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石浩 《商业研究》2002,(24):35-36
竞争情报的产生和发展是市场竞争的客观要求 ,随着我国社会主义市场经济的发展 ,我国成功地加入WTO ,市场竞争将日趋激烈 ,只有全面把握竞争环境 ,了解竞争对手的情报 ,制定科学的竞争策略 ,企业才能在竞争中取得优势 ,竞争情报在市场竞争中将发挥更重要的作用  相似文献   

Competition in Markets and Competition for Markets   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
This paper builds on a distinction that is sometimes made between competition in a market and competition for a market. Competition for a market refers to the struggle to create a new market, or to erect a new standard, and it is usually associated with the process of innovation that brings new displacing technologies to market. Competition in a market is the conventional view of competition, and concentrates on the actions of incumbents and imitative entrants in well-established markets. The paper reviews some of the issues that competition for markets raises for anti-trust policy makers, and then asks whether competition for a market is a perfect substitute for competition in a market.  相似文献   

国际竞争已经从价格、质量竞争走向责任竞争,这个历史趋势是我们必须面对、必须认识到的。这也是我们这个行业在三十年发展中得到的体会。”中国对外承包工程商会(以下简称承包商会)迟长海副会长用这样一句话来阐释对外承包工程企业履行社会责任的重要性和紧迫性。采访当天,迟会长用了近两个小时的时间耐心地回答了我们关于企业社会责任的各种问题,  相似文献   

曹小锋 《广告大观》2006,(5S):63-64
空调行业品牌高度集中,已经进入后竞争时代。奥克斯空调营销总经理郑宏伟语出惊人:品牌定位不清晰的企业要被洗掉,总成本不领先的企业要被洗掉,年产规模达不到500万台的企业要被洗掉。  相似文献   

Even though auctions are capturing an increasing share of commerce, they are typically treated in the theoretical economics literature as isolated. That is, an auction is typically treated as a single seller facing multiple buyers or as a single buyer facing multiple sellers. In this paper, we review the state of the art of competition between auctions. We consider three different types of competition: competition between auctions, competition between formats, and competition between auctioneers vying for auction traffic. We highlight the newest experimental, statistical, and analytical methods in the analysis of competition between auctions.  相似文献   

中国入世已近两年。本期《国际市场》分别刊登了上海市司法局局长缪晓宝撰写的文章以及中国驻世贸组织大使孙振宇致WTO上海研究中心汪尧田主任的信件,从不同角度反映中国在入世后对国际社会的经济秩序所持的认真、负责的立场。  相似文献   

Outsourcing and Competition Policy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We analyze optimal competition policy by a Competition Agency (CA) in a model with two countries, North and South, were a final good is produced by Northern oligopolistic firms using an input that can either be produced within the firm (vertical integration) or outsourced to Southern oligopolistic producers with lower labor costs (outsourcing). In the case where the final good is only consumed in the North, a CA in the South would optimally appropriate outsourcing rents through restrictions on the degree of competition among domestic firms. If the final good is consumed in both countries, we find that optimal competition policy in the South is marginally affected by the share of Southern consumption, leaving relatively important incentives to engage in rent-shifting. For a high enough share of Southern consumption, however, the interaction between the Northern and Southern CA is shown to be of the Prisoner’s Dilemma type, whereby the Nash equilibrium is Pareto-suboptimal and mutual cooperation on competition policy is globally desirable.  相似文献   

Cross-sector competition in the information and communications technology sectors (ICT sectors) constitutes a key strategic challenge for telecommunications companies. Due to increasing convergence, value creation is resulting in a greater degree of interaction. The diversification potential of telecommunications businesses is therefore changing with respect to associated ICT sectors, such as hardware, software and media. The article analyses cross-sector competition in the telecommunications industry on the basis of the diversification activities of ICT companies. A concentration of competitive interdependence in the ICT sectors is demonstrated using a cluster analysis of 34,142 companies. The cross-sector activities of telecommunications companies are investigated using contingency and dependency analyses, and the diversification-related competition in the telecommunications sector is also analysed. With regard to the telecommunications sector, particularly high level cross-sector competition with the media industry is identified, as well as strong diversification activities in the software sector. The results are used to derive the potentials and risks that have a significant bearing on the structure of the cross-sector competitive environment of telecommunications companies.  相似文献   

Competition in local-service sectors   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Although economically very important, local-service sectors have received little attention in the extensive literature on competitive interactions. Detailed data gathering in these sectors is hard, not only because of the multitude of local players, but also because key service dimensions are hard to quantify. Using empirical entry models in the tradition of Bresnahan and Reiss [Bresnahan, T.F., and Reiss, P.C. (1990). Entry in monopoly markets. Review of Economic Studies, 57 (192), 531–553, Bresnahan, T.F., and Reiss, P.C. (1991). Entry and competition in concentrated markets. Journal of Political Economy, 99 (5), 977–1009], we infer information on these sectors' degree of competition from the observed entry decisions in different local markets.We apply the empirical entry model to the video-rental market. Additional entries of video stores are found to significantly increase the level of competition. This occurs not only when a second player enters the market, but also in markets already characterized by two or more incumbents. Unlike the predictions of many economic models, we find this increase to be larger when the entry occurs in a duopoly than in a monopoly.Several control variables included in the model offer additional insights. As such, we find evidence of cannibalization from the upstream channel (movie theatres), but not from the downstream channel (premium cable). In addition, various socio-demographic characteristics of the trading zone, such as income and household size, are found to also have a significant impact on store performance.  相似文献   

论中部城市群竞争中的国家区域政策选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
彭荣胜 《商业研究》2006,(5):129-131
正确认识中部崛起中城市群之间的竞争,有助于国家制定科学的区域发展政策。承接东部产业转移以及扩大区域竞争力的需要是中部各省竞相打造城市群的主要原因,但这种局面可能诱发重复建设和非城市群地区的进一步边缘化。在中部应当采取“双层多极”网络的发展战略,国家应通过多元化的政策把武汉城市群和中原城市群培育成国家级的增长极,使其成为中部崛起的“龙头”,尽快建设中部地区增长极之间以及通往沿海地带的交通和信息网络,促进东部产业向中部的转移,并积极推进中部地区的经济一体化。  相似文献   


Advances in technology are creating new business models. The internet means that consumers can access a wide variety of potential suppliers. Those suppliers may have extensive data on individual consumers, and the interactions between buyers and sellers may be moderated by large, potentially dominant, platforms such as Google and Facebook. Competition authorities and policy makers are grappling with the issues raised by technology. However, the tools available to regulators are often laws that were designed for a pre-internet world. It is not clear if these laws can adapt. This article briefly surveys three areas of particular concern for both economic researchers and competition authorities: the competitive implications of two-sided markets; price restrictions imposed by internet platforms on retailers; and the use of personalized data by sellers.  相似文献   

高韵斐 《广告大观》2006,(9S):45-46
对于一个媒体来说,怎么样在激烈的市场竞争中取胜取决三个因素:第一是多大的程度上获取资源优势,或者说在多大程度上垄断某一个领域的资源优势。显然在这一点,上海文广与央视无法抗争。第二,有多少钱来砸这个媒体。  相似文献   

The Telecommunications Act of 1996 created a framework for competition in local telecommunications. Under its rules and under the jurisdiction of state regulatory authorities, competitive local telephone companies were to gain access to some or all parts of the incumbent’s network through known wholesale tariffs and offer retail local telephone service. As customers Competition in Local Telecommunications adopt other technologies for communications—mobile wireless service, broadband for email, messaging, and information retrieval—additional competitive pressures are put on the core voice telephone market. The substitution of usage and access from local telephony to other modes of communication is regarded as intermodal competition and is the subject of this paper. This study concerns local telecommunications competition between incumbent and competitive service providers in the United States. In addition to measuring competition from within the wireline market, we find significant intermodal competitive impacts resulting from wireless and high-speed development. We report empirical results from an econometric model that measures line loss impacts between carriers and the effects of wireless and high-speed services on the wireline market. The paper offers interpretation of the strategic and policy implications of these results.JEL Classification L120,L400,L960  相似文献   

陈正辉 《广告大观》2006,(3S):120-120
分众收购聚众,对于中国广告业来说,也算是2006年开端的一件大事。消息来得很突然,以致于当有记者给我打电话,问及对此事的看法时,我对事情的来龙去脉还没有搞得太清楚。  相似文献   

陈学燕 《国际市场》2002,(10):45-45
企业成败的关键 中国对外承包工程商会迟长海副会长曾说过一段颇为精彩的话:正确处理好竞争与合作的关系,是企业实现发展的重要条件.竞争发展到一定程度,必然会出现合作的需求;通过合作,可走向更高层次的竞争.没有竞争能力的企业不能在市场中生存;同样,没有合作能力的企业也不能在市场中生存.在经济全球化、市场国际化的今天,这一点尤为重要.合作带来经验,不仅能实现优势互补,还能提高优势的利用率.  相似文献   

十年前,中国正式加入世贸组织,相比北京成功申办奥运会,这是一场没有终点的比赛;是一场中国进一步对外开放,融入全球经济不断寻求发展新机遇的比赛;也是中国进一步提高和扩大在全球贸易、经济地位和影响的比赛。2001年,发生了两件令中国和世界难忘的大事:一是北京申办奥运成功,二是中国加入世界贸易组织。北京申办奥运成功,举国欢腾,世界瞩目,期待2008年北京、中国给世界带来精彩——中国做到了,  相似文献   

赵占英 《广告大观》2007,(10S):145-145
在广告行业做了五六年,有时疲倦,间或麻木。只是在工作的时候,逼着自己激情四溢。懈怠不得啊,做DM还不同于纯粹的平面广告,读者要的是可读性,客户要的是传播效果,哪一方都是上帝,得罪不起。于是不知从什么时候起,我们学会了挑剔,挑剔别人,甚至不满意自己。努力地一遍遍寻找路径,既让自己无愧于心,也让各方满意。这个过程中,老大与设计与文案、设计与文案、文案与文案之间的创意之争,时有发生。[第一段]  相似文献   

沈虹 《广告大观》2006,(9S):36-38
接触传播管理模式创想,是我们公司试创的一个模式,但是在操作层面上,我们遇到了很多的困惑。  相似文献   

营销创新:低价竞争向非价格竞争转变的基本途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
魏锋  李炼 《商业研究》2006,(20):129-132
中国企业参与国际竞争日益激烈,顾客价格敏感度下降,价格竞争空间越来越小。中国企业应走出常规思维定势,改变长期一贯的低价营销行为,通过营销创新逐步增强企业的自主创新能力,实现从低价竞争向非价格竞争的转变。  相似文献   

The goal of this paper is to open the debate about the effect of customer specific retail marketing on competition. Segmentation and targeting based on loyalty card information affects horizontal and vertical relationships. Few retailers can take advantage of the power connected to the ownership of customer information. Consumers benefit from a more targeted approach to value creation but the distribution of such value varies widely, as a consequence of micro-targeting. A second goal is to test a new way of conducting joint research with practitioners. An online community was set up for the discussion of micro-marketing related issues. Online, the authors have been able to test the hypothesis and deliver the survey questionnaire to participating retailers who, in turn, can access results through the community website: www.partnership4loyalty.com.  相似文献   

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