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随着旅游人数的增多,游客旅游方式也趋向多元化.由各旅行社组团的传统旅游方式所占市场份额比例不断下降,而亲友间组成小团体的自由行、自驾车旅游等旅游方式,正逐渐成为我国旅游市场的主体.从游客角度出发,探讨未来适合游客的旅游方式,这对旅游市场的发展硬旅行社的发展具有重要的指导意义和现实意义.  相似文献   

文幸运用问卷调查法和访谈法对赴滇西南休闲体育游客进行访谈和调查,分析了滇西南体闲体育旅游产品开发条件和存在的问题,最后根据游客市场需求提出了滇西南地区体闲体育旅游的市场开发模式和策略,以期为云南省体育、旅游产业的联动发展提供示范,促进云南省休闲体育旅游的健康、持续发展.  相似文献   

随着我国国力和国际影响力不断增强,越来越多的欧美游客访华以了解我国文化和旅游资源。我国旅游学者对欧美游客在华旅游消费行为的研究甚少。本文从人口统计学特征、旅游决策行为、旅游消费偏好角度对广东入境欧美游客旅游消费行为进行研究,并提出旅行社供应链管理优化策略。  相似文献   

本文基于470份宁杭高铁沿线城市游客旅游消费行为调查数据,重点分析高铁游客出游时间、出游花费、出游频次、旅游偏好和旅游满意度等内容,并针对宁杭高铁游客的旅游消费行为特征,提出了打造精品旅游集聚区、拓展信息供给渠道、完善接待设施与服务和加强城市联动等促进南京高铁旅游繁荣的建议。  相似文献   

网易 《广告大观》2007,(8S):130-131
中国人的旅行的足迹越来越远。世界旅游旅行理事会的报告称.中国游客已经跻身世界五大度假消费群体.今后将超越其它国家成为最大的旅游消费群体。互联网的高速发展,使世界与人们的距离越来越近.网络已成为人们获取旅游资讯的主要平台。如何利用网络聚拢目标消费者.对于旅游市场的营销至关重要。  相似文献   

作为入境游市场的一部分,在华常住外国居民人数逐年增加,发展潜力巨大,是一个新兴的市场。相对于国内市场和短期入境游客市场而言,在华外国居民群体具有很多特殊性,也给我国旅游业的发展带来新的挑战和机遇。文章采用定性与定量结合的研究办法,对这一群体的在华旅游活动现状展开调查,主要内容包括他们的构成和消费习惯、旅游时间与频率、获取目的地信息的途径、目的地选择、旅游活动形式和出行障碍等方面,最后根据调查结果提出发展对策。  相似文献   

本研究在已有研究成果的基础上,以屯溪老街为例,从旅游者的属性变量和旅游行为变量的视角,运用单因素方差分析和多元虚拟回归分析方法,探讨游客满意度的差异性。研究认为,在旅游者属性变量方面,老街游客满意度评价差异性不显著;在旅游行为变量方面,旅游者的同伴性质、游览时间和购物花费的不同因子水平上旅游者的总体满意度差异显著。团体旅游者满意度最高,并且随着旅游时间的延长和旅游花费的增加,游客满意度有所增加。最后,根据研究结论,对于屯溪老街的旅游发展提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

岁末年初,办理出国境证件的人数再次出现了井喷现象,又有不少人出境旅游。据统计,2010年出境旅游人数达5700万人次。同比增长5%:出境旅游花费550亿美元,同比增长14%。拥有惊人消费能力的中国内地游客,2010年成为英国和法国第一大旅游消费群体。中国还紧随俄罗斯之后,成为全球第二大境外消费国,且是全球境外消费增长最快的国家。  相似文献   

岁末年初,办理出国境证件的人数再次出现了井喷现象,又有不少人出境旅游.据统计,2010年出境旅游人数达5700万人次,同比增长5%;出境旅游花费550亿美元,同比增长14%.拥有惊人消费能力的中国内地游客,2010年成为英国和法国第一大旅游消费群体.中国还紧随俄罗斯之后,成为全球第二大境外消费国,且是全球境外消费增长最快的国家.  相似文献   

笔者通过定量和定性研究方法,采用随机问卷的方式对400位正在丽江游览的国际游客进行了个人特征、旅游方式及他们对丽江古城作为世界遗产旅游目的地认知的差异性的调查;调查结果显示,国际游客对丽江古城的自然环境、安全性、建筑风格的独特性、旅游花费的合理性、旅游基础设施、服务水平等综合因素保持着较高的肯定性。除国际游客的年龄及他们的受教育程度的不同会引起他们对丽江古城作为世界遗产旅游目的地认知的差异,而其他因素,如:性别、职业、收入、宗教、国籍、旅游方式等,在此调查中并没有引起他们对丽江古城作为世界遗产旅游目的地认知的差异。  相似文献   

This study examines the effects of five antecedents on consumers' time perceptions in a hypermarket environment. Findings indicate that the actual shopping time spent in the store and planned shopping activities significantly influence consumers' shopping time perceptions, while consumers' waiting time perceptions are driven by both actual checkout waiting time and actual shopping time. The article examines time gaps, i.e. consumers' errors in time estimation, as related to store loyalty intention and finds that past consumer purchases moderate the relationship between both time gaps and store loyalty intention. Managerial implications are discussed in the article.  相似文献   

This article deals with the influence of time pressure and time orientation on consumers’ multichannel shopping behaviour. Previous studies have documented the role of time pressure on customers’ channel choice in developed countries, without examining the moderating effects of time orientation on the relationship between perceived time pressure and consumers’ attitudes towards online/offline channels. To fill this gap, this article aims to investigate the combined influences of time pressure and time orientation on consumers’ attitude towards both online and offline shopping. The results show that time pressure helps consumers form more favourable attitudes towards online shopping than towards offline shopping. Further, the effect of time pressure on consumers’ channel attitudes depends on one's time orientations. The implications for marketing channel strategies and market segmentation in Asian emerging markets are discussed.  相似文献   

Researchers manipulate time perceptions in experiments, but the efficacy of such manipulations demands further scrutiny. Two studies test the effects of dispositional time views and time view manipulations on product attribute evaluations, as well as the interaction between cognitive age and manipulated time perceptions and that between dispositional and manipulated time perceptions. The results suggest that time manipulation drives and predicts consumer product evaluations. In addition, cognitive age interacts with time manipulation as a meaningful moderator/predictor, and dispositional time view interacts with time manipulation to influence consumer evaluations. An incongruency effect (i.e., a time manipulation condition that differs from consumers' time perceptions) occurs for hedonic attribute evaluations but not for utilitarian attribute evaluations. The research offers several managerial implications of these findings.  相似文献   


Since consumer behavior can be considered an activity that occupies time and attitudes toward time and its value differ across cultures, then differences in attitudes toward time may prove to be a meaningful way to segment markets. This study investigates differences in American and Mexican consumers' attitudes toward time. After a brief review of the literature relating to the role of time in consumer behavior, a cross-cultural study of consumer attitudes towards time is described and analyzed. Implications for adapting marketing messages based on culturally-based attitudes toward time are then discussed.  相似文献   

Watching television advertising can represent a significant decision in time allocation. Those who avoid advertising represent a threat to advertisers and to television companies who depend upon advertising revenue. Two factors central to time allocation theory are identified as relevant to an understanding of television advertising avoidance behavior: time pressure and time planning. Drawing from Reactance theory, their significance in predicting two different types of avoidance, mechanical and behavioral, is examined empirically. As attitudes to time allocation are culturally and contextually dependent, two studies are reported, one in the UNITED KINGDOM, the other in Chile. In the former, time planning is a significant predictor of mechanical avoidance, in the latter behavioral avoidance is predicted by time pressure. The theoretical and practical implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Both time and money are valuable scarce resources, but their different characteristics lead to different perceived value in saving time and saving money. The perishability and fixed supply associated with time may enhance its value; however, its inherent nature, difficulty accounting for value of time, infungibility, and perceived slack may weaken its value. Drawing on theories and findings in the domains of temporal and monetary judgment, this research study posits that people usually underappreciate the value of time because the information pertinent to the value of time is less accessible in peoples’ memory compared with monetary value. Hence, prompting people regarding the value of time and the value of money could make their preference for saving time similar to that of saving money. Additionally, people typically expect more time slack than money in the future, thereby discounting their preference for saving time faster than for saving money. The results of a series of experiments support these hypotheses.  相似文献   

就实时测控软件的开发与运行环境问题,简单介绍了硬件时统设备在实时测控中的作用和重要地位以及实时操作系统的时间管理方式。针对软件时统设计中的两个关键技术展开分析与讨论,对软件时统的主要功能设计进行了重点描述,并给出便于程序开发的控制流图。  相似文献   

时间同步是多机组网试飞的前提和基础。针对多机组网试飞中数据时间同步要求,提出了一种基于IRIG-B码的综合时间同步方案,应用双向时间同步法、单向时间同步法、时间基准法和分段时延测试法实现了多机组网试飞的时间同步,时间同步精度优于1 ms。实际飞行试验验证了该方法合理有效。  相似文献   

杨剑侠  吴江 《商业研究》2003,(17):89-92
时间是一个特殊的经济学变量,时间投资的正确与否将影响收益的大小。而把时间投资中的新概念——时间机会成本和边际时间机会成本引入国际自由贸易中,以时间投资收益和时间机会成本的大小为标准,来分析贸易双方的利益得失和分配,将使国际自由贸易的发展方向更加明确化。所以这种全新的分析模式将为国际自由贸易理论的研究开创美好的未来。  相似文献   

现代战机强调航电系统的高度综合化以及编队协同作战,而高精度的时间同步是其实现的基础。针对该需求,提出了一种兼顾飞机平台内部时间同步和编队时间同步的方法。通过建立飞机平台内部时间中心,结合飞机航电系统本身具备的卫星导航授时能力以及数据链授时能力,可以实现飞机平台时间和编队时间的高度统一。误差分析结果表明,其实现的平台内部及编队平台间时间同步精度可达到100 ns量级。该方法实现原理简单,能直接应用于工程化设计。  相似文献   

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