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楼梯是所有建筑中解决不同楼层之间垂直联系的交通枢纽,本文从疏散楼梯间,防烟楼梯间、封闭楼梯间探索其构造设计。  相似文献   

以1000 MW超超临界燃煤锅炉为例,分析电站燃煤锅炉排烟温度高于设计值的异常运行工况,总结该锅炉排烟温度高原因,制定改进措施与预控措施,为同型电站锅炉设计、安装检查、优化调整提供参考。  相似文献   

张睿 《化工管理》2024,(2):116-119
管式加热炉是石化装置中能量消耗的大户,同时也是装置的重要设备。其运行状态的稳定与否不仅影响装置的连续、安稳、长周期运行,同时直接关系到装置的能耗,因此加热炉的管理是设备管理工作的重中之重。某石化装置加热炉开工后实际排烟温度远高于设计值,排烟温度升高,排烟损失增大,导致加热炉热效率降低,能耗升高。文章着重对排烟温度高的问题进行了多方面分析和研究,通过分析找到问题根源,并采取有效措施予以解决。  相似文献   

霍景 《冶金财会》2014,(6):44-46
<正>随着经济的发展以及企业环保责任凸显,对于任何一个企业而言,节能减排的重要地位日益突显出来。排烟热损失是影响锅炉热效率的最大的一个因素,降低排烟温度,就能降低排烟热损失。但以目前的传统的换热器设计而言,排烟温度降低后,会造成锅炉尾部烟道布置的换热器表面壁温降低,当表面壁温低于烟气的酸露点时,换热器表面开始发生结露,气态的硫酸蒸汽会变成硫酸液体析出,凝结在换热器表面,如此以来,会带来两个负面影响:  相似文献   

针对西北某石化公司1.6Mt/a催化裂化装置尾部烟气污染物排放超标,给环境带来严重的危害,余热锅炉排烟温度240℃,高温烟气的排放导致装置能耗偏高,影响装置经济效益,同时影响尾部布置脱硫工程。随着国家环保要求进一步提高,2014年该厂为节能减排及烟气排放达标,新增烟气脱硫、脱硝装置。由于脱硝工艺要求进脱硝反应器的烟气温度在300~400℃范围内,布置脱硝装置需要较大空间,而现锅炉周边无足够的场地,故设计新的余热锅炉以布置脱硝装置,同时降低排烟温度。新设计时对余热锅炉受热面进行模块式设计,将再生高温烟气全部经过余热锅炉回收,排烟温度降到160℃以下,提高装置效率。同时满足脱硝装置的布置,降低NOx的排放。  相似文献   

研究沈阳地铁二号线排烟系统,设计出捆扎式排烟风管防火板包覆施工方案。方案原理、尺寸测量、钢材型号选用、实施流程。  相似文献   

ZB45硬盒包装机组的条玻美容器对成型条烟整形、美容起到重要作用,其设计不合理、条烟输送定位不准确等易造成排烟不畅、窜烟等故障。找出上述问题产生的根本原因,改进滑套的材质和结构及条烟定位方式,减少卡烟、排烟不畅和窜烟,保证了条玻美容器的运行稳定。  相似文献   

XB3000-Y/6.3-Q型分体相变加热炉热力系统及相变换热盘管的计算方法,针对提高换热系数、增加加热炉效率等措施。实践表明,运行参数与设计值相比,实际排烟温度为143℃,热效率93%。  相似文献   

"跌倒"是个世界性的公共卫生问题。设计老年人鞋靴的"防跌倒"性能是设计者和制造者关心的要素之一。本文从老年人生理和心理特征综合分析出老年人防跌倒鞋靴的设计要素:稳定性、舒适性和易用性,希望能为居家老年人防跌倒鞋靴设计提供参考。  相似文献   

油田注汽锅炉是稠油开发的关键设备,其主要热损失为排烟热损失.利用热管技术,充分回收注汽锅炉产生烟气的余热,对进炉空气进行加热,不仅降低锅炉的排烟温度,使排烟热损失降低,提高了锅炉的热效率,而且节约了油田非生产耗汽量.  相似文献   

催化裂化烟气排放控制技术新进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
催化裂化(FCC)装置再生器排放的烟气是炼厂最大的空气污染源,包括颗粒物、硫氧化物、氮氧化物和一氧化碳等。随着炼厂空气质量法规的日益严格,同时炼厂趋于加工重油和含硫原油,使得FCC装置烟气排放控制不断受到关注。文章详细介绍了脱FCC装置烟气SOx和NOx的“硬件”技术、助剂技术及其他最新技术进展。  相似文献   

低烟、低卤聚乙烯阻燃是当前塑料材料的重要研究方向.通过实验研究了聚乙烯中加入无机阻燃剂Al(OH)3,Mg(OH)2,Sb2 O3和有机阻燃剂氯化石蜡70的复配体系后,对聚乙烯阻燃性能、力学性能及流动性能的影响,研制出低烟、低卤阻燃剂的最佳配方.  相似文献   

通过对大庆油田2011年正常运行的400台加热炉运行效率进行测试,分析了加热炉负荷率、排烟温度、过剩空气系数对加热炉效率的影响,提出了提高加热炉运行效率的措施。  相似文献   

严国庆 《河北工业科技》2009,26(3):193-194,204
城市公交汽车越来越多地采用柴油燃料,由于频繁起步停车造成车况不佳,出现在站台、路口起步时排放大量碳烟,造成城市空气污染,严重影响居民身心健康。介绍了一种利用布袋除尘器对汽车排放尾气进行吸附处理的技术,消除碳烟危害,把公交汽车柴油机排放废气的危害降到最低,保证城市空气质量符合国家环保要求,为城市居民创造一个美好的居住环境。  相似文献   

汽车尾气污染及防治对策   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
汽车尾气污染已代替煤烟型污染成为城市大气环境的主要污染源,并且这种趋势仍在继续发展,防治尾气污染已成为城市环境保护的新课题,通过对污染现状与形成的主要因素的分析,提出了管理与净化相结合的污染防治对策  相似文献   

油品测试方法专用标准试料   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了测定油品闭口杯法闪点、烟点、热值、开口杯法闪点、颜色、馏程等的测试方法及其所采用的标准试料,分析了各测定过程中的影响因素,并提出了相应的校对方法.指出,标准试料的出现,无疑对石油及石油产品测试方法标准化是一种完善,它补充的是执行标准可靠性的判断.  相似文献   

内燃机代用燃料的废气排放探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
机动车尾气污染已更甚于煤烟型污染 ,成为城市大气环境的主要污染源 ,分析了燃用 7种不同的代用燃料的 CO,NOx,HC,CO2 的排放量及烟度值 ,并与燃用传统燃料(汽油或柴油 )作了比较 ,其中着重分析了燃用压缩天然气及压缩天然气 -柴油双燃料的废气排放情况 ,指出燃用代用燃料将减轻对大气环境的危害 ,改善大气环境质量。  相似文献   

Design management is an increasingly important concept, research into which is remarkably scarce. Although the literature suggests that design management has an effect on design effectiveness, there is no empirical support for the impact of design management on firm performance. Furthermore, few studies have quantified the contribution that design makes to company performance. The aim of this paper is to analyze the effect of design investment on company performance and how this relationship is mediated by design management skills. Structural equation modeling was used to test the research hypotheses on a data set from the Italian and Spanish ceramic tile industry. Results suggest, first, that design management enhances firm performance. Second, this research also provides empirical evidence that investing in design is positively related to design management. Third, design management plays a significant role in determining the effects of design investment on firm performance. Companies that manage design effectively and efficiently attain better performance than those that do not. Therefore, good design does not emerge by chance or by simply investing in design but rather as the result of a managed process. Additionally, a methodological contribution of the present study lies in the empirical validation of a scale to assess design management skills. Finally, some suggestions are put forward for future lines of research that would complement this study and would go beyond some of its limitations.  相似文献   

Despite the growing recognition of industrial design's value in creating sustainable competitive advantage, few studies have attempted to quantify the contribution that design makes to company financial performance. This article examines the relationship between industrial design and company financial performance in order to assess industrial design's contribution to this performance. Effective industrial design was evaluated by asking a panel of 138 industrial design experts to rank the industrial design effectiveness of publicly traded firms within nine selected manufacturing industries; the ranking process yielded 93 firms. Based on the rankings, firms within each industry were divided into two groups: those judged as exhibiting high design effectiveness versus those judged as low in design effectiveness. Audited financial data reported to the SEC across a seven‐year period from 1995 to 2001 were used to evaluate financial performance. Using traditional financial ratios senior managers consider essential performance measures, those firms with high design effectiveness were hypothesized to have higher returns on sales, returns on assets, and growth rates of sales, net income, and cash flow than firms with low design effectiveness. High design effectiveness firms further were hypothesized to have higher stock market returns. These comprehensive, corporate financial measures incorporate expenditures made on industrial design (industrial designers' salaries, design consultants' fees, computer‐aided industrial design equipment) and expenditures that designers influence through their design choices (material costs, manufacturing equipment). This analysis reveals that firms rated as having “good” design were stronger on all measures except growth rate measures. These results provide strong evidence that good industrial design is related to corporate financial performance and stock market performance even after considering expenditures on industrial design. Further, the patterns of financial performance over the seven‐year horizon suggest that these effects are persistent.  相似文献   

体验经济的到来,预示着消费者对于产品的需求不再停留在功能,服务也退居其次,感性时代的来临,产品所被赋予的情感价值受到重视。在体验经济的冲击下,当代国内外设计界对体验式设计的关注度不断提高,服装设计的创新趋势越来越强调体验的价值。本文意在通过对体验经济及体验式设计的相关理论的探讨,借鉴相关的产品开发设计模式提出具体的服装设计创新方法和步骤。适应当今消费者对于服装这一消费品内心真正的需求,充分挖掘潜在需求,为服装企业设计产品、打造品牌、塑造核心竞争力提供新的方法。  相似文献   

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