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以往关于产品绿色属性对消费者购买意愿影响的研究尚未达成一致结论。文章通过两个情境实验系统性地探讨了不同产品类型情境下产品绿色属性对消费者购买意愿的影响机制。结果表明,对于享乐型产品,高绿色属性中心性相较于低绿色属性中心性会激发消费者更强烈的购买意愿。对于实用型产品,低绿色属性中心性相较于高绿色属性中心性会激发消费者更强烈的购买意愿。此外,在享乐品情境下,自我表达收益在高绿色属性中心性提升消费者购买意愿的过程中起中介作用;在实用品情境下,环境功利收益在低绿色属性中心性提升消费者购买意愿的过程中起中介作用。  相似文献   

本文运用实验的方法研究不同环境影响诉求对绿色购买意愿的影响机制.实证结果表明,相对于企业影响诉求,面对个人影响诉求时消费者的购买意愿更高.消费者自我建构调节了环境影响诉求对绿色购买意愿的影响.面对个人影响诉求时,与依存型消费者相比,独立型消费者的绿色购买意愿更强;面对企业影响诉求时,与独立型消费者相比,依存型消费者的绿色购买意愿更强.同时,消费者对企业的CSR内部动机感知在环境影响诉求和自我建构对消费者绿色购买意愿的影响中起到部分中介作用.  相似文献   

张倩 《市场研究》2012,(4):27-28
<正>绿色广告起源于20世纪60年代的欧美发达国家,自20世纪90年代开始快速发展。面对日益加剧的环境问题,各国政府致力于可持续发展,企业越来越多地将环保理念纳入生产及营销活动,消费者的环保意识也逐渐增强。研究表明,当今消费者对绿色广告产品购买意愿和忠诚度比以往有所提高  相似文献   

我国绿色消费市场发展动力不足,如何有效地激发消费者的绿色购买行为是促进绿色消费、实现可持续发展的重要因素。从认知因素与情感因素交互作用的角度,本文将环境参与度、绿色购买态度、环保自我效能感作为认知因素,积极情绪和消极情绪作为情感因素,探讨上述因素的交互效应对绿色购买意愿的影响。研究结果表明消费者的环境参与度能够影响消费者的绿色购买意愿,绿色购买态度和环保自我效能感在环境参与度和绿色购买意愿之间起中介作用;同时,情绪在环境参与度影响绿色购买意愿的机制中具有调节作用:绿色购买态度在积极情绪下对绿色购买意愿的影响并不显著,环境参与度仅能通过环保自我效能感的中介作用影响绿色购买意愿;环保自我效能感在消极情绪下对绿色购买意愿的影响不显著,环境参与度仅能通过绿色购买态度的中介作用影响绿色购买意愿。  相似文献   

近年来有关广告诉求有效性的研究较多,但关于理性诉求和感性诉求哪一个更能导致积极的购买行为并无统一定论,且对各种广告诉求方式的适用条件也缺乏深入探讨。文章以我国某所大学的年轻消费群体为研究对象,通过实验设计与问卷测量实证研究不同广告诉求与消费者购买意愿之间的关系,并检验不同产品类型和产品涉入程度在以上关系中所起的交互作用。研究发现,不同广告诉求方式对消费者购买意愿具有显著的差异化影响,且广告理性诉求通常情况下会比感性诉求效果更佳。产品类型对广告诉求与消费者购买意愿关系的影响取决于消费者产品涉入程度,当消费者购买实用型产品且产品涉入程度较高时,广告理性诉求会比感性诉求更容易提高消费者购买意愿,且广告理性诉求与消费者购买意愿之间的关系得到强化;而当消费者购买享乐型产品且产品涉入程度较低时,广告感性诉求会比理性诉求更容易提高消费者购买意愿,且广告感性诉求与消费者购买意愿之间的关系得到进一步强化。  相似文献   

专门带货型直播和分享带货型直播哪种方式能带来更好的营销绩效呢?本文通过四个情境实验,探讨了网红直播类型对消费者购买意愿的影响机制和边界条件。研究发现:网红直播类型与产品类型的交互作用对购买意愿产生影响。具体来说,当消费者购买实用品时,专门带货型直播更能促进消费者的购买意愿;当消费者购买享乐品时,分享带货型直播更能促进消费者的购买意愿;信息加工流畅性在上述关系中起中介作用,上述匹配关系通过增强消费者的信息加工流畅性进而促进购买意愿;网红直播类型与产品类型的匹配效应是否有效取决于消费者的专业知识水平。研究结论细化了网红直播类型的分类,丰富了网络营销相关领域的文献,对企业开展精准营销具有指导意义。  相似文献   

新能源汽车是一种节能环保的交通工具,但其市场化进程仍面临着诸多挑战。本文旨在探讨新能源汽车相关基础设施建设、汽车油价涨跌、个人环保意识等因素是否对消费者购买意愿产生影响。采用问卷调查方法,对安徽省合肥市不同年龄和性别的市民进行了抽样调查,共回收有效问卷199份。结果表明,充电桩数量、油价变化和消费者环保意识均对新能源汽车消费者的购买意愿有显著正向影响。其中,充电桩数量的增加会提高消费者购买新能源汽车的意愿;油价的上涨会使消费者更倾向于购买新能源汽车;消费者的环保意识越强,他们购买新能源汽车的意愿也就越高。本文根据分析结果,总结了影响中国消费者新能源汽车购买意愿的主要因素,并针对不同类型的消费者提出了相应的引导政策建议。  相似文献   

<正>我国已经进入消费全面升级转型的阶段,培育绿色消费与生活方式是当前消费领域的重要问题。笔者基于风险偏好视角,分析不同风险偏好的消费者绿色购买意愿的差异,并探讨了末端时间标志的一次与环保价值观的一次和二次调节作用,弥补并丰富了现有理论基础,为企业的相关营销实践提供了依据。研究结果表明,消费者的风险偏好正向影响绿色购买意愿,末端时间标志会削弱其影响,环保价值观会同时削弱风险偏好对绿色购买意愿的影响和末端时间标志对其影响的削弱作用。  相似文献   

杨扬  丁宁  王雪宜 《中国市场》2023,(17):132-135
绿色环保、低碳减排一直都是全球关注的话题。在“双碳”战略背景下,本研究以我国县域社会消费者为调研对象,以计划行为理论为框架,通过问卷调查、实地调研等方法探索当前电动汽车消费意愿与行为。研究发现,消费者对绿色环保观念以及电动汽车产品的认知,可以正向影响消费者态度,而消费者对电动汽车的行为态度、主观规范、感知行为控制以及社会文化等因素均可对消费者电动汽车购买意愿产生影响。根据研究结果,对政府部门和电动汽车企业提出可行性建议,以期通过政府、企业与个人的共同努力,促进电动汽车的推广应用。  相似文献   

本文以内疚诉求广告这一广告类型为背景切入,研究广告中不同的人称类型(你、我、他)在购买意愿上呈现出的差异化影响,并通过实验得出以下结论:1.人称对购买意愿的影响作用显著;第三人称比第一人称和第二人称能产生更强的购买意愿。2.内疚水平对人称与购买意愿之间的关系具有完全中介作用;3.使用频率对人称类型与购买意愿的关系具有调节作用:当使用频率高时,面对第一、二人称广告的被试的内疚水平显著低于第三人称的内疚水平;反过来,当消费者使用频率低时,则三类人称之间的差异较小。本研究从细微语言差异角度深化了对内疚诉求广告效果影响因素的研究,也为企业开展营销实践提供了管理借鉴。  相似文献   

This study examined the main effects and interaction effects of textual environmental claims and green visuals on attitude-toward-the-ad (Aad), attitude-toward-the-brand (Ab), purchase intention (PI), and green brand associations. In general, the use of textual environmental claims and green visuals lead to more positive advertising responses and more favorable perception of the brand's environmental effort. Textual environmental claims had stronger impact, but if no textual information was available, the use of green visuals could also generate positive perception of the brand's environmental effort. In addition, when textual claims or green visuals are present, participants perceived high involvement products as more environmentally friendly than low involvement products.  相似文献   

Consumers need accurate information about brands’ environmental impacts to guide their purchase decisions. Researchers have studied consumers’ perceptions of green products and marketers’ environmental claims. Policy makers provide guidelines to minimize deceptiveness of environmental claims. Yet, little attention has been paid to what contextual cues can influence consumers’ judgments of environmental claims and green products. Drawing on conceptual fluency theory, the current research proposes that a color that matches the content of a message makes the information easier to process, thereby increasing the appeal of the message. The authors demonstrate that using the color green on a product’s package can enhance consumers’ perceptions of the brand’s environmental impact. Ironically, this positive effect of green can also lead to consumers’ misperceptions of the brand’s environmental impact if green is used for brands that are not environmentally superior. Implications and suggestions for policy makers, marketers, and consumers are provided.  相似文献   

This study examines the effects of a functional green advertising promoting the environmental advantages of a product. It presents the results of three experiments designed to (a) explore consumers’ perceptions of a functional green ad's effects on themselves and others, (b) determine how those perceptions are influenced by consumer environmental concern, and (c) examine how individualism–collectivism relates to self–other effect perceptions. Findings indicate that (a) consumers believe that functional green advertising exerts a stronger influence on others’ purchase decisions than on their own purchase decisions; (b) the self–other difference is more salient among consumers with high environmental concern; (c) in the individualistic culture, the perceived effectiveness on self, not on others, predicts consumers’ support for the regulation of functional green ads, while this effect is reversed when consumers are in collectivistic cultures. The study's findings extend several lines of research, including the literature on green advertising and the third‐person effect.  相似文献   

Consumers’ awareness of green products has increased in the last few years, but studies show that the demand for green products has been stagnant. The purpose of this study is to explore the roles of consumers’ perceived readiness to be green and subsequently, how readiness to be green affects consumers’ purchase intention towards green products in an emerging market, Indonesia. A total of 916 survey responses were collected in three universities, two major shopping malls and several housing areas in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The findings reveal that consumers’ attitude (ATT), subjective norm, perceived behavioural control (PBC), pro‐environmental self‐identity (PEI), ethical obligation and consumers’ readiness to be green are the determinants of intention to purchase green products. Consumers’ readiness to be green mediates the effects of ATT, PBC, PEI and perceived sense of responsibility on purchase intention. The study provides further insights into the discrepancy between professed positive attitudes towards the environment and the slow uptake of green behaviour in an emerging market.  相似文献   

Corporations have increasingly used their websites to communicate their environmental policies with their stakeholders. Their claims fall into two categories: substantive claims, which include product- or process-related claims, and associative claims, which are not directly related to a firm's products or its processes. This paper aims to explore the use of these two types of claims on Fortune 500 websites. The findings indicate that both types of claims are used, although there are more substantive claims than associative claims. Both types of claims are positively correlated with firm sales. Implications of the research are also discussed.  相似文献   

In green advertising research, images of pleasant nature scenery have been classified as vague, unspecific and possibly ineffective green claims, as opposed to substantive, informational claims. In this study, the concept of virtual nature experiences is introduced to point out a perceptual mechanism through which the association of a brand with nature imagery may indeed lead to significant advertising effects. Consumers’ exposure to specific nature imagery in green brand communications may lead to pleasant feelings analogous to those experienced in ‘real’ nature. If adequately conditioned, these ‘virtual nature experiences’ may enhance the consumer’s attitude towards a given brand. The perceptual and attitudinal effects of substantive green claims and nature imagery are analysed in the scope of an experimental study. The field study consisted of a national survey, allowing for the relative statistical representativeness of the sample. Results of the study confirm significant perceptual and attitudinal effects of both informational claims and virtual nature experiences. The latter are identified as a distinct perceptual dimension of green brand associations, and turn out to wield additional positive influences on the consumer’s attitude towards the brand.  相似文献   

This study investigated the influence of two variables – brand name and message explicitness – on attitude toward advertisement and attitude toward brand, and further, explored the impact of attitude toward advertisement, attitude toward brand, and other variables on consumer purchase intention. A questionnaire with an experimental design component was administered to 343 college students. Results revealed that respondents formed positive attitudes toward apparel brand when the advertising message contained explicit information about environmentally friendly products. Attitude toward brand, subjective norm, attitude toward advertisement, eco-fashion involvement, and environmental commitment were strong predictors of intention to purchase an environmentally friendly apparel brand. Implications are that apparel marketers may build more positive attitudes toward brands by providing explicit information about environmentally friendly products in their marketing claims. This may be one way for marketers to attract college students who are interested in purchasing environmentally friendly products, but who are not fully committed to a green lifestyle. Further, marketers may be able to reach those who are less interested in purchasing environmentally friendly products by raising awareness and knowledge of the benefits associated with their products and brands, which may help to establish a sustainable market for eco-fashion.  相似文献   

Increased community awareness on various environmental problems has changed consumers’ behaviors and induced purchasing decisions on green products. Applying the theory of planned behavior (TPB), this study aims to explain the effects (i.e., attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control) on purchase intention of green skincare products; it also aims to determine if country of origin (COO) and price sensitivity moderate the links between purchase intention and its antecedences. Data collected from 300 respondents in Taiwan are tested against the research model by using structural equation modelling. The results indicate that attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control have a significant impact on purchase intention of green skincare products, and that country of origin and price sensitivity can enhance the positive effects on the links between purchase intention and its antecedences. The findings of this study present important theoretical and practical implications for consumer green product purchase behaviors.  相似文献   

This research empirically tests the combined effect of anticipated pride, anticipated guilt, and environmental consciousness in parallel to the Theory of Planned Behavior's main components on green purchase intention. For the first time, it also explores the interaction of environmental consciousness, anticipated pride, anticipated guilt, and attitude, respectively, on green purchase intention. Analysis of 304 responses collected from consumers in the United Arab Emirates revealed that environmental consciousness, attitude towards green products, anticipated pride, and anticipated guilt positively influence the intention to purchase green products, but not perceived behavioral control and subjective norms. Interestingly, anticipated pride increases green purchase intention under low level of environmental consciousness, while anticipated guilt decreases purchase intention. In contrast, anticipated guilt positively influences green purchase intention under high environmental consciousness, while anticipated pride does not. This study extends current knowledge related to green purchase behavior and provides a nuanced understanding of the influence of anticipated emotions. It also provides practical implications for marketers in the Middle East to formulate effective strategies to stimulate green products consumption.  相似文献   

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