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石油石化矿区(社区)一般远离城市、布局分散,而且从业人员众多,企业负担较重,加之运行机制不完善,资产创效能力较弱.在目前低油价形势下,矿区(社区)困难尤为突出.矿区(社区)除了有庞大的消费市场和较高的消费能力,还有加油站、便利店等行业内丰富的资源,石油石化矿区(社区)可以依托自身集中的居住环境、统一的文化观念、忠实的消费群体及庞大的物流体系,量身打造自己的物业服务模式.建议借鉴互联网+社区经营模式,成立物业专业化公司,加强物业服务大平台建设,为矿区(社区)深化改革、转型发展创出新路子.  相似文献   

短链氯化石蜡(SCCPs)是多氯正烷烃的复杂混合物中的一种,短链是指其中C10-C13的的正构烷烃氯化衍生物。鉴于其具有的良好增塑性、阻燃性以及相容性,被广泛的应用到电缆中,也可用于地板、薄膜、日用品和人造革等产品中。但因其具有的生物毒性,影响免疫系统和生物系统,以及对于生活环境的危害性,世界各国及组织都颁布了相关法规及要求,限制短链氯化石蜡在生产过程中的使用。本文主要关注两种不同检测方法对于短链氯化石蜡测试的研究,使用设备包括气相色谱电子轰击质谱联用仪(GC-EI/MS)以及气相色谱-电子捕获负化学电离源质谱(GC-NCI/MS)。  相似文献   

傅津  刘志刚 《国际石油经济》2012,20(4):26-33,125,126
油田服务行业的一体化服务模式是通过强化公司资源的集中统一调配和管理,以综合项目管理为导向,增强油气勘探生产活动各环节技术服务业务的紧密性,为石油公司提供“一站式”服务和综合性解决方案.油服公司运作一体化服务需要具备六个要素.全球油服领域“三巨头”(斯伦贝谢、哈里伯顿、贝克休斯)发展一体化服务能力的经验表明:先进的理念与完善的组织机构是发展一体化服务的基础;技术研发和信息系统是实施一体化服务的有效保障;收购兼并与业务重组是扩展服务领域和快速提升服务能力的重要手段;战略联盟作为新型合作模式可加速一体化服务模式的发展.与国外油服公司相比,中国油服公司的一体化服务能力略显不足.提高一体化服务能力,需要加大投入,提高技术创新能力;引进人才,培养开发复合型人才;组织保障,以战略目标考核作引导;适时兼并,跨越式扩大规模;发挥比较优势,积极参与国际竞争.  相似文献   

由中国贸促会纺织行业分会、法兰克福(香港)展览有限公司和中国纺织信息中心联合承办的第十二届中国国际纺织面料及辅料(春夏)博览会(IntertextileBeijing2006)的招展工作已经顺利结束。来自组委会的消息证实,目前已经有来自17个国家或地区的600多家参展商已经报名参展,其中德国、意大利、日本、韩国和泰国将以国家展团形式再展丰姿,此外,我国台湾地区也以整体形象参展。这届博览会海外参展商的参展数量比上届增加了10%,将展示全球纺织面料的国际水平。据悉,泰国出口促进局组织的泰国国家展团将带来毛、丝绸、麻、蕾丝、绣花及新型纤维和纱…  相似文献   

为了研究海上特殊环境条件中基于风险的检测(RBI)在海上平台工艺管线安全风险控制方面的应用,对平台工艺管线可能存在的失效类型将进行风险分析并划分存量组。结合API581辨识平台工艺管线的风险等级和风险分布,并分析其潜在失效机理,提出相应的预防措施。研究表明:平台工艺管线的失效模式主要为均匀腐蚀减薄、局部腐蚀减薄和腐蚀开裂等;采用闭孔发泡玻璃材料的绝热材料发生腐蚀可能性更小;升级材质、提高合金铬含量可提高抗硫化能力等。  相似文献   

受国际油价影响,2008年国际市场液化石油气(LPG)价格呈先暴涨后猛跌的走势.全年全球LPG产量为2.39亿吨,比上年增长4.37%;LPG需求量为2.39亿吨,比上年增长4.82%.2008年国内LPG市场也出现巨大变化:产量、消费量双双下降;进口大幅缩减,出口猛增.全年我国LPG产量为1860万吨,同比下降4.4%;消费量为2150万吨,同比下降8%;进口量为260万吨,同比减少35.9%,为1995年以来的最低水平.2008年我国新增LPG船运能力是报废能力的18倍,船舶老化现象已得到根本改变,但整个行业面临运力严重过剩、市场竞争过度、效益大幅下滑的局面.同时,动荡的国际市场环境对我国LPG进口企业影响巨大,一些进口企业在困境中寻求增加转口贸易.随着经济的复苏,预计未来几年全球原油和LPG价格都将再次攀升,但不会达到2008年的水平;国内市场2009年LPG产销量都将有所增长.  相似文献   

余岭  杨烁 《国际石油经济》2012,20(4):46-53,126
资源国国家石油公司(NOC)资源优势非常明显.2011年,在国际油价高位震荡、国际油气需求快速增长的背景下,资源国NOC的公司收入普遍恢复到金融危机前的水平.资源国NOC重视上游产能建设,普遍制定了开发本国油气资源的多阶段计划;加快发展天然气,结合自身情况设立开发项目;在增加投资开发传统油气资源的同时开始注重非常规资源的开发;进一步重视发展下游业务、延伸产业链,注重培育高附加值业务和开展多样化的国际合作;资源国NOC在进一步加强与IOC合作的同时,与NOC之间的合作日趋频繁.  相似文献   

电石法PVC生态工业系统能值评价研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文运用能值分析理论及方法对电石法PVC生态工业系统进行能值分析,提出了电石法PVC生态工业系统的能值评价指标;并以新疆天业化工园区生态工业系统为案例进行实证研究.结果表明,2005~2008年间,新疆天业化工园区生态工业系统的能值产出率(EYR)、循环能值比率(ERR)均呈明显的增长趋势,系统中物质循环利用及有效能值的转化率明显提高;系统的环境负荷率(ELR)大幅降低,表明系统中循环经济和资源综合利用取得了较好的环境效益;2008年可持续发展指数(ESI)是2005年的4.13倍,说明系统可持续发展能力提高.增加能值利用效率,开发可更新资源,合理利用不可更新资源,提升资源循环利用水平,是全面提高电石法PVC生态工业园可持续发展能力的关键.  相似文献   

本文通过对176家分布于各地区和各行业的我国企业进行调查和分析,运用结构方程建模(SEM)和最小二秉(GLS)法的方法,研究企业创业导向与组织学习之间的内在联系,结果显示,创业导向中创新性的增强能够促进知识传递与融合;冒险性强弱同开放性与试验、领导与授权正向相关;竞争侵略性的增加能促使共同愿景的统一和确立,但可能削弱企业的领导与授权能力;而先动性维度则对共同愿景、知识传递与融合、开放性与试验及领导与授权均具有显著的正向促进联系.这些正向促进或反向作用,从总体上对组织学习的过程和发展产生影响.  相似文献   

陈雯 《化工管理》2023,(23):133-136
文章以神华烟煤为研究对象,采用热重分析仪、X射线荧光光谱仪、X射线衍射仪和激光粒度分布仪等分析手段考察了不同温度下CaO-MgO复合物对煤灰熔融特性以及煤灰中矿物质组成变化规律的影响。在此基础上,利用固定床反应器模拟气化炉内高温环境,通过改变煤灰中各组分含量来制备具有不同催化指数的煤灰样品,并将其与高钙灰混合制成半焦进行工业试验;同时结合扫描电子显微(SEM)、能谱(EDS)和压汞法分别从微观结构、化学元素组成和孔隙特征三个方面深入探讨了煤灰中各组分对焦炭反应性及反应后强度的作用机理。结果表明:随着CaO/Al_(2)O_(3)摩尔比由0增加到1.5时,煤灰中莫来石相逐渐减少,而石英相则相应增多;当CaO/Al_(2)O_(3)摩尔比继续升至2.0时,煤灰中出现大量方镁石晶体。这说明适量添加CaO可以促进煤灰中硅酸盐矿物向铝酸盐矿物转变,进而提高煤灰的反应活性。  相似文献   

结合实践,从三个方面对推进QC小组活动进一步深入开展进行了初步探索:QC小组培训应围绕有效性因人制宜,创新培训方法,紧跟新要求,突出新变化;要加强QC小组活动过程的管理,并积极探索基于电子化、网络化的活动过程管理新方式;应将QC小组活动与企业质量管理体系、"三基"工作等有机结合,相互促进。  相似文献   

Numerous studies have reported that spatial ability improves through training. This study investigated the following: (1) whether design training enhances spatial ability and (2) whether differing solution strategies are applied or generated following design training. On the basis of these two research objectives, this study divided the participants into design and non-design groups. Each participant in these groups was required to complete three spatial tests and one solution strategy questionnaire. This study found that the participants in the design group outperformed those in the non-design group regarding spatial visualization and spatial relations; however, the two groups showed no difference in visuospatial perceptual speed performance. The design and non-design groups adopted different solution strategies; the design group used the holistic strategy, whereas the non-design group used the analytical strategy.  相似文献   

The effects of Creative Problem Solving (CPS) training on creativity, cognitive type, and R&D performance were investigated with 106 R&D workers of a large government–owned manufacturing company in Taiwan. Seventy–one of them volunteered to participate in the CPS training and were divided into three groups. Each group received 12 hours of CPS training and two follow–up training sessions over a one–year long period in a time–series design. The 'Circle Test of the Torrance Test of Creative Thinking', and the 'Myers–Briggs Type Indicator' were administered before and after the CPS training. R&D performance averaged over the past three years before the CPS training and one year after the pretest were obtained from the company. Results showed that participant's scores on fluency and flexibility of ideas were higher after the CPS training. There was also an increase in the number of persons being classified as extrovert or feeling type of cognition. In terms of R&D performance, the participants' number of co–authored service projects increased significantly from pretest to posttest, whereas no such change was observed among those 35 R&D workers who did not participated in the CPS.  相似文献   

本文是“滚齿加工误差分析与检验组”一文的第五部分。这部分的主要内容是论述齿轮新标准中的公差组与检验项目之间的关系:第Ⅰ公差组与几何偏心及运动偏心之间的关系。  相似文献   

It is generally recognised that curriculum development is required to develop methods of delivering technology across the curriculum. This paper is based on the three years of development of an approach known as group task management (GTM). Central to the approach is the setting of a task which groups co-operate in achieving, in competition with other groups. Although GTM can be undertaken within the normal timetable structure it is argued that the most beneficial approach is to use a blocked period of time. Students report that the activity is relevant and of benefit.  相似文献   

This study examines initial high-tech sales training practices of firms in Malaysia. A review of initial sales training programs reveals that firms that engage in high-tech sales training practices report significantly greater levels of needs determination, objective setting, instructional methods, and training program content than their low-tech counterparts. Also, firms that employ high-tech training methods report teaching the “soft area” of salesmanship via computer and both groups place less emphasis on evaluating training programs. To better understand high-tech sales training, managers are provided with in-depth discussions and managerial implications of the study's findings.  相似文献   

通过介绍河南石油勘探局水电厂QC小组活动的具体做法,阐述了加强QC小组活动的过程管理,激励机制的合理应用,做好QC基础知识培训的重要性,探讨了现阶段如何推动QC小组在基层开展活动。  相似文献   

The emergence of path-dependent behaviors in cooperative contexts   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The issue of path-dependency in organizational learning is explored by analysing human behaviors in an artificial context in which many agents must cooperate to achieve a common goal without being allowed to use verbal communication. The artificial context is based on Target The Two, a game created by M. Cohen and P. Bacdayan to explore in laboratory the emergence of rules of coordination and the routinization of behaviors. The game admits a large number of different starting configurations. Some of them can be more easily solved by adopting one (locally optimal) strategy, while others can be easily solved by a different, locally optimal, strategy. Two groups of players were asked to play a tournament. During the first part of the tournament (the training phase) every group was exposed to a set of starting configurations, which could be easily played using one strategy only. After the training phase both groups were exposed to the same sequence of starting configurations. We observed the emergence of a persistent differentiation in players' behavior. The group of players exposed to a set of configurations which led to easier learning of one strategy continued to use it more frequently in the second part of the tournament, and symmetric behavior arose in the other group. Moreover in both groups there emerged a subset of players with strongly routinized behaviors, i.e. groups of players which, after the training phase, used the learned strategy for all runs of the tournament: they adopted a strategy once and for all and insisted on using it even when the configurations could not be efficiently played with the strategy adopted. These results are used to define precisely and to test experimentally the degree of routinization in players' behaviors, the existence of ‘cognitive traps’ in the learning process, and the sub-optimality of routinized behaviors. The paper ends with a brief exploration of the implications for both the cognitive microfoundations and the institutional aspects of the theory of the firm and organization.  相似文献   

Abstract. The organization structure of an R & D Division should seek to establish conditions in which creative ideas flourish. The nature of the R & D activity and needs of its staff must be clearly understood. The essential core of the organization should comprise a number of commercial target groups around which lie a flexible array of disciplinary and service groups. It is essential that group managers are seen to be scientists or engineers of distinctive competence. There should not be more than three tiers of management.  相似文献   

With the rapid advances in civilization, technological breakthroughs, and a globally growing workforce, there is a strong need for engineers capable of working in the 21st century environment (Galloway, The 21st century engineer: A proposal for engineering education reform. ASCE, Washington DC 2008). To help increase the quality and quantity of students choosing to pursue engineering, leaders have called on K-12 education to look for methods of inserting pre-engineering into the K-12 curriculum. Leaders in technology education have responded to the call to develop top quality candidates for engineers by infusing engineering into the technology education curriculum. Teacher preparation programs have used various methods to provide future technology teachers with the required content knowledge in order to effectively teach engineering design within the technology curriculum. One such program uses an ABET accredited engineering curriculum for the content and additional training to strengthen engineering education pedagogy for technology teachers. Students who graduate from this program possess both an engineering degree and technology teaching license. The purpose of this investigation was to ascertain the differences between technology teachers from this program and traditionally trained technology teachers. In particular, how each group incorporates the engineering design process in classroom assignments. Design briefs were gathered from pre-service teachers who graduated from the aforementioned program and compared to design briefs of practicing technology teachers around the United States. The engineering design process was used to develop a rubric to compare the usage of engineering content between the two groups. It was found that students with 4 years of engineering training were more likely to use all steps of the engineering design process. Further examination illustrates that engineering trained technology teachers were significantly more likely to use mathematical and analytical methods to determine optimum solutions. In order for technology education teachers to effectively infuse engineering design into coursework, they need to be familiar and comfortable with the engineering sciences and the design process. With limited engineering design experience, technology teachers are not as likely to use optimization techniques involving mathematical and analytical reasoning. These concepts are critical for engineering students to be successful in college engineering programs and beyond.  相似文献   

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