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对乙烯装置中的罗茨式乙炔压缩机工艺参数进行分析,选用液环压缩机对原压缩机系统进行更新改造,提高了乙炔产品压缩机的性能及可靠性,解决了原罗茨式乙炔压缩机故障率高影响正常生产的问题。  相似文献   

抽油机节能技术的两大方向,即采用抽油机节能装置和开发绿色低碳型抽油机。间抽控制器、软启动及调压、无功就地补偿、超高转差率多速电机拖动装置和变频调速5大类节能型电控装置。改进型游梁式、改进型无游梁式、液压蓄能型和可更换动力型4大类绿色低碳型抽油机。油田企业推进绿色低碳的发展战略。  相似文献   

该氢氧气体 (即布朗气 )发生器是一种新型的火焰割焊机械 ,与传统的乙炔发生器相比具有高效节能、成本低、安全可靠、不污染环境等优点。该技术在原有机型的基础上 ,进一步优化结构设计 ,先后开发生产了BN10 0 0E、BN2 0 0 0E、BN2 0 0、H2 5 0B、H3 80、H10 0、W 5 0 0、H3 0 0 0型氢氧气体发生器系列产品。该系列发生器设计开发了火焰温度调节装置 ,使火焰温度在 160 0~2 80 0℃连续可调 ,以便适应不同熔点的金属和非金属的焊接和溶化 ;针对制药行业针剂玻璃熔封的需要 ,设计了过滤器及多点喷涂专用装置 ;针对灯具行业玻璃烧制的需…  相似文献   

王飞 《化工管理》2013,(14):32-33
介绍了电石渣浆回收乙炔工艺和运行情况,通过解决电石渣浆回收乙炔装置试运行中出现的问题,对实际应用情况进行了总结。  相似文献   

干法乙炔生产是一种特殊的行业,不仅危险程度很大,也在固废利用方面是一种巨大的挑战,在生产过程中要考虑原材料成本以及附属生成物的环保及消化等多方面问题,文章就硫酸清净和次氯酸钠清净粗乙炔利与弊进行分析。  相似文献   

随着社会经济不断发展,我国化工行业取得了进一步发展,在促进相关领域发展等方面具有十分重要的作用.本文将结合电石在乙炔发生器发生的反应,并在实际生产过程中对加料、工艺等方面进行了适当调整,在提高不同品种电石发气量等方面效果显著,旨在为我国化工相关领域研究提供参考.  相似文献   

聚氯乙烯作为一种重要的塑料产品,在实际中的应用非常广泛,进行聚氯乙烯工业生产新技术的发展和应用的分析,不仅有利于促进聚氯乙烯工业生产新技术的开发设计,而且对于提高聚氯乙烯工业生产应用技术水平以及提升聚氯乙烯工业生产的综合效益等,都有着积极的作用和意义。本文将结合聚氯乙烯工业生产应用技术现状,对于新型高效分离技术以及干法乙炔、电石渣浆中乙炔气回收技术、无汞触媒技术、乙炔浓硫酸清净技术等聚氯乙烯工业生产应用的新技术、新方法进行分析论述,以促进这些新技术与新方法在聚氯乙烯工业生产中的推广应用,促进聚氯乙烯工业生产发展与提升。  相似文献   

近年来,时有发生空分装置爆炸的事故,这主要是由于空气中含有微量的碳氢化合物,当空分装置中冷却的碳氢化合物受到冷却积累的含量越来越多的时候,由于液氧中的乙炔从液氧中析出是呈现固态,具有易爆性,因此,这就要求企业在生产过程中,一定要对液氧中的乙炔含量进行测定、分析和监控,而气相色谱法在测定氧中乙炔含量中能够进行正确的分析,对企业的安全生产具有保障性。  相似文献   

针对乙烯装置的稀释燕汽发生器在使用中频繁发生管口焊缝腐蚀、泄漏等问题,从设备结构和工艺运行角度上对此进行了分析,认为该换热器发生了应力腐蚀和汽蚀,提出了改进该换热设备结构,调整换热器的工艺过程等措施,从而使问题得到解决.  相似文献   

先进控制在乙炔加氢反应器的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1.前言乙炔加氢反应器装置是乙烯装置回收系统的一个重要设备,它的作用是将碳二馏份中的乙炔通过加氢的方法转换为乙烯、乙烷。它运行的好坏直接影响着乙烯产品的纯度和收率。但是,该反应装置很少  相似文献   

A transition to a low carbon future will include a medium-to-long run period in which intermittent renewables co-exist with conventional fossil fuel electricity generators. Fossil fuel generators have frequent startups and shut-downs during the transition. A dynamic competition model is developed that allows for costly cycling of conventional generators. We analyze long run effects of renewable subsidies and carbon prices in the Electric Reliability Council of Texas system using the dynamic model. Accounting for costly generator cycling leads to large changes in equilibrium outcomes and changes policy predictions. The dynamic model predicts higher subsidies or carbon taxes are required to achieve CO2 reduction targets compared to a static model without costly generator cycling. The dynamic model predicts the cost of CO2 reduction is 40 - 80% greater than the static model prediction. The dynamic model predicts a much larger gap between CO2 reduction costs for carbon taxes and renewable subsidies; $303 million/year, compared to a static model prediction of $209 million/year.  相似文献   

为提高抽水蓄能电站系统运行的稳定性和可靠性,提出了一种通过主站发电机瓦温信息构建发电机故障诊断模型的方法。以温度值作为特征量构建了支持向量机故障诊断模型,结合麻雀算法全局寻优和局部寻优自由切换的优势,将故障识别正确率作为迭代更新的目标函数,对支持向量机的惩罚因子以及核函数半径的参数组合进行优化。根据麻雀种群位置优化特点,给出了基于麻雀搜索算法进行SVM参数优化的详细步骤流程,并对采集的水泵发电机实测温度数据进行验证和分析。实测数据表明,所提方法可对下导瓦间隙偏小、冷却器容量不足、透平油老化、杂质混入等故障模式进行识别。与若干现行同类方法进行对比分析可知,基于温度分析的发电机故障诊断方法可为抽水储能发电机运行状态监测及主站电机的安全可靠运行提供有益参考。  相似文献   

Many of the problems facing U.S. electricity markets stem from blatant disregard for the advice and warnings of economists who specialize in these markets. The short list of disregarded economic advice includes existing market power of some generators; transmission discrimination, lack of efficient pricing of transmission congestion; inefficient retail prices; anemic incentives to minimize costs; and lack of consumer choice and experience, occasionally coupled with high switching costs. As uncomfortable as the current state of electric power restructuring may be, going back to full regulation likely would be worse. There is reason to hope that less direct paths to increased competition will resolve some of the worst policy patches and half-reforms. These less direct paths to increased competition include expansion of the size of geographic markets, geographic expansion of transmission unbundling, reductions in obstacles to long-term supply contracting, growth of demand response programs, improvements in generator efficiency and availability, and expansion of real-time pricing and customized energy services for commercial and industrial customers. In aggregate, these constitute a promising “quiet phase” of electric power reform.  相似文献   

300MW级发电机普遍采用水氢氢冷却方式,全空冷方式发电机由于辅助系统简单,在发电厂运行、维护及安全等方面有着明显的优点,但亦存在着投资较高、效率略低的问题。通过对空冷发电机及水氢氢冷却发电机的技术经济指标比较,提出了单台空冷发电机基于一定寿命周期的边界价格。  相似文献   

The Electricity Contract Market in England and Wales   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
In England and Wales, wholesale electricity is sold in a spot market partly covered by long-term contracts which hedge the spot price. Two dominant conventional generators can raise spot prices well above marginal costs, and this is profitable in the absence of contracts. If fully hedged, however, the generators lose their incentive to raise prices above marginal costs. Competition in the contract market could lead the generators to sell contracts for much of their output. Since privatisation the generators have indeed covered most of their sales in the contract market.  相似文献   

Research summary: The advantages of working with a team to develop an idea are well established, but surprisingly, little is known about why some idea generators ignore these advantages by developing their ideas alone. To answer this question, we study two important trade‐offs. First, working with a team provides access to additional resources but also leads to increased coordination costs. Second, sharing the risks and costs of developing an idea necessitates sharing the potential rewards of a successful idea. We use unique data on idea generators and their submission of ideas to an innovation program in a large European company between 1996 and 2008 to show how the two different trade‐offs affect the decision of idea generators to collaborate with a team. Managerial summary: Organizations usually form teams to develop and execute innovative ideas. When people have the choice, however, will they also form a team or will they develop ideas alone? By studying idea generators and their voluntary submissions of breakthrough ideas to an innovation program, we find that the success rate is much higher for team ideas. Although teamwork has important benefits, idea generators will often develop incremental ideas alone and only accept increased coordination costs for developing radical ideas—this is even more so when they have prior team experiences. Moreover, only when idea generators were successful before and—even more so—when they developed that idea alone, will they be more open to sharing the rewards and risks of developing another idea with a team.  相似文献   

大用户直购电关键问题深度剖析(2)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
建立了大用户直购电过网费的计算模型,对其优缺点进行了分析,探讨了大用户直购电对电网经营的影响,讨论了实施大用户直购电的几个重点问题,如发电侧准入、用户侧准入、交易的用电量空间和发电量空间、余缺电量调剂方式等,最后提出了当前开展大用户直购电存在的主要问题,提出了相关措施建议。上述工作对推进我国大用户直购电交易工作具有意义。  相似文献   

为了降低联合循环机组主厂房投资,研究实施了一种新的M701F4单轴联合循环机组的布置方案。通过分析常规布置方案所存在的问题,以某联合循环机组工程为依托,讨论了将联合循环机组的发电机露天布置,并为发电机增加防雨罩,发电机的日常检修维护采用半门式行车。同时,在保证发电机转子和凝汽器抽管检修的基础上,对主厂房的跨度和运转层标高均进行了合理优化。新布置方案在不影响机组性能和主厂房美观性的前提下,有效减少了主厂房体积,节约了投资。  相似文献   

随着大批风电场的建设,风电机组在电网中所占比例越来越高。由于风力发电机组的可控性远弱于火力发电机组和水力发电机组,所以给电网带来了许多新的技术问题,尤其是并网风电机组在持续运行和切换操作过程中产生的电压波动和闪变,会对当地电网的电能质量产生不良影响。结合河北红松风电场实际情况,从并网风电机组输出的功率波动、无功功率补偿、电网稳定性等方面出发,分析了风力发电引起电网电压波动和闪变的主要原因,对降低电网电压失稳进行了浅析。  相似文献   

风力发电机组性能考核方法探讨   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
张瑞君 《电力技术经济》2011,23(11):70-72,77
功率曲线和可利用率2项指标可在总体上表征风电机组的经济和技术性能。通过对风电机组功率曲线和可利用率计算方法的分析,提出了一套实用性较强的风电机纽性能考核办法,以期为风电机组运行效果评价提供理论依据。  相似文献   

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