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商务谈判的参与者都具有特定需要。分析谈判对手的需要结构,加以策略运用,有助于顺利达成谈判。本文分析了商务谈判人员五种需要的具体内容,探讨了如何有效利用谈判者存在需要达到谈判目标的策略和技巧。  相似文献   

入世以来,我国跨文化商务谈判活动日益增多。能否正确认识和处理好跨文化差异及其冲突是决定国际商务谈判成败的关键。本文试图通过分析不同文化对国际商务谈判的影响,提出了我国谈判人员应对特定文化的国际商务谈判策略。  相似文献   

在国际商务谈判中,语言交流是商务谈判的核心。从中西语言文化差异的形成原因出发,比较谈判风格差异及思维方式差异,提出了国际商务谈判中的语言使用策略:运用提问语言策略,恰当使用委婉语言,适时使用模糊语言、幽默语言策略,以促进商务谈判的顺利进行。  相似文献   

商务谈判是一种微观层面的经济谈判,其谈判策略的优劣是影响商务谈判活动能否顺利进行的核心问题,也是商务谈判领域的研究难点之一。本文首先从传统意义上的商务谈判和自动化的商务谈判两个层面评述了谈判策略的研究现状及其有代表性的学术观点;随后本文进一步提出了在未来商务谈判研究中所需关注的适应性策略研究热点问题,以识别当前研究状况的不足,并提出进一步的研究方向。  相似文献   

浅析国际商务谈判的三十六计策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国际商务谈判是对外经贸活动中普遍存在的经济活动,是调整和解决不甩国家和地区政府及商业机构间经济利益冲突的必要手段.商务谈判的成功可以带来较高的经济效益,而谈判成功的关键在于谈判策略的制定.本文着重对中国古代军事谋略著作<三十六计>中的"借刀杀人","以逸待劳""欲擒故纵"等六计进行重点分析,提出了新的国际商务谈判技巧,为未来的国际商务谈判策略提供了新思路.  相似文献   

强力谈判策略在商务谈判中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
商务谈判是指商务往来双方,以经济利益为目的,就各种提议和承诺进行洽谈协商的过程。其核心在于谋求一致、各得其所。故谈判又称为“互惠互利的合作事业”。一场成功的谈判意味着谈判双方均为赢家,达成“赢-赢协议”(A Win-Deal)是现代商务谈判模式中谈判各方追求的最终目标。但在商务谈判实践中,由于时间、地点、参与方等诸多因素,“双赢方案”的实施常常举步维艰、困难重重、谈判各方为此耗费了大量时间与精力。因此人们一直在探求一种强有效的方式来推进谈判进程。强力谈判策略(Power Negotiation Tacics)遵循“互惠互利”的谈判方针,即谋取本方利益的同时又尽量给予对方以满足感,成功运用该策略将帮助谈判者积极有效地引导谈判朝着“双赢”的方向发展。本文作者试就强力谈判策略在商务谈判开局、中局、终局等三个阶段具体应用谈谈自己的看法。  相似文献   

梁博文  阮傲 《北方经贸》2023,(9):123-127
随着经济全球化的不断发展,跨国商务谈判也随之增长。但由于各国文化背景、风俗习惯、地理位置的不同导致在谈判场上谈判人员谈判目标、谈判风格、行为言语以及谈判策略等会出现差异。知根知底策略在国际商务谈判上可以发挥重要作用。因此,现以澳大利亚企业在中国设酿酒厂的谈判为案例,从知根知底策略的运用出发,对其中所涉及的知根知底策略进行深入分析和研究,得出相关结论和启示,为国际商务谈判策略的选择提供可能的参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

随着国际贸易、经济合作的飞速发展,中德两国之间的商务谈判日益频繁。本文从时间观念、价值观、思维模式、语言交流及非语言交流五个方面,分析了中德文化差异对商务谈判的影响,提出了相应的谈判应对策略,以期增强中德贸易工作者的跨文化敏感度,成为成功的谈判者。无论谈判人员有多么深厚的谈判知识,表现出多么专业的谈判素养,都会由主观思想渗透,这种主观思想正是来自于他身后的社会文化背景,文章以此为切入点展开分析。  相似文献   

赵力  胡家英 《商业科技》2013,(11):172-172
在经济全球化发展迅猛的今天,各国的贸易往来也愈加频繁,国际间的交流也更加活跃。尤其是在国际商务方面,商务英语谈判正好处在整个商务活动中的关键位置。商务英语谈判中恰当的言语行为能带来谈判的顺利进行,为谈判争取有利的成果。国际商务谈判表现出的不仅是国际间的贸易交流,更是一种文化的沟通。因此,在商务英语的谈判中要想跨文化交流有效的开展,就需要充分利用言语带来的文化信息,巧用语言,并且达到商务谈判在得体的语言交流中获得成功目的。  相似文献   

在长期的商务谈判实践中,人们总结出了许多谈判的策略,熟谙各种谈判策略,在复杂多变的谈判中审时度势,加以灵活运用,是商务谈判成功的秘诀,也是谈判高手的标志。  相似文献   

In negotiation by electronic means, language is an important deal-making tool which helps realize negotiation strategies. Negotiators may use language to request information, exchange offers, persuade, threaten, as well as reach a compromise or find prospective partners. All this is recorded in texts exchanged by negotiators. We explore the language signals of strategies—argumentation, persuasion, negation, proposition. Leech and Svartvik’s approach to language in communication gives our study the necessary systematic background. It combines pragmatics, the communicative grammar and the meaning of English verbs. Language signals become features in the task of classifying those texts. We employ Statistical Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning techniques to find general trends that negotiation texts exhibit. Our hypothesis is that language signals help predict negotiation outcomes. We run experiments on the Inspire data. The electronic negotiation support system Inspire was gathering data for several years. The data include text messages which negotiators may exchange while trading offers. We conduct a series of Machine Learning experiments to predict the negotiation outcome from the texts associated with first halves of negotiations. We compare the results with the classification of complete negotiations. We conclude the paper with an analysis of the results and a list of suggestions for future work.  相似文献   

Communication Quality in Business Negotiations   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The quality of a business negotiation process is usually assessed by its economic outcome, e.g. in terms of Pareto efficiency or distance to Nash equilibrium. We argue that this assessment method is insufficient in that it fails to provide a comprehensive analysis of business negotiations. Negotiators engage in highly complex communication tasks, and these communication processes should be analysed along with the outcome in the overall evaluation of a business negotiation. To this end, we will introduce Communication Quality as a new construct for analyzing the negotiation process. Furthermore, it will be argued that Communication Quality itself can affect economic negotiation outcomes both short- and long-term. We will present relevant aspects of Communication Quality, outline a scheme for its operationalisation and measurement, and discuss its probable impacts on business negotiations.  相似文献   

After the Brexit referendum’s leave outcome last summer, the new relationship between the UK and the EU has to be shaped institutionally. For the two bargaining parties the question now is which negotiation strategy to take. In order to choose the optimal strategy, the players have to factor in their time preferences. A game theoretical approach yields that the EU — no matter what is economically feasible in the short run — has to play a tough negotiation strategy if they care about the long run. This result is not a question of punishment but of pure economic rationale.  相似文献   

Using a simulated, two-party negotiation, we examined how characteristics of the actor, target, and situation affected deception. To trigger deception, we used an issue that had no value for one of the two parties (indifference issue). We found support for an opportunistic betrayal model of deception: deception increased when the other party was perceived as benevolent, trustworthy, and as having integrity. Negotiators’ goals also affected the use of deception. Individualistic, cooperative, and mixed dyads responded differently to information about the other party’s trustworthiness, benevolence, and integrity when deciding to either misrepresent or leverage their indifference issue. Mixed dyads displayed opportunistic betrayal. Negotiators in all-cooperative and all-individualistic dyads used different information in deciding whether to leverage their indifference issues and used the same information (benevolence) differently in deciding whether to misrepresent the value of their indifference issue. Mara Olekalns is a Professor of Management (Negotiations) at the Melbourne Business School, University of Melbourne. Her research focuses on communication processes in negotiation. In her research, she has investigated how strategy sequences shape negotiation outcomes. She is extending this research to investigate how impressions and communication shape trust in negotiation. Her work on communication processes in negotiation has been published in Journal of Applied Psychology, Human Communication Research, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, and Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. Philip L. Smith is a Professor in the Department of Psychology, University of Melbourne. His primary research interest is in building quantitative models of the human visual system. He also applies his modeling expertise to analyses of communication processes in negotiation, focusing on the relationships between situational and dispositional factors, strategy sequences and negotiation outcomes. It has been published in leading management and psychology journals, including Human Communication Research, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, and Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. Authors' Note The research reported in this paper was supported by a Discovery Grant from the Australian Research Council. We thank Ania Ratzik and Rudi Crncec for assistance with data coding. Correspondence should be addressed to Mara Olekalns, Melbourne Business School, University of Melbourne, 200 Leicester St, Carlton, Victoria, 3053, Australia or via email to m.olekalns@mbs.edu  相似文献   

With the rapid growth of electronic commerce, there is growing demand forremote online negotiations. Although the Internet now enables audio and video communication, most Web-based negotiation systems are still text-based. There is, however, a lack of research on the effects of multimedia on remote negotiations. In this paper, we present a theoretical model to investigate the impacts of multimedia communication in an online negotiation setting. The constructs in our model include communication efficiency, communication effectiveness, and positive and negative social-emotional communication. Through a simulated house purchasing negotiation experiment, we study how different multimedia combinations (text only; text with audio; text with audio and video) affect our constructs and thus further influence negotiation results. Our results showed that both text with audio and text with audio and video communication were significantly preferred to text alone. However, the addition of video to text and audio communication in a negotiation environment was not found to be beneficial. It did not significantly improve communication efficiency, effectiveness or positive social-emotional communication, but distracted negotiators from focusing on the negotiation task. Our analysis also revealed that the communication efficiency construct did not correlate with the perceived success of the negotiation solution; however communication effectiveness and social-emotional communication did correlate with negotiation satisfaction.  相似文献   

Business negotiations represent a form of communication where informativeness, i.e., the amount of provided information, depends on context and situation. In this study, we hypothesize that relations exist between language signals of informativeness and the success or failure of negotiations. We support our hypothesis through linguistic and statistical analysis which acquires language patterns from records of electronic text-based negotiations. Empirical results of machine learning experiments show that the acquired patterns are useful for early prediction of negotiation outcomes.  相似文献   

大国的经济外交时代已然到来,而外商直接投资在中国实现工业化和经济发展的过程中起着至关重要的作用。因此,应从中国自身的区域一体化协议的发展特点出发,将外商直接投资因素包含到制定区域经济一体化的战略过程中去,在此基础上研究并制定适合中国的区域一体化协议发展战略,主要是:有选择地开展与发达国家的区域一体化谈判,加强与西亚地区的区域经济合作和在区域一体化协议中重点突出服务业投资自由化。  相似文献   

One of the great harriers to foreign marketing success in Japan has been the limited number of foreigners who can communicate in Japanese. Knowledge of the relationship between marketing and written Japanese, spoken Japanese, linguistic pluralism and unspoken communication in Japan will show foreign marketers how language influences Japanese marketing in at least nine significant areas—the sales relationship, negotiation, correspondence, promotional materials, packaging, print advertising, radio and television advertising, and the naming of products.  相似文献   

This research study provides an empirical examination of the impact of national cultural distance, organizational cultural differences, communication, and planned employee retention on the effectiveness of negotiation process in the cross-border mergers & acquisitions (M&As). We developed and tested a conceptual framework of negotiation process in order to provide a framework for analysis of the key components of the negotiation process in the cross border M&A. The findings indicate that communication positively influence antecedent and concurrent phase of negotiation process. In addition, national cultural distance and organizational cultural differences negatively influence the effectiveness of concurrent phase. We also found that national cultural distance moderates the relationship between communication and effectiveness of concurrent phase of the negotiation process, as such that the positive effect of communication is lower when national cultural distance is higher. Furthermore, we found that planned employee retention positively affect the effectiveness of concurrent phase. Finally, the effectiveness of concurrent phase positively influence the effectiveness of consequent phase i.e. M&A agreement. The contribution of this study lies in providing new insights on negotiation-associated factors for incumbent executives, in order to enable them to better plan and implement cross-border mergers and acquisition deals.  相似文献   

Two studies tested whether making first offers influences negotiators’ feelings of anxiety and their sense of satisfaction. The results of Study 1 show that the strategy of making the first offer led to decreased levels of satisfaction with the negotiation process and outcomes. This effect was mediated by perceived feelings of anxiety. Study 2 discerned that anxiety about making the first offer derived from self-perception concerns, represented as anxiety about being taken advantage of by the opposing party. In both studies, anxiety led negotiators who made the first offer to be relatively less satisfied with the negotiation, than negotiators who did not make the first offer, despite the increased economic gains associated with making the first offer.  相似文献   

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