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生产性服务业促进产业集群创新的机制分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国很多产业集群只是企业的空间集聚,处于集群的初级阶段。生产性服务业的技术和知识密集特征成为产业集群创新体系中知识的来源和企业间传播的桥梁,能够促进集群内外部的技术挤出效应,提升中间服务职能和集群的植根性,且改变集群组织形式。但政府需要在产业集群创新过程中发挥适当作用,既要纠正"市场失灵",又要防范"政府失灵"。  相似文献   

科技型中小企业对于促进我国国民经济的发展有非常重要的作用,但是随着经济的发展,科技型中小企业在发展中的一些问题也逐渐显现出来,其中最为突出的就是融资问题。由于科技中小企业面临直接融资渠道过少,间接融资渠道过窄,政策性融资渠道的效果不明显等诸多问题,政府应制定相关的优惠政策,加强金融中介服务体系建设,建立完善的资本市场体系,促进银行体系的构建。  相似文献   


While the direct positive effects of public cluster policy on subsidized industries are beyond controversy, the impact of such policy interventions on non-subsidized industries within the same region, that is, the indirect effect of public cluster policy, remains vague and unexplored. This study examines the impact of a prominent public cluster policy in Germany, the so-called Leading-Edge Cluster Competition. Based on a unique dataset, we analyse the spillover effects of this cluster policy initiative on those firms and industries, which have not been the primary target of the cluster policy. Our results suggest that public cluster policy seems to have an indirect negative effect on firms that have not primarily been related to the targeted industries; therefore, the concept of ‘agglomeration shadows’ might also apply to industries and related firms. Despite the existence of knowledge flows induced by additional governmental funding within a region, non-subsidized industries, that is, non-targeted firms, seem to be unable to compete against targeted industries and, therefore, suffer from a lack of human, financial and social capital. Based on our findings, we propose policy recommendations on how to best identify policy instruments aimed at augmenting innovation-driven growth across a broad spectrum of industries and regions.  相似文献   

谢俊 《企业活力》2010,(6):21-24
青岛市高新技术产业近年发展迅速,已成为青岛市重要的经济增长点,逐渐形成的集群效应更体现了高新技术产业对于国民经济增长的贡献。但在其不断探索发展的同时也暴露出了技术创新能力不强、政策环境不完善、人才资源不足等诸多问题。本文通过对青岛市高新技术产业集群的实地调查与分析,提出了促进和保障高新技术产业集群发展的若干对策。  相似文献   

张竟竟 《企业活力》2010,(10):13-15
科技园区和产业集群作为区域经济发展的两大经济胞体,二者之间存在着类似于生物物种之间的共生关系,深层次剖析三者之间的共生机理对于区域经济的可持续发展具有重要的理论和现实意义。研究表明:科技园区、产业集群与区域经济之间存在着协同进化的关系;企业、产业、集群、园区、集聚区、区域经济构成了具有等级体系的共生单元;区域经济——科技园区——产业集群——企业则形成了圈层嵌套的逐级共生环境;而在商丘市科技园区与产业集群的发展中存在着点共生、间歇共生和一体化共生模式。  相似文献   

产业联系与北京优势产业及其演变   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据经济基础理论,城市经济增长源于城市外部需求.一个城市的比较优势体现在服务于外部市场的产业中.论文基于北京市投入-产出表,依据产业净流出,分析了北京市产业的比较优势及其变化.过去15年来,北京的劳动密集型和原料型制造业的优势逐渐丧失,以电子通信设备、化学工业和机械设备制造业为代表的资本和技术密集型产业正成为优势产业;服务业中,传统服务业从20世纪80年代的优势地位退居劣势地位,取而代之的是知识密集型的生产者服务业,如金融业、软件和计算机服务业、信息传输服务业、广告业、房地产开发业、商务服务、科技交流和推广服务业等.产业联系是北京产业比较优势的显著影响因素,资本、知识和技术是北京市产业比较优势的投入支撑.  相似文献   

高科技是更为先进的生产力,其发展的重要性和紧迫性日益凸显。在实现廊坊高科技产业可持续发展的过程中,科学有效的产业集群发展策略是关键。文章从高科技产业研究的背景出发,结合廊坊自身经济地理环境等独有条件,提出了进一步促进廊坊市高科技产业集群发展的投资方略。  相似文献   

高科技是更为先进的生产力,其发展的重要性和紧迫性日益凸显。在实现廊坊高科技产业可持续发展的过程中,科学有效的产业集群发展策略是关键。文章从高科技产业研究的背景出发,结合廊坊自身经济地理环境等独有条件,提出了进一步促进廊坊市高科技产业集群发展的投资方略。  相似文献   

Einar Rasmussen   《Technovation》2008,28(8):506-517
Increased efforts are made in most industrialized countries to promote the commercialization of university research, for instance, through spin-off firm formation. Many studies have investigated the initiatives set up in the university sector that aim to support and facilitate the commercialization of research, such as technology transfer offices (TTO). However, few studies have looked at the increasing number of instruments introduced from the government. This paper reviews the Canadian support structure at federal level that aims to support the commercialization of publicly funded research. Two types of programs can be identified. Firstly, programs made to induce structural reforms within the university sector in order to improve the institutional capabilities to facilitate commercialization projects. Secondly, programs providing support to specific commercialization projects. This paper explores how these types of programs are operated at government level. An example of implementation at university level is also given. The lessons to be learned from the Canadian case are related to how the government initiatives encourage a bottom-up approach. This is accomplished by providing resources for direct use in commercialization projects or to develop professional expertise in technology transfer in the university sector, by experimenting with new initiatives, and finally by facilitating cooperation between commercializing organizations.  相似文献   

市场细分是商业银行进行市场营销的前提和基础,有效的市场细分和正确的目标市场的选择可以提高商业银行的营销能力,强化市场竞争优势,提高竞争力。为此,本文运用聚类分析方法,对西安雁塔区的540名个人理财产品客户进行了细分,并对每类客户进行了特征描述,给商业银行设计个性化理财产品和发展个人理财业务提供了参考。  相似文献   

以沪深主板市场A股为研究对象,综合运用两阶段回归检验、双重聚类检验、调节效应分析等方法,探究财务危机预警信息对审计意见类型的影响机理。研究发现:财务危机指标恶化的企业被出具非标意见的可能性更大,这一现象在经济下行时表现得更加明显。运用两阶段回归检验和双重聚类检验结果仍然稳健。此外,经济周期对其的调节作用在不同审计主体、不同产权性质、不同经济区域以及不同规模的企业存在显著差异。在风险导向审计模式下,审计师可以将客户的财务危机预警信息作为判断审计风险的重要参考依据。  相似文献   

种国双  田天 《价值工程》2014,(6):237-238
技术转移是促进科技与经济结合的有效手段,是国家自主创新体系的重要组成部分。高校技术转移中心的功能是加快科技成果转化,服务地方经济发展。但我国高校技术转移中心在发展过程中还存在许多问题,需要优化管理运营模式、建立复合型人才队伍、构建金融服务体系、借力技术转移联盟、加强国际技术转移,从而提高科技成果转化率,助推创新型国家建设。  相似文献   

陕西文化产业在投融资方面做了很多有益的探索,但仍然存在很多问题,诸如文化产业难以获得发展资金、投融资渠道不畅等。主要原因是文化企业规模小、现有金融体制缺乏创新、文化产业与金融业之间缺少交流合作。解决这些问题需要加强投融资体制改革、金融创新,需要文化企业本身做强做大,需要政府部门积极搭建文化产业投融资服务平台,需要整个经济政策和社会环境的积极支持。  相似文献   

Female entrepreneurship is important for business and economic development. However, women face greater obstacles than men in accessing financing and information, making it more difficult for them to engage in entrepreneurship. This paper examines the impact of digital financial inclusion on female entrepreneurship by using a national sample consisting of matched data from a digital financial inclusion index and a nationally representative survey. The results show that digital financial inclusion significantly promotes women’s entrepreneurial behavior. We find that digital financial inclusion can ease women’s financing constraints and provide business information to alleviate their information constraints. Furthermore, the development of digital financial inclusion improves women’s work flexibility, inspiring them to engage in entrepreneurship. In addition, digital financial inclusion has a greater effect on entrepreneurship among vulnerable women, such as those with less education or a lack of financial autonomy and those living in areas with high gender inequality, which supports the idea that digital financial inclusion can empower women.  相似文献   

This article discusses the role of intermediate governance structures between vertically related industries in the specific context of technological innovation. In the United States, relations between firms in vertically related industries correspond closely to the neoclassical contracting model, characterized by arms-length, spot contracting on the open market. In Japan, inter-firm relations are more likely to involve relational contracting, characterized by stable bonding mechanisms and a dense historical network of economic ties between the parties to the exchange. We focus upon the kinyu keiretsu type of relational contracting between firms of unequal size and power in vertically related industries, which is a special case of the more generally studied kigyo shudan, or inter-market financial group. For illustrative purposes, we compare the contractual arrangements used to manage the development of new technology by 46 US and 27 Japanese semiconductor equipment firms. We conclude by speculating that the organization of innovation in the Japanese semiconductor equipment industry has accelerated their development of new technology and led to their extraordinarily rapid worldwide market penetration.  相似文献   

This paper empirically analyzes the behavior of technology licensors using a large dataset of US‐traded companies. The stock of technological knowledge of the licensor, this company's prior exposure to licensing, the rate of growth of its primary sector, the strength of IPR protection, and the nature of the technology are found to be important determinants of the propensity to sell technology through nonexclusive licenses. Smaller firms in industries with ‘simpler’ technologies tend to sell technology through exclusive licenses more than others. In contrast, larger firms in industries dealing with more ‘complex’ technologies engage relatively more in cross licensing. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

强化中小企业财务管理的对策研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章指出当前许多中小企业在财务管理方面存在着许多与自身发展和知识经济不相适应的情况,经济效益低下甚至亏损,其财务管理亟待强化。  相似文献   

引进发达国家先进的环境技术是发展中国家用于改善本国环境质量的重要手段。目前全球普遍存在的技术转移方式是国际贸易、外商直接投资、CDM机制下的国际经济合作和国际援助。本文从上述国际环境技术转移的主要方式出发,通过对近年来国内外相关研究文献的研读分析,总结出中国引进环境技术方面存在的障碍和原因,最终提出解决这些问题亟须国际转让机制的创新和政府激励机制的发挥。  相似文献   

产业集群视角下的南京市创意产业现状分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
产业集群是经济发展中的一个重要现象,对经济布局的合理化、优化资源配置、形成区域的竞争优势和建立空间创新系统具有重要的意义。创意产业集群使创意产品的创造、生产、分销和利用得到最优化,能够显著提升创意产业的竞争力。从产业集群的视角下,对南京市的创意产业发展进行了实证分析。总结了南京市创意产业的发展现状,通过产业集群的特点概括出了南京市创意产业发展的集群模型,从纵向和横向两个维度分析了创意产业集群的效应及与产业竞争力之间的关系。  相似文献   

随着经济全球化发展和经济技术竞争日益激烈,产业集群在经济发展中的地位和作用日趋重要,并成为推动区域经济实现跨越式发展的重要引擎。围绕核心企业而形成的关联产业集聚是产业集群形成和发展的一个重要特点。大型核心企业带动配套型中小企业发展形成产业聚集,而产业聚集产生的群体效率、低交易成本是打造产业竞争优势的关键所在。反过来,在实施地域品牌战略的过程中,产业集群的发展必然推动大型核心企业的形成,并担当创造企业品牌乃至地域产业品牌的重任,以提升集群声誉和知名度。由于大企业网络创新能力强,创新者的利益能更好地实现,而且创新力更持久、更具有集成优势,所以由大企业网络带动的现代产业集群比传统的产业集群更具有不可动摇的竞争力。  相似文献   

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