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Traditionally, agricultural land-use change (LUC) analyses focus on the conversion of natural land to agriculture especially in developing countries. Studies considering recent agricultural LUC (e.g., to built-up land) for the last two decades in more stable agricultural systems in Western Europe are mostly missing for the regional scale. Major LUC pathways, their drivers and potential counteracting factors such as subsidies or an increasing demand for regional agricultural products should be analyzed.Using the Metropolitan Region of Nuremberg in Germany, we quantified (i) major pathways of agricultural LUC with a transition matrix, and (ii) spatial patterns of agricultural LUC with optimized hot-spot analyses. (iii) We used boosted regression trees (BRT) to identify factors which foster agricultural LUC towards settlement and forest as well as semi-natural open land. Results for the last 15 years showed a considerable decline of agricultural land due to afforestation (3.1%) and due to settlement and infrastructure development (2.7%), which were the main LUC pathways. Both settlement development and afforestation concentrated at existing hotspots of urban development and in forest-dominated areas. Settlement-driven agricultural LUC was largely dependent on population density and development and independent from agricultural or biophysical parameters. Forest-driven LUC was mostly explained by agricultural parameters (i.e., low land rents and biophysical factors such as high slopes). Governance instruments such as regional planning and payments for maintaining agriculture on marginal land did not seem to maintain a balanced spatial distribution of agricultural land. If not improved, settlement development will considerably outcompete agriculture in prosperous sub-regions. Economic constraints will force farmers to abandon agriculture for forest on marginal locations at the cost of an intact cultural landscape.  相似文献   

[目的]农业作为国民经济的基础产业对区域经济的发展至关重要,两者之间存在相互影响和相互制约的耦合关系。文章通过对作用于农业生产活动的主要因子对区域经济的影响研究,以期筛选出两者相互作用的关键因子,为规避或降低农业生产风险、协调经济发展提供理论基础。[方法]通过选取作用于农业生产活动的36个作用因子,对农业生产风险因子对区域经济的影响程度进行综合评分,采用层次分析法分析各指标对农业生产与区域经济影响的重要程度。[结果](1)市场需求量、农民人均纯收入、农业机械化总动力、市场价格动态、农作物种类和面积、农药化肥施用量、农田有效灌溉面积、单位耕地面积粮食产量、干旱、温度、洪涝、农业机械自动化、交通运输条件、农业信息化、农业技术推广程度等是重要性排序为前15位的风险因子。(2)随着农业机械自动化、农业信息化和农业技术推广程度的进步,干旱、温度和洪涝等风险因子对农业生产造成的产量风险随之降低。而市场需求、市场价格动态等对农业生产的作用风险在扩大,特别是在区域经济发展不稳定、发展不平衡的情况下更为突出。(3)政府财政对农业的投入、投资的规模和结构以及对农产品价格和流通的干预则影响到农业生产经营、地区生产总值和GDP的增长速率;且农业资源利用程度、栽培环境的保护以及农业环境污染的保护和治理则是区域经济可持续发展的重点。[结论]通过测度不同评价指标对农业生产的影响程度,指出作用于区域经济的关键风险因子,对降低和规避农业风险,协调农业与区域经济的稳定、可持续发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Poverty and hunger in Africa are prevalent and will increase in absolute terms with population growth and continued land degradation. Therefore, there is a need for sustainable agricultural strategies, such as conservation agriculture (CA) and integrated pest management (IPM). Among CA practices, intercropping holds the promise of providing benefits to smallholders through increased crop yields and income as well as improved resource use. We review intercropping’s effects on crop yield, income, and output of IPM practices in Africa. On average, intercropping increases crop yields by 23% and gross income by 172 USD/ha, but effects vary significantly depending on management practices and agro-ecological factors. There was no evidence that yields and gross income for intercropping treatments increase when leguminous intercropping combinations, minimum/reduced tillage, pesticides, or fertilizers were utilized. Dual use of herbicides and intercropping practices garnered 1442 USD/ha more in gross income and yielded 1422 kg/ha more compared to those in conventionally managed fields, signifying the positive influence supplemental inputs can have on intercropping’s effects. Although IPM practices increased yields by 20%, on average, IPM systems integrated with intercropping yielded 24% less than IPM systems that did not. This meta-analysis indicates that intercropping is an advantageous sustainable agricultural practice, but that its effective implementation would depend on considering other factors such as adequate control of competing vegetation. There is a clear need for more scientific studies which examine intercropping’s role in complex sustainable agricultural systems, in order to understand its effects in differential environmental and socioeconomic situations and to optimize the practice’s transfer and benefits.  相似文献   

特色农业是现代农业的一种重要形式,可很好的发挥区域资源优势,提升农产品市场竞争力,增加农民收入,促进区域经济发展。适度规模化发展是提高农业生产效益、增强市场竞争能力的重要途径,是转变农业发展方式的重要内容,对于提高农业组织化程度、有效防范市场风险具有重要作用。特色农业适度规模化,可以最大限度地促进地区农业的发展。文章通过对冀南地区特色农业适度规模化发展现状的调查,分析该地区发展特色农业的土地、劳动力、企业、合作社等基本条件,指出该地区适度规模化在土地流转、生产体系、资金等方面存在的受制因素,提出推进土地流转、发展新型优势产业、注重品牌建设、强化科技力量、强化信息服务系统建设、加强农业基础设施建设等6项促进特色农业适度规模化发展的相应对策。  相似文献   

中国耕地集约化与规模化利用耦合特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]集约化与规模化利用是提高我国耕地资源利用效率的两个重要途径。已有研究多针对单一的耕地集约化或规模化利用,考虑两者相互关系的研究缺乏,使得两化的耦合特征尚不明确。[方法]文章选择表征耕地集约化与规模化利用的重要指标,在县级尺度上分析我国耕地集约化和规模化利用特征,引入耦合模型揭示耕地集约化和规模化利用的耦合特征,并对两化的耦合发展模式进行划分。[结果]我国县级尺度耕地集约化和规模化利用耦合度较高,两化之间密切关联;但耦合协调性存在明显的区域差异:东部沿海地区两者的耦合性较好,而西北、西南、东北等区域的耦合协调度偏低,部分县域甚至失衡。从耦合相对发展度看,南方耕地的规模化利用程度较低,集约化利用水平较高,北方耕地呈现相反态势。在耕地集约化和规模化利用耦合模式中,"初级协调—集约化发展滞后型"和"中级协调—规模化发展滞后型"两种模式占主导地位。[结论]研究结果可为我国农业土地利用总体规划、空间布局、结构优化与调整等提供科学支撑,促进农业土地资源的高效利用。  相似文献   

[目的]探索农业服务业和农业生产区域专业化之间的相互关系,从而为农业服务业持续发展和农业生产区域专业化水平提升寻找可能路径。[方法]文章运用2003—2015年全国28个省的面板数据建立联立方程组模型检验农业服务业和农业生产区域专业化之间的协同效应。[结果](1)从全国层面来看,农业服务业产值增加1%使得农业生产的区域集中度指数提高0. 08%,结果在1%的水平上显著;前一期农业生产区域集中度指数提高1%使得当期农业服务业产值提高5. 348%,结果在5%的水平上显著;(2)西部地区农业服务业产值增加1%使得农业生产的区域集中度指数提高0. 342%,前一期农业生产区域集中度指数提高1%使得当期农业服务业产值提高7. 474%,结果分别在10%和5%的水平上显著;(3)东部地区农业服务业产值增加1%使得农业生产的区域集中度指数提高0. 099%,前一期农业生产区域集中度指数提高1%使得当期农业服务业产值提高5. 874%,结果均在5%的水平上显著;(4)中部地区农业服务业产值增加没有显著影响农业生产区域集中度指数,前一期农业生产区域集中度指数对当期农业服务业产值有5%水平上显著正向的影响,影响弹性为4. 531。[结论](1)农业服务业和农业生产区域专业化在全国层面表现出互相促进的协同效应,但是,该协同效应在东部、中部和西部地区表现出明显的差异;(2)西部地区农业服务业和生产区域专业化的协同效应最强烈;(3)东部地区农业服务业和生产区域专业化表现出协同效应,但不及西部强烈;(4)中部地区农业服务业和生产区域专业化没有表现出明显的协同效应。据此该文认为进一步优化农业产业布局应当重视农业服务业和区域生产专业化的协同效应及其地区差异。  相似文献   

Agricultural policies in sub-Saharan Africa have paid insufficient attention to sustainable intensification. In Uganda, agricultural productivity has stagnated with aggregate increases in crop production being attributed to expansion of cultivated land area. To enhance sustainable crop intensification, the Ugandan Government collaborated with stakeholders to develop agricultural policies using an evidence-based approach. Previously, evidence-based decision-making tended to focus on the evidence base rather than evidence and its interactions within the broader policy context. We identify opportunities and pitfalls to strengthen science engagement in agricultural policy design by analysing the types of evidence required, and how it was shared and used during policy development. Qualitative tools captured stakeholders' perspectives of agricultural policies and their status in the policy cycle. Subsequent multi-level studies identified crop growth constraints and quantified yield gaps which were used to compute the economic analyses of policy options that subsequently contributed to sub-national program planning. The study identified a need to generate relevant evidence within a short time 'window' to influence policy design, power influence by different stakeholders and quality of stakeholder interaction. Opportunities for evidence integration surfaced at random phases of policy development due to researchers’ ’embededness’ within co-management and coordination structures.  相似文献   

基于AHP的山东省农业适度规模效益测度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]通过总结山东省农业适度规模经营模式及其实施区域分布概况,并研究其产生的经济、社会和生态效益,以期为山东省农业适度规模经营的可持续发展提供借鉴。[方法]文章采用层次分析法(AHP),构建山东省农业适度规模经营效益指标评价体系,并确定指标权重。然后根据农业规模经营从业者和当地农民根据实际情况对各指标的评分值与权重值加权计算各区域的经营效益指数并分析。[结果]鲁南和半岛地区的农业适度规模经营效益明显好于其他4个区域; 农业适度规模经营所带来的经济效益要远大于社会效益和生态效益,尤其是农业土地利用率和农业产出值的增加较为明显,农民人均纯收入也得到较大提高。[结论]山东省农业适度规模经营模式多样化发展,规模经营效益区域差异明显,鲁南和半岛地区的效益最好。农业适度规模经营经济效益较为突出,显著提高了农业土地利用率和产出值。农业适度规模经营是一种在新形势下可以有效改变传统农业发展模式并能带来巨大经济效益的农业发展新模式,值得在更大的区域推广和实施。  相似文献   

The modernization and intensification of agricultural production in Africa has long been a policy goal, for increased productivity and food security. In 2008, the Rwandan government implemented various land and agricultural reforms to transform Rwandan agriculture from subsistence farming to market-oriented production. Central to this agricultural transformation was the Crop Intensification Programme, intended to increase the agricultural productivity of high-potential food crops and encourage land use consolidation, i.e., the joint cultivation of large areas, which was expected to deliver important economies of scale. This programme has been criticized, for example, for authoritarian implementation, negative effects on food security from sole-cropping a few selected crops, and increasing rural socioeconomic differentiation.This paper analyses the effects of the land use consolidation programme at the household level, as experienced by small-scale farmers in Musanze District in the Northern Province of Rwanda. The paper draws on 45 individual and 22 collective qualitative semi-structured interviews with small-scale farmers and local key informants in five sectors, conducted in 2013 and 2014.The findings show that there is satisfaction, dissatisfaction, and resistance to the programme, especially regarding the selected crops to be cultivated. The programme, including supporting mechanisms, seems to work well for the relatively better-off farmers, who have bigger and scattered land areas, whereas it does not work well for poor farmers with very small plots, which is common in rural Rwanda.  相似文献   

[目的]发展农业循环经济有利于缓解西北地区农业资源与生态环境的压力,促进传统农业转型,刺激农业经济的增长,实现农业的可持续发展。[方法]文章通过构建西北地区农业循环经济指标体系,运用灰色关联法计算关联度并分析比较各影响因素间的相对变化程度用来分析西北地区农业循环经济的发展水平。[结果]关联系数结果表明影响陕西地区农业循环经济的因素主要是农民人均纯收入、农药施用量、农业柴油施用量、有效灌溉面积及禽畜粪便利用率;影响甘肃省的农业循环经济发展的因素主要是农民人均纯收入、复种指数、秸秆利用率及禽畜粪便利用率;影响青海地区农业循环经济的因素主要是人均粮食产量、节水灌溉面积以及秸秆利用率;影响宁夏地区农业循环经济的因素主要是农林牧渔业增加值、节水灌溉面积、有效灌溉面积以及秸秆利用率;影响新疆地区农业循环经济的因素主要是农药施用量、复种指数、有效灌溉面积及禽畜粪便利用率。关联度大小结果表明西北地区农业循环经济的发展水平从大到小依次为宁夏(0. 743)、甘肃(0. 716)、青海(0. 674)、新疆(0. 619)、陕西(0. 585),针对青海、新疆和陕西地区应采取相应措施,促进农业循环经济的发展,进而提高西北地区农业循环经济的整体水平。[结论]在西北地区发展农业循环经济,应重点加强资源减量化和再利用方面的建设,以及平衡区域间的协调合作发展,推动农业循环经济的健康持续发展。  相似文献   

[目的]地理标志农产品发展可以促进传统农业向现代农业转型,由于其本身包含重要的地理信息,因此有必要分析地理标志农产品的空间分布及其影响因素。[方法]文章运用地理集中指数、最邻近指数与核密度估计空间统计分析、地理探测器模型,针对辽宁省不同地级市及不同类型地理标志农产品的空间分布及其影响因素进行深入分析,基于此,提出具有区域特色的辽宁省现代农业发展建议。[结果]辽宁省地理标志农产品的空间格局差异显著。粮食类地理标志农产品呈分散分布,果品类、水产动物类、蔬菜类呈集聚分布,具有单热点或双热点特征。自然因素决定了地理标志农产品的空间分布格局,而人口与经济因素起到了辅助的作用。[结论]辽宁省各地应加大资金和政府扶持力度,因地制宜制定培育相关地理标志的计划,以期利用具有地域特色的农产品为当地农民增收创收,为乡村振兴发展助力。  相似文献   

Agricultural intensification by irrigation is increasingly regarded as the key to solving food supply problems in Sub‐Saharan Africa. Conversely, mounting empirical evidence suggests that irrigation externalities might preclude long‐term sustainability of arable agriculture. Choosing between intensive irrigation schemes and less intensive farming systems is therefore, problematic. The paper examines the implications of irrigation intensification in south‐eastern Nigeria using adjacent rain‐fed farms as the counterfactual. The analyses found mixed results. When first introduced, the irrigation scheme increased marginal factor productivity and gross margins but this has subsequently declined to the extent that the marginal factor product of land has become negative. The annual yields of the irrigated farms were also less stable than those of the less intensive rain‐fed farms. These results indicate the dilemma that irrigation externalities present to sustainable agricultural policy and suggest a need to look again at the potential for developments in rain‐fed systems.  相似文献   

[目的]经济学中经常出现这一现象,在生产要素替代关系相对微弱的情况下,经济总量水平与资源配置效果并非由最优的要素资源所决定,而是取决于最劣的要素资源。为揭示我国农业适度规模经营中是否存在"木桶效应",[方法]利用1990—2014年国有农场相关数据,通过对CES生产函数的拓展与改良,分析了我国农业适度规模经营中的要素资源配置问题。[结果]"木桶效应"存在于我国农业适度规模经营中,土地和劳动力成为发展农业适度规模经营的"短板"要素;[结论]虽然新型农业生产要素对粮食增量产生的作用越来越明显,然而土地资源的不可替代性以及其他要素对劳动力的替代存在边界,使得农业适度规模中的资源配置效果最终由土地和劳动力决定;农业适度规模经营并非是追求单一生产要素的扩张,而是实现土地、劳动力、农业资本、农业机械、农资、农业科技等全要素的高效组合。  相似文献   

[目的]研究农业区位优势空间分异及形成机制,对制定区域农业发展规划及相关政策具有一定的指导意义,这将有利于区域农业的健康可持续发展。[方法]文章基于2012—2017年的统计数据,以江西省11个地级市为研究样本,利用区位熵指数衡量江西省农业产业相对集中度的空间分异特征,进而反映各地区农业相对区位优势,并利用经济增长函数分解区位熵指数,构建了综合考察产业要素投入、技术和市场化水平以及区域综合发展水平等4类影响因素的计量分析模型和面板数据库,由此探究江西省农业相对区位优势空间分异的形成机制。[结果](1) 2012—2017年度江西省各地级市农业专业化程度处于相对稳定的状态,其中赣州、吉安、宜春、抚州和上饶为农业具有相对区位优势的区域。从绝对优势视角看,南昌等地区的农业发展在区位和经济总体发展程度上均具有绝对优势,但该文立足于相对优势视角,从产业规模相对集中度的切入点,观察各地区农业经济相对优势,试图更全面和深入地透视各地区农业经济的内生增长动力和发展潜质。(2)农业劳动力和资本等投入因素,以及地区经济国际化和人口城镇化水平对农业区位优势都形成显著的正向影响。(3)农业现代化和市场化水平,以及交通通达度对地区一体化和产业融合的影响比对农业产业本身影响更大,使这些因素对各地区农业区位熵指数的影响呈现为负向,即对农业产生分散的净效应,但同时,农业区位集中的地区受这种分散作用要显著小于区位非集中地区,显示了集中区仍具有相对的产业优势。(4)农业财政扶持力度的影响存在组别差异,对于农业区位相对集中的地区,农业财政投入对区位优势具有正向影响,而农业相对非集中地区,则受到投入相对集中度的正向影响。[结论]对于农业区位具有明显优势的地区,政府可通过加强农业产业方面的政策引导,突破原有生产规模的限制,推动农业产业的提升。对于劣势地区,通过完善农田基础设施、扩大生产规模、完善交通基础设施建设、提高整体发展水平。  相似文献   

[目的]在农业的发展过程中,以集约化土地种植为主的新型经营主体将极大地促进农业的现代化发展,这是新型的农业经营主体追求效益的最大化的选择性行为,也是政府主导和扶持的新型农民的政策缩影。文章探讨现代农业发展的背景下不同种植规模经营主体对于农业技术服务的需求行为差异和影响因素。[方法]以新疆棉区的1 043户小规模种植农户和683户家庭农场主的调查数据为例,对以家庭农场(种植面积267hm2及以上)为例的新型农业经营主体与传统农户小规模农地对农业技术服务需求行为运用二元Logistic模型进行实证分析。[结果](1)家庭耕地面积是影响家庭农场对农业技术服务需求行为的主要因素; 而文化程度、是否参加农业合作社、村里是否有农业合作社是家庭农场对农业技术服务需求行为的影响程度最大的。(2)而参加农业技术培训次数是影响农户小规模农地对农业技术服务需求行为的主要因素; 是否参加农业技术培训是农户小规模农地对农业技术服务需求行为的影响程度最大的。[结论](1)农业技术服供给机构应根据农户经营种植的耕地面积,对用户进行分类管理。(2)农业技术服务机构应协同基层部门加大对农业技术服务的宣传力度,全面提升种植农户的认知程度。(3)培育新型农业经营主体,为农业技术服务培育不同规模需求的优良农户。  相似文献   

河南省作为我国传统农业大省,具有发展农业规模经营的天然优势,随着农业土地流转速度加快,河南省农业适度规模化经营态势日益明显,农业基础条件设施逐步改善,现代农业技术和农地集约利用水平不断提高,农产品产量与品质稳步提升,适度规模经营效益逐步呈现。农业作为第一产业,是第二、第三产业不断发展的基础保障,随着农业的不断发展和生产力的不断提高,河南省也迎来了城镇化发展的黄金时期,而城镇化的加速推进必然伴随土地的占用增加,农业适度规模经营与城镇化统筹兼顾、协调发展,成为河南省城镇化引领"三化"协调发展的关键,也是加快区域经济协调发展的必经之路。文章着重对河南省农业适度规模经营以及城镇化现状进行探讨分析,旨在为河南省城镇化与农业适度规模经营的协调发展提出建设性意见。  相似文献   

Under the banner of a "New Green Revolution for Africa," agricultural intensification programs aim to make smallholder agriculture more productive as well as "climate smart". As with Green Revolutions in Asia and Mexico, agricultural innovations (hybrid seeds, agronomic engineering, market linkages,and increased use of fertilizer and pesticides) are promoted as essential catalysts of agriculture-led economic growth. Intensification programs are now frequently linked to Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA), which attempts to build resilience and reduce greenhouse gas emissions while increasing crop yields. This article considers who and what is resilient in Africa’s Green Revolution. We report on a multi-season study of smallholder food producers' experiences with Rwanda’s Crop Intensification Program (CIP) and related policies that aim to commercialize subsistence agriculture while implementing CSA. . We suggest that there are fundamental limits to the climate resilience afforded by CSA and development efforts rooted in Green Revolution thinking. Our findings illustrate that such efforts foreground technology and management adjustments in ways that have reduced smallholder resilience by inhibiting sovereignty over land use, decreasing livelihood flexibility, and constricting resource access. We put forth that rural development policies could better promote climate-resilient livelihoods through: 1) adaptive governance that enables smallholder land use decision-making; 2) support for smallholder food producers’ existing agro-ecological strategies of intensification; 3) participatory approaches to visualize and correct for inequalities in local processes of social-ecological resilence Such considerations are paramount for meeting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and building climate-resilient food systems.  相似文献   

Agriculture faces huge challenges regarding sustainable use of soils and its sustainability performance in general. There are three different approaches to sustainable agricultural production commonly proposed, namely intensification, agro-ecological approaches and high-tech industrial approaches. Often, some propose that only agro-ecological approaches are truly sustainable options, with particular benefits for soil protection, while others argue that intensification or high-tech performs better through land sparing. In this viewpoint, we scrutinize the notion of “sustainable agricultural production” and the role these approaches may play for such, in particular addressing the controversy of “naturalness” versus “artificiality” in production systems. Consumers often perceive agriculture as “natural”, but agriculture today thrives always on strong human intervention. We posit that agriculture is linked to soils and natural processes, but that this provides little guidance on what sustainable agriculture should be. Being “natural” need not be an aspect of being sustainable. If it is, arguments for this need to be provided. Furthermore, revealed consumer preferences may much less frequently posit being “natural” as a central criterion for food consumed than usually assumed. By all this, we do not want to promote any of those three approaches uncritically. We rather argue for enlarging the option space for sustainable agriculture in an unprejudiced way.  相似文献   

The West African Middle Belt is an area of limited resources, low population density and a severe agricultural climate. Many reasons have been given for the poor state of agriculture in this region, but a look at the agricultural communities of tropical Africa clearly shows that land use cannot be explained by physical and environmental factors alone. For this reason, decision makers must increasingly take into account socioeconomic factors when making policy decisions for development in these peripheral zones.  相似文献   

[目的]乡村振兴战略背景下,受规模经营效益的驱动,农地流转和适度规模经营将不断推进,研究农地规模经营意愿的影响因素及贡献率,对进一步扩大农地适度经营规模、发展现代农业和助力乡村振兴具有重要的现实意义。[方法]文章以江汉平原潜江市为研究区,基于176份调查问卷数据,借助结构方程模型,定量诊断影响集约化农区农地规模经营意的愿影响因素及贡献。[结果]影响潜江市农地规模经营意愿的因素主要为生产经营、资源禀赋、流转束缚、环境特征、行为认知5个方面,假设的5个潜在变量路径系数分别为0331、0238、0218、0238、0240,均对农地规模经营意愿影响因素表现出显著的正向影响; 引入模型的19个影响因素中,新技术新用具运用、生产经营面积、地块数量和社会地位认知影响最为显著,而生产经济组织程度、流转租金、农业基础设施等因素的影响相对较小,最后从健全农地流转政策等方面提出了较合理的建议。[结论]研究对系统剖析集约化农区农地规模经营的主要影响因素及贡献、推动新时代下农业供给侧结构性改革对农地规模经营的决策需求具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

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