substitutable. This implies that management may substitute human capital resources when social capital is low to benefit public program performance.  相似文献   

衡量一个国家是否富强、繁荣、昌盛的标准之一就是该国家经济的不断持续增长。在农业经济时代,对经济增长产生影响的要素是土地和人力资源。在工业经济时代,对经济增长产生影响的要素是物质、自然资源以及人力资源。在知识经济时代,对经济增长产生影响的要素为物质资本以及人力资本。论文重点针对人力资本对中国经济增长的影响进行了详细分析。  相似文献   

Few studies have investigated contemporary professional migrant women from mainland China to developed economies like Australia to understand their motives of migration and the strategy they may adopt to advance their careers. This paper fills part of this important research gap by investigating the career rebuilding experience of Chinese professional immigrants in Australia. It examines the motives of their migration, their career aspirations, the strategies they adopt to rebuild their career and the types of career they are rebuilding. It explores how the compounded effect of gender, race, immigration and family commitment may be articulated in the family and social relations, and how these factors affect women's career aspirations and outcomes. This paper concludes that whilst social capital is important for Chinese migrant women professionals who already possess a high level of human capital, to restart their post-migration career, cultural capital is crucial for their managerial career advancement.  相似文献   

The relationship of mentoring and network resources, the two components of social capital, with career success was investigated in a sample of 113 Chinese white-collar workers. The findings suggested that the prevalence of mentoring in the Chinese workplace is substantially higher than in the Anglo-Saxon workplace, and that Chinese employees do not distinguish their network ties or Guanxi into expressive and instrumental. These results were in line with the presumption that mentoring is an integral part of the Chinese culture and with the view that network ties or Guanxi in the Chinese society cannot exist in a purely instrumental form. In contrast to hypotheses, however, the findings suggest a limited relationship between social capital and career success. In particular, the amount of mentoring, participants reported they had received, was related to their intrinsic career success but not to their extrinsic career success; and the amount of network resources or Guanxi was related neither to extrinsic nor to intrinsic career success. These results were largely at odds with the accumulated knowledge on the benefits of social capital for career success. The findings are discussed with respect to the changing nature of the Chinese business and organizational environment, and their implications for human resource practices.  相似文献   

随着“知识经济“时代的来临,人力资本在企业利润创造中的作用日益重要,企业家作为企企业中的异质型人力资本,其在企业中的作用尤为重要。目前我国普遍存在对人力资本尤其是企业家人力资本的轻视与低估,企业家人力资本在分享企业收益时其产权没有得到承认,“剩余索取权“被剥夺,企业家的激励不足。本文对我国现了行社会、经济条件下如何对企业家人力资本进行收益分配问题进行了研究。  相似文献   

Research on the impact of human resource management (HRM) on firm performance has increased since the end of the nineties. Despite the pile of studies and results, critical assessments of this literature stream point to several empirical and theoretical gaps. We focus on two empirical gaps. First, there is a lack of attention to innovation as a measure of firm performance outcome. Most articles use financial (e.g., return on assets (ROA)), organisational (e.g., productivity) and employee related (e.g., commitment) performance measures. Yet, Western knowledge economies consider innovation to be a driving force of economic growth, and international competitive advantage. Moreover, innovation is a function of a firm's ability to create, manage and maintain knowledge. Because knowledge is created by and stored within individuals, human resources as well as HRM may play an important role as drivers of innovation. Second, HRM is considered to be a large company phenomenon. Yet, small businesses provide a great environment to study the HRM-performance relationship because of their transparent nature and the small distance between an individual's and a company's performance. Next, human resources and HRM are crucial to small businesses because they have less tolerance for inefficiency. We examine a sample of small start-ups that aim for an innovation strategy, but are not necessarily successful in terms of innovative output. We expect start-ups with superior human resources and HRM to produce more innovative output. The results show that both human capital (of owners/managers and employees) and HRM are important determinants of innovation in start-ups.  相似文献   

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