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在经济全球化的发展背景下,特别是中国加入WTO之后,我国现有的保税区面临着严峻的挑战,建设更高开放程度的具有国际水平的自由贸易区是我国经济进一步发展的必然趋势。上海自由贸易区作为推进改革和提高开放型经济水平的"试验田",是顺应全球经贸发展新趋势,更加积极主动对外开放的重大举措。对加快政府职能转变和行政体制改革,促进转变经济增长方式和优化经济结构,促进贸易和投资便利化,创新金融机制具有积极意义。本研究从战略管理的角度出发,对上海自由贸易区发展进行SWOT分析,并对其今后发展提出建议。  相似文献   

There are claims that China's influence on ASEAN is direct in that she has encouraged more exports to flow into her huge markets and changed trade flows among member countries. Demand and supply are thus deemed to have become more China‐centered. This study therefore explores the plausibility of China as a ‘factor’ that influences bilateral intra‐ASEAN 5 trade flows through demand (exporting country) and supply (importing country). The results imply that China's integration in the region increases the size of the key ASEAN member economies export market. There is also no indication that import sourcing from China by ASEAN 5 countries reduces export expansion within the latter. The results accord with the fact that although China has become an important export destination and an import source for individual ASEAN 5 countries, this has not reduced intra‐ASEAN 5 trade.  相似文献   

中日贸易差额分歧与中日贸易摩擦   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
虽然被表面化为贸易差额上的分歧,但这并无法掩盖中日贸易中所存在的深层次问题。随着彼此对于对方都更加重要,频繁的贸易摩擦给双方带来的影响无疑也将越来越严重。中日应该尽早寻求有效的解决出路,包括统一统计方法和口径、建立预警机制以及建立自由贸易区等区域一体化组织。  相似文献   

We study the determinants of China's bilateral local currency swap lines that were established following the recent global finance crisis. It is found that economic factors, political considerations and institutional characteristics, including trade intensity, economic size, strategic partnership, free trade agreements, corruption and stability, affect the decision to sign a swap line agreement. Once a swap line agreement decision is made, the size of the swap line is then mainly affected by trade intensity, economic size and the presence of a free trade agreement. The results are quite robust with respect to the choices of the Heckman two‐stage framework or the proportional hazard model. The gravity effect captured by distances between China and its counterparts, if present, is mainly observed during the early part of the sample period under consideration.  相似文献   

李济潮 《改革与战略》2010,26(2):163-165
广西是中国-东盟自由贸易区的前沿阵地。中国-东盟自由贸易区的建立给广西的发展带来了巨大的机遇,使广西与东盟各国的贸易越来越健康地发展,使广西与东盟双向投资越来越频繁,但也带来了挑战。我们要以自由贸易区为平台,抓住合作环境改善、经贸投资地域和领域扩大等机遇,克服产品竞争力弱等不利因素,运用经贸对象和领域的合理选择、投资策略的调整等办法,推动双方经贸合作关系不断发展。  相似文献   

We employ a new, commodity-level dataset on the flow of goods between fifteen major treaty ports to estimate a general-equilibrium trade model for China in the late Qing era. The distribution of welfare effects depends critically on each port's productivity, China's economic geography as it influences trade costs, as well as the degree of regional diversity in production, which increases the potential gains from trade. We utilize this framework to quantify the size and distribution of welfare effects resulting from new technology and lower trade costs that emerged during the Treaty-Port Era. Our results suggest that the new trade with foreign countries led to significant changes in domestic trade relationships. There was a limit to how much could be gained through increased domestic trade, however, because differences in productivity across regions were relatively low.  相似文献   

This paper offers a comprehensive analysis of the reasons for the large number of trade remedy actions taken against China. Using a multi‐country and multi‐industry dataset, the present paper shows that the macroeconomic situation of China's partners has a great influence on the probability of trade frictions arising with China. Moreover, the more powerful the industry is, the more likely it is to take trade remedy actions against China. The empirical results reveal that China has been hurt under the operating mechanism of the WTO, and the number of free trade agreements is negatively related to the initiation and approval of trade remedy actions. Basically, the determinants for countervailing and double remedy measures are identical, while they are different from determinants of antidumping measures. Accordingly, strengthening communication with trade partners will alleviate friction between China and its trade partners. Meanwhile, making use of foreign lobbies' power, actively integrating into the international trading system and participating in regional trade agreements are effective ways for China to deal with the “new normal” of trade frictions.  相似文献   

The ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) is the largest integration effort attempted in the developing world; if realized, it will create a single market with the free movement of goods, services, foreign direct investment and skilled labor, and freer movement of capital encompassing nearly 600 million people. This study, a first attempt to evaluate the full benefits of the AEC, finds that the project could produce gains similar to those resulting from the European Single Market, amounting to 5.3 percent of the region's income. The benefits could be doubled if, as expected, regional integration also leads to new free trade agreements with key external partners. The whole region will share in these gains. There will be mild trade and investment diversion effects for some other countries, but the world will benefit too. Nevertheless, the AEC poses political challenges: the present study finds that the project will imply significant structural adjustments in several ASEAN economies.  相似文献   

云南是中国翡翠原石进口的主要陆路通道.描述了云南当前翡翠原石进口和产业发展状况,基于SWOT法分析了当前扩大云南陆路口岸翡翠原石进口的内外部条件,在此基础上进行了竞争策略研究,从对缅关系、贸易政策和产业扶持三个层面提出如何扩大云南陆路口岸翡翠原石进口的建议.  相似文献   

Over the past three decades, we have seen a dramatic increase in the incidence of temporary trade barriers such as antidumping duties and countervailing duties. China has been at the receiving end of a large number of such measures. In this paper, we study how China's exports to its major trade partners have been affected when its major trade partners have used these measures either against China or against other countries. We find that Chinese exports to the country that imposed an antidumping duty decreased by approximately 35 percent. At the same time, an antidumping duty used by the importing country that was directed towards other countries but not against China led to an approximate 30‐percent increase in China's exports to the policy‐imposing country. These results remain robust across various specifications. Our findings have important policy implications. In particular, the magnitude of these effects highlights why it is important to curb the recent widespread use of these barriers.  相似文献   

发展服务型自由贸易区是世界范围内特殊功能区升级的新趋势。我国经济特区、经济技术开发区等特殊功能区域,面临着新一轮国际产业转移、扩大服务业对外开放和我国宏观经济环境趋势良好等机遇,也面临着东北亚地区自由港争夺加剧、自身产业呈空心化等挑战,需要顺应世界经济潮流转型为服务型自由贸易区。这种转型升级需要从各特殊功能区的实际出发,形成自己的特色和优势。  相似文献   

李德甫  杨文宇  莫娟 《特区经济》2007,226(11):74-76
本文表达了如下想法:①名义汇率围绕真实汇率上下波动的调整,会促使一国国际收支恶化或者改善;②美元对人民币贬值并不一定能够满足马歇尔———勒纳条件和解决中美国际收支失衡问题,因为失衡问题主要是美国的国内因素以及限制对华技术出口与中国商品进口所引起的;③我国作为一个发展中国家,应该适度控制名义汇率,使其低于真实汇率,才能支持劳动力优势,保持国际收支顺差;④国际收支长期盈余,是我国经济增长和经济安全的保证。  相似文献   

许晓冬 《重庆与世界》2014,31(10):15-19
1784年,美国"中国皇后"号商船来华,开启了中美贸易的新篇章。而在此之前,清政府已将南方四口通商变由广州一口通商,并由十三行来管理对外贸易。首航的成功开辟了中美贸易新纪元,对美国海外扩张及中国对外开放具有深远的意义。自此,中美贸易以激流勇进之势超越了荷兰、法国等欧洲国家,仅次于对华贸易有一百多年历史的英国。很多因素促成了这次伟大航行的成功,这不是个偶然事件,而是酝酿许久蓄势待发的东方之旅。  相似文献   

陈军   《华东经济管理》2011,25(2):66-69
就研究对象而言,国内学者使用贸易引力模型对贸易流量进行研究主要集中在两个方面:一是中国和其他国家(地区)的双边贸易流量;二是中国和世界主要经济体或自由贸易区的贸易流量。而针对中国倡导并参加的上海合作组织内各成员国的贸易流量影响因素,并就对贸易流量的影响因素进行分析的研究并不多。文章即利用贸易引力模型进行实证检验,比较上海合作组织内各成员国的主要影响因素变量的回归系数并分析其原因,最后得出相关结论。  相似文献   

绥芬河位于黑龙江省东南部,地处东北亚经济圈的中心地带。绥芬河口岸是连接中国与俄罗斯贸易往来的重要枢纽。中俄木材贸易是中俄经贸往来的重要组成部分。2013年12月初,绥芬河正式被国务院批复为中国首个卢布使用试点市,新形势下绥芬河口岸对俄贸易面临新的机遇和挑战。文章在对绥芬河市进行实地调研以及走访数据的基础上,分析了绥芬河口岸概况,提炼总结了对俄木材贸易现状,指出了新形势下绥芬河口岸对俄木材贸易存在的问题,并提出了相应的对策和建议。  相似文献   

As an extension of traditional trade, digital trade is a new type of trade in the era of the digital economy. In this paper, we first analyze the digital trade‐related strategies of eight leading economies through word clouds and dissect China's digital trade‐related policies using the word frequency method by sorting through the digital trade‐related policy documents of 26 economies and Chinese provinces. We then evaluate the status quo of digital trade development in 111 countries and Chinese provinces by building a digital trade index system to determine the development environment and market potential. The results show that all countries attach great importance to digital technology, data and government guidance in the development of digital trade. The results also reveal that “development,” “service” and “construction” are the three most frequently used words in various Chinese documents. The overall level of China's digital trade is at the global vanguard, but is characterized by uneven regional development. In the era of digital trade, traditional international trade theory is also in urgent need of breakthroughs and innovation.  相似文献   

The present paper investigates the development of intra‐industry trade (IIT) among the East Asian economies over the 1970–1996 period. A dynamic index is used to capture the changes in the structure of trade flows. Based on this approach, IIT is decomposed into horizontal (HIIT) and vertical components (VIIT) and the determinants of each are investigated. The results show that both HIIT and VIIT have exhibited increased importance over the sample period in manufacturing. Using pooled panel data the two‐way trade in all measures of IIT is found to be positively related to the country‐specific variables, such as the market size, exhange rate depreciation, the levels of development and income, and negatively to the geographic proximity of the partners. Economies of scale are seen to have a positive influence on IIT and HIIT, but a negative relationship with VIIT. Although the relative openness of a country's trade regime shows no significant relationship with any form of IIT, a trade imbalance does affect IIT and HIIT flows. The findings have implications for assessing the structural adjustment costs associated with the trade liberalization process as HIIT is associated with demand for variety and relates to two‐way trade in goods of similar quality, while VIIT is driven by international specialization and differences in relative factor endowments.  相似文献   

As a result of deadlocked multilateral trade negotiations, many countries have embarked on the establishment of bilateral and regional trade agreements. Using the Global Trade Analysis Project database and a computable general equilibrium model, our paper focuses on the impacts of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) and the Trans‐Pacific Partnership (TPP) on the Chinese economy under three scenarios. The results suggest that when only the TTIP is realized, Chinese economic variables are negatively affected. When both the TTIP and the TPP are realized and China is excluded, the combined damage to the Chinese economy is higher than the damage with the TTIP alone. However, the inclusion of China in the TPP has a positively effect on economic variables in China. This indicates that the impacts of China's participation in the TPP compensate for the negative impacts of the TTIP. Therefore, China should consider being part of the TPP to offset the negative impacts of the TTIP.  相似文献   

对双边自由贸易组织的现实合理性及其过渡性分析发现,基于经济利益的考虑,亚洲的发展中国家和地区倾向于选择双边先行的自由贸易体制。要获得更大的贸易收益,中国必须积极主动融入到区域经济一体化进程。在贸易收益只取决于相对偏好和相对人口比例大小的条件下,中国和东盟建立自由贸易区符合国家战略的必然选择,同时中国应加快实施战略性贸易政策,扶植高新技术产业,促进经济结构升级,在东亚经济一体化进程中掌握先发的制度优势和技术优势。  相似文献   

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