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基于风险规避的消费者品牌选择行为的经济学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在不确定性条件下,消费者的品牌选择行为面临较大的风险。消费者对品牌的选择倾向,取决于消费者对品牌价值的评估和对购买风险的判断。本文从经济学的视角分析,指出了风险感知和感知价值是影响消费者品牌选择行为的重要因素,消费者通过选择具有较高信息价值、消费剩余价值并与个性价值吻合程度高的品牌来规避各种购买决策风险。  相似文献   

地质公园旅游品牌价值研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章通过解读旅游品牌价值文献,解析地质公园旅游品牌价值涵义,从价值内容和价值表现两个方面出发构建了地质公园旅游品牌价值形成因素模型.其中,地质公园旅游品牌价值内容分为核心、环境、支撑和品牌四大因素,这四大因素具体包括地质遗迹资源优势、科普教育功能、保护措施、地质公园服务人员、品牌联想、品牌认知、品牌感知质量、品牌满意和...  相似文献   

工业品营销中顾客感知价值分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着中国市场经济的快速发展,科技水平的提高,工业品市场竞争将更加激烈,而关于工业品营销理论研究较匮乏,现实又很需要工业品营销指导,文章把顾客感知价值引入到工业品营销中来,对工业品营销中顾客感知价值进行探讨,分析顾客感知价值对工业品营销策略的影响。  相似文献   

吴珂珂 《现代商业》2014,(24):27-28
自有品牌在过去几十年中,成长为零售商新的利润增长点。2004年前后,位于中国市场的零售商纷纷将自有品牌引入中国市场。并不熟知自有品牌的中国消费者阻碍了其对自有品牌感知价值和感知风险的正确定位,而零售商对如何通过商店形象和价格形象改善自有品牌感知价值和感知风险的理解非常有限。国内外学者针对国际市场上自有品牌的研究未成系统。笔者在系统分析国内外文献的基础上,与熟知我国自有品牌的消费者进行深度访谈,深入研究影响消费者选择自有品牌商品的各种因素。研究发现:商店形象与价格形象是影响消费者对自有品牌商品的感知风险与感知价值,进而影响购买意愿。据此,笔者结合我国零售市场自有品牌的发展状况,提出具体可行的对策性建议。  相似文献   

李苗 《广告大观》2008,(9):91-91
“品牌价值显示媒介实力”品牌价值由品牌知名度、品牌形象价值、品牌的感知质量、品牌忠诚度以及其他品牌专有资产五部分构成。作为一个综合的衡量指标,广东电视台能以近40亿的评估值占据电视媒介品牌第六位,显示了广东电视台在国内电视媒介中的地位和实力。  相似文献   

本文从参展商展会感知与忠诚度角度出发,以中国—东北亚博览会为例,构建参展商博览会感知指标体系,并运用验证性因子分析和结构方程模型,实证分析参展商对博览会的质量、价格、服务和品牌的价值感知,研究参展商价值感知对其参展效果与忠诚度的影响。结果显示:尽管参展商对博览会的质量和品牌价值感知对其参展效果具有显著正影响,但对其博览会忠诚度影响并不显著,参展商价格感知对其博览会忠诚度具有显著负影响,且参展商对博览会参展效果感知对其博览会忠诚度具有显著正影响。因此,构建博览会品牌是提高参展商对博览会忠诚度的关键,博览会服务质量提升也应围绕如何提高信息交流或产品交易的效率而展开,在提高参展商参展效果的基础上,提高其忠诚度。  相似文献   

以感知价值理论为基础,构建了用户移动支付使用意愿影响因素的研究模型并进行了实证分析。结果显示:感知易用性、有用性、便利性对用户的感知价值产生正向的影响作用,和以往的研究结果一致;感知推荐服务对感知价值的影响不明显,说明商家还需要进一步提高推荐服务的质量;感知风险对用户感知价值产生负向影响,用户感知价值对用户使用意愿的影响非常显著。  相似文献   

随着市场日趋成熟,当今市场竞争逐渐从产品主导化向品牌主导化转变,时代背景促使企业要得到生存和发展空间就必须重视品牌和消费者的关系。营销道德作为一个热点话题以来,引起了学术界和企业界的高度重视。具有良好营销道德的企业具有更好的企业信誉,也更容易获得消费者的信任,更容易与企业建立长久稳定的品牌关系,消费者也倾向于重复购买拥有营销道德企业的产品和服务,因此营销道德、消费者感知风险和品牌关系质量三者之间具有相互影响的关系。通过营销道德对消费者感知风险的影响,企业处理消费者与品牌关系以降低消费者的感知风险提供新的视角,使企业能更好地解决三者之间的关系从而提高营销道德。  相似文献   

史慧慧 《江苏商论》2020,(2):31-33,41
在产品或服务日趋同质化,消费者需求越来越多元化的背景下,品牌日益成为企业提升竞争力的主要源泉,而品牌价值的塑造也越来越受到人们的关注。本文分析了品牌价值和品牌竞争力之间的关系,从品牌价值视角出发,为企业品牌竞争力的提升实践提供一些借鉴。  相似文献   

产品伤害事件对消费者品牌忠诚度的影响机制研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文从产品伤害事件的感知损失程度的角度,研究了产品伤害事件的感知损失程度与品牌感知风险、品牌情感、品牌信任、品牌忠诚之间的关系。文章认为,产品伤害事件中的感知损失与感知风险正相关,与品牌情感、品牌信任负相关;感知风险与品牌情感、品牌信任负相关;品牌情感、品牌信任与品牌忠诚正相关。产品伤害事件对品牌忠诚度影响的机制是产品伤害事件以及与该事件相关的各项信息形成消费者的感知损失与感知风险,进而影响品牌情感与品牌信任,最后导致品牌忠诚度的改变。文章提出,在产品伤害事件不幸发生后,最佳的处理方式是尽量通过各种可能的措施使消费者感到本公司值得信赖,相信公司能够在未来避免此类事件再次发生,能够确保消费者的利益,从而减少消费者对该品牌的疑虑,减弱对该品牌的感知风险,只有这样才能尽量维持消费者对该品牌的喜爱与信任,并进而维持对该品牌的忠诚度。  相似文献   

Trust has been identified as the key to e-commerce because it is crucial wherever uncertainty and interdependence exist. The strong association between a high level of trust and the banking sector has not yet been fully translated in the electronic world. The aim of this article is to develop and validate a multi-dimensional model of trust for Internet banking. The data are collected through 441 Internet banking users of Halifax Bank of Scotland. Findings suggest that trust and perceived risk are direct antecedents of intention, and trust is a multi-dimensional construct with three antecedents: perceived trustworthiness, perceived security, and perceived privacy.  相似文献   


An exploratory study was undertaken to measure undergraduate student attitudes toward computers. A revised version of the Bath County Computer Scale (BCCAS) developed by George Bear, Herbert Richards, and Paul Lancaster was administered to a proportionality sample of 310 undergraduate students whose demographic make-up was very dissimilar to those who had participated in the original BCCAS instrument validation study.

A thirty-six item instrument was personally administered to 310 learners pursuing undergraduate studies, yielding a total of 11,160 individual responses. The data so obtained were subjected to several statistical tests of significance such as ANOVA. Through cross-classification numerous tables were generated and analyzed.

The findings indicate that demographic variables such as gender, status, GPA average, major, prior computer experience and anticipated future use of computers show significant differences in how Students feel about computers.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the effects of perceived quality, perceived fit and perceived difficulty, and interaction between perceived quality and fit on consumer evaluations of brand extension. We used multi‐item scales to measure these constructs. Data were analysed via structural equation models. Results show that both perceived quality and perceived fit have direct positive effects on consumer evaluation of extensions. We find support for the chance of transferring the positive values of a brand to an extension is greater when consumers see the extension as a good fit with the original brand and the original brand is considered as of high quality.  相似文献   

This study conducted a lab experiment in the US and South Korea to test cross-national differences in response to comparative versus non-comparative Facebook advertising messages. Consistent with prior research, this study found that comparative ads resulted in more positive attitudinal responses among Americans, whereas non-comparative ads resulted in more positive attitudinal responses among Koreans. Results of multiple mediation tests showed that Americans showed more positive responses to a comparative ad message because the message was perceived to be more assertive than a non-comparative ad message, whereas Koreans showed more negative responses to a comparative ad message because the message was perceived to be less considerate than a comparative ad message. This study has important theoretical implications by testing multiple mediators for comparative ad effects; and also has practical implications for cultural adaptation marketing strategies.  相似文献   

Scarcity strategies are employed by marketers to influence consumer decision making. Many famous brands have been designed and produced for the purpose of as being marketed as limited‐edition products to intensify consumer desire and intention to purchase them. However, very few studies have simultaneously integrated relevant constructs to explain the phenomenon of scarcity purchasing. To fill this void, this study develops a comprehensive research model in order to fully understand how scarcity affects consumer value perception and purchase intention. Simultaneously, two competing models are developed to compare the explanation power of Lynn's Scarcity–Expensiveness–Desirability (S‐E‐D) model and Synde and Fromkin's desire for uniqueness model. The results suggest that the effects of scarcity on purchase intention through perceived uniqueness, perceived sacrifice and perceived value are stronger than the scarcity effects through assumed expensiveness, perceived quality, perceived sacrifice and perceived value.  相似文献   

Despite the voluminous purchasing power of the consumers at the base of the pyramid (BOP), substantial research has not been carried out on their online buying behaviour. This study investigates the factors that trigger the online shopping intention of BOP consumers. We conducted semi-structured in-depth interviews with 52 BOP respondents from India. Our thematic analysis indicates four perceived benefits and five sacrifices influencing BOP consumers' perceived value for online purchases, subsequently determining their adoption behaviour. As a novel contribution to the literature, this study unfolds several unknown factors that motivate/demotivate BOP consumers to buy online using the Value-based Adoption Model (VAM). The findings of this study will help e-commerce marketers enhance BOP consumers' usage intention toward online purchases.  相似文献   


Creative media (CM) advertising is an advertising strategy wherein a non-traditional medium is creatively used for advertising purposes. This novel advertising strategy is gaining marketers’ interest; however, little is known about its persuasive effects on consumers’ cognitive, affective and behavioural responses and the processes that underlie them. Therefore, to convey a genuine experience to consumers, two field experiments with a one-factor (advertising type: creative vs. traditional) between-subjects design were conducted within a supermarket context. Results showed that creative (vs. traditional) media ads not only improve consumers’ affective and behavioural responses but also consumers’ cognitive responses. Even though no mediations were found through perceived surprise or perceived persuasive intent, results do provide evidence for the notion that perceived humor and perceived value are the underlying mechanisms through which affective and behavioural responses to creative media advertising can be explained.  相似文献   

This article addresses how the customer social exchange relationship affects customer satisfaction and, in turn, repurchase intention. On the basis of the stimulus–organism–response model, this article argues that perceived organisational support, perceived customer support, and perceived service provider support influence customer satisfaction, which in turn affects repurchase intention. Furthermore, this study argues that perceived organisational support is the most important predictor of customer satisfaction for high-experience customers, whereas perceived customer support is the most important predictor of customer satisfaction for low-experience customers. A survey of 144 users of the foreign language institute on a university reveals that most of these hypotheses are supported.  相似文献   

在中国,品牌名称和价格能够影响消费者对于自有品牌的感知质量和感知风险,进而影响其购买意向,其中品牌名称的影响要大于价格的影响。零售商在市场策略上,应该更加注重品牌建设,以提高消费者的购买欲望,而不是单纯依靠低价竞争。但是,价格和品牌名称只是最重要的外部因素,未来的研究可以综合考虑更多的外部因素。  相似文献   


This study investigated the conditions under which temporal framing is more effective in explaining consumers’ responses to ads. Two experiments were conducted with a 2 (temporal framing: near-future vs. distant-future benefits) × 2 (perceived risk: high vs. low) × 2 (construal level: high vs. low) between-subjects factorial design. In Experiment 1, the two-way interaction effect of temporal framing and perceived risk on ad attitudes and purchase intention was found, such that the near-future benefit frame generated more favourable responses to the ad under the high-risk condition. Incorporating construal level theory, the three-way interaction effect was found, with the temporal framing?×?perceived risk interaction appearing more pronounced for low construal consumers only. Experiment 1 also discovered that information diagnosticity mediated the interaction effect of temporal framing and perceived risk on ad attitudes and purchase intention and this mediating process appeared stronger for low construal consumers. Experiment 2 replicated the two-way and three-way interaction effects on purchase intention, providing evidence of the validity of the findings. Theoretical and managerial implications were discussed for researchers and practitioners.  相似文献   

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