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文章构建了Stackelberg家电零售企业效益模型,并根据模型总结出两种策略:具备时间优势的家电零售企业即使不具备成本优势,也能够通过先入为主的策略保持竞争优势;一旦跟随者具备进入市场的能力,可以采取胁迫手段阻止其进入。文章指出,家电零售企业可通过制定"先发制人"的开店策略,提升其在当地的影响力,提升零售市场Stackelberg优势。同时,对中国家电零售连锁企业的扩张进行简要的介绍。  相似文献   

<正>当前,我国零售业处于一个十分关键时期.一方面,我国经济持续发展带来社会购买力的普遍提高,庞大的市场容量为零售企业的发展提供了充裕的空间;另一方面,许多地方商业网点趋于饱和、过甚,竞争加剧.零售企业经营步履维艰,再加之零售市场的开放,外资挟资金、技术、管理的优势进入中国零售业,给民族零售业带来了极大的压力.抓住机遇,迎接挑战,运用连锁的方式,实行大规模扩张,迅速提高零售业的组织化程度,获取规模效益是民族零售企业提高自身的市场竞争力,在日益激烈的零售市场竞争中立于不败之地的现实选择.  相似文献   

零售企业资本扩张有其自身的特点.连锁经营不仅是一种企业组织形式,而且也是一种资本组织方式,它以其自身所创造的市场优势和扩张机制,成为零售企业资本扩张的有效手段。  相似文献   

并购已经成为了企业在竞争推动下保持稳定发展和实现扩张的一种重要方式.核心能力是企业持续竞争优势之源,基于核心能力的并购战略可以为企业赢得更强的竞争优势和更广阔的发展空间.核心能力的发展应该成为企业并购的主要动机和企业形成长期竞争优势的源泉.  相似文献   

胡洪力 《商场现代化》2007,(19):187-188
面对外资大型零售企业的激烈竞争,我国大型零售企业开展国际化经营就成为一项战略选择。本文首先就零售企业国际化概念进行界定,然后就我国大型零售企业国际化的可行性进行分析,最后从选择恰当的战略模式、选择正确的目标国、选择合理的投资方式、构建国际化知识积累的组织学习机制等四个方面,提出我国大型零售业应该采取的战略措施。  相似文献   

随着我国经济的发展和市场开放度不断加大,外资零售巨头纷纷进入我国零售领域并呈现迅速扩张之势。在中外零售企业之间相互激烈竞争之时,分析和总结我国零售企业借鉴屈臣氏品牌战略发展经验,发挥自身优势,以全面应对外资零售巨头的挑战。  相似文献   

李蕊 《中国流通经济》2012,26(9):97-103
2008年以来,外商在我国零售业的投资在规模和空间布局等方面呈现出新的特点和动向,引发了业界关于外资迅速扩张是否会造成零售业被外资控制、外资企业是否会抢占内资零售业优势资源等争议性话题,文章分别使用省际面板数据、地区面板数据、业态面板数据,实证分析了外资扩张对内资零售企业的影响。研究表明,整体而言,外商在我国零售业投资的加速扩张,并没有挤占内资零售企业的优势资源,外资零售企业市场份额的扩大并没有对内资零售企业构成明显的就业挤出效应。内资零售企业在面对外资零售企业迅速扩张以及由此带来的竞争压力时,应着力通过跨地区并购、跨行业并购、自愿连锁、内资并购外资等方式壮大自身规模,实现优势资源的重组,发挥规模效应,同时需要反思内资零售业目前联营模式过多、自营模式过少的弊端,通过提高自采比例、培育自有品牌等方式提升核心竞争力。  相似文献   

丁宁  陈阿兴 《财贸研究》2013,24(1):49-54
根据苏果超市有限公司在农村市场发展的典型案例,分析城市零售企业开拓农村市场的阶段划分,探讨其在农村市场发展各阶段中的影响因素。结果表明,城市零售企业开拓农村市场大致可划分为引入期、成长期和成熟期三个阶段。在引入期,空间扩张模式的可行性和市场潜力变化程度是影响零售企业发展的重要因素。在成长期,相对人口的市场弹性和公司物流配送能力是影响零售企业空间扩张的显著因素,而资本可得性随着扩张阶段的深入其重要性得以不断提升。  相似文献   

目前,零售市场竞争空前激烈,各大零售企业纷纷采取跨区扩张的方式来扩大规模,提高市场竞争力。百货业作为国内传统的零售企业,如何通过跨区域扩张模式实现做大做强的目标是当前百货企业重点关注的问题,本文通过对一些国内国际知名百货的跨区扩张历程进行回顾和总结,希望能够抛砖引玉,为国内更多的百货企业实行跨区扩张提供经验借鉴。  相似文献   

近年来,我国的零售市场取消了对国外投资商业企业在区域、数量和股权等方面的保护限制,并允许设立外商独资零售企业,对外资实行全面开放.我国零售企业不仅要承受国外零售企业在国内竞争的压力,更需要加快企业扩张的脚步,增强竞争力.本文从扩张模式的战略扩张方式、业态选择和地域选择三方面进行阐述,列举可选择的类型,并对各种扩张模式的风险及优劣势比较,为我国零售企业选择有效的扩张模式提供理论依据.  相似文献   


Wal-Mart isn't the only large retailer facing new obstacles to their operational policies and expansion plans, and the United States (U.S.) isn't the only country where resistance is growing to big chain store operations. Some consumers, unions, special interest groups, and governmental entities are erecting roadblocks for a number of large retailers in the U.S., China, Japan, and Germany. They're busily attacking retail brands using consumer images and perceptions of large stores as a fulcrum to portray the retailing whale as a shark. Some competitors even go so far as to say the problem isn't that the big stores want some of their business, the problem is that they want allof it.  相似文献   

Independent shops are numerically dominant in the British retail system, providing a range of functions and roles in various locational situations. Reporting on survey work in Scotland with independent shop owners and their customers, this paper details these roles and functions as well as attitudes towards the provision. The community and social role played by these shops in certain locations is emphasized, while in others a breakdown of trust between retailers and consumers is identified. Policy making about independent retailing needs to understand more closely these differences by locational type.  相似文献   

广东企业对东盟直接投资存在两种不同的投资:优势型对外直接投资和学习型对外直接投资。文章据此探寻广东企业对东盟直接投资的区位,从东盟的产品市场和资源禀赋出发,分别分析了广东省在高新技术产业、第三产业、优势产业、边际产业、资源类产业及小规模技术产业的企业对东盟国家的不同投资指向。  相似文献   

In this special issue “Moving from Multi-Channel to Omni-Channel Retailing”, the Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services presents a series of papers covering topics to gain a better understanding of research and practices in the move toward Omni-channel retailing. The aim of the special issue is to gain a better understanding of marketing theory and practice in multi-channel and Omni-channel retailing. The topics for the special issue include, but are not limited to (1) The impact of channel integration on consumers’ channel preferences; (2) Service integration in Omni-channel retailing; (3) Customer touchpoint in the context of Omni-channel retailing; (4) Consumer behaviour in Omni-channel retailing; and (5) Building and maintaining customer relationships via Omni-channel retailing.  相似文献   

Retailing in the 21st century will no doubt be very different from retailing in the 20th century, just as retailing in the 20th century was very different from retailing in the 19th century. To understand and explain current retailing phenomena and retailing-related phenomena, and accurately predict such phenomena, it is necessary to have a coherent and consistent definition of retailing as well as comprehensive retailing theories based on this definition. This introduction to the special issue argues for such a definition and related comprehensive theories.  相似文献   

以广东省21个地级市为研究对象,在采用极差与极商、变异系数、Theil系数分析法的基础上,运用1992~2009年广东省利用外商直接投资数据,考察广东省利用外商直接投资的空间格局及演变趋势。广东省实际利用外商直接投资的区域差异较大,经济发达地区与欠发达地区发展不平衡;1992年以来,各地区间外商直接投资额绝对差距扩大,相对差距在波动中伴有一定程度的上升,离散系数平缓上升;省内外商直接投资空间分布的总体差异先上升后下降,区域内差异对总体差异的影响程度略强于区域间差异,且西翼地区内部差异对全省总体差异的影响最大,珠三角区域内部差异对总体差异影响最小。  相似文献   

This article applies Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) theories to the strategic management analysis of the global integration-local responsiveness of multinational corporations (MNCs) in China, from the perspective of company characteristics (ownership advantages and internalization advantages) and environmental dynamics (locational factors) in order to analyze the success factors influencing the sales activities of Japanese MNCs in China. Based on the analysis of a survey conducted on 230 Japanese parent companies with investments in China, the empirical research findings include: Japanese MNCs in China favor global integration strategies; the more significant the ownership advantages and internalization advantages are, the greater the global integration is; the success factors of their operations in China due to global integration are present in manufacturing know-how, procurement of parts and supplies, financial power, previous investment experience in China as well as sales networks and technologies; locational advantages mainly lie in labor cost among other things; internalization factors do not have any significant correlation with the success and performance of the subsidiary company. Translated from Zhongguo Ruankexue 中国软科学 (China Soft Science), 2005, (3): 89–98  相似文献   

Retail innovation impacts the entire marketing channel, from manufacturers to retail employees, franchisors to international distributors, and Internet marketers to final consumers. Increased global expansion, a re-emphasis on relationship building, and the explosive growth of e-commerce have transformed all facets of retailing. The papers appearing in this special issue, consisting of the best papers from the Spring and Winter conferences of the American Collegiate Retailing Association held in 2005 and 2006, capture these cutting-edge issues. The papers have gone through two rounds of a double-blind review process and been screened by one of two selection committees.  相似文献   

《Journal of Retailing》2015,91(2):174-181
The world of retailing has changed dramatically in the past decade. The advent of the online channel and new additional digital channels such as mobile channels and social media have changed retail business models, the execution of the retail mix, and shopper behavior. Whereas multi-channel was in vogue in the last decade in retailing, we now observe a move to so-called omni-channel retailing. Omni-channel retailing is taking a broader perspective on channels and how shoppers are influenced and move through channels in their search and buying process. We discuss this development conceptually and subsequently discuss existing research in this multi-channel retailing. We also introduce the articles in this special issue on multi-channel retailing and position these articles in the new omni-channel movement. We end with putting forward a research agenda to further guide future research in this area.  相似文献   

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