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乔成风 《走向世界》2014,(47):90-93
若问一座城市的魅力何在?相信多数人会说,在于这座城池所涵养的人文景致与自然风貌。在世人的印象之中,济南是一座古朴而厚重的老城,沿着历史的风沙一路走来,多了几分风尘仆仆、沧桑怀古之重,少却了几抹嫩芽新绿、鲜活灵动之感。纵使名如诗画的槐荫区,在世人的眼中亦欠缺几分浑然天成的绿色生态。不过,这话放在几年前或许可以,如今的槐荫区早已是一副绿染西城、焕然一新的模样。2014年以来,在中共济南市槐荫区区委、区政府和市园林局的领导下。  相似文献   

基于1985—2012年广东省财政收入与广东金融贷款余额的时间序列,运用计量经济学VAR矢量自回归模型对广东省财政收入与地方贷款余额的关系进行了实证研究。研究发现:广东省财政收入与地方贷款余额之间存在长期协整关系,贷款余额每增加1个百分点,广东省财政收入增加0.3033个百分点。并且广东省财政收入的增长是广东金融企业贷款余额的格兰杰原因,而贷款余额的增加却不是财政收入增加的格兰杰原因,表明广东省金融机构贷款结构不合理,贷款资金使用效率低下,造成地方金融机构贷款的低效率使其无法有效带动地方财政收入的增长。最后针对实证结果做出了相应的解释和政策建议。  相似文献   

文章从激励差异视角重新考察"撤县设区"的财政收支效应。基于广东的区划改革和转移支付政策实践构造一个"准试验"样本,样本期内既有"撤县设区"案例,也涉及省财政对县区激励性转移支付政策的重大调整,因而能够区分二者对财政收支的影响。分析过程包括两步,首先,基于倾向得分匹配和双重差分(PSD-DID)方法,发现"撤县设区"降低了县区财政收支增速;其次,依据激励性转移支付政策变化构建三重差分(DIDID)考察"撤县设区"政策效应的产生机制,发现财政激励差异是导致"撤县设区"政策效应的原因。文章为检验"撤县设区"等行政区划调整如何影响当地发展提出一种识别机制,并发现激励落差是导致"撤县设区"影响财政收支的背后机制,而"撤县设区"本身的影响不显著。  相似文献   

Development planning in the South African homelands has been part of the policy of separate development. This policy implied that the homeland inhabitants should make a living there or only leave these areas to be migrant labourers. Agricultural and industrial projects have been developed since the sixties to provide labour opportunities for this population, but these have had little impact on the large need for employment. This study shows how little the local economy of a settlement in Gazankulu is linked to the development projects which are directed at the aggregate, homeland or district level. Their history of underdevelopment has not equipped the local population to escape the constraints of a poor rural existence. Some suggestions are made to move towards a more democratic relationship in development planning and distribution of resources.  相似文献   

This article reviews the training projects and initiatives supported by Edinburgh District Council and draws conclusions from the successful track record of a number of the projects. These refer mainly to factors which contribute to the success of training for the long-term unemployed and therefore may be useful to anyone developing new training projects. Similarly, they may help those who are pondering how Employment Training may usefully develop.

Edinburgh District Council's support for training lies within its economic development function, as opposed to the Regional Council, where it lies with their education function. With this in mind, the District Council's criteria for supporting training have had to be plainly established. These are, that projects must be “exemplary, innovative, and catalytic”, and there must be no duplication of other provision. They should address specific needs amongst the unemployed, and must supply skills which are needed for the development of Edinburgh's economy.  相似文献   

Systems’ thinking places high value on understanding the context. This study focused on the collection of disaggregated data in order to understand the context, to facilitate improvement of health outcomes. The aim of this article was to assess the implementation of municipal ward-based health data collection (disaggregated data) and health care workers’ perceptions of this data collection process. This cross-sectional study used mixed methods in Amajuba district. The participants were professional nurses at the Primary Health Care level. Of the 131 respondents, 123 (93.9%) collected municipal ward-based health data, and found it useful. Opportunities for improving data collection were identified. Disaggregation of the data at ward level contributes to a better understanding of the target population’s health, assists planning for health needs and enables provision of targeted interventions in order to improve health outcomes, to prevent financial regression and waste of health resources.  相似文献   

后发展地区在发展经济进程中出现了财源建设与财政收入相背离的现象。也就是说,地方经济发展壮大却没有带来对应的财政收入的增长。这种状况的存在一定程度上对推动地方经济的快速发展产生消极影响,制约了我国经济与社会和谐发展、区域经济协调发展的进程。文章通过对国内外解决财源与财政收入背离问题一些主要做法的分析,提出了进一步缓解财源与财政收入背离现象、实现区域经济协调发展的对策及建议。  相似文献   

This article appraises the prospects of District Assemblies institutionalising local governance structures and processes that are responsive, democratic and capable of improving the livelihoods of the poor. District Assemblies have been established against the backdrop of a radically reconstituted policy, governance and administrative framework following the transition from one-party rule to multiparty democracy in Malawi in May 1994. The underlying argument of this paper is that the potential success of the District Assemblies is effectively hampered by widespread self-seeking tendencies and orientations among various stakeholders in grassroots development, strategically veiled as lack of capacity on the part of the decentralised planning framework. Unless these seemingly idiosyncratic tendencies are subordinated to the underlying noble cause of the decentralisation policy and institutional reforms, the trinity of good governance, development and poverty reduction in the evolving structures and processes of local government will remain a virtually unattainable ideal.  相似文献   

Municipalities are well positioned to support adaptation of vulnerable people to climate change; however, they seldom integrate climate change into their planning for social development. The building of adaptive capacity for sustainable adaptation requires that municipalities understand and mainstream climate change into their plans, and develop context-specific adaptation strategies that address existing social development issues. A desktop analysis was conducted to compare the planning landscape in six District Municipalities in the Eastern Cape, South Africa, focusing on Municipal Integrated Development Plans (IDPs). A scoring system was developed for comparing the IDPs of the municipalities, based on levels of context-specific information about climate change, mainstreaming of climate change with other development concerns, and vertical integration across district and local municipalities, amongst other themes. Overall, the mainstreaming of climate change in municipal IDPs in the Eastern Cape remains weak, and requires critical attention if sustainable adaptation is to be achieved.  相似文献   

Indonesia is engaged in an unprecedented social and economic experiment. Responsibility for much government expenditure is being decentralised, largely to local (district) rather than to provincial governments. If this process is successful, the world's most centralised large country could become one of its most decentralised. This paper considers the issues arising as preparations for decentralisation are finalised, and as the socialisation of its plans and practices is considered by the central government, the People's Representative Council, the decentralised units of government, and the public. These issues were identified partly through interviews with local government officials. They include policy and administrative matters yet to be resolved, such as local budgeting, financial management and auditing practices, personnel decentralisation, local taxation, borrowing by local governments, and the match between revenues and expenditures. A major theme is the importance of a continuing national and local discussion on the goals and processes of decentralisation.  相似文献   

By identifying the political motives of officials and local governments, this study aims to provide a new political economic analysis framework for understanding China's incentives for investing in public–private partnership (PPP) infrastructure projects. Chinese urban panel data for the period 2013–17 were used to examine the mechanisms of promotion pressure and financial burden in relation to investments in PPP infrastructure projects. Based on our findings, the following policy recommendations are proposed: standardise the behaviour of local government officials in promoting PPP projects, establish a lifelong accountability mechanism for PPP project performance, establish a mechanism for local government debt risk assessment and prevention, and avoid the risk of local debt arising from over‐investment in PPP infrastructure projects. Moreover, a match should be formed between local economic infrastructure planning and investment plans to avoid over‐ or under‐investment.  相似文献   

All countries, especially developing countries with limited financial resources, face difficult decisions in prioritising public funds for investment projects in the face of multiple demands in order to achieve strategic public goals. Effective investment often requires coordination between different institutions and the management of political pressure to divert investment in support of private interests. It also requires the identification of appropriate sources of funds for different purposes. The preparation of an integrated infrastructure investment plan (IIIP) that uses structured approaches to review investment proposals has been suggested, and adopted in some cases, as an instrument to address these challenges and bridge the gap between national planning and sectoral budgeting. This article considers the experience of Mozambique in deploying an IIIP as well as some recent events and concludes that the instrument may be helpful as part of a system of investment planning and allocation but that it has significant limitations.  相似文献   

Since the advent of multiparty democracy in June 1994, the Malawi government has embarked on a local government reform programme involving political and administrative decentralisation to promote democratic governance, local development and effective public service delivery. However, the wholesale adoption of the decentralisation process tends to ignore a critical debate on capacity challenges in local government. The main argument is that the success of the reform programme is contingent upon the availability of adequate capacity in local government institutions. Therefore, this article examines the critical contingencies, namely administrative, technical and economic capacity, in the context of local government reform and decentralisation in Malawi. The major conclusion is that capacity problems, including the lack of appropriately trained personnel and a shortage of funds, seriously hamper effective public service delivery. Thus, there is a need for implementing comprehensive capacity building programmes, including training and development, and financial management strategies to attain the desired objectives.  相似文献   

董春丽 《特区经济》2010,(9):134-135
发展县域经济,为全面建设小康社会奠定扎实的物质和经济基础,是县域经济在中国特色新型工业化、城镇化进程中应当担负的重任。随着经济全球化步伐的加快,发展县域经济面临的挑战日益严峻,目前我国县域经济融资难的原因其中包括了法律影响因子——至今没有配套的金融信贷立法,应该加强立法工作。借鉴美国《社区再投资法》和泰国等成果经验,结合我国实际县域经济发展实情适时出台县域金融再投资法,持续推动县域金融信贷,不断提高县域经济发展速度和加大发展能力,为县域经济发展提供空间和创造条件。  相似文献   

This article proposes a new method for implementing integrated development planning as envisioned by the Local Government Municipal Systems Act of South Africa (2000). The method draws together stakeholders who fall into three broad groups: the communities who live in the municipal area, municipal officials and the elected local politicians. It is grounded in the principles of participatory action research, in which the participation of all interested and affected parties is valued. Within this participatory framework, tools of multicriteria decision analysis (MCDA) are used to support the decision-making process by structuring and quantifying difficult decisions that need to be addressed. Community development measurement scales are formulated by communities, and form the basis for evaluations of proposed projects and ongoing monitoring of these communities' progress.  相似文献   

财政收支规模与社会经济发展密切相关。本文通过对新疆财政收支规模与新疆经济发展的相关性分析,明确了新疆宏观税负、财政支出总量与结构对新疆经济的影响,说明新疆税收收入的增长与经济增长之间存在着不和谐因素、新疆财政支出结构不尽合理,尤其是与民生相关的指标较低等问题,从而提出了调整经济结构、优化税源结构等对策建议。  相似文献   

为矫正土地出让金实际支出中的"重城轻农"倾向,国家相关文件原则性规定了土地出让金的五种支出方向,但并未给出各支出方向的具体比例。基于广州市土地出让金利益相关者对各支出方向相对重要性排序的495份调查问卷,采用相对熵组合赋权方法测算土地出让金各支出方向的具体比例。研究表明,土地出让金用于城市建设、支农、土地开发、征地拆迁补偿、其他支出的合理比例应分别为19.51%、21.35%、18.88%、19.15%、21.11%;其中支农支出比例最高,支农支出与征地拆迁补偿支出比例合计达40.50%,与土地出让金支出"重点向新农村建设倾斜"的政策契合。在土地出让金支出重点向新农村建设倾斜的大前提下,可制定土地出让金各支出方向比例的合理区间给地方政府预留一定的弹性操作空间;建立土地收益基金等措施维护上下届政府间的"代际公平"。要确保土地出让收益用于农民、农业、农村,还可参照目前土地复垦净收益分配方式,硬性规定土地被征收前的土地所有权人与土地使用权人占土地出让净收益的一定比例。  相似文献   

Continuing decentralisation in most developing countries increases pressure on local governments to manage more functions and services and larger budgets. In this context, financial improvement planning (FIP) is a strategy that can be used by local governments wishing to improve or ‘fine‐tune’ their financial performance, and especially by those facing serious financial difficulties. This article examines the application of FIP in the town of Kitwe, Zambia, which faces financial difficulties within a national decentralisation framework characterised by several policy and fiscal deficiencies. The article covers how an FIP framework was developed, undertaken and the resultant interventions structured. Implications regarding the role, design and techniques of FIP in local governments within a decentralisation policy framework are elaborated upon. Effective decentralisation in southern African countries requires local governments to undertake sound financial management. In turn, this requires local governments to embrace challenging local policy processes. Development of FIP techniques, and strengthening local capacity and policy to support them in local governments, should be ingredients of any country's decentralisation programme.  相似文献   

周权雄  龙自云   《华东经济管理》2010,24(12):45-50
文章在界定地方财政收入可持续增长相关概念的基础上,研究分析了产业结构调整与地方财政收入可持续增长之间的内在联系,并通过收集中国统计年鉴2002--2009披露的中国省级层面财政收入数据,实证发现了各地区三次产业结构、各产业内部供给结构、国际国内需求结构及所有制结构的变化与地方财政收入之间的相关关系和因果关系。  相似文献   

我国增值税转型的影响效应分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
张阳 《改革与战略》2008,24(6):66-69
增值税由生产型转换为消费型后,企业的增值税、企业所得税以及城市维护建设税税收负担将随之发生变化。增值税转型会引起的政府财政收入的减少。这种财政减收在中央与地方财政之间分配。增值税转型促进基础产业和资本密集型企业的发展,符合我国产业政策的发展方向;能够刺激投资需求;而且有利于公平税负,实现内外资两套税法的统一;还将增强我国出口产品的国际竞争能力,对外贸出口具有重要意义。  相似文献   

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