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产品伤害危机会对消费者购买决策产生影响,本研究通过两次现场实验获得在产品伤害危机过程中消费者对代表性便利品(牙膏)和选购品(手机)的考虑集数据,检验了危机及其响应方式对消费者考虑集变动的影响。两次现场实验得出7项一致的实证结果,表明研究结论具有较高的外部效度。对于各种响应方式来说,企业响应主要影响危机品牌进入消费者考虑集的可能性,而专家响应的影响在不同的产品类别中有差异。企业和专家双重响应后,危机品牌在考虑集中的偏好顺序可以恢复到危机发生前的水平,但进入考虑集的可能性仍比危机发生前显著低。  相似文献   

著名品牌战略专家David Aaker提出了品牌五大资产,即品牌忠诚、品牌知名、品质认知、品牌联想和专有资产。这些资产的总和构成了企业的品牌资产,它可以提升一个产品或服务的价值。其中,品牌忠诚在品牌资产中占有特殊的地位,它是顾客价值和企业价值的载体[1]。随着市场经济的发展,品牌竞争的时代已经到来。品牌忠诚作为企业资产的重要组成部分,可以为企业带来切实的利润增长和竞争优势。任何品牌想要长久立于不败之地,培育消费者长期的品牌忠诚是有效途径,这就需要品牌企业准确地分析行业特征和目标客户群,不断地维护和提升目标消费者的品牌忠诚度。  相似文献   

以往的品牌犯错事件主要以产品伤害危机为主,近年来在社会规范和道德层面上也逐渐地有所体现,给企业和利益相关者带来了更广泛的影响,而现有品牌犯错的述评仍主要停留在品牌功能层面上(以产品伤害危机为主),缺少系统全面的分析。本文在梳理国外文献基础上,围绕品牌犯错的含义、分类、相关变量及影响结果、应对策略等主题进行述评,探讨该领域的未来研究方向,以期为我国的品牌犯错理论研究和实践操作提供参考借鉴。  相似文献   

经销商可以说是企业发展的“喉咙”、“命脉”。怎么做好经销商关系,怎样联合经销商把本品牌在当地做强做大,同时也协助和支持经销商将自己做强做大——是企业天天要做的一门重要的功课。在这门“功课”中,尤其当本品牌、产品受到危机时,如何做好经销商关系,如何安抚经销商,显得极为紧迫和重要。那么,在品牌、产品危机影响中,该采取怎样的措施来安抚经销商?  相似文献   

品牌资产动态模型由五个要素构成:隐性品牌资产、显性品牌资产、品牌政策、品牌环境、品牌资源。本文基于品牌资产动态模型分析广西北部湾特色农产品品牌塑造的影响因素,并得到启示:提高广西北部湾特色农产品企业的品牌创新能力、学习能力和文化建设能力;注重消费者体验过程的感受,提高消费者品牌认知度,打造产品品牌形象;多样化的营销策略。  相似文献   

基于信息经济学视角的品牌资产生成研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
目前,国内外品牌资产的研究大都从企业或消费者单一角度出发,对品牌资产概念和外延体系及其品牌资产管理模式等方面进行研究,对品牌资产生成的研究甚为罕见。本文从信息经济学中信号理论的观点出发,对在品牌资产生成中信息传递的特殊作用、传递机理以及品牌资产生成路径进行了系统的分析,并首次提出只有建立企业与消费者的互动关系,企业与消费者才能最有效地传递和解读双方所发出的品牌信号,使得品牌信号的信息含量最充分地在企业和消费者之间传递,从而使品牌资产得以生成并在不断演进中增值。  相似文献   

品牌不仅是企业及其产品的标识,而且它还具有促使消费者认同产品,增强企业与消费者联系,为企业带来资产收益的作用。因此品牌打造在企业发展的过程中具有重要的作用。企业要想提高产品的市场占有率,扩大市场,提高收益,就必须进行品牌的打造。然而在品牌打造的过程中,人们往往重视产品质量、媒体广告等方面的因素,而忽视包装设计对品牌打造的作用。实际上包装设计在品牌打造的过程中所起的作用是十分重要的,其应成为企业,特别是中小企业打造品牌的主要工具之一。  相似文献   

当下越来越多的品牌卷入了各种危机中, 给品牌和消费者带来了不同程度的利益损失。品牌面临不同的危机时, 如何应对才能更有效地修复危机, 维护品牌和消费者关系, 这成为企业关心的核心问题。研究结合危机类型, 应对诉求方式和品牌信任, 探讨了出现危机后品牌应该采用何种应对诉求,能更有效地提升消费者购买意愿。实验结果表明在产品功能型危机情境下, 采用能力诉求能更有效地提升消费者品牌购买意愿, 且品牌能力信任起中介作用; 在价值关联型危机情境下, 采用温情诉求能更有效地提升消费者品牌购买意愿, 且品牌善意信任起中介作用。研究结论对品牌如何有效度过危机提供了借鉴和实际应用价值。  相似文献   

品牌建设首要的是对自己的品牌有一个清晰的定位,就是要在目标市场上找到自己的位置,在客户心里占据一个特定的位置。定位不在产品本身,而在客户心底。品牌是一个企业最重要的资产,而品牌定位则是培育这种资产的基础。当品牌定位正确时,品牌就获得自我发展的保证,进而使企业的竞争力得以提升;相反,品牌定位不当时,品牌  相似文献   

品牌是一笔巨大的无形资产,也是企业可持续发展的重要条件,能够为其投资者带来长期收益。品牌不是短期可以形成的,要精心培育,保持稳定的质量,付出艰苦的努力。产品的品牌与企业品牌本质上是一致的,有时一个产品品牌会影响整个企业的声誉和形象,以致损害企业的其他品牌。在保持  相似文献   

Existing research has shown that strong brands serve as an important point of differentiation for firms, assisting customers in their evaluation and choice processes. Although there is considerable research on the branding of consumer goods and an increasing literature on industrial and service brands, little is known about branding in the context of business-to-business services. This research extends existing brand theory to a new setting, namely B2B services. Drawing on the results of two mail surveys, we examine B2B services branding in the context of logistics services. Findings suggest that brands do differentiate the offerings of logistics service providers and that brand equity exists for this commodity-like B2B service. Findings also support the extendibility of Keller's [Keller, K. L. (1993). Conceptualizing, measuring, and managing customer-based brand equity. Journal of Marketing, 57(1), 1-22] brand equity framework into the logistics services context. However, results of this study show that; logistics service providers and their customers have different perspectives on the relative influence of brand image and brand awareness on brand equity. Implications of these findings for managers and directions for future research are offered.  相似文献   

Marketing scholars and practitioners are keenly interested in brand engagement in social media because brand engagement has strong links to brand equity. However, much of the marketing literature focuses on customer brand engagement and often in a consumer market setting. This paper advances this literature in two ways by (1) focusing on employees, not customers, as important stakeholders who frequently engage with brands on social media, and by (2) observing brand engagement in a business-to-business context. We develop a conceptual framework based on a theory of word choice and verbal tone to understand the content of engagement observations (i.e., reviews) that breaks into five content dimensions—activity, optimism, certainty, realism, commonality—and four calculated dimensions—insistence, embellishment, variety, and complexity. Then, we examine over 6300 job reviews authored by employees of B2B firms to explore the differences in the way employees engage with both highly-ranked, and -rated brands versus low-ranked and -rated brands. We find that there are significant differences in nearly all the theoretical dimensions, yet the effect sizes are much larger between high versus low review ratings compared to high versus low B2B brand ranking. We close with some important managerial implications and future research directions.  相似文献   

当前多数老字号品牌发展停滞,品牌资产不断流失,维护与提升老字号品牌资产变得迫切而且必要。文章结合老字号品牌复兴的创新和怀旧理论,分析了王老吉品牌资产增值的策略选择和启示。通过个案研究发现,王老吉在传承品牌精髓和其他独特品牌元素的基础上,运用营销创新获得品牌经营的成功,这对其他老字号品牌复兴具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Many firms acquire other firms with well-known and proven brands to hedge against the high costs and risks of new product development. A critical question in these acquisition decisions involves the assessment of the importance of brand equity to the acquiring firm. Since the brand equity benefits can vary by firm (and also by the decision maker within a firm) a critical question is how can one systematically decipher the effect of brand equity in acquisition decisions. Using the balance model [8,15], Vijay Mahajan, Vithala Rao, and Rajendra Srivastava present a methodology to determine the importance of brand equity in acquisition decisions. By capturing the idiosyncratic perceived importance of brand equity of every decision maker involved in acquisition decisions, the methodology enables members of a committee within a firm to understand and reconcile their differences in evaluating potential acquisitions. This methodology is applied in a pilot study for the all-suites segment of the hotel industry with data collected from senior executives of five major hotel chains. The authors also discuss benefits, limitations, and further extensions of the suggested approach.  相似文献   

Product design is an integral component of a brand and an important driver of brand equity. For the brand, product design is an important tool for driving differentiation, creating value for both the consumer and the firm, driving consumer preferences, and creating a sustainable competitive advantage. At the firm level, the importance of investing in design has been substantiated by studies that suggest firms capable of creating innovative design and providing superior consumer value perform better in the marketplace. Thus, product design clearly presents an important area of research for those studying and managing brands. In this context, the goal of this research is to explain the brand‐level affective outcomes that product‐level design features can create. This paper develops a conceptual framework and hypotheses that theoretically connect design‐based values, at the product level, to affective brand‐level relational outcomes with the brand. The drivers of product affection include social value, altruistic value, functional value, emotional value, and economic value. Analogous to “firm affection,” the paper postulates a brand affection construct that is defined as the passion and pride that a consumer feels about owning a brand. Using syndicated product‐level data from the automotive industry collected from a national sample of consumers, 712 useable consumer/product observations of 30 small vehicles are employed in the analysis. A confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation model are developed to test the conceptual model. This research finds that the social value and emotional value that a design provides to consumers have a greater effect on brand affection than purely transactional values, such as functional value or economic value. This research contributes to the literature by providing evidence that product design‐related values are multifaceted and can contribute to relational outcomes, such as brand affection. It contributes to practice by highlighting the means by which design can be used as a strategic tool to create a sustainable long‐lasting relationship with the consumer, and provides managers with a framework to assess the impact of design‐based values on long‐term relationship‐based outcomes. The results provide new insights about how consumers' perceptions of the value of product design at the product level can help create enduring relationships with brands.  相似文献   

Previous research suggests that building brand equity enhances the competitive advantage of retailers in B2B markets. However, limited attention has been paid to the concept of brand equity in B2B retailing contexts, particularly in franchise channels. This study seeks to understand how brand relationships can be leveraged to enhance brand citizenship behavior and ultimately brand equity in franchise channels. Accordingly, this study explores franchisees’ perceptions of their franchise brands, leading to a new conceptualisation of ‘franchisee-based brand equity’. An interpretive research design is employed, comprising of semi-structured interviews with key informants. Findings suggest that franchisors play an important role in promoting brand citizenship behaviour of franchisees, which in turn enhances brand equity. The study provides insight on how to effectively manage brand relationships to enhance franchisees’ brand citizenship behaviour and brand equity. The concept of brand relationships has been discussed widely in consumer markets, but has received limited attention in B2B contexts. In response, this study provides new insight in B2B branding and specifically, in how brand relationships may enhance brand citizenship behaviour and brand equity in B2B markets.  相似文献   

Industrial branding has emerged as an important issue, allowing firms to gain substantial competitive advantage, especially in markets where product commoditization and electronic procurement are on the increase. This article proposes, and empirically validates, a theoretically structured approach to measure brand equity, its antecedents and its consequences for industrial products. The model distinguishes between product and corporate brand equity, uses buyer perceived performance on the dimensions of the marketing mix as antecedents of brand equity, and relates them to re-purchase and loyalty intentions.  相似文献   

Brands have been developed by consumer companies but have been slow to develop in business-to-business marketing. This article explains the concept of brand equity in a specific industrial marketing setting. In addition, the sources of brand equity are investigated as well as the appropriate communications strategy and the relative importance of brand relative to other purchase criteria. The research method used was a conjoint analysis experiment. The subjects were decision-making unit (DMU) members of industrial companies in South Africa that purchase medium-voltage electrical equipment. Research results suggest that while brand equity has a role to play, price and delivery were more important. However, a price premium can be obtained when a company has high brand equity. Implications for managers are discussed.  相似文献   

Young and Rubicam's (Y&R) BrandAsset Valuator® (BAV), commonly used to assess brand equity in consumer markets, was applied to assess the brand health of an industrial B2B supplier. Customers were asked questions about perceived esteem, relevance, knowledge and differentiation of the company to find its strengths and weaknesses. The results were then plotted to reveal the overall customer perception of the company and also its competitors. Through this plot, the strategic direction how to improve the brand equity of the company became clear. Evidence suggests that the BAV can be used in industrial markets to assess the brand equity of the firm.  相似文献   

Despite the importance of branding to new product success, little research has been conducted on how individual adoption orientation might affect brand name preferences. This paper draws on the diffusion literature to investigate how consumer innovativeness affects consumer response to alternative branding strategies (i.e., new vs. extended brands, for new products). The results of an empirical study found that consumer innovativeness has a greater effect on new product evaluations for new brand names relative to extended brand names. Also, results indicate that highly innovative consumers evaluate new products with new brand names more favorably than brand extensions. Furthermore, consumer confidence in the new product was found to mediate the effects of consumer innovativeness and its interaction with brand name type on new product evaluation. Implications include not only giving greater managerial consideration to using new brands but also supporting the chosen branding strategy with appropriate promotional efforts for respective adopter groups.  相似文献   

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