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西方经济学学派林立,大师辈出;对西方经济学流派与思潮,要胸怀客观心,克服自卑心,常备必胜心;在此基础上,中国经济学可以参照它们给我们的战略思想性、策略性和技术性启示,总结东西方实践和理论经验,开创出融合东西方、兼具中国特色和全球意义的中国经济学派——"大综合"经济学,从而为世界文明做出贡献。这也是中国经济学唯一通往理想的道路。  相似文献   

数学化推动了自然科学的迅猛发展,这种趋势也深刻影响了经济学。边际革命后西方主流经济学走上一条数学形式化的不归之路,但作为边际革命发起者之一的门格尔所创立的奥地利学派经济学家一直反对经济学的数学形式化,这源于该学派不同于主流经济学对经济现象的基本认识和所持的哲学观。奥地利学派一直秉承至今的传统对当前经济学的人文理解有重要启示意义。  相似文献   

杨吉 《商》2012,(8):185-185
经济学的发展基于行为人的理性,这似乎已经成为了一种常识。然而,行为经济学派的出现正试图颠覆自新古典主义经济学依赖所确立的"理性人"假设的正统地位。与传统经济学的基本假设相反,行为经济学认为,人们的行为并不总是理性的。人们可能会规避微不足道的风险,  相似文献   

卡尔·门格尔开启了奥地利学派经济学家重视方法论和哲学基础的传统,并与德国历史学派进行了西方经济学发展史上第一次方法论争论。他的经济学方法论主要体现在如下几方面:基于因果关系的主观主义、以经济学为典型的社会科学研究中密切结合演绎法和归纳法并给予演绎法应有的重视、赞同方法论个人主义,发展出社会制度形成与演化的有机秩序理论。  相似文献   

在西方经济学的众多思想中,瑞典学派对西方世界尤其是北欧地区具有重要影响力的经济学学派之一。其中较有代表性的"累积过程理论"的提出不仅对后来该学派的分析研究方法,还是对凯恩斯主义的形成,其影响都是深远的。同时,这一理论对指导我国目前的经济发展也具有现实意义。  相似文献   

新古典经济学在转型实验中的局限性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈平 《中国市场》2010,(20):42-52
"华盛顿共识"和"休克疗法"是新古典宏观经济学派反凯恩斯革命的新浪潮。他们否认大萧条的基本教训,无视历史的多样性和经济的复杂性。他们自上而下设计的自由化与私有化政策,导致苏东(前苏联和东欧)经济在过去十余年间的大幅下跌。中国和苏东转型实验的比较研究,促使我们重新检验经济学的基本问题,如均衡学派与非均衡演化学派关于经济波动本质的争论。转型萧条的惨重代价,使我们加深理解新古典经济学的误区,例如价格的线性供求理论、预算软约束理论、宏观经济的微观基础理论,以及新制度经济学的趋同理论。中国基于学习、创新和分散试验的新经验,将使经济学超越均衡优化的古典规范,去探索非均衡演化的复杂经济学。  相似文献   

在西方经济学学科体系的研究过程中,对于经济周期理论的认识与研究长期以来都被认为是重要的学科基本问题。在不同的时代、有众多的经济理论学派都提出了自己的学说看法,这些学派都在某一方面或者多个方面对经济周期有着独到的见解,因此回顾经济周期理论的发展历史,学习各学说流派的内容并探析理论发展演进的过程,对我们研究当今社会的很多经济现象有着极大的指导作用。  相似文献   

新古典综合派是在第二次世界大战后逐渐发展起来的,是新古典经济学和凯恩斯主义的综合。新古典综合派对凯恩斯理论在继承的基础上有了新的发展,成为西方经济学的主流学派,对西方主要资本主义国家经济的发展产生了深远的影响。  相似文献   

姚玲 《商场现代化》2005,(33):169-170
研究方法的变革是推进学科发展的主要动力.从经济学历史上的每一次重大发展可以发现,无论是从古典经济学到新古典经济学的转变,还是从"边际革命"到"凯恩斯革命",都得益于研究方法的改进和变革.而今,经济学研究方法的变革和发展显示,数学方法已成了现代经济学研究的基本方法.  相似文献   

劳动经济学的形成与发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
劳动经济学是从经济学中逐步分化出来的一门分支学科,其发展历史已逾二百余年.本文回顾了国外劳动经济学的发展历程,简述了古典经济学派、制度经济学派、芝加哥学派、新古典经济学派、马克思主义经济学派在劳动经济领域的主要研究内容,分析他们对劳动经济学产生与发展的贡献,并对我国不同历史时期劳动经济学及其科研与教学的发展进行了回顾,对劳动经济学与劳动科学体系之间的关系进行了研究.  相似文献   

In this essay, my point of departure is Bernard Hodgson’s analysis of neo-classical economic theory and his demonstration that neo-classical economic thought is already a branch of normative theory. I undertake to broaden the demonstration by showing that other contemporary conceptions of economics are also irreducibly normative. The essay begins with an overview of Hodgson’s argument strategy, and a discussion of his thesis that economics is a moral science. This illustrates in what way moral presuppositions are at play as core principles that both positivist and normativist economics take for granted. My strategy is to show that alternative conceptions of economics, in particular Schumpeterian accounts of evolution/innovation, and orthodox versions of ecological economics, share with classical and neo-classical economics normative assumptions about the common good, extending Hodgson’s thesis to one about moral science. For then these assumptions (both moral and scientific) commit economics to unworkable notions of social and environmental optimization that ignore the pure historical contingency of physical, economic, social and cultural conditions. It is concluded that the relationship between facts and values must be fundamentally retheorized.  相似文献   

"西方列宁学"作为西方一种从各个角度研究列宁思想的社会思潮,歪曲和贬损了列宁主义。就资本主义观而言,他们认为民粹经济学是列宁的理论来源。认真解读列宁论资本主义的重要文献《俄国资本主义的发展》,不难发现,列宁在社会分工、工业人口增加与农业人口减少、小生产者破产论、剩余价值实现论、资本主义市场论等一系列问题上都对民粹经济学作出了深刻批判。只有马克思的《资本论》才是列宁资本主义观的真正思想来源。在建设中国特色社会主义的过程中,需要深入研究经典文本,理性审视各种否定历史事实的思想及其意图,坚持和发展马克思主义。  相似文献   

The use of traditional marketing research techniques in an international context suffers from two potentially fatal flaws: the over-reliance on purely quantitative data and through the use of rigidly structured approaches to primary data collection, the inability to gather information on problems/issues not thought of in advance by the developers of the survey instrument(s). A means of overcoming these problems is through the use of "real-lime" marketing research activities; activities targeted at checking and challenging marketplace assumptions. A "real-time" approach to international marketing research as described and contrasted with traditional marketing research techniques. A specific approach to this type of research currently being implemented by an institutional investment company is presented. Managerial guidelines are then given for the consideration, development, and implementation of a "real-time" approach to international marketing research by service companies.  相似文献   

对于房地产泡沫的理论解释的研究有很多,主要是从实体经济层面、虚拟经济视角、产业经济学这三个角度进行研究,目前大多数是从第一奈路径展开。文章对一些比较具有代表性的理论假说进行总结分析,并在此基础上利用来自中国和日本的数据对房地产泡沫的虚拟经济决定论进行实证检验,最后给出自己的意见和看法。  相似文献   

Economists unsatisfied with the basic neoclassical assumptions of rational economic actors and economic evolution towards equilibrium states founded the evolutionary economic approach. Their goal was to provide more realistic assumptions regarding economic agents and their institutional environments. The Modern Synthesis (MS), the current conceptual paradigm for biological evolution, was used as a source of inspiration for conceptual development. Along the biologically inspired line of thought, the Generalized Darwinism (GD) initiative relies on the abstraction of the MS to provide a unifying conceptual framework for evolutionary economics. Despite its merits, GD has been subject to criticism, particularly regarding its level of abstractness and lack of an explicit account of the social and cognitive processes that drive economic evolution. The goal of this article is to introduce and explore an alternative conceptual framework for evolutionary economics: the Holonic Framework (HF). Contrary to GD, the HF is not biologically inspired, but builds upon the body of literature on the value of digital information networks. We discuss the analytical strengths and limitations of the HF relative to GD in light of several aspects pertinent to evolutionary economics (e.g. self-organization, culture, cognition, cooperation). Finally, by referring to an operationalization of the HF using Eurostat data, we show its practical strengths in comparison to GD.  相似文献   

Complexity economics is a promising theory for consumer education that aspires to be focused on global justice and sustainability in a profoundly complex consumer marketplace. This paper first discusses the basic tenets of complexity theory, the foundations of complexity economics, followed by an overview of normal vs. post‐normal science, including tame and wicked problems. The third part of the paper positions consumer education within normal science, explicating the assumptions of conventional neoliberal economic theory. The final part discusses the assumptions of complexity economics and how it challenges traditional economic theory. A case is made for augmenting 21st century consumer education with complexity economics, anticipating a companion paper with pedagogical details.  相似文献   

老年经济学与老龄化经济学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为新兴的经济学分支学科,老年经济学和老龄化经济学还有一些基础理论方面的问题需要研究.老年经济学和老龄化经济学是两个彼此独立又相互联系的经济学分支学科,它们彼此之间在研究对象、研究内容、基本假设和原则,以及理论支持体系等方面都存在着差别.对这些差别的认识将有助于我们对老年经济学和老龄化经济学分析的深入.  相似文献   

The name "School of Salamanca" refers to a group of theologians and natural law philosophers who taught in the University of Salamanca, following the inspiration of the great Thomist Francisco de Vitoria. It turns out that the Scholastics were not simply medieval, but began in the 13th century and expanded through the 16th and 17th centuries; and they developed some original theories about economics and international law.Why should a few men mainly interested in theology and ethics apply themselves in analyzing issues so far from their worries? The answer leads us to a revision of the morality rules, due to the new problems in business ethics. Thus, for example, the appearance of inflation made them have doubts about the merchant's morality. In order to solve this and other problems, they began to analyze the new and suspicious economic activity. As a result of their observations about ethical issues they discovered some advanced theories for the history of economic thought, such as the early formulation of the quantity theory of money.In this article, we shall review the Spanish bibliography on this matter, to introduce the reader to a new and historical perspective of business ethics in Spain.  相似文献   

An enduring puzzle in international economics is why trade interventions are biased in favor of import-competing rather than export sectors and therefore restrict trade. In this paper, we show that if the government's objective reflects a concern for inequality then trade policy generally exhibits an anti-trade bias. Importantly, under neutral assumptions, the mechanism that we analyze generates the anti-trade bias independently of whether factors are specific or mobile across sectors. The mechanism also generates an anti-trade bias between large countries even after they sign reciprocal trade agreements that eliminate any terms-of-trade motivation for the use of trade protection.  相似文献   

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