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农村留守儿童是我国农民工问题的"副产品"。随着社会经济的发展,大量农民流动到城市打工,这就导致了农村留守儿童受监护权的缺失。不仅留守儿童的合法权益经常遭到侵害,而且其犯罪率也逐渐增加。本文针对农村留守儿童的监护制度进行探讨,采用比较学的方法,从社会学与法学角度进行缺陷对比,旨在从法律层面强制父母履行其监护责任,为农村留守儿童合法权益的保障开辟一条新的道路。  相似文献   

苏成慧 《商》2014,(50):182-183
农村留守儿童问题已经成为我国经济转型时期越来越突出的社会问题,本文从我国目前农村留守儿童基本权利的现实状况进行分析,对目前农村留守儿童权益保护中存在的问题,提出一些保护农村留守儿童合法权益的针对性的措施。  相似文献   

农村留守儿童问题是我国长期实行的城乡二元体制下"三农"问题的衍生物,是我国工业化、城市化过程中出现的特殊社会问题,对农村学校、家庭、社会带来了严重的负面影响。研究农村留守儿童问题对促进社会主义新农村建设和城市化、工业化进程,建设和谐社会具有重要的理论意义和战略意义。本文从法学的角度研究分析留守儿童应该拥有的权利,并且对留守儿童的保护建议以直接立法的方式予以保护,面对留守儿童教育,生活,健康,心理等方面的问题,并不是正真的问题,贫困是产生这一系列问题的根源,但对于国家的经济发展,宏观方面的大方向问题不是本文谈论的,本文仅仅一个人观点对留守儿童的人权保障提出一些希望有助于改善他们生活的方案。  相似文献   

王晓梅 《品牌》2014,(9):156-157
随着社会经济快速发展,我国农村剩余劳动力逐渐成为了城市发展的重要组成部分,这就使得留守儿童数量日渐增加,而留守儿童作为一个特殊群体,其教育问题也受到越来越多的关注。本文将从留守儿童概念入手,阐述解决留守儿童教育问题的重要性,对留守儿童教育存在的问题进行分析和研究,并从财政、政策、学校、社会等四个方面提出解决农村留守儿童教育问题的有效策略,从而为我国留守儿童教育的进一步发展提供参考和指导。  相似文献   

依附理论是分析非西方欠发达国家及其边缘化危机的一种范式。运用依附理论框架对留守儿童边缘化危机进行分析发现:社会转型是留守儿童边缘化危机浮现的宏观背景,体制分割是留守儿童边缘化危机加剧的中观设置,社会化偏差是留守儿童边缘化危机突显的微观环境。通过转换发展模式,破解二元对立社会结构;创新社会设置,消解二元分割教育体制;优化社会化环境,矫正留守儿童社会化偏差等措施,才能化解留守儿童边缘化危机。  相似文献   

姜珊 《中国电子商务》2010,(12):146-147
近年来,随着经济社会的持续发展,城市化进程的不断加快,越来越多的青壮年外出务工,他们留守在家的子女已成为一个庞大的群体。作为中国社会转型大背景下的特殊产物农村留守儿童,因为父母外出打工,父爱、母爱的缺失,社会二元经济的影响,他们作为一个特殊的群体出现了很多的问题,因而其教育问题更加不可忽视。如何解决留守儿童学习、心理、性格以及人身安全等方面的问题意义非常重大。  相似文献   

农村留守儿童是中国改革开放以来社会转型阶段的产物,城市经济的快速发展需要更多的劳动力,而相对落后的农村存在着丰厚的劳动力,两相吸引,大量的青壮年流向城市,但是与此同时农村遗留下很多儿童,他们因为种种原因无法跟随父母进城生活,亲子之间的长期两地生活造成留守儿童生活、学习、心理等方面的诸多问题。在中国现阶段,留守儿童问题是农村问题的缩影,解决好留守儿童问题,无疑对中国社会的稳定、可持续发展有着重要的意义。应从国家、社会、立法等方面完善农村留守儿童监护制度。  相似文献   

中国农村留守现象普遍存在,"留守儿童"、"留守妇女"、"留守老人"构成留守家庭。现实经济因素,社会环境因素,农民传统心理因素是农村留守家庭形成的主要原因。大力发展乡镇企业,实现在家门口就业;加大政策向农民倾斜的力度;完善农村基础设施,丰富留守群体的文化生活;建立健全扶贫政策,全方位实施精准扶贫;提高留守群体和农民工自身素质是解决农村留守问题,破除城乡二元结构,全面建成小康社会的新路径。  相似文献   

随着社会经济的发展,农村中出现了越来越多的“留守儿童”,文章从经济学角度运用成本—收益分析法分析留守儿童产生的原因有助于了解问题的本质,并进一步在此基础上提出相应的对策,促进农村教育发展和社会和谐。  相似文献   

唐齐佑 《品牌》2015,(1):56
进入21世纪,我国经济水平快速发展,城市化建设的脚步逐渐加快,因此,越来越多的青壮年走入城市工作,造成一个特殊的群体——留守儿童。留守儿童的问题逐年受到重视,农村留守儿童的健康成长如今已经成为一个较为突出的社会问题,受到各界人士的广泛关注。社会的和谐离不开各个方面的稳定发展,留守儿童的问题迫切需要解决方案。本文主要针对农村留守儿童的医疗现状进行分析,重点讨论留守儿童在农村医疗的解决方案。  相似文献   

As a representative from the education community, NPC Deputy, Member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and President of the Dalian University of Technology, Ou Jinping proposed during the "two sessions" that we should improve the innovation capability and technical strength of enterprises to make them the driving force behind the development of new technology.  相似文献   

本文从电子市场的需求和供给两个方面提出一个中小企业商家对商家(B2B)电子市场采用影响因素的模型,并进行验证,结果表明,电子市场的网站因素、创新扩散因素、企业内部因素对企业电子市场采用有显著的正向影响,其中企业内部因素的影响最为显著;而电子市场的功能模式因素、企业外部因素对企业采用电子市场的影响并不显著.  相似文献   

从工艺角度对苯部分加氢制环己烯进行分析探讨,在此基础上设计中试装置.传质、传热和动力学是反应工程设计的理论基础.材质的选取决定于反应体系物理化学性质和反应条件.设计合理的反应器、沉降器结构是实现工艺流程的关键,采用微机连锁控制的中试装置能实现操作自动化,保证系统安全运行.实践证明,该反应器设计合理,工艺路线可靠,自动化程度高,在很好考察催化剂工业指标的同时,为工业反应器的设计奠定了基础.  相似文献   

《Business History》2012,54(7):1152-1177
Economic theories of commercial nonprofits and mutuals usually emphasise the advantages of such organisational forms in reducing agency and monitoring costs in markets that suffer from information asymmetries in exchanges between firms and their customers. This article examines the ability of such transaction cost theories to account for historical variations in the ownership and governance of firms in the US personal finance industry between the early nineteenth century and the Great Depression. It focuses, in particular, on mutual savings banks and their role in the development of the intermediated market for savings accounts. While I find some evidence in support of transaction cost theories of organisational form, I also find that entrepreneurial and socio-political factors played crucial roles in the choice of ownership and governance structures; mutual savings banks predominated in the early years of the industry because the form offered entrepreneurial advantages over investor-owned corporations and because in some states they benefitted from regulatory and political advantages that joint-stock companies lacked. Their relative decline by the early twentieth century was the result of increasing competition in the market for savings deposits, the loosening of regulatory barriers to entry, and changes in public policy that reduced the transaction, innovation and regulatory advantages that the mutual savings bank form had once held. The article draws out the theoretical implications for our understanding of the historical role of nonprofit and mutual firms.  相似文献   

This article examines the effect of unionization on welfare and trade policy using a model of duopolists competing in a third market. The traditional result that the presence of a union necessitates a stronger strategic trade policy to reach the optimal level of welfare hinges on the mode of competition. With Bertrand duopolists, a union can be welfare-improving; it can also lead to a weaker trade policy, or even reverse the direction of the optimal policy. Our results highlight the importance for trade policy of understanding the nature of firm behavior and the institutional features of the labor market.  相似文献   

Evaluating Stakeholder Theory   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper is the third in a series of four that is directed at understanding and assessing stakeholder theory for the purposes of business ethics. It addresses the suitability and viability of the theory, rejecting objections of a moral and efficiency sort based (respectively) on claims about property rights and the economic superiority of the alternative stockholder approach, but accepting that implementation problems require limiting both the number of groupings admitted to stakeholder status and the degree of responsibility towards them. The conclusion looks forward to the construction of a suitably limited version of the stakeholder approach in a fourth paper drawing upon this one and the previous two.John Kaler teachers at the University of Plymonth Business School. He is the co-author of An Introduction to Business Ethics (Chapman and Hall, 1993; ITP, 1996) and Essentials of Business Ethics (McGraw-Hill, 1996), and co-editor of the ‘Teaching Business Ethics’ website hosted by the Institute of Business Ethics.  相似文献   

The article critically examines the marketing strategy employed by Israeli sperm banks as sites for biopolitical governmentality of sperm consumers. The dataset comprise multiple sources which converge to provide evidence for the transfusion of militaristic Zionist ideology into sperm. The biopolitics of sperm marketing involves the naturalization of militaristic Zionism as a dogmatic basis for a “dividing practice” for the inclusion and exclusion of particular types of personified gametes in the symbolically constructed collective gene pool. The image of the military man is the idealized type of hegemonic masculinity in the Israeli nation-in-arms. The warrior-donor is both the supplier of the product and the core product itself, and his semen constitutes the materialistic carrier of his spiritual essence. Using Foucault's notion of biopolitical governmentality suggests why militaristic Zionism discourse has such potency in sperm marketing, and raises questions about contemporary “technologies of the self” as consumerist practices.  相似文献   

企业竞争优势越来越依赖其所处的利益相关者之间的资源、权利及其关系,但现有的利益相关者管理理论研究视角各异,缺乏系统梳理。以文本分析方法为基础,基于Web of Science核心数据库的文献,系统论述了利益相关者研究的知识演进研究逻辑和主要议题框架。研究发现:从管理学视角看,利益相关者管理理论研究主要遵循“个体关系网络”的逻辑演进,并以相应的知识图谱聚类展开。利用重点文献对利益相关者研究的知识演进分析,进一步发现利益相关者管理理论的议题框架可分为利益相关者管理理论研究重要性、研究逻辑与主题、研究方法与机理研究;根据主体属性及个体、关系到网络的研究逻辑,需要分别从主体、关系和网络三个方面解决好利益相关者主体的个体属性、关系与网络的整体属性的割裂状态。  相似文献   

精神性的觉醒和焕发往往带来创造力的迸发,但其动力机制尚待探索。整合变革应对理论、精神性理论和创造力理论提出包含中国传统精神性的多层面变革应对框架,在此框架下研究组织内创造力的多层面精神性动力机制。具体包括四个子研究:一是探讨员工创造力的精神性动力因素及其动力机制;二是探讨团队创造力的精神性动力因素及其动力机制;三是探讨组织创造力的精神性动力因素及其动力机制;四是探讨组织内创造力的精神性动力的纵向传导机制,即企业创始人精神型领导的垂滴效应。本研究揭示了组织内创造力激发的多层面精神性源泉及其动力机理,拓宽了组织内创造力多层面产生的理论基础和研究视角,为基于精神性激活组织内创造力提供了理论借鉴。  相似文献   

Since the normalization of the diplomatic ties between China and ) Japan, the bilateral economic relations have deepened continually. According to the statistic of Japan, China passed U.S. to become Japan's top trade partner as well as is the second largest export market for Japan and is the largest import resource for Japan. Japan companies such as Mitsui, Sumitomo, Sony and Panasonic, have set the subsidiaries in China and explored their scales. This year 2008 marks the 30th anniversary of the signing of the ChinaJapan Treaty of Peace and Friendship.  相似文献   

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