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企业对利益相关者实施分类管理的定量模式研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本文将企业对利益相关者的分类管理和分类管理的绩效评价结合起来,建立了具有绩效和管理双向信息反馈特征的分类管理的定量模式。一方面使企业对利益相关者实施分类管理变得定量与可控,另一方面使绩效评价真正起到对管理的导向作用,使利益相关者理论具有可操作性,并为企业通过对不同利益相关者实施分类管理来实现持续发展提供理论指导和策略依据。  相似文献   

本文按照资本形态的不同,将利益相关者划分为货币资本利益相关者、人力资本利益相关者、生态资本利益相关者、社会资本利益相关者,构建了企业社会责任的利益相关者模型。以46家上市公司2003—2007年的数据为依据,运用面板数据模型,研究了企业社会责任与财务绩效之间的关系。研究表明:我国上市公司已经开始关注其社会责任,但社会责任的披露信息仍然很少;大多数企业社会责任变量对当期财务绩效的影响为负;长期来看,企业履行社会责任对其财务绩效具有正向影响作用。  相似文献   

随着利益相关者经营观念的不断深入,利益相关者关系影响企业财务绩效,良好的利益相关者关系是企业重要的优势资源,这一观点已得到了学术界和实业界的广泛认可,然而,对企业利益相关者关系经营的效率如何研究却较少.在深入揭示利益相关者关系与企业财务绩效之间的投入--产出关系基础上,本文以我国家电业上市公司为样本,运用DEA模型,对利益相关者关系与企业财务绩效之间的投入--产出效率进行了评价,以针对如何提高企业财务绩效提出合理化建议.  相似文献   

企业社会绩效评价的利益相关者模式   总被引:34,自引:0,他引:34  
国内企业综合评价还停留在财务综合评价阶段,所以在评价的内容上编重于企业的经营绩效而忽视了企业社会绩效的评价。而20世纪70年代以来西方学者在利益相关者理论的基础上提出了多种评价企业社会绩效的利益相关者模式,试图更确切地评价企业的社会绩效。本文将总结借鉴国外较有代表性的两种企业社会绩效评价模式,并试图在此基础上探讨适合我国国情的企业社会绩效评价模式。  相似文献   

企业捐赠作用的综合解析   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
本文提出一个综合的理论解释框架,将捐赠作用划分为四类:合法保护——企业通过捐赠购买利益相关者的“伤害权,”提高组织的合法性,减少企业经营中的不确定性,维持企业正常运行;伤害保险——慈善捐赠将形成积极的道德资本,当企业经营活动伤害到利益相关者时,道德资本能降低受害者制裁/报复企业的强度,并减少企业关系资产的损失;间接增值——慈善捐赠可以通过改善企业与利益相关者的关系来间接提升企业绩效;直接增值——精心设计的战略性慈善捐赠可以改善企业经营环境,直接提升企业绩效。  相似文献   

强化利益相关者对企业价值观的认同是企业构建良好生态系统的关键。本文从价值观一致性的视角出发,以A.O.史密斯公司为研究对象,探讨了企业与上下游利益相关者合作的内在机制,并提出了无边界价值观管理的概念。研究结果表明:企业通过无边界价值观管理,能够超越企业边界,强化利益相关者对企业核心价值观的认同。无边界价值观管理是基于无边界价值观界定、筛选、传导和同化的动态管理体系,能够建立共同的心理契约,实现利益相关者与企业核心价值观的一致性匹配。同时,以价值观为本的领导者持续推动在实现利益相关者与企业核心价值观匹配过程中起着重要作用。本研究丰富和拓展了个人与组织价值观匹配、无边界组织等相关理论,同时对转型背景下中国企业有效管理外部利益相关者行为提供了新的理论视角。  相似文献   

由于缺乏对利益相关者与企业价值间内在机理的理论分析,导致基于利益相关者的企业价值理论在指导企业经营实践中未能发挥应有的作用。本文根据价值链理论,界定了对企业价值有影响的利益相关者范围。结合期望理论,引入利益相关者满足,作为分析影响利益相关者投入继而影响企业价值的指示变量,从理论上分析了利益相关者满足影响企业价值的内在机理,指出利益相关者企业价值经营的关键在于研究利益相关者满足合理性,并进一步采用面板数据模型对我国酒店餐饮类上市公司数据进行实证分析。研究结果表明利益相关者满足与企业价值间存在着显著的相关性;通过β值的分析显示不同利益相关者的满足水平存在着不合理现象,企业存在通过不同利益相关者满足水平的调整提升企业价值的可能。  相似文献   

首先, 本文基于 Laplume 等人提出的利益相关者理论研究问题的划分, 对2008 年以来发表在国内外权威管理学期刊上的有关利益相关者理论的162 篇文献 (124 篇英文文献、38 篇中文文献) 进行回顾, 揭示了近年来利益相关者理论发展趋势和研究焦点。 其次, 本文从战略理论视角出发, 从企业层战略内涵与企业逻辑、 人力资本产权与公司治理、 价值创造与价值分配的关系、 “经营” 和 “维持” 利益相关者管理模式方面, 对本领域的研究进展进行分析, 提出转型发展情境下的中国利益相关者理论发展的未来方向。 最后, 结合中国转型时期政府作为重要利益相关者的特定情境, 提议从战略管理视角探讨确立良性合作型政企关系作为利益相关者理论发展的一个重要方向。  相似文献   

近年来,以目标为导向的企业绩效管理模式受到越来越广泛的关注。嘉兴电力局自2004年开始实施以目标为导向的绩效管理,经过两年的摸索和实践,把绩效考评与目标管理相结合,把绩效考评与绩效发展相结合,把员工个人目标与企业组织目标相结合,成功构建了全面的、自上而下的绩效管理体系,有力地保证了企业总体战略的执行,促进了企业高绩效的实现。以目标为导向的绩效管理体系,在建立与实施的过程中,以下四大环节是关键。  相似文献   

学习导向是影响组织绩效的重要因素, 本文通过以 395 份有效问卷, 探讨了学习导向3个维度对组织绩效的影响, 并进一步探讨了利用式创新的中介效应。 研究结果表明学习承诺、 共享愿景和开放心智均对组织绩效具有正向影响, 同时利用式创新在学习承诺与组织绩效之间、 开放心智与组织绩效之间起到了完全中介效应, 利用式创新在共享愿景与组织绩效之间起到了部分中介效应。  相似文献   

Most knowledge development efforts in new product development have focused on Western economies and companies. However, due to its size, rapid growth rate, and market reforms, China has emerged as an important new context for new product development. Unfortunately, current understanding of the factors associated with new product success in China remains limited. We address this knowledge gap using mixed methods. First, we conducted 19 in‐depth interviews with managers involved in new product development in 11 different Chinese firms. The qualitative fieldwork indicated that firm behaviors and employee perceptions consistent with the phenomena of market orientation and the supportiveness of organizational climate both are viewed as important drivers of the new product performance of Chinese firms. Drawing on the marketing, management, and new product development literature this study develops a hypothetical model linking market orientation, supportiveness of organizational climate, and firms' new product performance. Direct relationships are hypothesized between both market orientation and supportiveness of organizational climate and firms' new product performance, as well as a relationship between supportiveness of organizational climate and market orientation. Data to test the hypothetical model were collected via an on‐site administered questionnaire from 110 manufacturing firms in China. The hypothesized relationships are tested using structural equation modeling. Results indicate a positive direct relationship of market orientation on firms' new product performance, with an indirect positive effect of supportiveness of organizational climate via its impact on market orientation. However, no support is found for a direct relationship between the supportiveness of a firm's organizational climate and its new product performance. These findings are consistent with resource‐based view theory propositions in the marketing literature indicating that market orientation is a valuable, nonsubstitutable, and inimitable resource and with similar propositions in the management literature concerning organizational culture. However, this study's findings also indicate that in contrast to a number of organizational culture theory propositions and empirical findings in some consumer service industries, the impact of organizational climate on firm performance in a new product context is indirect via the firm's generation, dissemination, and responsiveness to market intelligence. These results suggest that an effort to improve firms' new product performance by enhancing the flow and utilization of market intelligence is an appropriate allocation of resources. Further, this study's findings indicate that managers should direct at least some of their efforts to enhance a firm's market orientation at improving employee perceptions of the supportiveness of the firm's management and of their peers. This study indicates a need for further research concerning the role of different dimensions of organizational climate in firms' new product processes.  相似文献   

While marketing continues to gain prominence as an orientation within the firm, concerns remain about the contributions of the marketing subunit. Given the current limited and conflicting evidence on the issue, this study responds to calls for research on the link between a powerful marketing subunit and business performance. The study draws on the critical contingencies perspective on power, which was specifically developed to study power distribution among organizational subunits. The key objectives of the study are (1) to determine whether a powerful marketing department is beneficial to business performance, (2) to reconcile conflicting evidence pertaining to the marketing function's contribution to performance beyond that of a market orientation, and (3) to investigate the effect on business performance of power asymmetry between marketing and other functions. Employing data from senior managers in medium and large manufacturing firms, the study shows that a powerful marketing function is associated with improved business performance above and beyond the contribution of a market orientation. Power asymmetry between marketing and finance/accounting and between marketing and production has a negative effect on business performance while a power asymmetry between marketing and R&D shows a positive effect on business performance. Finally, a differentiation strategy attenuates the negative performance outcomes of power asymmetry between marketing and production.  相似文献   

Modern business-to-business firms focus increasingly on understanding and selling value, as a strategic priority and to achieve marketing and sales excellence. Yet many companies struggle to implement their value orientation, without sufficient knowledge of how to translate it into sales practice. This study therefore examines value-based selling (VBS) as an implementation of value-based marketing at the sales force level. The proposed motivation–opportunity–ability framework integrates individual- and organizational-level antecedents, outcomes, and moderators in an attempt to explain the adoption and performance outcomes of VBS in business markets. Multilevel path modeling with cross-sectional survey data from 944 salespeople and managers in 43 sales organizations confirms the prediction that VBS enhances salespeople's performance, beyond that achieved with established selling approaches. However, firms need specific types of salespeople and dedicated organizational support for effective VBS implementation. A salesperson's learning orientation and networking competencies emerge as critical antecedents. Organizational value assessment tools can compensate for individual salespeople's lack of learning orientation; reference marketing efforts also strengthen the performance outcomes of VBS. Finally, VBS is most effective in organizational settings where perceived customers value demandingness is lower, enabling salespeople to use VBS as a proactive selling approach.  相似文献   

Using evidence from exporting firms in China, this research aims to determine the conditions that foster manufacturing flexibility and the way in which firms support it. The contingency perspective and the competence and capability theory are utilized to develop a framework to enhance the knowledge of internal competence, external flexibility, and manufacturing performance, and the understanding of the moderating roles of strategic and organizational choice on the competence-flexibility and flexibility-performance relationships. Empirical evidence from a sample of 222 export product/market ventures confirmed the main effect that manufacturing, assembly outsourcing, and marketing competencies support a firm's manufacturing flexibility and in turn enhance manufacturing performance. Several notable moderating effects were also identified. Although a strategic emphasis on low-cost manufacturing and long-term contracting weakens a firm's transformation of core competencies into flexible capabilities, specific organizational choices regarding private ownership and direct exporting strengthen the conversion of manufacturing flexibility to superior manufacturing performance.  相似文献   

In order to succeed in today's competitive business environment, a firm should have a clear business strategy that is supported by other organizational strategies. While prior studies argue that strategic alignment enhances firm performance, either strategic alignment including multiple factors or strategic orientation of firms has received little attention. This study, drawing on contingency theory and configuration theory, investigates the performance impact of triadic strategic alignment among business, IT, and marketing strategies while simultaneously considers strategic orientation of firms. A research model is tested through SEM and MANOVA using data collected in a questionnaire survey of 242 Yemen managers. The findings indicate that (1) triadic strategic alignment has a positive impact on firm performance and (2) there is an ideal triadic strategic alignment for prospectors and defenders. This research contributes to strategic alignment literature and managers' understanding of how to align business, IT and marketing strategies to improve firm performance.  相似文献   

Building and maintaining internal harmony is a fundamental concern for managers in many Japanese firms. Discussions of Japanese management practices often point to the intense socialization of new recruits, the rotation of employees through different functions, and the significant role of seniority in determining salary levels and promotions. Considering this emphasis on harmony, can we reasonably assume that the orientations of Japanese R&D and marketing managers do not differ in any ways that may pose significant barriers to teamwork between their departments? X. Michael Song and Mark E. Parry test this assumption by examining the sociocultural differences between R&D and marketing managers in Japanese high-technology firms. Using responses from both R&D and marketing managers in 223 firms, their study groups the respondents’ employers as either low- or high-integration firms. They examine the sociocultural differences between the R&D and marketing managers in the study along five dimensions: time orientation, bureaucratic orientation, professional orientation, tolerance for ambiguity, and preferences for high-risk, high-return projects. Contrary to expectations, the responses reveal several significant differences between the R&D and marketing managers in this study. Compared to their colleagues in marketing, the Japanese R&D managers in this study generally have a stronger preference for high-risk, high-return investments. The R&D managers in the study also have a longer time orientation than the Japanese marketing managers. However, marketing managers from the high-integration firms in the study have a longer time orientation than their counterparts in low-integration firms. Compared to the R&D managers, Japanese marketing managers in the high-integration firms studied have a greater tolerance for ambiguity. And relative to managers in low-integration firms, marketing and R&D managers in the high-integration firms in this study typically have a more bureaucratic organization. Perhaps most important, a significant number of R&D managers in this study perceive the marketing managers in their firms to have higher organizational status. Specifically, responses from R&D managers indicate that they perceive their marketing colleagues to have higher salaries, more power, and brighter career prospects. Such perceptions may foster morale problems among R&D professionals in these Japanese firms, and thus require management intervention to ensure that R&D performance does not suffer.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study is to advance the understanding of the role of the strategic orientation of the firm for successful new product development (NPD), in the context of Chinese manufacturing firms. Through field research accompanied by a review of the related literature, this study identifies customer orientation and technology orientation as crucial strategic components that are important to successful new product development. This research proposes a conceptual model of strategic orientations, in which firm-internal (organizational support) and -external (environmental turbulence) factors are expected to influence strategic orientations, which, in turn, impact NPD performance. The model is tested using data collected from a large-scale survey of 232 manufacturing firms in China. The results largely support the hypotheses derived from the conceptual model. First, organizational support and environmental turbulence have a positive influence on the implementation of strategic orientations. Second, the two strategic orientations show a different pattern of performance implications.  相似文献   

Drawing on the integration of organizational learning, contingency theory, and theory of jobs to be done, this study develops a moderated mediation model of how a firm's absorptive capacity influences innovation performance. We hypothesize that cross-functional integration may mediate the absorptive capacity-innovation performance link and that customer orientation may positively moderate the mediating effect of cross-functional integration. To test our hypotheses, we conducted a mail survey of manufacturing firms, obtaining 456 valid responses for data analysis. Regression and bootstrap analyses reveal that cross-functional integration partially mediates the effect of absorptive capacity on innovation and that customer orientation enhances the mediated effect. Specifically, the mediating effect of cross-functional integration is stronger and significant when customer orientation is high. In contrast, the mediating effect of cross-functional integration is weaker and insignificant when customer orientation is low. Overall, this study's findings contribute to advances in marketing theory on innovation by identifying cross-functional integration and customer orientation as two key factors that together explain why and under what conditions absorptive capacity affects innovation. The findings also advise managers that in addition to developing absorptive capacity, firms should cultivate a strong customer orientation, which directs cross-functional integration toward converting external knowledge into increased innovation performance.  相似文献   

To determine how critical predevelopment activities are for a market-oriented firm to achieve superior performance, our study uses data from 126 firms in The Netherlands to investigate the structural relationships among market orientation, the proficiency in predevelopment activities, new product performance, and organizational performance. The results provide evidence that market orientation is positively related to the proficiency in strategic planning, idea generation and idea screening. Strategic planning and idea generation are positively related to new product performance, which in itself is positively related to organizational performance. Market orientation has no direct relationship with new product performance and organizational performance. Another interesting finding is that the links between market orientation and new product performance, and between market orientation and organizational performance are not moderated by the characteristics of the market environment.  相似文献   

Understanding the mechanisms through which firms realize the value of their market‐based knowledge resources such as market orientation is a central interest of innovation scholars and practitioners. The current study contends that realizing the performance impact of market orientation depends on know‐how deployment processes and their complementarities in functional areas such as marketing and innovation that co‐align with market orientation. More specifically, this study addresses two research questions: (1) to what extent can market orientation be transformed into customer‐ and innovation‐related performance outcomes via marketing and innovation capabilities; and (2) does the complementarity between marketing capability and innovation capability enhance customer‐ and innovation‐related performance outcomes? Drawing upon the resource‐based view and capability theory of the firm, a model is developed that integrates market orientation, marketing capability, innovation capability, and customer‐ and innovation‐related performance. The validity of the model is tested based on a sample of 163 manufacturing and services firms. In answer to the first research question, the findings show that market orientation significantly contributes to customer‐ and innovation‐related performance outcomes via marketing and innovation capabilities. This finding is important in that market‐based knowledge resources should be configured with the deployment of marketing and innovation capabilities to ensure better performance. In answer to the second research question, the findings indicate that market orientation works through the complementarity between marketing and innovation capabilities to influence customer‐related performance but not innovation‐related performance. Managers are advised to have a balanced approach to managing the deployment of capabilities. If they seek to achieve superiority in customer‐related performance, marketing capability, innovation capability, and their complementarity are essential for attracting, satisfying, building relationships with, and retaining customers. On the other hand, this complementarity would be considerably less important if firms placed greater emphasis on achieving superiority in innovation‐related performance. In contrast to many existing studies, this study is the first to model the roles of both innovation capability and marketing capability in mediating the relationship between market orientation and specific performance outcomes (i.e., innovation‐ and customer‐related outcomes).  相似文献   

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