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消费者在日常生活中经常面临享乐品和实用品的选择问题.本研究通过实验发现,保持备选规模不变,分类数量增加,会显著提高消费者选择实用品的可能性,实验显示,决策困难在分类数量对消费者选择实用品的效应上起中介作用,当消费者感觉到决策并不困难时,分类数量对消费者选择实用品的正向作用消失.最后讨论了本研究的理论与实际管理意义.  相似文献   

文章探究了中国市场大量出现的“品牌名称双语化”现象,检验了双语品牌名称的水平呈现顺序对消费者品牌评价的影响及其中介机制。两个研究结果表明,双语品牌名称的水平呈现顺序和有利的来源国形象对消费者品牌评价的交互作用显著。具体而言:当双语品牌名称的“左中右英”(vs.“左英右中”)呈现顺序对应于有利的中国来源国形象,或当“左英右中”(vs.“左中右英”)的呈现顺序对应于有利的欧美来源国形象时,能够提高消费者的品牌评价。其中,当双语品牌名称的不同呈现顺序与消费者相应的有利来源国心理图式相匹配时,图式一致性效用发挥中介作用。文章丰富了品牌命名理论,同时为企业根据消费者的来源国形象感知调整双语品牌名称的水平呈现顺序提供了导向性参考。  相似文献   

文章构建相应策略识别了高管机会主义品行,并探究其对公司信息披露决策的影响。研究结果表明,高管的机会主义品行会显著增加公司信息披露违规、真实盈余管理行为;提升公司选择非国际“四大”会计师事务所的概率,并支付更高的审计费用。随着高管机会主义水平上升,公司更有可能作出上述决策。进一步地,国有产权能在一定程度上抑制高管机会主义品行对信息披露质量的负面影响,却显著增加了公司应计盈余管理;当高管机会主义水平较高时,国有产权也无法发挥有效治理作用。从经济后果看,高管的机会主义品行能被资本市场识别,并显著减损公司未来价值。  相似文献   

以产业政策“五年规划”的变更构建双重差分与中介效应检验,分析了政策扶持对企业“主观投资意愿”和“客观投资机会”的双重影响,以及在两种影响的共振作用下,如何进一步影响企业金融资产配置决策的微观逻辑。研究发现:产业政策扶持对企业金融资产配置具有显著促进作用。一方面,产业政策扶持不仅会通过融资约束缓解效应提升企业投资意愿,还会通过庇护效应提高企业风险容忍度、强化风险承担,从而进一步提升“主观投资意愿”。另一方面,政策扶持引发投资潮涌会恶化市场竞争、政策前瞻性及其社会价值性,又对企业短期经济价值产生抑制,从而导致企业“客观投资机会”下滑。最终,企业在客观投资不确定性加剧而主观投资意愿上升的共振作用下选择转向具有替代性的金融资产投资。异质性方面,主业投资机会、主业经营收益率和主业经营风险越高的企业增加金融资产投资的意愿更弱,说明企业进行金融资产配置更像是锦上添花,而非根本上的“脱实向虚”。  相似文献   

受新冠肺炎疫情的影响,大多消费者只能在线观看企业通过互联网实施的品牌仪式,然而以往研究更多揭示的是消费者直接参与的仪式效应,鲜有消费者不直接参与的仪式研究。基于社会交换理论,文章运用实验法探讨了当消费者见到但不实际参与品牌仪式时,品牌仪式对消费者信任的影响机制,即品牌仪式的“见”之效应。结果表明:作为视觉材料呈现的品牌仪式(对比随机动作)也能激活消费者的仪式感知,增加消费者对品牌的信任。原因在于当消费者从品牌仪式的互动体验中获取相应的积极情感资源(心流体验)后,会更倾向与品牌建立信任关系。此外,消费者品牌关系规范会调节品牌仪式对消费者信任的影响,对于共享型关系中的消费者,品牌仪式通过增强消费者心流体验,进而增加消费者对品牌的信任,但对于交易型关系中的消费者,该效应消失。  相似文献   

互联网与移动互联网技术迅速发展,带动了许多实体零售企业投身于电子商务的创新实践,但也不乏亚马逊、阿里巴巴等网络零售企业通过投资、并购等方式积极涉足实体零售企业。文章试图解释企业进行不同战略选择的原因,采取“互联网+”或是“回归实体”的依据。在分析互联网对零售企业影响的基础上,文章建立了包括消费者与零售企业在内的一般均衡模型,分析了消费者选择不同零售企业的依据,以及零售企业的应对之策。分析结果表明,消费者在不同零售商店的相对支出比例取决于零售商店提供服务组合的相对效率。因此,基于“有限商圈”与“有限品类”的经营战略成为企业扩大销售收入的关键,现网络零售与实体零售战略选择本质上可以归纳为品类专业化与区域专业化之间的收益比较。  相似文献   

经济发展和环境治理是关系社会福利水平的两个重要指标,但具体到地方官员施政中,不同的官员有不同的策略安排。文章首先基于博弈模型构建了一个官员竞争博弈场景,通过逻辑推导,证明官员在竞争博弈中的相对优劣状态差异是导致官员策略差异的原因。其次,运用倾向得分匹配方法实证检验官员策略差异对辖区“经济福利”和“环境福利”的影响。回归结果发现,官员年龄差对环境治理会有不同影响;低于平均年龄的官员在FDI、税收、固定资产投资等“经济福利”指标上显著高于同级官员2.59万元、0.13万元和0.41万元;而高于平均年龄的官员比同级同行在“环境福利”上有更优秀的表现,在固体废弃物、废气、废水等指标上显著低于同级官员的52吨、21吨和6吨。作为弥补,较年轻官员会采取“踩跷跷板”策略,在一些显性环境治理指标上“适度有为”,例如提高环保投入占比,以回应中央及公众的关切。从理论分析和实证结果中得到的政策启示是在干部晋升考核体系中应进一步突出“绿色发展”的重要性并强化官员的全局意识,激励官员关注辖区非经济福利。  相似文献   

文章通过建立实证模型分析了电子商务环境下产品线索与消费者选择的相关性。 结果表明:商品价格和物流费用对消费者态度产生负向影响,商品销售量和物流正面评价对消费者态度产生正向影响;消费者态度对消费者选择起到中介作用,同时消费者态度对消费者选择产生正向影响;随着消费者对产品涉入度的提高,消费者选择会受到产品价格、产品品牌和产品销量的影响也就越大;消费者对产品的涉入度较低时,消费者选择更容易受到物流费用和物流评价的影响。  相似文献   

文章基于京东、苏宁、国美、天猫四家电商经营的六大类家电的价格数据,分析了数字偏好、尾数定价对中国线上市场价格黏性的非对称性的影响效应。研究发现,中国线上市场确实存在明显的数字偏好现象,具体有数字“0”“8”“9”,其中数字“9”为最受欢迎的尾数。基于Logit模型进一步发现:数字“0”“8”“9”对于产品价格变化存在非对称的影响作用;随着数字“0”“8”“9”结尾的位数越多,其阻碍价格变化的能力越强,非对称的影响作用也越加明显;若产品价格提高,以偏好数字结尾会显著降低价格变化的可能性;节日效应会显著削弱由偏好尾数给价格变化带来的负向阻碍作用,甚至成为加快价格上涨的一个重要因素。  相似文献   

利用我国A股非金融类上市公司2008—2017年数据,采用“双向进入”、“交叉任职”两个指标衡量党组织参与企业治理的情况,实证检验其对企业慈善捐赠行为的影响。结果发现,党组织“双向进入”和“交叉任职”与企业是否捐赠、捐赠水平均呈显著正向关系。此外,上述作用在国有企业与非国有企业中均存在,但与中央国有企业相比,党组织参与治理对企业捐赠的促进效应在地方国有企业中更为明显。研究还发现,党组织参与治理对企业慈善捐赠的促进作用并不以损害企业价值为代价,反而会提高公司经营绩效和价值,并且党组织参与治理对企业捐赠的促进作用并非以获取更多的政府补贴为目的。研究表明,党组织参与治理促进了企业的捐赠行为,这一结论有助于进一步理解党组织在公司治理中的地位与作用。  相似文献   

This study investigates the influence of word-of-mouth (WOM) on consumers' attitudinal ambivalence in the context of higher education decision-making. Construal level theory (CLT) is combined with attitudinal ambivalence literature to generate hypotheses about how different types of WOM (i.e., praise and activity) received during the decision-making process reduce attitudinal ambivalence. The subsequent consequences of attitudinal ambivalence for decision-making are also studied. A two-wave survey of applicants to international higher education programs is used to test the hypotheses. This study contributes to the ambivalence literature by showing that different types of WOM information reduce attitudinal ambivalence depending on the temporal closeness of a choice and the consumption of a service. The findings have implications for the management of attitudinal ambivalence and WOM throughout the consumer decision-making process and consequently for assisting consumers in making choices.  相似文献   

The present research proposes that positive affect mitigates choice overload. Results from four studies show that whereas people in neutral affect feel less satisfied when choosing from a large relative to a small assortment, people in positive affect do not experience a decline in satisfaction and may even feel more satisfied when choosing from a large, relative to a small assortment. It is proposed that positive affect has these effects by shifting people's attention from the difficulty of the choice task to the quality of the assortment, as a basis for judgment of choice satisfaction.  相似文献   

As more and more consumers become part of the net population, retailers and manufacturers as well as dot‐com storefronts are touting consumers by providing an ever‐increasing amount of product information. Their long‐term survival and profitability may be determined by how much and how well their product information is presented to and processed by the consumers. By combining both the traditional and structural approaches to the information‐overload phenomenon, this study investigates the impact of Web site information on consumer choice and psychological states in an on‐line environment. Varying the number of alternatives and attributes (traditional measure) and attribute level distribution across alternatives (structural measure), this study asks subjects to choose the best (dominant) CD player in a given set. Their subjective states such as satisfaction, confidence, and confusion are also measured. Results show that the number of attributes and attribute level distribution are good predictors of the effect of information overload on consumer choice. In addition, the study finds that on‐line information overload results in less satisfied, less confident, and more confused consumers. Implications and suggestions for future research are provided. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

《Journal of Retailing》2022,98(1):24-45
We perform a meta-analytic review of the effect of retail assortment size on consumer perceptions, choice, and retail sales/share using a database comprising of 177 studies obtained from 95 academic papers published during 1970–2021. We define assortment size broadly as the total number of distinct alternatives (options) available to the consumer when he/she makes a choice in a product category. This number of alternatives manifest in the form of a number of brands, number of stock-keeping-units (SKUs), or simply number of items such as different colors or packaging. An increase in assortment size can lead to beneficial effects such as assortment preference, perceived choice satisfaction, confidence, freedom, purchase incidence, sales, and profits, as well as negative consequences such as information overload, increased cognitive effort, choice uncertainty, choice difficulty, and hence choice avoidance. Numerous researchers have reported the effect of assortment size on one or more of these factors. We summarize these effects using a metric called assortment size (net) benefit elasticity by positively valuing the beneficial effects and negatively valuing the harmful effects. Assortment size benefit elasticity is defined as the percent change in net benefit for a 1% change in assortment size. Our meta-analysis reveals that the mean assortment size benefit elasticity across 1936 valid elasticity observations is .082, and this effect is moderated by many study design and environmental factors. We also explore nonlinearity in assortment size effect and whether the effect is different for online vs. offline purchasing. Based on these findings, we list 30 characteristics conducive for assortment addition/deletion and specify several directions for future research.  相似文献   

The key objective of this study was to understand the consequences of subjective ambivalence on customer satisfaction, loyalty, and the satisfaction–loyalty relationship. The conceptual and theoretical discussions were derived largely from recent research in social psychology and integrated with marketing literature on satisfaction and loyalty. Given that product evaluations are typically positive and extreme, these findings indicate a negative relationship between ambivalence and satisfaction. Even though a great deal of the variance in ambivalence is shared with satisfaction, ambivalence did prove to have an independent and direct effect on loyalty. Ambivalent consumers are not only less loyal because they are less satisfied, but for other reasons, as well. Ambivalence was not found to moderate the satisfaction–loyalty relationship. The results of the study underscore the importance of taking ambivalence into consideration when measuring satisfaction and modeling satisfaction–loyalty relationships. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Previous empirical research on the relationship between consumer confusion and customer satisfaction has largely neglected the role of choice goals. In a context of technologically complex products, the authors analyze the effect of selected choice goals on the consumer confusion‐decision satisfaction link. The empirical findings, which are based on a field study of smart phone users, show that different sources of confusion have distinctive effects on choice goals, which in turn influence decision satisfaction. For example, while confusion caused by ambiguous information and choice overload is found to reduce choice confidence, perceived attribute similarity between products or brands increases choice confidence. Among the choice goals, evaluation costs and negative affect are found to increase decision satisfaction. The findings have important implications for marketers and consumer policymakers in terms of marketing communication and customer satisfaction.  相似文献   

Self‐customization in online shopping contexts readily offers an abundance of options for consumers. However, the sheer amount of information can quickly become overwhelming. One way to give people the freedom to choose without overwhelming them with information is to simplify the decision process by breaking it down into a series of smaller steps. Contrary to a common assumption that simpler decisions increase choice likelihood, however, this study demonstrates that a simple by‐attribute self‐customization process may activate a maximizing mindset, which increases people's desire to find better options and decreases their satisfaction with the ones available. Consequently, simplifying the self‐customization process can sometimes backfire by decreasing choice likelihood. Three studies suggest that although by‐attribute self‐customization formats are easier to choose from, compared with more complex matrix formats, they may sometimes—paradoxically—increase choice deferral. The findings suggest that a maximizing mindset mediates this effect, casting doubt on information‐based alternative explanations. The findings also suggest that whether by‐attribute self‐customization increases or decreases choice likelihood may depend on the presence of objective quality cues, which indicate that an objectively‐best option can be found. This study furthers the understanding of how decision difficulty and maximizing influence self‐customization decisions.  相似文献   

The Internet and social media have increased the number of organizations and individuals asking consumers to sign petitions against transgressing brands. This raises a question as to whether such increases in requests to sign a petition to support a boycott positively or negatively impact on consumer willingness to enact anti-consumption. Via experiments, this study investigates the effect that choice overload has on consumers signing a petition in support of a boycott call. The findings establish that individuals who need to make a choice from numerous boycott calls (i.e., large choice-sets) are less likely to sign a petition to support a boycott than individuals making a similar choice from a small number of boycott calls (i.e., small choice-sets). The study further introduces a mediator that explains this effect. Compared with individuals facing a small choice-set, those facing numerous options are more likely to experience the small-agent rationalization, and thus, are less likely to sign the petition to support a boycott. The small-agent rationalization (SAR) relates to one's acceptance of inequity in the world as well as perceptions of their own powerlessness. The study establishes the role of choice overload in boycott literature and empirically tests SAR as the process mechanism. Theoretical, practical, and policy implications are discussed.  相似文献   

This research demonstrates that the type of product option framing (additive vs. subtractive) and the temporal distance between an option choice and later buying behavior can influence decision difficulty. In two studies, the authors show that consumers who engage in additive option framing experience greater difficulty in making decisions for the near future than for the distant future, whereas consumers who engage in subtractive option framing experience greater difficulty in making decisions for the distant future than for the near future. In addition, by using theories of mental simulation, the authors show that communication strategies that promote process simulations for distant‐future choices in the subtractive option framing condition and those that promote outcome simulations for near‐future choices in the additive option framing condition are most effective in reducing decision difficulty. These effects hold across varying product categories and varying option prices.  相似文献   

DHAR  RAVI 《Marketing Letters》1997,8(1):119-130
This article reviews recent research that has examined consumer decision making when the option of not choosing any of the alternatives is provided. The attractiveness of the decision outcomes and the difficulty of choosing are posited to be two key factors that determine the preference for a no-choice option. Building on the notion that preferences are often constructed, it is proposed that task and contextual variables can alter how the choice situation is evaluated on the two factors and consequently choice incidence. Several experiments that explore and manipulate decision attractiveness and decision difficulty are reviewed, and areas for future research are suggested. We conclude with a discussion of the implications of these results for research on consumer choice.  相似文献   

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