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产权契约与家族企业治理演进   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
本文在论证产权契约与家族企业所有权变迁内在联系的基础上,通过对家族企业治理结构特征及其一般演进规律的分析,构建出符合家族企业独特复合型契约行为的新型治理模式,并结合中国经济体制和传统儒家文化探讨了中国家族企业治理的变迁路径.  相似文献   

作为一种合作机制的温州民间商会,其形成和运作基于社区性产业集群所具有的企业之间的关系性契约。它提供民间商会治理所不可或缺的合作性激励。而民间商会推动了企业之间的关系性契约向制度化合作的演进。本文运用经济学的分析方法。构建一个合作激励的形成模型与变迁机制.从逻辑上回答理性经济人的企业是如何形成具有“共同利益”的合作性激励,又如何推进合作的演进,形成制度化的合作机制——民间商会。  相似文献   

上市公司的资本结构与公司治理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、资本结构与公司治理———含义、关系和理论研究的价值资本结构与公司治理是资本市场理论的重要内容。在中国,深入研究这一问题,不仅具有重要的理论价值,也具有很强的现实意义。公司治理理论最初的内容与其说是经济理论问题,不如说是一个法律问题。契约理论以及以此为基础而形成的代理理论,是公司治理理论早期的重要内容。简单讲,早期的公司治理理论主要是研究“三会”之间的制衡机制以及它们与经理层之间的关系。随后,公司治理理论的内涵和外延都有了新的发展。由于资本市场理论和实践的发展,公司治理的理论得到了进一步延伸,…  相似文献   

本文以金字塔结构形成机理为研究对象,从金字塔结构融资优势理论的视角,检验了我国地方政府质量和社会资本对家族上市公司金字塔结构的影响,实证研究发现:较高的地方政府质量和社会资本水平能够帮助家族企业获取融资机会,缓解融资约束,降低金字塔结构层级和终极控制权与现金流权的分离度。在政府质量较低的地区,社会资本对家族企业金字塔结构作用更加显著,这揭示了社会资本与政府质量在家族企业金字塔结构选择中存在着替代效应。研究结论说明,转型经济中的家族企业发展,除了继续完善地方政府质量,构建地区之间以信任为基础的和谐社会氛围同样重要,本文的研究不仅对理解金字塔结构提供了一种新的视角,而且丰富了社会资本与政府质量的研究领域。  相似文献   

关系资本、组织学习与研发联盟绩效关系的实证研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
研发联盟是企业获取竞争优势的重要途径。但是大量研究发现,参加研发联盟的企业的绩效却不尽如人意。对此,本文结合交易成本理论、关系资本理论和组织学习理论,利用142家企业调查数据对该问题进行了探索性的研究,并得出如下结论:关系资本和组织学习是提升研发联盟企业绩效的关键因素;关系资本构建的途径包括契约治理和关系治理,其中关系资本与契约治理具有倒U型的非线性关系,与关系治理具有线性的正相关关系;企业开展的组织学习不仅受到自身学习意图的影响,而且还受到关系资本的影响。  相似文献   

市场、企业和社会的运动及相互作用,是一个社会经济系统结构与运行的主要内容.从比较制度分析的视角重点研究市场域、企业域和社会域内人们进行市场交换活动的"异质共生"的互补性,通过对交换活动在不同域内的表现形式的剖析.探讨了市场、企业和社会的运行机理和相互关系.并在此基础上,分析了苏南模式形成的机理,指出了其未来的创新发展趋势是由封建型与信赖型混合交换体系向契约型交换转变.  相似文献   

传统理论认为 ,大多数商务关系要么是纵向一体化关系 ,即企业内的交易 ;要么是市场契约关系 ,即企业间的交易。实际上 ,商务关系的构成是相当复杂的 ,中间性组织 (长期契约关系 )的出现 ,使企业与市场之间的界限模糊了。本文从商品煤铁路运输涉及的双方关系入手 ,从单一的连接说明煤炭铁路运输的网络实质 ,提出煤炭铁路运输应采用网络组织治理模式加以管理。一、企业、网络组织与市场的比较分析根据分工理论 ,企业只是从生产和服务过程中截取某些阶段从事分工活动 ,它从事与自身能力相应的活动 ,而把其他活动留给市场。由于分工活动的相互依…  相似文献   

本文融合社会资本理论,构建了转型经济中企业社会责任影响组织竞争优势的理论框架,并运用151家中国企业的调查数据进行了实证检验。结果发现:企业社会责任与经济绩效之间不存在相关性,但与组织声誉正向相关,社会资本会明显强化企业社会责任的声誉效应。具体而言,等级制社会资本会显著促进企业社会责任与组织声誉的相关关系,而市场社会资本则限制了企业社会责任对组织声誉的贡献。本文从研究方法的跨层次风险、资源依赖的动态性和整合能力等方面进行了应用性的讨论,建议中国企业用基于社会资本的战略性社会责任超越慈善导向的社会责任,通过这种战略转型积聚组织竞争优势。  相似文献   

管理体系必须创新。与股份制转型的发展模式相适应,企业定位就要从生产经营型向投资开发型转变,从单纯的建造服务向项目运营管理转变,从数量规模型向技术资金密集型转变,从单纯的施工承包向包括项目前期运作和资本运营等项目全过程经营转变,向产业链中低成本高附加值环节发展。  相似文献   

文宗瑜 《董事会》2010,(4):51-55
自“十二五”开始,中国后工业化时代已经来临,中国的经济发展方式转变,必须把握后工业化时代的许多新特征,着眼于新需求、新供给、新增长、新配置、新思维、新改革,围绕“低碳经济”、“零能源建筑”、“消费主导”,探索产业升级与企业转型的路径。在产业升级与企业转型路径上,要考虑打通工业对其他产业发展的技术人才装备支持通道,推动资本及部分工业企业向现代服务业领域转移,依托资本与劳动资源的双优势实施资本与劳动力向国外的同步输出  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence of the positive role social capital plays in accessing resources and capabilities from and with other actors, and in establishing and maintaining business relationships. Yet, surprisingly little is known about how an organization's social capital and its utilization evolve over time. Focusing on this gap, this paper explores the role of social capital and its structural, relational and cognitive dimensions in the growth of science-and-technology-based SMEs. On the basis of our studies on social capital, entrepreneurial networks and SME growth, we develop a conceptual framework to describe their development through four overlapping phases, each of which involves different managerial tasks: innovation assessment, offering development, commercialization and rapid growth. The results of our longitudinal multiple case studies show that; (i) different types of networks and relationships are important in the transitional periods between the growth phases; and (ii) the role of social capital and its different dimensions varies in developing, maintaining and utilizing these partnerships and network relationships. These findings offer several managerial implications.  相似文献   

This paper explores the re-emerging concept of social capital in business networks. Spanning a multitude of disciplines and different contexts, the construct remains ill defined and its measurement imprecise, yet researchers in both the developed and transitional economies are increasingly finding it necessary to draw upon social capital as a means of explaining behavior within embedded social networks. We encourage and indeed implore researchers to continue to explore the construct and its impact on the performance of business networks.  相似文献   

Buyer-supplier alliances require certain governance mechanisms to be successfully controlled and coordinated. However, relatively little is known about how power differentials between the actors affect the applicability of those governance mechanisms. This paper follows the assumption that different sources of social power among firms directly influence the governance mechanisms and indirectly their performance. Our study utilizes a sample of 250 European firms to test the influence of four social power sources on three different governance mechanisms. We find different influences of social power on certain governance mechanisms. Suppliers' perception of buyers' coercive power leads to stronger contractual governance and stronger buyer directives but reduces the use of relational norms. Reward power only relates to contractual governance. Expert power steers towards buyer directives and relational norms. Referent power stimulates the development of relational norms. A cluster analysis of power types provides additional insights and enriches our managerial implications.  相似文献   

This study examines the antecedents of relational governance effectiveness in a country context where the prevalence of Confucian values is expected to create a culturally ingrained preference for relational governance. We also explore whether different management practices are better predictors of relational governance effectiveness under different collaborative inter-firm relationship configurations. Results from an analysis of 182 alliance relationships in Taiwan, a dynamic newly developed economy, reveal that, generally, demonstrating trustworthiness, establishing just and fair procedures, and building effective platforms for connectivity are management practices that are good predictors of relational governance effectiveness. The multi-group analysis provided more nuanced insights. The findings suggest that different inter-firm relationship configurations require different subsets of management practices. Building effective platforms for connectivity is a strong predictor of relational governance effectiveness in equity-based alliances with foreign partners. In equity-based alliances with domestic partners, establishing fair and just procedures is emphasized. In contractual alliances with foreign partners, ensuring contractual clarity and building effective platforms for connectivity are found to be facilitators of relational governance effectiveness. Last, contractual alliances with domestic partners seem to rely on a portfolio of management practices encompassing demonstrating trustworthiness, establishing just and fair procedures, and building effective platforms for connectivity.  相似文献   

Formal control and trust are two typical governance mechanisms employed to safeguard business transactions. Yet the effectiveness of each mechanism for firm relationship outcomes remains unclear. Some relevant literature suggests that formal control and trust simultaneously can help secure transactions, whereas other research argues the two control mechanisms can substitute for each other. This study applies social embeddedness theory and differentiates strong tie from weak tie relationships. In so doing, it reveals the role of strong versus weak social ties in leading to parallel conclusions about the relationship between formal control and trust and their effects on relationship outcomes. On the basis of empirical tests in a Chinese marketing channels context, this study finds that the joint effects of formal control and trust on governing transactions depends on the relational tie that the focal partners share. Specifically, formal control and trust complement each other only in weak tie relations. On the basis of this new perspective, the authors offer theoretical and managerial implications for managing interfirm governance mechanisms in transitional economies such as China.  相似文献   

How are Asia's business networks responding to the growing integration of the region into the global economy? To address the question the paper identifies two distinct types of Asian business network originating in two different institutional contexts. It is argued that these original contexts have imprinted upon dominant firms' governance structures and influence their preferred networking mode. Consequently, the renewal of business networks reflects the pressures of globalization and the governance structures of the dominant organizational forms in the networks. Two types of network (global commodity chains and family business groups) are described and the global pressures for change bearing upon them outlined.  相似文献   

Dynamic changes in the Russian political economy during the 1990s led to a unique combination of low levels of social capital at the general (state) level and very high levels of social capital at the interpersonal level. This research uses the three dimensions of social capital as outlined by Nahapiet and Ghoshal [Nahapiet, J. and Ghoshal, S. (1998) Social capital, intellectual capital and the organizational advantage. Academy of Management Review, 23, 242-266.], to investigate the operation of business networks within Russia. Focusing on a generation of Russian business managers who had minimal exposure to the previous regime and who experienced western education/business practices, this study illustrates one snapshot of social capital in Russia in 2004. Results highlight how this generation of business managers operates and how they conduct their business networks. It is expected that there will be changes in Russian business networks, as formalized legal systems become stronger and the new generation of Russian managers, who have had little exposure to socialist systems and nomenklatura emerge.  相似文献   

To address concerns of opportunism, outsourcing firms are encouraged to deploy contractual and relational governance. The individual and collective effects of these mechanisms have been previously examined but not in specific contexts. This study examines the effects of contractual and relational governance on provider opportunism, incorporating the moderating influence of a “shift parameter”—national culture. Our results reveal that contractual governance is more effective in individualistic and low uncertainty avoidance cultures. Relational governance is more effective in collectivist and high uncertainty avoidance societies. The individualism–collectivism dimension also moderates the joint effect of these mechanisms. While the mechanisms are generally complementary in mitigating opportunism, a singular focus on either contractual or relational can be just as effective under situations of high individualism and collectivism, respectively. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

It is the aim of this study to assess the influence of the determinants of the transaction, dyadic, and business environment level on relational governance and ultimately performance. We build an integrated framework for relationship management drawing from literature of transaction cost economics, marketing channels, and business networks. Dutch suppliers of potted plant and flower products (N=174) provided data for the empirical analysis. Our results show that joint planning, one of the constructs of relational governance, is positively influenced by interorganizational trust, information obtained from the network, physical transaction-specific investments (TSIs), and by fixed lines as the exchange mode. Joint problem solving, the other construct of the governance, is solely influenced by the two dimensions of trust. These two constructs of relational governance effect positively our performance measures. Managers should consider carefully each of the determinants of relational governance for the management of a relationship. As shown in our study, the success is dependent on some of the determinants of the three analytical levels of our integrated framework.  相似文献   

Buyers invest considerably in developing their suppliers, yet the performance effects of such investments are not universal. Drawing on social capital theory, this research investigates whether the relationship between supplier development and relationship benefits may be facilitated by the generation of relational capital. The authors examine mediating and moderating roles of relational capital in the relationship between two aspects of supplier development (capability development, supplier governance) and two dimensions of relationship benefits (supplier benefits, buyer benefits), using survey data collected from 185 suppliers of a large manufacturing firm. Investment in supplier development does not automatically result in benefits for the supplier or reciprocated benefits for the buyer. Rather, relational capital “bridges” supplier development and relationship benefits. Without relational capital, benefits from capability development do not accrue, and the impact of a supplier governance regime can be even detrimental. In conditions of high relational capital, capability development results in lower perceived buyer benefits. The results can help managers ensure that the benefits from their supplier development efforts fully materialize.  相似文献   

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