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妇女缠足在中国持续了一千年左右,晚清时已发展到了中国绝大部分地区农村劳动阶级的妇女也普遍缠足的程度。除缠足外还有一系列的习俗束缚着妇女参与社会劳动,强化着农村家庭内两性间的性别分工。本文通过家庭经济学中的性别分工理论研究传统农家生产的性别分工和效率,以及缠足等习俗对经济效率的损失和对性别分工的强化作用。性别分工的强化不仅仅是强化了女性的被奴役地位,在经济上还强化了家庭农业和家庭手工业的结合,增强了农家的自给性质。在这种生产方式下,生产资料和劳动力没有分离,社会分工和专业化生产不发达,同时束缚了经济的变革。  相似文献   

Economic base theory is discredited as a theory of urban growth; central place theory, although receiving some criticism, continues to enjoy some acclaim. In this paper I show that these two theories are equivalent so that previous criticisms of base theory also apply to central place theory. None-theless, the market expansion in both theories can lead to productivity increases because “the division of labor is limited by the extent of the market.”  相似文献   


Based on international economics, evolutionary economics, and organizational theories, this paper discusses the evolution of the multinational corporation's intra-organizational cross-border trade and production network. The paper suggests that firms are social and economic entities, whose intra-organizational, cross-border trade and production networks coevolve with their multilocal competitive environments. Since organizational evolution, technological innovation, and organizational learning are path-dependent, a firm-specific inertia makes it to differentiate itself from its competitors in both its intra-organizational network and market outcome. The growing trends in intra-firm transactions and intra-firm division of labor on global basis present a challenge to national governments. This paper discusses intra-firm cross-border trade versus arm's-length international trade and the implications for national-based policies.  相似文献   

Hector Correa 《Socio》1985,19(6):441-445
At least since Adam Smith, it has been generally accepted in economics and organization theory that for large volumes of production, division of labor reduces unit costs. Despite this, there does not seem to be any clear statement of why the division of labor produces the results attributed to it. Attempts to explain these results with the gains in productivity due to specialization do not seem to have much analytical proof or empirical verification, in particular because specialization is just a counterpart of division of labor. Operational rules to specify how large the division of labor should be in order to be beneficial do not seem to be available, either. The object of this paper is to analyse these questions in a way that could help in the solution of real problems.  相似文献   

武汉城市圈正式批准成立以来,经过近五年的建设,城市圈经济社会发展成绩明显。临空经济是良好的区域经济加速器,但是武汉城市圈发展临空经济还存在着诸如机场基础建设不完备,各城市产业结构相似性高,外向型经济发展薄弱等问题。为能使临空经济的区域经济推动效果最大化,城市圈区域经济建设需要加强政策指引,不断优化产业结构,加强区域内城市的产业集群分工合作,打造武汉城市圈国际品牌。  相似文献   

A bstract A trustworthy monetary system is necessary to support the division of labor and extended trading relationships. In the context of classical economics and of Keynes'macroeconomics, the origin of pervasive economywide problems have been traced to monetary disturbances. The relevance (to interest rate theory) of the market for credit and of bond price speculation is critical to judging the plausibility of those rival theories.  相似文献   

李虹 《物流科技》2014,(2):134-136
京津冀地区现有天津港、秦皇岛港、唐山港、黄骅港四个港口分布在渤海西部300公里的海岸线上,天津港是我国北方国际航运中心和国际物流中心;秦皇岛港是国内最大的煤炭下水港;唐山港具备天然深水航道;黄骅港是规划中的综合性大港,四个港口有各自明显的优势与劣势。长期以来存在着港口规划各自为政,腹地资源恶性竞争,码头泊位重复建设,基础设施不能互通,信息平台难以共享的突出问题,在京津冀一体化背景下,港口合作正逢其时,应以统筹规划、错位发展为指导思想,以明确分工定位、建立政府间协调机制、加快基础设施互联互通和构建信息网络基础平台为关键,争取借助国家正在制定的有关京津冀地区区域经济一体化规划方案,对港口合作问题进一步深化,推进京津冀乃至环渤海地区经济发展。  相似文献   

A bstract In his early work. Talcott Parsons severely criticized Old Institutional Economists like Thorstein Veblen and Clarence Ayres. Parsons'main objection was that institutional economics had a misconceived view on the scope of economics: institutions, being the embodiment of values, were the proper subject of sociology rather than economics. By arguing for a clear-cut division of labor between economics and sociology. Parsons legitimated the divide between the two disciplines that came into being in the years to follow. Recently however, the relationship between economic-sociology and institutional economics has changed dramatically. New Economic Sociology (advocated by scholars like Mark Granovetter and Richard Swedberig) rejects the division of labor proposed by Parsons. By-providing substitutes rather than just complements to economics, it tries to counter economic imperialism. This creates significant similarities between New Economic Sociology, Old Institutional Economics and the recent return of institutionalism in economic theory. However, the quest for a division of labor between economics and sociology remains unfinished.  相似文献   

"大都市区化"是城市化空间快速连绵发展的过程,反映了城乡一体化的地域整体特征.论文指出都市区化的经济机制是因为劳动分工和空间集聚之间的相互作用.论文基于这一经济机制对中国的城市化空间政策进行分析,提出:弱化城市规模控制,通过空间组织结构的持续调整推进都市区化发展,应成为城市化空间政策的调整取向.  相似文献   

现代社会经济活动中,社会分工越来越细微,作为流通领域中的一个重要环节,物流正发挥着越来越重要的作用,同时,也对物流工作中的物资质量检验提出了更高的要求,做好物资质量检验不仅仅对物流管理至关重要,而且关系到社会经济的健康发展。  相似文献   

基于国际垂直分工的理论视野,界定了单体企业的适度规模经济和企业集团总体的最适规模经济等概念范畴的内涵与外延,并结合垂直范围经济和聚集经济等相关概念,从技术经济角度给出了企业集团适度规模经济的模型框架和测度方法,揭示了企业集团在地域上的合理规模即集聚程度与集聚效益之间的倒U字形钟形关系。利用该分析框架,提出了在国际垂直分工视野下,生物医药和专用设备制造等重点行业实现企业集团适度规模经济战略选择的关键在于利用企业集团的集聚经济优势和范围经济优势,并通过产品细分的差别化定位,实现大型企业集团对中小企业集群的策略性替代。  相似文献   

This paper examines the incentive effects of division of labor on worker effort, in the absence of the scale effects studied by Adam Smith. The game-theoretic model gives two results. (1) Suppose workers are identical and risk-neutral, and there is stochastic observation of group output by the firm offering compensations subject to some worker-participation constraint. Then the firm can arrive at the same first-best outcome with or without division of labor. However, if workers are risk-averse, division of labor can give the firm strictly greater profit. (2) A deepening division of labor magnifies this positive incentive effect; but if workers are heterogeneous, or if there are certain informational imperfections in the production process, this incentive advantage of division of labor could be impaired or even reversed. The first result may help explain the emergence of division of labor in the early stages of industrialization without relying on the Smithian advantages, which are also present in some labor deployment schemes without division of labor. The second result throws light on some recent anecdotal evidence of a shallowing division of labor in some areas of modern manufacturing. These factors affecting the efficiency of division of labor are then further discussed in the light of recent empirical findings on division of labor and team work, such as those in Katzenbach and Smith (1993).  相似文献   

信息不对称和交易成本的存在严重影响了市场交易活动的有效进行,不利于分工的深化和生产效率的提高,进而又影响了社会整体利益的提高。市场营销正是为了解决以上交易难题而产生的,营销组合同样是通过降低信息不对称的程度和减少交易成本而发挥其作用的。从交易成本经济学的角度解释市场营销的起源,可以揭示出营销学与经济学之间的内在联系,为营销理论的深化提供了一个新的切入点,并且为营销实践提供了理论支撑。  相似文献   

This paper presents a general equilibrium model which formalizes the trade-off between economies of specialization and transaction costs. The comparative statics, based on corner solutions, indicate that the general equilibrium will shift between several market structures as transaction efficiency is improved. Introducing a differential in transaction efficiency between the agricultural and manufacturing sectors, we derive the emergence of a city from the evolution of the division of labor, which is driven by improvements in transaction efficiency. The division of labor is necessary but not sufficient for the emergence of cities. A sufficiently high transaction efficiency will make a city emerge from a high level of division of labor between specialized manufacturers.  相似文献   

现代物流产业概念内涵和外延的理论研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以经济学的市场划分、新兴古典经济学分工演进理论和三次产业分类理论为基础,以联合国标准产业分类法和我国《国民经济行业分类》的行业定义、划分原则和规定为标准,同时兼顾现代产业发展趋势-产业融合的特点。依据物流产品特性界定我国现代物流产业狭义和广义概念。  相似文献   

引入"里昂惕夫"生产技术,建立一个超边际-新兴古典一般均衡模型,分析交易效率对最终品的迂回生产结构的影响,以揭示资本市场形成的微观机制.研究显示,随着资本品和最终品的综合交易效率相对于生产者自用资本品的效率的充分改进,资本市场将出现在分工结构中,并对最终品市场产生促进作用;而资本品和最终品的交易效率对经济增长具有交互的正效应.从模型中得出的一项政策含义是:经济增长有赖于更大程度地改进资本市场和产品市场的交易效率.  相似文献   

邵晖 《城市问题》2011,(8):50-54
城市产业空间结构是城市经济结构的表现形式,是城市空间结构最为核心的内容,它的演变历程是城市成长变迁的历程,其演变机理也折射出城市发展的内在动力。以分工为切入点,对产业成长和生产组织结构的演变以及其在空间上的表现———城市经济结构的变迁进行研究。撇开各行业的特殊性,将各个产业的区位选择联系起来,在一个统一的框架内研究城市各产业的区位选择及变迁,揭示城市产业空间结构演变的本质和机理,并分析其所体现出的普遍性规律。认为在分工深化的过程中,随着企业功能的不断分化,不同功能之间的联系成本决定了功能空间的结合或分离,联系成本和区位成本共同构成了企业的空间成本,而企业的区位决策即是要寻求空间成本的最小化。  相似文献   

深入探讨发展低碳经济的主要影响因素,对转变经济发展方式、建设资源节约型和环境友好型社会有着重要的理论和现实意义.因此,基于扩展的STIRPAT模型,利用1990年--2009年统计数据,对我国发展低碳经济的主要影响因素及其贡献率进行了实证研究.结果表明,人均国内生产总值、人口规模、单位能耗碳排放量、能源消费结构等对碳排放量有显著的正向影响,而产业结构、城市化水平、国际贸易分工对碳排放量影响不显著;其中人均国内生产总值持续增长是碳排放量增加的最大正向影响因素,且其贡献率也最大;能源强度变动是碳排放量增加的最大负向影响因素,其对碳排放量的增加具有一定的抑制作用.  相似文献   

The survey classifies economic theories of the firm into four categories based on the level of aggregation in economic models: (1) neoclassical, (2) industrial organization, (3) contractual, and (4) organizational incentive. Economic theories of the firm are evaluated on the basis of their potential application to problems of management decision making. The survey suggests that a management perspective can be useful in developing an integrated theoretical analysis of the firm that addresses both competitive strategy and organizational design.  相似文献   

Abstract . Identifying who are the urban poor may help determine why poverty exists in our cities; and, of course, knowing why people are poor is a prerequisite for designing effective policies to eradicate the problem. As the statistics presented in this paper demonstrate, poverty has many causes and, therefore, a successful ‘war’ on poverty will necessarily have to be long term and multi-programmed. One essential part of that ‘war,’ of course, will be an attack on racial and sexual discrimination in labor markets; but, as this paper's analysis of the possible underlying causes of such discrimination points out, economic progress alone may be insufficient—racial and sexual prejudice itself will have to be eradicated.  相似文献   

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