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资本资产定价模型是在马柯维茨资产组合理论的基础上发展起来的,本文主要阐述资本资产定价模型在收益性房地产估价、网络公司资产估价、股票定价中的应用.  相似文献   

本文根据Williamson—Grossman—Hart的资产一体化研究思路,将资本资产定价模型(CAPM)扩展成为适用于异质资产定价(idiosyncratic asset pricing)的理论模型。按照资产一体化思路,定价资产的风险可分为绝对风险和相对风险贡献,定价资产的绝对风险反映了资产一体化诱取的风险积聚特征,相对风险贡献满足Shapley值的基本假说,因而可以得到在资产一体化条件下计量定价资产相对风险贡献的Shapley风险期望值。根据市场均衡条件下资产一体化总体均值一方差的消费表达形式,我们得到用Shapley风险期望值表达的企业资产风险及其预期报酬的均衡解。  相似文献   

证券资产定价模型及其实证分析是现代金融学研究的重点领域之一。本文对研究证券资产定价模型的相关文献进行了回顾和整理,指出了其中存在的问题,以期为相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   

毕鹏  杨格 《财会月刊》2024,(4):122-129
以2010~2021年我国A股上市企业为样本,实证检验“一带一路”倡议对资产误定价的影响及作用路径。研究发现,“一带一路”倡议的实施显著缓解了资产误定价。异质性分析表明:“一带一路”倡议同时缓解了国有企业与民营企业的资产误定价,意味着“一带一路”倡议有效促成了“国进民进”的新格局;“一带一路”倡议对资产误定价的缓解作用在行业竞争度较低、市场化程度较低的样本中更加显著;相较于中、东部地区,该倡议对西部及东北地区上市企业资产误定价的缓解作用更强。机制检验表明,“一带一路”倡议主要通过缓解信息不对称与代理问题两个基本渠道缓解资产误定价。经济后果研究表明,“一带一路”倡议通过缓解资产误定价,促进资源优化配置,最终提升企业价值。  相似文献   

基于相对VaR的资产配置和资本资产定价模型   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文在相对Value—at—Risk(VaR)风险度量的基础上重新审视了金融经济学中最为核心的两个问题:资产配置和资产定价。遵循经典的Markowitz—Sharpe理论体系,我们在一般的分布假设下建立了基于相对VaR的均值风险模型和资本资产定价模型,并得出了两基金分离、有效边界、证券市场线等一系列结论。通过研究比较,我们说明了经典的Markowitz—Sharpe理论体系只是本文所构建的资产配置和定价理论体系在正态分布假设下的一个特例。我们还通过实证研究来说明不同分布假设对金融决策的影响。  相似文献   

通过委托-代理理论对传统资产定价模型进行的拓展,得出了信息不对称下的扩展资产定价和代理成本资产定价模型.据此,进一步通过因子分析设计出了反映逆向选择、道德风险和代理成本的相应变量,并运用上市公司的相应数据对传统的资产定价模型(CAPM)、羊群效应CAPM、FF三因素模型、扩展的CAPM和代理成本CAPM进行了对比分析.对比结果显示:在保证系数和模型准确性的前提下,运用二阶段最小二乘法(TSLS)对扩展的CAPM和代理成本CAPM的估计结果相较于上述三类模型显示了更强的解释力度.  相似文献   

基于顾客资产的资本资产定价模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谭文伟 《价值工程》2011,30(14):155-157
以夏普的资本资产定价模型为基础,指出顾客资产计量模型中应该考虑顾客信用因素的必要性,并将其导入资本资产定价模型是建立计量模型的必然要求,从而推导建立了顾客资产期望收益率模型。  相似文献   

本文对马柯威茨证券投资组合理论和夏普资本资产定价模型作了全面的研究,着重探讨了资本资产定价模型及其在财务领域的发展。  相似文献   

对公租房的收益权进行资产证券化,能够较好地解决了在公租房运营阶段的成本回收和运营管理问题。基于资产证券化的定价原理和方法,在考虑公租房特有属性的基础上,选择和构建符合公租房收益权的资产证券化定价模型和利率路径模型。通过实际案例以验证其适用性与有效性,为未来公租房资产证券化定价提供借鉴,为未来同类项目资产证券化产品的价值评价提供参考。  相似文献   

行为金融是在传统金融理论的基础上引入心理学研究的成果,它弥补和修正了传统金融理论中存在的许多缺陷。本文中所介绍的最优资产定价模型就是在运用预期理论的基础上对传统定价模型所进行的修正和改进,提高了定价模型的现时解释力。  相似文献   

Asset Pricing with Observable Stochastic Discount Factors   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The stochastic discount factor model provides a general framework for pricing assets. By specifying the discount factor suitably it encompasses most of the theories currently in use, including CAPM and consumption CAPM. The SDF model has been based on the use of single and multiple factors, and on latent and observed factors. In most situations, and especially for the term structure, single factor models are inappropriate, whilst latent variables require the somewhat arbitrary specification of generating processes and are difficult to interpret. In this paper we survey the principal different implementations of the SDF model for bonds, equity and FOREX and propose a new approach. This is based on the use of multiple factors that are observable and modelling the joint distribution of excess returns and the factors using a multi–variate GARCH–in–mean process. We argue that in general single equation and VAR models, although widely used in empirical finance, are inappropriate as they do not satisfy the no–arbitrage condition. Since risk premia arise from conditional covariation between the returns and the factors, both a multi–variate context and having conditional covariances in the conditional mean process, is essential. We explain how apparent exceptions, such as the CIR and Vasicek models, in fact meet this requirement — but at a price. We explain our new approach, discuss how it might be implemented and present some empirical evidence, mainly from our own researches. Partly, to enable comparisons to be made, the survey also includes evidence from recent empirical work using more traditional approaches.  相似文献   

Asset pricing with loss aversion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The use of standard preferences for asset pricing has not been very successful in matching asset price characteristics, such as the risk-free interest rate, equity premium and the Sharpe ratio, to time series data. Behavioral finance has recently proposed more realistic preferences such as those with loss aversion. Research is starting to explore the implications of behaviorally founded preferences for asset price characteristics. Encouraged by some studies of Benartzi and Thaler [1995. Myopic loss aversion and the equity premium puzzle. The Quarterly Journal of Economics 110 (1), 73–92] and Barberis et al. [2001. Prospect theory and asset prices. Quarterly Journal of Economics CXVI (1), 1–53] we study asset pricing with loss aversion in a production economy. Here, we employ a stochastic growth model and use a stochastic version of a dynamic programming method with an adaptive grid scheme to compute the above mentioned asset price characteristics of a model with loss aversion in preferences. As our results show using loss aversion we get considerably better results than one usually obtains from pure consumption-based asset pricing models including the habit formation variant.  相似文献   

Over last four decades, evidence of market inefficiencies has been widely documented by several scholars for all major stock markets in the globe. Chinese and Indian markets are not exempt. Inefficiencies in these markets are described by many authors as roots of all mispricing. Mispricing might be the outcome of application of familiar asset pricing models which may mislead an investor into adopting inappropriate policies for his new investments or for reallocating his old investments. In an alternative approach, we propose a transformation on original market returns in the objective of relaxing the strong assumption of market efficiency behind application of an asset pricing model. This modification will widen the scope of rational models on asset pricing ranging from an efficient to an inefficient market.  相似文献   

本文对股票价值决定因子研究的发展和连续时间股票定价模型的建立进行了分析,着重探讨了周期波动条件下的股票价值决定因子模型,采用上市公司财务和股价数据,对企业价值决定因子是否会对企业价值产生实际影响,以及能否比现有模型提高对股票价格的解释能力进行了实证分析,并得出了相关结论。  相似文献   

资本市场是资源合理配置的有效场所。国有企业通过并购重组收购上市公司股权提升资产证券化率,实现国有资产保值增值的目标。国有企业收购上市公司股权过程中,定价是最核心的问题,然而,不确定性资产定价又是非常复杂的事情。对目标企业的定价除考虑定价理论和估值方法外,还考虑控制权、流动性、协同效应、支付方式等因素。虽然交易方式更加丰富多样,但从本质上讲,所有方式的背后都会通过定价反映出来。  相似文献   

基于分数布朗运动和跳过程的股本权证定价模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杜文歌  刘小茂 《价值工程》2009,28(6):151-154
考虑到金融市场中资产价格具有的记忆性和长期相关性,模型假设股本权证标的资产价格服从分数布朗运动过程;并考虑到市场存在不确定因素而引起的价格巨大的波动,在模型中又引入了一个跳过程。首先得出权证定价的一般公式,最后在考虑股本权证行权后产生的稀释效应,得出稀释调整后的股本权证定价公式,并将其延伸到支付红利情况下。  相似文献   

In this paper we investigate the effects of network topologies on asset price dynamics. We introduce network communications into a simple asset pricing model with heterogeneous beliefs. The agents may switch between several belief types according to their performance. The performance information is available to the agents only locally through their own experience and the experience of other agents directly connected to them. We model the communications with four commonly considered network topologies: a fully connected network, a regular lattice, a small world, and a random graph. The results show that the network topologies influence asset price dynamics in terms of the regions of stability, amplitudes of fluctuations and statistical properties.  相似文献   

本文简要地介绍了证券投资基金研究的背景,论述了资本资产定价理论和基金绩效评价指标——风险与收益,在借鉴国际研究理论和实践的基础上,针对我国实际重点从投资基金基本收益能力、总体投资能力、开放式基金与封闭式基金比较、投资组合结构等方面,对国内投资基金绩效进行实证研究,并为基金业的健康快速发展提出了对策和建议。  相似文献   

This paper adds persistent shocks into the adaptive learning expectation formation process in stochastic growth asset pricing production and endowment economies. These expectation shocks, designed to capture psychological elements which can arise from news, changes in sentiment, herding and bandwagon effects, generate waves of optimism and pessimism in equity price forecasts. The paper estimates parameters of the expectation shock and adaptive learning process with the method of simulated moments, and compares simulation results to U.S. economic and financial market stylized facts. Numerical results for both the estimated production and endowment economies show that the expectation shock model matches several of the stylized facts better than does a model that assumes rational expectations or adaptive learning alone.  相似文献   

一类大宗物料采购谈判定价模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谷丽丽  王喜富 《物流技术》2010,29(7):67-68,136
根据企业大宗物料海外采购实际情况,以卖方为导向的价格决策理论为基础,考虑到买方在采购谈判价格决策中的作用,提出了一种大宗物料采购谈判定价模型,为谈判提供了定价方法和决策依据,并通过实例说明了决策模型的应用。  相似文献   

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