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一、债务重组的意义  在债务人财务状况恶化情况下,作为债权人,一方面可以通过法律程序,要求债务人破产,以破产财产清偿债务;另一方面也可以通过相互协商,债权人作出某些让步,使债务人减轻负担,渡过难关,即债务重组。根据我国会计准则,债务重组是指在债务人发生财务困难的情况下,债权人按照其与债务人达成的协议或法院的裁定作出让步的事项。这里“债务人发生财务困难”是进行债务重组的前提条件,“让步”是债务重组的本质特征,即债权人同意发生财务困难的债务人现在或将来以低于重组债务帐面价值的金额偿还债务。债务重组的…  相似文献   

债务重组是指债务人与债权人之间达成的协议或法院的裁决,同意债务人修改债务条件的事项。主要包括:以低于债务计税成本的现金清偿债务;以非现金资产清偿债务;债务转换为资本,包括国有企业债转股;修改其他债务条件;以上述两种或者两种以上方式组合进行的混合重组。文章就债务重组的所得税处理与会计处理存在的差异进行分析。  相似文献   

车兴海 《中国经贸》2013,(12):262-263
债务重组也称为债务重整,就是指债权人在债务人发生财务困难的情况下,债权人按照和债务人达成的协议或者法院作出裁定让步的事项。本文就债务重组的会计处理问题进行论证。  相似文献   

文章首先介绍了新《企业会计准则第12号——债务重组》产生的时代背景,在此基础上对新旧债务重组准则进行了比较分析。具体包括债务重组定义、债务重组方式和债务重组会计处理三个方面。研究表明,债务重组准则变迁的突出特征是公允价值的引入,实质就是国际趋同。新债务重组准则在“堵”了债务人通过债务重组将利润转移给债权人这个“漏洞”的同时,仍客观存在债权人向债务人转移利润的可能。文章建议注册会计师在审查时,尤其应关注关联企业之间债务重组交易的公允性.  相似文献   

许敏 《北方经济》2006,(8):52-53
本文就2001年财政部颁布了新修订的《企业会计准则——债务重组》,介绍了债务重组的定义及意义,新旧债务重组的方式以及对债权人、债务人在会计处理上的不同。结合对新旧债务重组准则的比较,探讨子目前债务重组中存在的问题。  相似文献   

苏建 《西部论丛》2003,(5):53-53
最高人民法院《关于适用<中华人民共和国担保法>若干问题的解释》第六十九条规定:“债务人有多个普通债权的,在清偿债务时,债务人与其中一个债权人恶意串通,将其全部或者部分财产抵押给该债权人,因此丧失了履行其他债务的能力,损害了其他债权人的权益,受损害的其他债权人可以请求人民法院撤销该抵押行为。”  相似文献   

卜伟 《辽宁经济》2006,(11):106-106
一、债务重组的核算 债务重组,是指在债务人发生财务困难的情况下,债权人按照其与债务人达成的协议或者法院的裁定做出让步的事项。  相似文献   

2006年初财政部公布了修订后的《企业会计准则——基本准则》,新旧债务重组准则,在债务重组的定义、债务重组方式、债权人的会计处理和债务人的会计处理等方面做出了较大改变。  相似文献   

资产管理公司在不良资产处置实践中,由于债务人数众多且较分散,或债务人、担保人因改制、重组等原因发生变动,或债务人的联系地址发生改变,致使债权人不能及时有效地催收,资产管理公司通常采取在报纸刊登债权转让暨催收公告的方式通知债务人。因此,报纸公告对于债权人履行告知义务、中断诉讼时效等方面具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

许敏 《北方经济》2006,(16):52-53
本文就2001年财政部颁布了新修订的《企业会计准则---债务重组》,介绍了债务重组的定义及意义,新旧债务重组的方式以及对债权人、债务人在会计处理上的不同.结合对新旧债务重组准则的比较,探讨了目前债务重组中存在的问题.  相似文献   

从日本泡沫经济产生的根源、不良债权难以有效解决的原因、结构性经济改革难以推进的制约因素等方面分析,认为“政府为特殊利益访华团俘虏”是造成日本经济长期萧条的根本原因缺乏坚实的现实依据。仅从金融业的层面思考和解决不良债权问题不会从根本上解决该问题,仅从利益再调整的角度分析结构性改革的难度也没有完全理解改革的复杂性。  相似文献   

This paper summarizes global imbalance adjustment after the GFC and analyzes the evolution of balance of payments using a four‐quadrant diagram. We construct the framework of a stock adjustment mechanism to analyze the main driving factors for the imbalance in surplus/deficit countries and debtors/creditors in an attempt to determine the sustainability of imbalance adjustment. We find that imbalances have been reduced to some extent, but most countries have not achieved rebalance after the global financial crisis. Therefore, we propose an ideal path for global imbalance adjustment and summarize the policy practices of representative countries that have followed this route. Based on our analysis, we suggest that China should learn from the Australian experience and adopt a macro‐prudential assessment policy, actively adjust the domestic economic structure and optimize the structure of balance of payments.  相似文献   

Asian countries have, from 1965 to the early 1990s, shown remarkable growth performance. The recent financial crisis, however, has brought disastrous effects on these growing economies. The region has been suffering from high inflation, massive unemployment, and large drops in growth rates. The major cause of the crisis can be attributed to the international financial markets. International financial institutions lent without serious examination of the borrowers’ ability to repay. In this regard, the ratings agencies were also responsible for the worsening of the crisis. Their ratings did not give correct signals to the lenders. The borrowers’ speculative activities and their subsequent failures were a direct cause that led to the crisis. A second cause lies in the structural problems in these economies. There are still covert dealings between government officials and businesses, and these economies lack transparency. These deficiencies greatly distort allocation of resources in the economies. There should be a global risk-management system to prevent such a crisis from happening again. This risk-management system would give an early warning signal. Creditors should coordinate their efforts to resolve the liquidity crisis in the Asian countries. Coordinated loans and partial forgiving of debts will be helpful to both debtors and creditors.  相似文献   

Using the example of Bulgaria, we argue that familiar models of international political economy fail to capture the tension between national sovereignty and access to capital markets experienced by peripheral debtors in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Existing accounts exaggerate the significance of the gold standard as a good housekeeping seal of approval and underestimate the role of direct financial controls. Furthermore, they underestimate the linkage in zones of inter‐imperial rivalry, such as the Balkans, between foreign borrowing and strategic alignment. We show how Bulgaria found its politics destabilized prior to 1914 by the demands of its creditors. After defeat in the First World War, Bulgaria was forced to submit to an even tighter system of creditor control. Though it obtained substantial debt relief during the 1930s, these concessions were gained not through an assertion of national sovereignty and default, but at the price of even closer supervision. This in turn casts new light on the conventional view of Bulgaria as a victim of Nazi ‘informal imperialism’. In light of Bulgaria's previous experience, the more striking feature of its trade relations with Hitler's Germany is that they were conducted on a basis of sovereign equality.  相似文献   

In this study we investigate whether the importance of accounting information in contracting and communication with shareholders and creditors affects earnings timeliness in publicly disclosed general‐purpose financial statements. To operationalize the relationship between timeliness demands and the importance of accounting information to shareholders and creditors, we compare the (asymmetry in) earnings timeliness of public firms with that of private firms. We attribute public versus private firm differences in timeliness to shareholders’ demands when a country’s institutions provide strong investor protection. Similarly, we attribute these differences to creditors’ demands when the institutions provide strong creditor protection. Our analysis of public and private firms in 13 Western European countries suggests that creditors and shareholders have different timeliness demands. In particular, we find that the public versus private firm difference in asymmetric timeliness is not associated with a country’s degree of investor protection but positively associated with a country’s degree of creditor protection. The results further suggest that shareholders demand symmetric rather than asymmetric timeliness. An important implication of our study is that general‐purpose financial statements are responsive to creditors’ reporting demands, which contrasts with the idea that these — primarily private — creditors would use special‐purpose reports.  相似文献   

论我国公司分立制度之构建和完善   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张颖杰  李松 《特区经济》2008,(3):145-147
公司分立作为公司组织体进行更生再造的一项重要举措,其分立方式与分立过程异常复杂和多样,且分立效果对分立公司原债权人权益影响甚巨,故域外立法多对公司分立予以详备规制,以求股东与债权人之间利益之平衡。我国新公司法虽然在旧法的基础上对公司分立制度进行了修改,但仍然过于疏漏,且不尽合理,对公司分立实务难以起到规范调整作用,也难以真正平衡股东和债权人之间的利益。新公司法于公司分立制度之建构仍然任重道远,函待日后进一步修改、补充和完善。  相似文献   

传统的财务理论仅从负债的税盾收益和财务困境成本等角度研究企业的融资战略,忽略了高负债对企业未来可持续发展的影响。负债比例过高不仅会影响企业的投资行为和市场竞争行为,还会改变客户、供应商、雇员、债权人和股东等利益相关者正常的交易行为,进而直接成胁到企业未来的生存和发展。基于上述考虑,企业在制定融资战略时应适当降低其负债程度,以更好地实现未来的可持续发展。  相似文献   

黄斌斌  黄敏 《特区经济》2007,225(10):84-86
20世纪90年代,瑞士金融的一种趋势就是发生在银行业和保险业之间的业务彼此渗透,实现银行保险业务联合,同时为了克服现有银证统一的分业监管体系的缺陷,瑞士在1998年开始对其金融监管进行全面改革。这次改革统一了金融监管权力,但不仅仅是组织机构的简单重组,而是以提高监管体系的有效性、合理性和适用性为目标的对监管体系的实质性调整。正确认识和评价瑞士金融监管体制的改革,有利于推动我国金融监管体制的发展和完善。  相似文献   

市场化程度、盈余管理与银行贷款定价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从盈余管理角度考察了财务报告质量对银行贷款定价的影响。研究发现,银行关注了企业报表中的盈余管理问题,盈余管理程度越高,企业获得的贷款利率越高;在市场化程度越高的地区,银行对企业盈余管理行为的识别能力越强。该研究结论不仅为会计信息的经济后果提供了经验证据,同时也暗示了债权人监督的有效性。  相似文献   

This article examines the African debt crisis. It focuses on factors leading to the accumulation of the debts and their impact on the debtor nations. The significance of the study lies in the fact that the African debt burden presents a gruesome picture of hopelessness. This is reflected by the continent’s massive debt of $230 billion, equivalent to almost three times the continent’s annual export earnings. This is expected to jump to $550 billion by the year 2000. Africa’s crushing debt burden has become one of the most important factors constraining recovery and development. As the United Nations Children’s Fund estimates, one thousand people die each day in Africa because of the debt crisis. The analysis shows that due to the multifaceted nature of the causes of the debt crisis, both creditors and debtors should agree on the options for dealing with the crisis. It further shows that there is the urgency for Africa to tackle its numerous sociopolitico-economic problems. Africa can make real economic progress only when it begins to get on top of its debt crisis.  相似文献   

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