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The primary purpose of this study is to examine the spillover effect of South Korea's telecom industry on other industries until its evolution to the 4th generation. By using Input-Output Table Data to compute Forward and Backward Linkage Effects in South Korea's telecom industry throughout Generational Changes, this study aims to analyze South Korea's telecom industry's impacts and changes on upstream and downstream industries to offer implications for its evolution to the 5th generation. This study used empirical input-output data for the period between the years 2000–2014 to conduct input-output analysis to evaluate forward and backward linkages in South Korea's telecom industry for each generation of it. The results revealed that (1) Korea's telecom industry can be defined as a dependent manufacturing industry due to its below-average forward linkage and above-average backward linkage over the whole study period, and (2) backward linkage in South Korea's telecom industry was higher than the economy-wide average value during our study period although it decreased with the industry's generational shifts. The results indicate that telecommunications companies should create new markets in which they can propagate emerging technologies of the 4IR (4th Industrial Revolution) to other industries, in order to ensure that the 5th generation telecom industry maintain its position as a key industry. On the other hand, the government should make policies to support start-ups and SMEs in telecom industry and implement structural reforms in Korea's oligopolistic telecom market.  相似文献   

2010年12月16日,《中国石油工业经济若干问题回顾与思考》首发式在北京举行。这本书由中国三大石油公司支持和指导,百余位专家参加编写。它不仅记述了60年来中国石油工业经济发展的历程、重大决策、石油工业领导机关和重点企业在各个发展阶段的主要经济思想、重要经济事件和管理创新的实践与探索,而且基于对长期实践经验的总结和思考,形成了一些规律性的认识,有助于从经济角度探索具有中国特色的石油工业经济发展之路,可以为新时期中国石油工业的可持续发展提供借鉴。为了与读者分享本书的研究成果,从本期开始,本刊将连续选登书中的部分研究性成果。这部书分为综合篇、体制政策篇、陆上油气篇、海洋石油篇、炼油乙烯篇和数据图表篇。本期刊登的内容选自综合篇第三章。这一章总结了新中国成立以来石油工业经济发展的基本经验,提出了"六个坚持",即坚持把油气资源勘探放在首位,实现储量持续增长和战略接替;坚持正确的发展战略,促进石油工业与国民经济协调发展;坚持合理的经济政策,促进石油工业持续发展;坚持集中力量办大事的经验,提高石油工业的效率和效益;坚持处理好国家、企业、职工的关系,增强石油工业发展的生命力;坚持发扬优良传统,永葆石油工业基业长青。  相似文献   

金融业竞争的日益市场化与国际化以及基于技术创新的金融业快速发展,使得我国竞争力本来就不强的银行业深受冲击。因此,我国银行业必须不断提升自主创新能力,提高市场竞争力,以便构筑起可持续发展的能力。本文试图用数据包络方法(DEA) 对我国16 家上市商业银行竞争力进行实证分析,期望能够对我国商业银行竞争力的提升有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

由于我国的城市化严重滞后于工业化,因此工业化与城市化的关系难以判定.然而从工业总产值指数与城市化率的角度来看,我国工业化发展对城市化进程的推动作用仍然明显.我国城市化滞后于工业化的根本原因是计划经济体制导致工业难以带动第三产业的发展.当第三产业内部结构畸形时,重工业化对于城市化的抑制作用更加明显;当第三产业内部结构合理时,重工业化对城市化的抑制作用减弱.  相似文献   

The automotive sector is the major industry of Thailand's economy. This paper discusses the national strategy of Thailand toward the Detroit of Asia. In particular, the study analyses the pursuit of original equipment manufacturer (OEM) strategy in the Thai automotive industry, based on Porter's Diamond Model. A qualitative approach was adopted, using semi-structured interviews to understand the reasons behind Thailand's adoption of OEM strategy and its decisions in not following other strategic approaches. The findings provide important lessons to other developing economies in terms of adopting the right strategies to improve the national performance and competitiveness. The case of Thailand is clearly evident that the Thai government chooses not to develop its own brand (OBM strategy) but pursue the OEM path to strengthen its automotive industry.  相似文献   

Following reforms to the market, China’s hog industry has developed rapidly, however, with social and economic transitions, China’s hog industry is facing challenges which might restrict long-term growth in production. This paper analyzes the changes in regional scale, organization, input factors, and technological progress for China’s hog production over the last few decades. The paper seeks to reveal the sources of hog production growth and provide some suggestions for future development of the hog industry. To achieve these aims, the paper uses stochastic frontier production functions and the Malmquist index to measure total factor productivity (TFP) in the hog industry and decompose TFP into technical efficiency; technological progress; scale efficiency; and allocative efficiency using data for 25 provinces from 1980 to 2008. The results show firstly that; the TFP of hog production increased by 64.3% from 1980 to 2008, and allocative efficiency and scale efficiency improvements played a key role in this TFP growth. In contrast, technical efficiency and technical progress have changed little over this period. Secondly, TFP’s contribution to output was 39.7%, it being less than that of factor inputs to output. Thirdly, the results suggest that the growth of China’s pork production depends mostly on the increase in the quantity of factor inputs, especially feed. As a consequence, the key to ensuring long-term and stable development of China’s hog production would seem to involve focusing on enhancing total factor productivity and changing the pattern of production growth.  相似文献   

李光明  马磊  潘宇 《工业技术经济》2017,36(12):106-113
本文利用2006~2015年我国30个省份(西藏除外)的面板数据,基于空间杜宾模型分析物流产业集聚对我国制造业劳动生产率的作用及空间溢出效应。结果表明,物流产业集聚、物流劳动生产率、外商直接投资、交通基础设施、地方政府投资等影响因素的直接效应与间接效应的方向与显著性均存在差异性。从总效应来看,物流产业集聚与地方财政支出均显著为正,是制造业劳动生产率提升的重要源泉。外商直接投资显著为负,一定程度上抑制我国制造业劳动生产率的提高。  相似文献   

盛晏 《工业技术经济》2012,31(2):129-135
文章利用1997年、2002年和2007年的中国投入产出表数据,运用投入产出分析方法对中国物流业的经济效应及其变动情况进行了研究.结果表明,物流业正在由中间产品型基础产业发展为中间产品型产业;物流业的与其他产业的关系越来越密切,且其发展对其他产业的支撑作用大于物流业对其他产业发展的带动作用;其对整个国民经济的推动作用要大于本身受到国民经济发展后的拉动作用.文章据此提出了促进中国物流业发展政策建议.  相似文献   

本文界定了行业收入差距适度性的内涵,提出了具体的判断标准;从行业收入差距、经济社会协调发展(经济增长、资源配置效率、分配公平、社会稳定)多个方面构建了行业收入差距适度性评价指标体系;提出了行业收入差距适度性的测度方法;以1990—2010年统计数据为样本,对浙江行业收入差距适度性进行了测度与综合评价。研究结果表明:浙江行业收入差距总体上呈现出不断扩大的趋势;除了社会稳定评价指数出现先递增后递减的趋势外,经济增长、资源配置效率、分配公平、经济社会协调发展综合评价指数均呈现持续上升的线性趋势,这说明浙江经济社会协调发展态势良好;从静态适度性和动态适度性评价指数看,浙江行业收入差距各类适度性评价指数除个别年份出现不适度状态外,整体上均处于良好适度、协调发展的轨迹上。在此基础上提出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

This study decomposes the performance of US public firms between 1981 and 1994 into year, industry, corporate-focus and firm effects. Performance is measured by Tobin’s q, accounting profitability, and a hybrid measure. The results show that firm effects were more important to performance than industry effects, although industry effects had a large permanent component. Corporate focus was not important. The stylized facts suggest that competitive advantages – that is, differences between direct competitors in the same industry – were at least as important as industry influences on performance. Industry influences were more predictable and sustainable than competitive advantages, however.  相似文献   

运用CGE模型模拟分析了对外贸易对我国制造业主要行业的产出、收益及投资水平的作用效果。分析结果显示,制造业产出、收益和投资变化率与对外贸易变化率呈正相关;除了金属行业的收益增长率在贸易小幅增长时,其行业的收益率高于贸易的增长率以外,其余行业的贸易的增长率均大于各行业收益增长率,低于投资增长率;而贸易的小幅增长对于纺织业、金属行业、炼焦、煤气和石油加工业的收益水平的提升更有利;贸易的高度增长对于具有增长潜力的机械行业更有利;对于食品制造业、化学行业、非金属矿物制品业来讲贸易的适度增长对行业发展更有利。由此提出在大力发展制造业贸易的同时,要针对各行业对贸易的不同敏感程度,合理的调整产业政策,发挥技术创新能力,以此提升制造业的贸易利得。  相似文献   

This study analyzes the goal configuration of 126 firms, based in Japan, U.K. and U.S., competing in global industries. The results indicate that firm nationality and internationalization do not affect the firm's goal configuration. The breadth of the firm's reward system was found to be related positively to a dispersed goal configuration and, within global and multifocal industry segments, a congruence between goal configuration and industry position was found to be associated positively with performance.  相似文献   

协调机制是影响供应链绩效的主要因素,因而研究有效协调机制的特征及其建立条件,对于指导企业选择合作对象、管理合作关系具有重要的实践意义。本文在系统梳理和剖析协调机制研究主要流派的基础上,应用资源依赖理论和任务依赖模型,结合作者以往对我国家电行业 供应链协调问题的实证分析结果,提出供应链协调机制的建立与运行机理。作者认为,每一 种任务依赖关系都对应着一个潜在的有效率的协调机制,然而这一机制的运作需要特定的权力结构与之配合;成员企业凭借所掌控的关键资源,形成相对于其它成员的权力,并行使这一权力谋求收益份额最大化,这就可能导致协调机制的低效率;只有当权力结构与任务依赖 关系相适应时,才可能实现供应链整体绩效的最优化。  相似文献   

全球产业技术和分工格局正在发生着根本性变革,我国的经济发展正处于提质增效升级的历史性关键期。成功度过这一时期,需要产业结构优化升级、构建产业新体系。当前我国产业在劳动力、技术、资本和制度环境4个方面已经为构建产业新体系创造了良好的条件,但也面临着产能过剩、核心竞争力不强、产业附加值不高等问题。在经济全球化和全球信息化的大背景下,全球产业体系发展呈现出新态势。产业新体系是一个连接现实和未来的动态发展的开放系统,具有创新化、高技术化、市场化、服务化、融合化和国际化的特征。经济新常态下,我国构建产业新体系要走市场和政府协同式路径。  相似文献   

中国乙烯行业回顾、展望与思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱和 《国际石油经济》2012,20(4):67-72,127
2011年,我国乙烯行业供需两旺,产能、产量双破1500万吨;原料多元化和装置大型化程度进一步提升,多元化的市场主体格局继续发展;装置国产化不断取得新突破,一批在建大乙烯项目积极推进.预计2012年我国乙烯产能和产量将双超1700万吨.“十二五”期间,我国乙烯产业仍将处于快速发展期,2015年我国乙烯总产能将达到2500万~2700万吨;乙烯产业将继续向大型化、一体化、基地化、产业集群化、经营主体多元化方向发展,布局将进一步优化,下游产品结构将继续向高端领域进军;乙烯原料进一步向轻质化、多样化发展,而且进口量增加,节能环保安全压力加大,装置的国产化水平和技术水平进一步提高;同时,来自中东、美国和周边国家和地区乙烯系产品的竞争压力和挑战将加大.为此,我国乙烯产业与石化产业必须转变增长方式,大力推进科技进步,在做大的同时着力做强,提高国际竞争力.  相似文献   

金融危机以来,世界物探行业发展面临巨大挑战,当前处于“低谷期”,出现了新一轮“洗牌”.各大物探公司着眼于高端海上市场,大幅调整业务结构,剥离劣质资产,兼并收购符合其长期发展战略的技术公司,进一步提高自身的综合实力.同时,行业内的合作不断加强.在后金融危机时代,传统的以数据采集、处理、解释及油藏描述为核心的物探产业模式将转变为以数字油藏为中心,地震服务、地质研究、油藏监测为辅助手段的一体化的数字综合信息管理模式.未来陆上地震采集将更加强调设备的重要性.永久油藏监测技术(PRM)以及无源地震技术等将成为未来海上物探技术的发展方向.  相似文献   

樊元  胡磊 《工业技术经济》2012,31(8):140-145
通过构建VAR模型对我国第三产业发展与就业增长的关系进行了实证研究。协整分析表明第三产业与就业增长之间存在着长期协同互动关系。VAR模型及脉冲响应函数的动态分析表明我国第三产业发展表现为相互促进的累积过程;劳动力投入是影响第三产业发展的重要因素,就业人数的增长对第三产业发展有巨大的推动作用;第三产业具有很大的就业吸纳空间。最后根据就业吸纳弹性来阐明第三产业发展对劳动力的吸纳能力并提出相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

山东省轻工产品创新对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
轻工业是国民经济的重要产业,在经济和社会发展中起着举足轻重的作用。山东省轻工业生产对提高人民生活水平,繁荣国内市场,促进经济增长具有重要的作用,山东省如何创新轻工产品是山东省经济发展的重点。  相似文献   

This paper sets up a model, where multinationals compete in quantities and domestic firms form a competitive fringe. Within this framework, we analyse the relationship between market concentration, international outsourcing and the industry price-cost margin. The empirical results of a panel of 66 industries and the EU12 countries in the 1990s strongly confirm our theoretical hypotheses. Market concentration and international outsourcing are positively related to industry price–cost margins. In a thought experiment, we show that industry price–cost margins would have decreased by 0.4 percentage points more in the 1990s, if international outsourcing had not changed since 1990. In addition, international outsourcing accounts for a convergence in margins across industries in the last decade.  相似文献   

This paper reports on an exploratory study of the barriers and facilitators that affect technological innovation by suppliers to the automotive industry and the adoption of such innovations by the industry. The specific focus in the study was on key decision and action points in the life of specific innovations or potential innovations (ideas for new products) which may affect their successful development and marketing. The major source of data for this study was in the form of brief cases obtained from interviews of managers and technical personnel in suppliers to the automotive industry. These cases related to specific projects engaged in or ideas proposed by the responding firms or others in their sector of the industry which were aimed at the introduction of new or improved products, components, systems, materials, designs, etc., to the automotive industry. The information and data for this study were collected by means of structured interviews with 15 managers in 13 first level supplier firms to the automotive industry. A total of 32 innovations were investigated and a corresponding number of 32 cases and additional information on barriers and facilitators were generated for these 32 innovations. In general it was found that the most important barriers and facilitators to innovating were federal laws and regulations. Overall, the two types of decisions that are made in the automotive supplier's environment which appear consistently throughout these cases are (1) the automotive customer's decision to accept, encourage development of, or adopt innovations, and (2) the government's decision to mandate changes in safety, environment or energy-relatedregulations or legislation. The policy implications of the results of this study are discussed as they relate to an evolving model of the effects of potential federal intervention in the R&D/innovation process.  相似文献   

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