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李昆益 《中国市场》2008,(49):33-34
企业物流在企业营销管理中起着重要的作用,高效的物流管理能够在客户满意度、市场反应速度、分销渠道畅通、营销创新等方面提升企业的营销能力。现代企业营销管理中,应加强物流活动的营销化管理,注重资源整合,使物流决策与营销策略相适应。  相似文献   

This study argues that small and medium‐sized enterprises (SMEs) must possess both resources and capabilities at a superior level, and those resources and capabilities must be complementary with one another to achieve superior financial performance. The resources and capabilities of interest are product innovation and marketing. Using data from manufacturing SMEs, the results suggest that product innovation resource–capability complementarity, marketing resource–capability complementarity, and their interaction are positively related to financial performance through product innovation and customer performance. The findings suggest that some SMEs may outperform others not only because they possess a specific individual resource–capability complementarity but also because they create synergy and asset interconnectedness.  相似文献   

论中国纺织贸易摩擦与对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为使我国纺织业能持续发展,纺织企业应促进产品结构优化升级,注重创新,实施品牌和市场多元化战略,在经营上还应国内外市场并重,有条件的企业可到境外去投资设厂.同时,政府在宏观政策上,应加强对纺织业的监督管理,完善相关的法律法规,引导企业有序经营,大力制止恶性竞争;并加快政府职能转变,积极支持行业商协会强化自律机制,以充分发挥行业的协调和咨询作用.  相似文献   

刘泉宏 《商业研究》2007,(4):154-156
全球化营销是将全球看成一个统一的大市场,在对其进行市场调研的基础上,进行市场细分并选择自己的目标市场,实施营销策略组合。它强调企业应在全球范围内寻求竞争优势和最佳市场。全球化的趋势得益于正在降低的各国贸易壁垒和交通、信息技术的迅猛发展。全球化营销的巨大经济效益和市场前景对企业有很强的吸引力,但也不可避免地存在风险,因此,如何防范这些风险则是全球化营销要着重解决的课题。  相似文献   

我国企业自主创新的障碍与对策分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文认为,当前我国缺乏创新人才,企业远未成为创新主体,国家创新战略存在偏颇与失误,风险投资机制远未建立和完善。这成为我国企业自主创新能力提升的关键性障碍,严重制约了我国经济增长与国际竞争力的提升。文章指出,为培育和提升我国企业自主创新能力,一要进行人才机制创新、管理机制创新及动力与激励机制创新,二要进行创新体系的结构优化、产业结构的调整优化与引进技术的结构优化。  相似文献   

目前,内蒙古经济型酒店营销存在的问题是:市场竞争激烈,产品缺乏创新;缺乏专业的营销人才;市场营销手段单一,网络技术水平较差;营销策略缺乏特色。针对这些问题,内蒙古经济型酒店应创新产品策略,注重对产品质量把关,发挥特殊民族风情优势,制定符合自身的产品策略,加大酒店营销人才的培养力度,提高全体员工服务意识,加强网络营销和有效沟通,树立品牌形象,增强客人对酒店的信赖感和真诚度,以提高内蒙古经济型酒店的市场竞争力。  相似文献   


This paper sets out to identify how marketing management can provide the lead in adopting a more creative approach to innovation at the idea generation stage.

Both the proactive and reactive approaches to innovation strategy are discussed in the context of change factors and the sourcing of new ideas for innovation. Four loci of idea initiation are identified, which appear to vary in importance according to industry sector.

Although evidence is presented to suggest that heuristic techniques are being used increasingly to enhance creativity, their use is limited both by the perception of their function and the strategic mode adopted by the organisation. The concept of the marketing‐centred creative circle is introduced to counter these limiting factors. It is argued that the creative circle offers a bridging function in the generation of new ideas for innovation and in extending the existing stock. As well as performing this function, a more creative and entrepreneurial atmosphere will emerge as lateral relationships develop. With the development of successive marketing‐centred creative circles within the organisation, a unified approach to creative innovation will evolve as the traditional proactive and reactive strategies merge.  相似文献   

对提升大企业核心竞争力的思考   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文认为,与发达国家的大企业相比,我国的大企业规模偏小,效率不高,技术创新能力较差,国际化水平较低,体制改革亟待深化。提升大企业核心竞争力,应增强企业技术创新能力,培育企业核心竞争力;集中企业资源从事某一领域的专业化经营,逐步形成自己在经营管理、技术、产品、销售、服务等方面与同行的差异;从竞争对手和市场空缺中寻找机会,建立自己的比较优势,并构建支撑这种优势的潜在核心能力;整合核心资源,进行重组,加速信息化建设。  相似文献   

李勤  任燕 《商业研究》2005,(23):98-102
开展绿色营销是实施可持续发展战略的必然要求和具体体现。企业只有实施绿色营销战略,才能突出自己的特色,不断地提高市场占有率。以中铁一局集团公司为例,通过分析认为,我国铁路建设企业在绿色营销上存在着缺乏绿色技术创新能力和绿色营销的竞争力,经营范围狭窄,没有形成完善的绿色管理系统等问题,要想解决这些问题,必须实施绿色促销策略、绿色价格策略和绿色技术创新策略等绿色营销策略。  相似文献   

浅析基于市场营销的企业物流管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
企业取得持续性竞争优势,离不开正确运用市场营销策略。而物流管理是企业获得持续竞争优势的一个关键因素。以市场营销的视角,分析在市场营销系统中企业物流管理的作用,提出通过物流管理优化企业营销的策略,提升企业核心竞争力。  相似文献   

姬中英  于倩 《中国市场》2007,(45):22-23
该文通过对物流运输企业核心竞争力内涵、特性及要素的分析,指出我国物流运输企业应以机制创新为前提,以营销创新为核心,以技术创新为基础,以文化创新为动力,加快培育企业的核心竞争力。  相似文献   

按照迈克尔.波特的企业竞争战略理论,企业竞争优势是由产业结构决定的,是由一个产业中的五种竞争力量所决定的。要对抗这些竞争力量,企业就要采取相应的发展策略,建立自己的竞争优势。应用迈克尔.波特的五种竞争力模型,以我国旅游餐饮行业竞争态势为切入点进行分析,其结论是:我国旅游餐饮企业提升其市场竞争力,应该采取的发展策略是:实施品牌战略,发展连锁经营;加快自主创新,实施标准化战略;准确分析目标市场,积极培育顾客忠诚度;借鉴发达国家经验,探索有效营销策略。  相似文献   

旅游业作为服务业的一种模式,发展服务营销是现代市场营销的一个新领域,7Ps是服务营销组合体系的核心。7Ps服务营销理念可以帮助旅游企业了解游客,留住游客,提供更好的服务。但大部分旅游企业仍暴露出不了解7Ps服务营销策略,没有分析旅游消费者的需求特点和差异性,不能满足消费者需求等服务水平低下的现象。而7Ps理念可以应用于产品策略、价格策略、渠道策略、人员策略、有形展示策略、服务过程策略、有形展示等方面。旅游企业只有不断的创新和与时俱进做好服务营销,才能在竞争中取胜。  相似文献   

Little is known about how Chinese small and medium‐sized enterprises (SMEs) respond to their competitive environment. We predict that when industry competition is intense, entrepreneurial Chinese SMEs tend to perceive more environmental hostility than do their nonentrepreneurial peers. The perceived environmental hostility further drives these firms to choose marketing strategies but not cost control or innovation strategies. Data from 170 Chinese SMEs confirm our hypotheses, indicating that though some entrepreneurial orientation (EO) effects transcend different economy types, other EO effects differ significantly as the environment changes.  相似文献   

论企业营销战略转型——从数量营销到全面质量营销   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
加入WTO ,对企业来说是机遇也是挑战 ,我们只有树立更加科学的营销理念 ,采用现代的营销战略和经营手段才能适应激烈的市场竞争。由此对数量营销和全面质量营销两种经营战略进行对比分析 ,指出实施全面质量营销战略有助于企业在竞争中取得成功  相似文献   

以制度创新促进技术创新探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
丁巨涛 《商业研究》2002,94(14):35-37
知识经济时代 ,技术创新被提高到国家战略管理的高度 ,成为国家和企业获取竞争力的根本。技术创新成功实现的根本要素是制度要素 ,是适合技术创新要求的不断的制度创新。目前 ,我国以制度创新促进技术创新战略实施要点主要包括 :企业制度、融资制度、人才管理制度、教育制度、知识产权制度以及产学研合作制度的创新等。  相似文献   

Recent studies call for reconsideration of the predictions of resource dependence theory, in light of contemporary industrial and economic environments. This study accordingly investigates the influence of dependence on the strategic choice to innovate by focusing on a rarely studied topic, namely, the sources of dependence. In studying small and medium‐sized video game enterprises, this paper provides empirical validation of dependence phenomena. These companies have limited resources, which inevitably creates dependence, exacerbated in innovative contexts because of the prevalence of negative effects, such as opportunism, abuse of power, limited innovation, or inequitable distributions of economic value. To deal with these negative effects, some enterprises use cooperation or integration strategies to try to minimize their dependence. The strategic choice then might be conditioned. The results of a comparative and qualitative study of five video game developers show that a lack of resources and skills is the primary source of dependence. In addition, a hierarchy of sources of dependence seems to guide the strategic choices of developers to innovate.  相似文献   

Political marketing was a key factor in the 2005 campaign, but more for its ineffectiveness than for its success. The use of marketing techniques such as segmentation and targeting was prolific, however the extent to which the parties adopted the marketing concept was limited. The impact of Labour's Big Conversation and 'Team Labour' campaign approach was always going to be hindered by Tony Blair's perceived dismissal of party and voter opinion on the Iraq War and top-up fees; appointing a marketing director to work on the presentation rather than the design of policy, combined with a highly negative campaign, was never going to win the election for the Tories. The lessons of electoral history – and marketing - were proved right once again: only if parties fully embrace the marketing philosophy and comprehensively design their behaviour by reflecting and responding to public demand. Nevertheless the key to future success for UK parties is to bring back ideology: market-oriented politics should also include using party principles and leadership judgement in order to be able to produce a distinctive response to the public concerns that is both popular and credible.  相似文献   

“老字号”餐饮企业体验营销研究——以全聚德集团为例   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
刘佐太  景鹏飞 《商业研究》2006,(24):159-162
在餐饮业竞争日趋激烈的今天,一大批“老字号”餐饮企业经营情况持续低迷,有些甚至破产。因此“老字号”餐饮企业在继承传统的前提下,不断进行开拓创新就显得尤为必要。伴随着体验经济的到来,一些“老字号”餐饮企业不断发掘自身优势,开展多层次的体验营销,取得良好的经营业绩。中华老字号“全聚德”开展的体验营销获得巨大成功为其他一些“老字号”餐饮企业的改革创新树立了榜样。  相似文献   

网络营销时代,越来越多的传统商业企业面临着冲击,传统商业企业必须进行营销管理创新,才能为自己赢得更大的发展空间,本文从提升顾客让渡价值的视角提出在网络营销时代传统商业企业如何利用线上和线下资源,创新营销管理的方法和思路,以更大程度地提升顾客让渡价值,培养顾客忠诚,从而使自身获得更好的发展空间。  相似文献   

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