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张艳华 《现代商业》2012,(24):110-111
随着经济全球化的不断发展,企业间的竞争日益加强和企业外部环境不确定程度加深使传统成本管理逐渐不适应新形势下的要求,传统成本管理逐渐向战略成本管理转变。本文对战略成本管理进行了研究,并就如何进行战略成本管理来提升企业竞争力进行分析,提出了在新的形势之下战略成本管理的必要性和重要性。  相似文献   

精细化管理作为一种新的管理模式在我国各大企业方兴未艾,是促进企业由粗放型管理向集约化管理转变的必然选择。“三基”工作是石油石化行业管理上的传家宝,伴随并推进着石油石化行业不断进步和发展。企业要实现精细化管理,基础管理必须加强。如何深入理解精细化管理的思想和方法,发挥传统管理优势,加强“三基”工作,夯实精细化管理基础,成为新形势下企业管理工作的重要课题。  相似文献   

随着社会主义市场经济的不断发展,国有煤炭企业通过资源整合、兼并联合,企业规模不断扩大,在主业做大做强的同时,其他相关产业也得到了较快发展。企业做大了,安全管理的难度也随之增大。如何实现煤炭企业的创新管理,实现真正意义上的做大,进而做强、做优,使企业的发展战略成为现实,这成为许多煤矿企业所面临的共同问题。本文主要对煤炭企业在新形势下与时俱进、不断创新自己的管理手段和方式进行了论述。  相似文献   

随着企业的不断发展,企业管理系统和企业经营环境也日益复杂。企业的发展方向以及企业基本发展方针和竞争战略的制定推动企业战略管理理论的产生与发展,并在此基础上不断创新。企业战略管理理论在企业管理实践中得到了广泛的应用。本文将对企业战略管理理论的发展历程进行探究,分析新形势下企业战略管理理论发展的特点,进而指出未来企业战略管理理论的发展趋势。  相似文献   

随着信息技术的发展,信息数据的积累与更新速度不断加快,大数据时代的到来为企业的战略制定以及经营管理带来了诸多机遇和挑战。一方面,企业战略制定的精确性提高,经营管理效率显著提升,员工工作量降低;另一方面,许多中小型民营企业以及国有企业缺少大数据人才,无法抓住时代红利,紧跟技术发展。本文提出,企业应当转变传统经营管理理念,结合大数据信息进行决策制定,此外,企业也应该加强技术人才的培养与引入,鼓励更多有技术、有经验的人才加入企业,共同发展。  相似文献   

人才是企业的生命,随着经济的飞速发展,这种以人才为战略的企业更是走在了前列,我国的电力企业在人力资源管理上都采取不同的有利于本企业发展的模式,文章主要是探讨我国的电力企业如何在新形势下做好企业的人才战略,如何的保持企业人力资源的动态管理是摆在目前几乎所有的电力企业面前一个问题。  相似文献   

本文以我国房地产上市企业的可持续发展数据为基础,结合目前房地产企业存在的问题,对房地产企业在新形势下,为如何调整发展战略以保证房地产企业的核心竞争力提供理论支持.  相似文献   

在当前国民经济快速发展以及全球化趋势越发明显的情况下,再加之诸多科学技术进步发展的影响导致企业自身的战略管理框架逐渐转变为全新的框架类型已经是一种必然化的趋势。同时企业进行战略管理框架创新也是为了适应如今竞争越发激烈的市场环境需求,企业将要面对的是来自国内以及国外市场的双重竞争压力,只有在战略管理框架上进行了对应的创新方可保障自身在站稳脚跟的同时得到更进一步的发展。本文从系统整合观的角度出发,在分析当前企业在战略管理问题的基础上,就企业如何进行战略管理新框架的制定提出对应的措施,同时就企业如何在这个经济发展大环境下进一步优化战略管理模式提出了自己的建议,以期可以对今后企业战略管理新框架的建立提供一些帮助。  相似文献   

当前,我国经济处在转型之中,企业的内外部环境也正在经历着一场重大变革。在此背景之下,企业营销战略模式的转变直接影响到企业在新形势下的生存与发展,作者提出企业营销应该从以下五个方面进行转变:集约化营销战略;低碳营销战略;社会责任营销战略;品牌营销战略;科技营销战略。  相似文献   

金雷法 《中国市场》2013,(46):70-71
在经济全球化、一体化的趋势下,世界经济不断发展,企业之间以降低成本、提高企业之间的核心竞争力为管理战略,这就促进了我国近年来各企业人力资源管理外包的发展。面对激烈的企业竞争,合理的人力资源管理战略为企业的发展奠定了坚实的基础。但在竞争的过程中,人力资源管理外包所面临的风险也在日益加深。本文就人力资源管理外包中存在的风险以及如何采取正确有效的防范对策解决风险方面进行分析。  相似文献   

In their efforts to adapt to a market economy and capitalism, companies in the Eastern and Central European countries find themselves confronted with a challenge in many ways similar to the situation faced by certain overly bureaucratic companies closed to the outside environment in the capitalist system today. Due to market conditions, monopolistic or oligopolistic concerns such as utilities, railway companies, and airlines are having to abandon traditional practice in order to become outward-looking, customer-oriented companies. This involves changing from bureaucratic management toward entrepreneurial management, from closed organizational systems to ones that are open and dynamic—a process affecting the management of all the different subsystems within the firm, including the production, finance, commercial and administration departments, and very especially the management of human resources. In the Eastern and Central European countries, the change will be especially profound since it affects nearly all the companies in the socialist economy. But for overly bureaucratic companies in the capitalist system, the challenge is equally great, since they are being forced into change by new demands arising from the market situation or, as in the case of Spain, by government demands for adequate profitability.  相似文献   

价格管理:现状、问题与深化改革思路   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国的价格改革已经进入以建立适应社会主义市场经济体制的价格管理体制的新阶段.本报告对价格管理体制改革的相关问题进行研究,论述了市场经济体制下价格管理模式,界定了价格管理中的政府行为,分析了我国价格管理的现状、面临的挑战和存在的问题,进而提出新时期我国价格管理体制深化改革的任务和思路.  相似文献   

伴随着股权分置改革而出现的市值管理正被我国越来越多的上市公司所认知和实践,但由于市值管理是我国资本市场的新事物,许多上市公司还存在着不少认知和行动上的误区。上市公司应该从诚信、系统性规划、良好的公司治理、管理手段的创新、并购重组、做大做强主业、重视资本市场营销、"社会责任"意识、危机管理等方面更新市值管理观念。  相似文献   

保障食品安全已经成为保护国人生命健康、提高国人生活质量、促进食品贸易甚至维护世界和平与发展的重大政策问题。在分析食品安全的质量规制理论的基础上,借鉴发达国家食品安全的政府质量规制的经验,结合我国实际情况,提出了保障我国食品安全的质量规制机制:食品企业市场主体准入的质量规制、规范食品企业市场秩序的质量规制、市场退出的质量规制。  相似文献   

随着电信领域长期垄断经营的局面被打破 ,中国电信业已由垄断逐步走向开放的新时代 ,面临着国内外竞争的巨大压力。“西部大开发”和加入WTO使中国电信业面临着新的机遇与挑战。应运用市场营销学、管理学等理论知识及方法 ,探讨新的营销战略及策略 ,以期对处于激烈的市场竞争中的电信企业带来新的生机与活力 ,赢得更大的市场空间  相似文献   

《Business History》2012,54(5):602-618
Studies of business have often sought to explain features of management activity, particularly labour management activity, with reference to the product market conditions faced by managers. This paper argues that a more nuanced understanding of management can be gained by examining both the product and financial market environment. These conditions influence the structuring of management and the development and application of managerial policy. This paper examines the management, particularly the labour management, of one of Australia's leading companies during the twentieth century. Specifically it examines how the product and financial market environment faced by this company in the 1970s influenced the labour management strategies pursued. It shows that particular market conditions will privilege or provide justification for certain types of labour management activity. This is illustrated by examining this company's operation under two distinct sets of market conditions.  相似文献   

This article analyzes recent changes in marketing practices in Japan against the background of the recession and the high yen rate of the early 1990s. Based on direct observation, press reports, and interviews with experts, the study describes the changing situation in the Japanese market and shows how new opportunities for Western companies are opening up. The longer term implications of the home market changes for Japanese companies' competitiveness abroad are also discussed.  相似文献   

This paper explores the managerial aspects of the relationship with stakeholders, under the assumption that transfer of knowledge is being made from relationship marketing and market orientation perspectives. These marketing tools may prove useful to manage the relationship with other stakeholders, as has been the case with customers. This study focuses on a sample of Spanish companies representing 43% of listed companies with the largest market capitalization. Given that this is the first time that corporate relationship with stakeholders is analyzed in Spain, a qualitative technique (case analysis) was used. The main conclusion of the study is that most of the participant companies have a reactive position vis-à-vis stakeholders management systems. This attitude is reflected in their concern exclusively about ethical indexes managers. J. García de Madariaga Assistant Professor, Marketing Department, Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Ph.D. in Marketing and B.A. in Advertising, Universidad Complutense de Madrid. His work has been published in refereed international journals and also in Spanish journals. He has also published numerous refereed articles in the proceedings of major national and international conferences. He is also an active marketing and marketing research consultant. Carmen Valor Ph.D. (Marketing) at Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain), MBA (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain). Currently, Visiting Teacher at Universidad Pontificia de Comillas-ICADE. She is also an active Research Member at Economistas Sin Fronteras Foundation and GEIES (Universidad San Pablo-CEU). Her work focuses on several issues related to corporate social responsibility and consumer behaviour. Her research has been published, inter alia, in the Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Business and Society, Business and Society Review, or Investigación y Marketing.  相似文献   

最近几年,我国市场经济环境发生了根本的变化,各种新的、灵活多样的结算方式不断出现,信用方式的普遍应用使得销售与回款两难的问题日益突出,企业风险越来越大,许多企业过早地品尝到了信用方式下缺乏信用风险管理的恶果。中国加入WTO后,经济一体化及国际市场竞争向我国企业提出了更为严峻的挑战。建立一套先进的信用风险管理机制.增强企业信用实力与信用风险控制能力将是决定企业在更为开放的市场环境中生存、发展的关键。  相似文献   

Although Iran is one of the top 10 countries in the world that produce tomatoes, the level that they are exported into the global market is low. This issue may have resulted from a major problem within tomatoes’ supply chain management. This paper aims to develop an empirical model of the supply chain management (SCM) of tomato companies. Throughout the reviewed literature, a SCM construct with different six indicators has been developed, including information sharing, long-term relationship, cooperation, quality, flexibility, and delivery. In this study, the influence of the SCM components on tomato export was identified through the use of empirical data that were collected from 20 different tomato companies in Northeast Iran. Using structural equation modeling, the major elements of SCM were found to have significant impacts on the export of tomatoes. The results also showed that information sharing, cooperation, flexibility, quality, and delivery had significant positive effects on the export of tomatoes.  相似文献   

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