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随着每年机动车数量的急剧增加,停车难成了城市交通管理的一大难题。湖南省常德市交警支队积极探索道路交通管理新机制,在非机动车道、人行道以及配建停车场和社会停车泊位等公共场所,施划一定数量的停车泊位。2009年,支队将社会停车泊位增加到13616个,配建停车场泊位增加到1946个,占路停车泊位增加到3566个,停车泊位总数增加到了19128个,有效地解决了停车难问题。  相似文献   

<正>随着经济社会的快速发展,机动车保有量上升速度越来越快,多数中小城市受基础设施薄弱、停车场等静态交通管理措施滞后等因素的影响,车辆增长与停车泊位供需矛盾加剧,交通乱象显现。以安徽省池州市老城区为例,共有主干道20条,次干道7条,支路16条,共110.71公里;有路内停车泊位674个,路外停车泊位2827个,机动车公共停车泊位供给不足,停车场、位缺口较大。目前,虽然城市在重点路段建设违停自  相似文献   

确定合理的自有车辆规模,是配送中心有效降低物流配送成本的措施之一。通过引入配送周期的概念,修正过去以天为周期计算配送中心所需车辆数的方法,从而得到能更准确反映配送中心用车情况的统计资料,在考虑内外车辆对客户服务水平的影响后,建立成本最小模型及模型求解方法,并结合算例计算出城市配送中心合理的自有车辆数。  相似文献   

随着旅客发送量的逐年增加和售票方式的改变,广深城际铁路客运站自动售票机的配置优化十分重要。通过分析目前广深城际铁路客运站自动售票机的运用情况和存在的主要问题,应用排队论方法建立广深城际铁路客运站所需的自动售票机台数计算模型,根据广深城际铁路的客流情况确定旅客的到站强度,并对各城际铁路客运站的自动售票机数量进行优化配置。  相似文献   

在传统的VRP问题研究的基础上,将车辆数、旅行时间及碳排放最少作为模型的3个目标函数,构建基于时间依赖车辆路径问题模型的快递企业低碳配送车辆路径选择模型,并设计多种群遗传算法对模型进行求解。以某快递企业在成都的网点布局及早高峰配送数据为例,计算分析结果表明,多种群遗传算法求解基于时间依赖车辆路径问题的碳减排车辆路径问题具有较好收敛性。  相似文献   

准确高效识别旅客群体是铁路制定运营策略以及提高旅客服务质量的关键因素之一。以铁路旅客实名制购票数据以及出行数据为基础,构建旅客个体特征以及社交关系特征特性,并进行向量化表示,综合考虑现有准确度较优的深度学习模型存在的模型复杂、计算量大等问题,利用知识蒸馏以及边缘计算相结合的思路,基于知识蒸馏实现模型压缩降低内存成本和加速计算,同时对训练的模型进行分割,采用边缘计算就近实时计算的特性,将拆分后的部分模型部署在应用服务器节点,从而减低了模型的推理时延与能耗,以适应实时售票过程中对旅客群体的实时划分。最后以冰雪快运服务推荐为例,验证该模型的准确率以及预测效率,为铁路针对旅客群体的个性化客运产品设计以及营销策略优化提供决策建议。  相似文献   

近年来,渤海湾客滚船运输得到了快速发展。据不完全统计,目前烟台、蓬莱、威海至大连三条航线的客滚船数量超过18艘,年运送旅客600多万人次,运送车辆超过70万辆。在快速发展的背后,应该清醒地认识到渤海湾客滚船运输的经营环境正发生着深刻的变化,这些变化既有有利的方面又有不利的方面。正确评估面临的新形势,调整相应的营销策略,扬长避短,争取更大的发展,是摆在船公司面前的一项紧迫任务。一、新环境下旅客运输的营销组合近年来,客滚船旅客运输量增长势头强劲,除了随船运输车辆增加导致随船旅客增加外,旅客增加的主要原因是游客和农民工数…  相似文献   

根据单车场公交车辆调度优化问题的特点,建立了以车辆总空驶时间最少为第一目标,以所需车辆数最少为第二目标的双目标优化模型。采用遗传算法进行求解。实际应用表明该模型和算法能够快速得到公交车辆调度优化方案的满意解。  相似文献   

结合铁路、公路、航空运输的特点,分析以西安为中心的陕西地区客流现状及发展趋势,以及影响旅客交通方式选择的因素,进而构建交通方式选择评价模型,运用层次分析法与模糊综合评判实现模型求解,确定旅客交通方式的选择.以陕西地区为例,计算得到高速铁路的总评价值最高,为旅客出行和合理构建交通结构提供参考.  相似文献   

基于实测数据拟合,验证车站实名制车票的旅客到达分布为泊松分布,运用排队理论建立车站验证检票口数量与客流需求相匹配的优化模型,根据旅客流量变化情况预估验证检票口合理数量。通过实例计算表明,基于排队论方法进行验证检票口数量优化配置,可以降低车站验证检票服务成本和旅客停留费用,提高经济性;提出的验证检票口数量优化方法和服务优化措施,可以协助车站合理设置验证检票口数量,提高服务质量。  相似文献   

为应对城市轨道交通车站高峰期客流压力,限流已经成为常态应对措施,而经常采用的限流策略大多针对单个车站,缺少对相邻多个车站的协同考虑。基于客流在车站间的传播效应,以乘客总延误时间最小为目标,以站台及列车能力为约束条件,构建城市轨道交通相邻多车站协同限流决策模型,同时为实现实时动态控制,引入滚动时域控制方法,优化多车站动态协同限流流程。以北京地铁8号线为例,经过相邻若干车站运营数据进行限流策略计算。结果表明,该模型限流可以在不造成车站服务人数损失的同时,将乘客总延误时间降低21%。  相似文献   

The number of employees who daily commute to an airport represents, on average, one quarter to one half of the daily number of passengers. At UK airports it is rare for employees to pay for their car parking, with most employers absorbing the charges imposed by the airport authority. This paper details the main issues with offering free parking to employees drawing comparisons between a selection of case studies where parking management measures for employees have been introduced, and the airport sector. The paper then reports on a survey and a series of focus groups that were conducted with employees at a large UK airport in order to gauge their attitudes and likely behavioural responses to potential parking management strategies. Key findings are presented to show how airports may be able to learn from the experiences of others in the successful introduction of parking management strategies, but that there are also key barriers that are specific to airports that would need to be overcome.  相似文献   

突发大客流在城市轨道交通网络中的传播机理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据突发大客流在城市轨道交通车站的作业性质和特点,将城市轨道交通网络中的车站分为发生站、换乘站和中间站。在此基础上,通过站台候车区的乘客密度、到达列车的剩余载客能力、站台候车乘客数和乘客上车效率等因素,构建站台候车区乘客密度影响模型和列车运行延误时间模型,并总结出突发大客流在城市轨道交通网络中的传播机理。从车站服务水平和列车运行影响两个方面对突发大客流传播的影响因素及相应的调整措施进行分析。  相似文献   

As low-cost air carriers increase their market share, the percentage of leisure to total passengers will increase. Data from an airport passenger survey are analyzed to document differences and similarities between leisure and business passengers. Surprisingly, the two groups of passengers are quite similar in terms of their reasons for choosing to fly from the airport surveyed, their parking requirements, and the number of bags they checked. These similarities indicate that airline and airport managers may not be obliged to make significant adjustments to their operations to account for the changing passenger mix.  相似文献   

Cruising for parking   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Donald C. Shoup   《Transport Policy》2006,13(6):479-486
Suppose curb parking is free but all the spaces are occupied, and off-street parking is expensive but immediately available. In this case, you can cruise to find a curb space being vacated by a departing motorist, or pay for off-street parking right away. This paper presents a model of how drivers choose whether to cruise or to pay, and it predicts several results: you are more likely to cruise if curb parking is cheap, off-street parking is expensive, fuel is cheap, you want to park for a long time, you are alone in the car, and you place a low value on saving time. The model also predicts that charging the market price for curb parking—at least equal to the price of adjacent off-street parking—will eliminate cruising. Because the government sets curb parking prices, planners and elected officials strongly influence drivers’ decisions to cruise. The failure to charge market rates for curb parking congests traffic, pollutes the air, wastes fuel, and causes accidents. Between 1927 and 2001, studies of cruising in congested downtowns have found that it took between 3.5 and 14 min to find a curb space, and that between 8 and 74 percent of the traffic was cruising for parking.  相似文献   

Spatial competition between parking garages and downtown parking policy   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Richard Arnott   《Transport Policy》2006,13(6):458-469
This paper looks at optimal parking policy in dense urban districts (“downtown”), where spatial competition between parking garages is a key feature, from the perspective of economic theory. The paper has four parts. The first looks at the “parking garage operator's problem”. The second derives equilibrium in the parking garage market when there is no on-street parking, compares the equilibrium to the social optimum, and examines optimal parking policy in this context. Since parking garage operators have market power, the spatial competition equilibrium is generally inefficient, and parking policy can be used to mitigate the distortion. The third adds on-street parking and considers how its underpricing affects second-best parking policy. The fourth adds mass transit, and considers how economies of scale in mass transit interact with minimum and maximum off-street parking standards.Preliminary draft: Please do not cite or quote without the permission of the author.  相似文献   

麦加轻轨是中铁建建设并运营的首条海外铁路,由于服务对象为朝觐客流,其列车运行模式较为独特。通过研究麦加轻轨的5种运行模式(A—E),分析其运营效果,提出麦加轻轨列车运行模式的优化方法。重点针对朝觐期间的运行模式E,以发车间隔、运营成本、车底数为约束,以乘客候车时间最短为目标构建了不同客流分布下的行车间隔优化模型,并针对不同集中度的客流分布计算得出最优方案。研究显示,相比既有的行车间隔保持不变的方案,采用优化后的差异化行车间隔方案可以在不增加运营成本的情况下缩减乘客平均候车时间,客流集中趋势越高,优化效果越好,客流高集中趋势下(标准差19.9%)最多可节省候车时间13.2%。研究结果对降低麦加轻轨运营成本、提高乘客服务水平具有现实意义。  相似文献   

基于信息融合的理论和方法,将城市轨道交通各个系统采集到的数据进行相关和集成融合计算出客流量、平均发车间隔和平均运距等.通过对车辆运营成本与乘客等车时间成本的分析,确定乘客总的等车时间成本是常量固定的社会成本.利用边际成本法建立城市轨道交通补贴决策模型,并结合长春市轻轨的运营数据进行实证分析,期以辅助城市轨道交通财政补贴决策.  相似文献   

The rapid growth of private car ownership and utilization has resulted in significant parking-related congestion problems at large-scale international airports. Parking facilities located in the peripheral areas of airports could be more efficiently used to mitigate congestion and reduce delays due to dramatically increasing traffic demands and inferiorly designed parking lot configurations. In order to analyze the travelers' parking choice preferences for the off-site airport parking activities, a stated preference survey study was conducted around Terminal 3 at Beijing Capital International Airport. Two nested logit models were formulated to analyze the correlation between travelers' parking behavior and their travel characteristics. The research results indicate that travelers prefer to choose off-site parking facilities for long-term parking. A free and fast operation of connections should be provided in consideration of the long-distance layouts of parking facilities. A classification analysis of travelers with different preferences was conducted and the potential changes in travelers' parking choices to off-site parking lots were quantified. The research findings are helpful for traffic management agencies to develop practical guidelines for the establishment of new parking facilities with multiple access points at airports.  相似文献   

客专基础设施维修基地承担所配属的大型养路机械、工务专用车辆、配套车辆、轨行车辆的全面修及年修。分析客专基础设施维修基地全面修、年修台位数及存车线长度计算存在的问题,提出计算全面修、年修台位数,及存车线长度的合理方法。  相似文献   

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