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介绍了220kV大恶π接线路工程东线62#左杆,利用固定抱杆进行换杆施工的经验,施工安全、质量好、效率高。  相似文献   

针对石油工程建设中经常发生的索赔纠纷,并就其产生的原因、索赔的内容及对索赔要求的处理等进行了分析和介绍。指出索赔是利用经济杠杆进行石油工程建设项目管理的有效手段之一,是合同管理的重要环节,是挽回成本损失的重要手段,是提高计划管理、文档管理水平的动力。在石油工程建设中,不论是建设方还是承包服务方在认真履约的同时,都应重视索赔问题。只有建立完整的成本核算体系,平时注意收集、保存好有效的证据材料,才能从容应对索赔纠纷的意外发生,保护好企业的经济利益,使石油施工企业不受或少受经济损失。  相似文献   

TT型陶瓷过滤机是一种集机电、自动控制、微孔过滤、超声波清洗等于一体的分离机械设备,利用真空条件下过滤板中微孔的毛细效应原理进行固液分离,并利用变频技术和自动控制、超声波清洗等技术,根据应用的不同要求,提出并调整设备的应用状态和应用效率。该设备整合了气液分配装置、搅拌装置、自动排液装置三项自主知识产权专利技术,具有过滤效率高,滤饼水分低,滤液清澈透明,自动化程度高,节能效果好,设备维护、  相似文献   

利润最大化是每个企业追求的目标。而提高企业利润的途径有多种多样,但利用结算方式进行纳税筹划,合理避税,增加企业效益,不失为一种好的办法。交易双方采取的结算方式不同,其纳税义务发生的时间不同。因此,企业选择合理的结算方式不仅可以拖延人账时间,达到延缓税款缴纳、获得货币时间价值的目的,而且可以避免不必要的税收损失。利用结算方式进行纳税筹划包括采购结算方式的筹划和  相似文献   

成长性、成熟性和衰退性产业上市公司并购绩效的实证分析   总被引:42,自引:0,他引:42  
按照并购双方行业的相互关系,并购可以分为横向并购,纵向并购和混合并购。本文认为,公司所处产业的性质(成长性,成熟性,衰退性)在很大程度上影响着不同类型并购的绩效,处于不同性质产业的公司进行不同类型并购后的绩效不同,利用我国上市公司1995-1999年336次并购事件进行实证分析的结果表明;处于成长性行业的公司进行横向并购绩效相对最好;处于成熟性行业的公司进行纵向并购绩效相对最好;处于衰退性行业的公司进行横向并购的绩效最差。  相似文献   

当前,中国电力行业反腐倡廉总的形势是好的。但近几年建设项目多,投资规模大,在电力工程建设、农网改造工程、燃料设备采购、供(用)电审批等环节和领域,少数人利用手中掌握的工程招投标权、采购权等权力贪赃枉法、索贿受贿,发生了不少商业贿赂案件。同时,随着电力改革的深入,企业改制以及涉及巨额资产交易的兼并重组、资本运作等领域,逐渐成为商业贿赂的易发领域,影响了行业的社会形象,必须坚决进行治理.  相似文献   

大力拓展天然纤维和化学纤维的开发和利用,同时加强纺织产业的结构调整,走科技含量高、经济效益好、资源利用率高、环保的工业化道路。在目前的全球经济环境下,探索应对全球金融危机的合作精神,探索天然纤维的发展和利用意义深远。  相似文献   

胖胖 《工业会计》2008,(7):80-81
天蓝、云淡、风轻、碧水青山,一派自然好风光的天然氧吧令众多城里人心驰神往。节假日逛京郊、住农家已是京城人当下调养生息的好方式。越来越多的人愿意利用小长假,周末呼朋唤友,结伴驾车到近郊县感受“小桥流水人家,古道西风瘦马”的古朴情怀  相似文献   

随着改革开放的深入进行和企业逐步走向市场,企业发生在工程、物资、燃料、资产、资金、财务等管理环节的经济违法违纪案件不断增多,形成了企业经济案件的多发部位。这就为研究企业经济案件的防范工作提出了新的课题。现就这一课题谈一点粗浅的看法。一、企业经济案件多发部位的发案特点和现律1.权钱交易是企业经济案件多发部位发案的主要形式。具体表现为:利用工程发包权,不搞招标、议标,暗定或强行指定施工单位,采取抬高造价,索取或收受施工单位贿赂;利用掌握紧俏物资的审批权和采购物资职务之便,收取供货、购货单位的回扣和好…  相似文献   

何玉梅  刘颖 《董事会》2012,(7):42-51
中国经济已经进入低增长时代,越来越多的上市公司都试图通过多元化寻找新的增长路径。然而,多元化之路充满了重重陷阱,如何能利用好这一战略推动企业的持续增长,需要有风险意识、创新思维和治理机制保障。  相似文献   

An Asymmetric Oligopolist can Improve Welfare by Raising Price   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We demonstrate that, in Bertrand/Cournot equilibrium, a firm with a relatively small market share may improve social welfare by raising its price. This could be because the price increase can mitigate an output-structure distortion: if there are two goods which have the same marginal cost, then, under some conditions, the good in higher demand (the efficient good) will have a higher markup rate than the other good (the inefficient good). This suggests that the output structure is distorted in favor of the inefficient good, since the higher markup rate of the efficient good should lead to a considerable increase in demand for the inefficient good.  相似文献   

The Adams-Yellen two good bundling framework is generalized to allow the goods to be substitutes or complements. General theorems on price change effects are given. A monopolist may find it most profitable to offer the goods only as a bundle, even if they are (imperfect) substitutes, or to not bundle the goods, even if they are complements. If one good is competitively sold, a monopoly producer of the other good can never increase profits by offering his good only as part of a bundle. However, such a monopolist might profitably offer his good in both bundled and unbundled form to price discriminate, even if the two goods are substitutes.  相似文献   

Tying a good produced monopolistically with a complementary good produced in an oligopolistic market in which there is room for collusion can be profitable if some buyers of the oligopoly good have no demand for the monopoly good. The reason is that a tie makes part of the demand in the oligopolistic market out of the reach of the tying firm's rivals, which decreases the profitability of deviating from a collusive agreement. Tying may thus facilitate collusion. It may also allow the tying firm to alter market share allocation in a collusive oligopolistic market.  相似文献   

Pricing a Network Good To Deter Entry   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
This paper develops a model of pricing to deter entry by a sole supplier of a network good. We show that the installed user base of a network good can serve a preemptive function similar to that of an investment in capacity if the entrant's good is incompatible with the incumbent's good and there are network externalities in demand. Consequently, the threat of entry can lead the incumbent to set low prices. We identify some factors that should be considered in thinking about the welfare effects of entry deterrence in this and similar models.  相似文献   

This paper models a durable-goods oligopoly as a differential game. Two cases are treated: sales, where firms cannot lease but must sell the good in question, and leasing, where firms do not sell but only rent. In the sales case, firms face increasing marginal cost of production and the good in question depreciates. For this case, a rational expectations feedback Nash equilibrium is constructed for which monopoly or oligopoly output is less than the efficient level. This gap between oligopoly and competitive output diminishes as the number of firms increases. When firms can only lease the good, the good is assumed not to depreciate and the monopoly level of steady state output is compared with the level of steady state output for a feedback equilibrium duopoly. For this case, the duopoly equilibrium has steady-state output that is less than the corresponding efficient level, but greater than the monopoly level. The leasing model is shown to be isomorphic to the adjustment-cost duopoly model of Driskill and McCafferty (Journal of Economic Theory, 49 (1989) 324–338).  相似文献   

作为一种区域软实力,地方政府公信力是影响区域经济发展的一个重要因素。良好的政府公信力能够为区域经济发展营造公平的市场竞争秩序、促进区域内社会稳定发展以及塑造良好的区域形象。而目前我国一些地方政府公信力存在下降的趋势,在严重影响社会信用环境及地方投资环境的同时,也妨碍了政府与公众之间良好的互动关系的建构,增加了政府管理成本,制约着地方经济的发展。因此,有必要提高政府公信力,为区域经济发展营造一个良好的诚信环境  相似文献   

Research Summary: This study introduces the notion of attention allocation in networks to argue that individuals with different types of network structure produce good ideas via different pathways. Using survey data on communication networks at a software company, we find that people with highly constrained networks generate good ideas by following a logic of interrogation, by which they focus their attention on information from a particular contact. Conversely, individuals with less constrained networks produce good ideas by following a logic of recombination, whereby they divide their attention to information coming from across multiple contacts. The results show that in highly constrained networks, interrogation is a more reliable pathway to good ideas than recombination. We discuss the implications of these findings for behavioral strategy, social networks, and innovation. Managerial Summary: People can develop good ideas when they recombine diverse information inputs shared by non‐redundant communication partners that span multiple local clusters. But, in an organization, most individuals are embedded in constrained networks of people who know each other and thus typically receive redundant information from work colleagues. This study suggests that they can innovate via a different pathway: through interrogation. We find that people who focus their attention on information coming from a particular person succeed at generating good ideas because they deeply interrogate local knowledge and develop domain‐specific insights.  相似文献   

针对油田地面建设工程项目施工中投资经常失控的现象,通过分析研究,认为要做好建设项目实施阶段投资控制工作,需做好项目实施阶段的前期准备工作;加强合同管理;加强现场变更、签证管理;正确处理投资控制与质量控制、进度控制之间的关系。只有各部门协调一致,才能达到有效控制投资的目的,将有限的资金管好、用好。  相似文献   

We employ a price setting duopoly experiment to examine whether buyer confusion increases market prices. Each seller offers a good to buyers who have homogeneous preferences. Sellers decide on the number of attributes of their good and set prices. The number of attributes bears no cost to the sellers and does not affect the value of the good to the buyers but adds complexity to buyers’ evaluation of the goods. The experimental results indicate that the buyers make more suboptimal choices and that prices are higher when the number of attributes of the goods is higher. Moreover, prices and profits are higher than those in a benchmark treatment with perfectly rational (robot) buyers.  相似文献   

Entry by vertical integration to defeatmonopolization has played an important role in severalantitrust cases. Yet the source of financing for suchentry is unclear, given that the entrant represents apublic good to the vertically related firms. Whilethere are a number of theoretical and experimentalstudies on the private supply of a public good, thereis little empirical estimation on this topic. Thispaper examis business contributions to the creation ofBroadcast Music, Inc. (BMI) in 1940. BMI was createdby broadcasters specifically to fight monopolization,and represented investment in a pure public good. This study finds that several factors led tocontributions to create BMI. In particular, networkaffiliation increased the probability that a stationwould join BMI. There is also evidence stations inless competitive markets were more likely to join,indicating that the rents from the creation of BMIwere less likely to be competed away in suchmarkets.  相似文献   

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