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电力行业是中国市场一个较为特殊的行业,本文主要结合某大型电力集团下属辅业员工价值观调查实操案例,从员工价值观取向的角度,对电力辅业多经企业的企业文化现状作分析,与读者共飨。  相似文献   

<卓越绩效评价准则>GB/T19580-2004条款4.1.1.1c)对组织创取卓越绩效进行了明确的规定:组织应当以各种适宜的方式向全体员工、主要的供方和合作伙伴沟通组织的价值观、发展方向和绩效同标,并采取适当措施确保双向沟通.例如可以通过内部网站、员工座谈会、简报等形式向员工传达和沟通;通过洽谈会、定货会、产品检查等形式向供方和合作伙伴传达和沟通.  相似文献   

本文重点讨论了营销学中作为指导企业营销活动的价值观——市场导向与利益相关者导向的理论架构,并检验了利益相关者导向与组织绩效之间的关系。同时,还针对文献中欠缺的中国企业所有制的影响,进行了分析。研究结果发现,利益相关者导向对中国企业的组织绩效具有积极影响。但中国不同所有制的企业,在利益相关者导向和组织绩效上差异很大。  相似文献   

从上海氯碱的发展看企业价值观的新特点彭留祥企业价值观,是以企业为主体的价值观念,是企业内部绝大多数员工对客观事物意义共同的总评价和总看法。企业价值观的基础,是企业职工的价值观。只有当企业绝大多数员工的价值观相统一时,才能形成企业价值观。●企业价值观形...  相似文献   

美国学者斯蒂芬·P·罗宾斯提出:“价值观管理是管理者建立、推行组织共享价值观的一种管理方式。”企业价值观管理的本质在于,它是对员工的内隐思想而不是外显行为的管理,是对企业的非定量方面的软性管理。无疑,对价值观管理的探悉对于当代中国管理的理论和实践发展具有重大的意义。  相似文献   

六安供电公司在推进企业核心价值观“落地生根”过程中,首先树立诚信和责任观念,“诚信、责任、创新”的价值观内涵不断深入人心,员工的责任意识与企业归属感明显提高。  相似文献   

企业价值观管理的本质在于,它是对员工的内隐思想而不是外显行为的管理,是对企业的非定量方面的软性管理。  相似文献   

<正>"诚信、责任、创新、奉献"的核心价值理念在县供电企业有效落地,才能成为引领基层员工加快电网建设和公司发展的"思想指南"和"行为准则"。天津城东供电公司通过增强核心价值观认同感、创新方式方法、坚持融入企业中心工作,确保国家电网公司核心价值观落地的有效性。  相似文献   

六安供电公司在推进企业核心价值观"落地生根"过程中,首先树立诚信和责任观念,"诚信、责任、创新"的价值观内涵不断深入人心,员工的责任意识与企业归属感明显提高  相似文献   

市场营销观念 ,是指以消费者需求为导向、以顾客满意为依归、以社会责任为使命的注重企业战略利益和长远利益满足的一种现代经营思想。它的核心是从消费者需要和利益出发来考虑和组织企业的全部生产、经营活动 ,通过为消费者提供令人满意的产品和服务实现企业的合理利润。正在为世界各国的先进企业所实行的市场营销观念 ,不仅变革了传统的经营思维方式和活动方式 ,而且直接引致了企业经营价值观的革命。市场营销价值观对传统经营观的超越表现在以下方面。1 .顾客的价值观在卖方市场条件下 ,企业奉行的是生产观念、产品观念和推销观念。这些…  相似文献   

本文以20家企业的467名员工为样本,运用层级回归分析方法和Bootstrap方法验证了个人-组织契合和心理契约破裂对高绩效工作系统和员工敬业度关系的影响。研究结果发现,高绩效工作系统能够显著提高员工敬业度;个人-组织契合在高绩效工作系统与员工敬业度之间起着部分中介作用;心理契约破裂在个人-组织契合与员工敬业度之间起着负向调节作用,即与高心理契约破裂水平相比,低心理契约破裂的情境下个人-组织契合对员工敬业度的影响更大;个人-组织契合对高绩效工作系统与员工敬业度的中介效应的强弱受到心理契约破裂水平高低的影响,即与高心理契约破裂相比,低心理契约破裂的情境下个人-组织契合对高绩效工作系统与员工敬业度的中介作用更强。  相似文献   

Will increasing employee participation in reward decisions increase new product performance by first increasing a firm's level of market orientation? Literature offers limited insight to the effects of listening to employees regarding reward system design and whether this may influence market orientation implementation and new product performance. This paper provides research to fill the gap by examining the relationship between participation‐based reward systems, market orientation, and new product performance. Based on expectancy theory, a conceptual model was developed suggesting that participation‐based rewards will increase market orientation by considering employees' desires regarding performance rewards. To test the model, a mixed method was used to collect data. First, in‐depth interviews were conducted with managers from 11 different firms to verify the proposed model. Then a multi‐industry sample of managers from 290 firms was surveyed to maximize generalizability of the results. Data were analyzed using structural equation modeling techniques to simultaneously fit the measurement and structural models. The findings show that market orientation significantly impacts objective new product performance and mediates the relationship between participation‐based rewards and objective new product performance. Participation‐based rewards positively affect market orientation but surprisingly affect new product performance negatively, while positively moderating the relationship between market orientation and new product performance. The results suggest that managers should include employee input in designing reward systems. However, managers should also be careful of how much input they allow employees in determining their rewards and goals as more input will improve market orientation or responding to information collected by, and disseminated throughout the firm, and that, in turn, will improve some types of new product performance. However, the direct effect of employee input can decrease new product performance suggesting that there may be a trade‐off between various success measures of new products developed and introduced by the firm.  相似文献   

Research summary : Awards are a valuable strategic resource. Motivation theory and the emerging body of empirical literature suggest that awards can have a significant effect on employee motivation and corporate performance, though not always in the intended direction. Awards can also destroy value. The organizational award literature has so far largely neglected this important issue. We develop a synthesis of the dimensions critical for successful award bestowals, and analyze under which conditions awards generate firm‐specific value that is sustained and difficult for competitors to imitate. The process of value creation and capture is contingent on the given firm's organizational characteristics and nature of production. The article concludes by laying out empirical implications. JEL codes: M52, M54, J24, J30. Managerial summary : Awards are widely used in the corporate sector. They fundamentally differ from monetary incentives, which risk crowding out employees' intrinsic motivation. Among the variety of awards, two general types can be distinguished: confirmatory awards based on explicit, pre‐determined performance criteria, and discretionary awards, which rely on broad performance evaluations and may be used ex post to honor outstanding performance. Appropriately designed and adjusted to the specific firm's characteristics, awards enhance employees' motivation and corporate performance. They express recognition and support their recipients' perceived competence and social status. Awards help to retain valuable employees and to establish role models. However, awards may also backfire, for instance, when they provoke envy among coworkers. We propose when awards risk destroying value and when they are particularly useful. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

介绍了作为ENR前225家国际建筑承包商之一的荷兰BAM皇家集团的总体情况。简要分析了其经营业绩,阐述了BAM公司管理制度和使命、愿景与长期目标。从其独特经营之道中总结出,国内建筑企业可以从重视公司社会责任;进行严格而透明的公司管理;向整条价值链发展;注重经营员工、社会大众和客户关系4个方面进行借鉴。  相似文献   

Because companies differ in factors such as management ability that may lead to both high performance work systems and enhanced firm performance, conventional estimates of the effects of human resource (HR) management practices on firm performance may be biased upward. Alternatively, if HR management practices are measured with error, estimates of their effects on firm performance may be biased downward. We find that although longitudinal estimates that avoid the first source of bias are substantially smaller than cross-sectional estimates, the former are strongly influenced by errors in measuring HR management practices. Based on independent estimates of the measurement error, we calculate a range of estimates that correct for both biases. We estimate that a one standard deviation increase in our measure of high performance work systems raises the market value of the corporation by approximately $15,000 per employee.  相似文献   

关联担保、隧道效应与公司价值   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文以1998—2004年765家对外提供关联担保的上市公司为样本,考察了关联担保程度与企业价值的关系。同时截取2004年的225个样本公司,采用Logistic回归,检验了非正常关联担保发生概率与股权结构、自由现金流以及上市公司所在地区信贷分配市场化程度的关系。最后,根据关联担保对象,以1998—2004年仅发生一种类型关联担保的390家公司为样本,研究了不同类型关联担保对企业价值的影响差异。我们发现,①关联担保程度与企业价值显著负相关,关联担保程度越大,对企业的价值侵害程度越高。②企业财务杠杆和自由现金流量水平越高,发生非正常关联担保的相对概率越大,而最终股东持股比例越高,上市公司所在地区信贷分配的市场化指数越大,发生非正常关联担保的相对概率则越小。③不同类型的关联担保对企业价值的影响程度是有差异的,上市公司向控股股东提供关联担保对企业价值的损害程度最大。  相似文献   

In this research, we study the issues of corporate sustainable development in China. Based on relevant research, we propose a theoretical model showing the relationship among business environmental commitment, cultural value, employee training, and firm performance of sustainable development. It is argued that a cultural value (i.e., organizational future orientation) should be a key antecedent predicting business environmental commitment. On the other hand, a firm’s sustainable performance, such as performance in environmental protection, should be a major consequence of its business environmental commitment. Moreover, the relationship between business environmental commitment and sustainable performance can be moderated positively by the level of employee training. Other conditions being equal, the better the employee training is, the stronger the relationship between business environmental commitment and sustainable development performance. Testing the relevant hypotheses in China, we find evidence supporting our model proposed in this paper. We conclude with a discussion on the implications of our findings for academic researchers and practitioners.  相似文献   

The Freeman–Lazear works council/worker involvement model is assessed over two distinct industrial relations regimes. In non-union British establishments our measures of employee involvement are associated with improved economic performance, whereas for unionized plants negative results are detected. The suggestion is that local distributive bargaining can cause the wrong level of worker involvement to be chosen. Also consistent with the model is our finding that mandatory works councils do not impair, and may even improve, the performance of larger German establishments. Yet smaller plants with works councils under-perform, illustrating the problem of tailoring mandates to fit heterogeneous populations.  相似文献   

The objective was to test a customer value variable, as operationalized by a modification of Ulaga and Eggert's scale, as a direct explanatory concept in predicting satisfaction, loyalty, and market performance in a hybrid veterinary pharmaceuticals market. The market was considered to be a hybrid because physicians purchase on behalf of their clients. The scale proved to be reliable and valid in a detail intensive market using 220 veterinary physicians as respondents. To achieve an acceptable structural equation modeling fit, the customer value variable had to be dropped. The final model indicated a direct influence by product, strategic, and personal benefits as well as perceived sacrifices on the dependent variables. Management implications of the study are described.  相似文献   

We theorize that the value provided by the firm's complementary assets has important implications for the exit decisions of employees and their subsequent effects on the firm's performance. Using linked employee‐employer data from the U.S. Census Bureau on legal services, we find that employees with higher earnings are less likely to leave relative to employees with lower earnings, but if they do, are more likely to create a new venture than join another firm. Employee entrepreneurship has a larger adverse impact on source firm performance than moves to established firms, even controlling for observable employee quality. Our findings suggest that in knowledge intensive settings, managers should focus on tailoring compensation packages to help minimize the adverse impact of employee entrepreneurship, particularly among high performing individuals. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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