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基于2000—2020年长三角地区41个城市的面板数据,采用Super-SBM模型分析了城市绿色创新效率的时空演变趋势,在此基础上,运用空间渐进双重差分模型揭示了低碳城市试点政策对城市绿色创新效率的影响效应及其时空异质性。研究发现:(1)2000—2020年,长三角地区城市绿色创新效率整体呈现上升态势,绿色创新效率的空间辐射模式由“圈层扩散”向“多核心轴带扩散”转变。(2)低碳城市试点政策显著提升了长三角地区试点城市的绿色创新效率,且政策效应可持续5年,研究结论经过一系列稳健性检验后依然成立。(3)低碳城市试点的政策效应存在空间溢出效应,本城市的低碳治理将对地理相邻和经济相邻的城市溢出“制度红利”,且对地理相邻城市的绿色创新效率具有更强的激励效应。(4)低碳城市试点政策对城市绿色创新效率的激励效应和空间溢出效应受到城市资源环境属性和绿色创新效率属性的影响,其在非资源城市和高效率城市中更为显著。  相似文献   

为清晰了解绿色物流研究现状、热点分布以及发展趋势,运用可视化软件CiteSpace,对手动筛选出的相关研究领域文献进行可视化分析。根据得出的数据可知:自2009年以来,有关绿色物流研究数量呈现“上升—下降—平稳”的趋势,同时研究作者及机构之间存在合作过于分散的现象;该领域研究热点发展可分为爆发式发展和平稳发展两个主要阶段,且主要集中在农产品物流、低碳物流、冷链物流等绿色物流方面;而未来研究趋势主要体现在循环经济、逆向物流、绿色流通等主题。据此,为未来国内绿色物流发展创新提供了理论建议。  相似文献   

征收环境税,内在化环境成本,会倒逼企业绿色创新以实现涵盖经济效益、环境效益和社会效益在内的综合效益吗?基于波特假说的理论基础,以2007—2015年中国沪深A股工业上市公司为研究对象,实证检验了环境税对企业绿色创新的影响。研究发现:环境税显著地促进企业绿色创新,并呈现滞后性特征,即当期环境税显著地提高企业下期和下下期的绿色创新水平。拓展性检验与分析后发现,环境税对企业绿色创新的促进作用主要体现在国有企业、大规模企业、低融资约束企业中。研究结论在理论上丰富了环境税经济后果研究和企业绿色创新影响因素研究的文献,在实践上为完善中国环境税制和提高企业绿色创新提供了重要的启示。  相似文献   

洪琼  张浩  万玉龙  丁瑞 《物流科技》2019,(12):14-17
当今低碳、绿色的世界经济发展主题与趋势下,企业尤其是物流企业的绿色创新,已成为应对企业环境污染问题的一种有效途径。文章从企业绿色创新行为的影响因素、绿色创新行为的选择决策及基于Multi-Agent计算实验方法的应用研究三个方面述评了多主体下物流企业绿色创新行为相关研究,并给出研究工作思路对策,为物流企业绿色创新研究提供一个新的视角和思路。  相似文献   

刘辰玥  王兆云  张枫 《价值工程》2021,40(30):185-188
环境规制与高能耗企业的创新绩效之间往往存在着密切的联系.本文以石家庄的医药制造业为例,选取2008年-2018年的数据来进行了简单的实证研究.结果表明:环境规制与企业创新效率呈正相关的关系.因此,要合理的加强有关部门对高能耗企业的环境规制,提高企业的创新效率和绩效,合理的调节地区产业结构,促进经济绿色发展.  相似文献   

刘辰玥  王兆云  张枫 《价值工程》2021,40(30):185-188
环境规制与高能耗企业的创新绩效之间往往存在着密切的联系.本文以石家庄的医药制造业为例,选取2008年-2018年的数据来进行了简单的实证研究.结果表明:环境规制与企业创新效率呈正相关的关系.因此,要合理的加强有关部门对高能耗企业的环境规制,提高企业的创新效率和绩效,合理的调节地区产业结构,促进经济绿色发展.  相似文献   

刘辰玥  王兆云  张枫 《价值工程》2021,40(30):185-188
环境规制与高能耗企业的创新绩效之间往往存在着密切的联系.本文以石家庄的医药制造业为例,选取2008年-2018年的数据来进行了简单的实证研究.结果表明:环境规制与企业创新效率呈正相关的关系.因此,要合理的加强有关部门对高能耗企业的环境规制,提高企业的创新效率和绩效,合理的调节地区产业结构,促进经济绿色发展.  相似文献   

企业绿色创新是人与自然和谐现代化的基础和托底,是企业实施绿色转型战略的必然路径。基于机器学习和文本分析法从经济价值导向维度和生态价值导向维度衡量企业绿色创新,并以2007年开始陆续在全国各地设置专门环境法庭为背景,将地方环境立法与环境司法纳入同一分析框架,利用2004—2020年中国A股上市公司数据,研究地方环境立法与环境司法协同对企业绿色创新的影响。研究发现,环境立法和环境司法具有促进企业绿色创新的协同作用,这一结论在进行一系列稳健性检验后仍然成立;机制检验结果表明,环境司法协同环境立法能够通过增加企业环境成本和促进企业主动进行绿色战略调整来驱动企业进行绿色创新;通过进一步分析发现,相较于经济价值导向绿色创新,企业更加倾向选择生态价值导向绿色创新,并且在国有企业、成本转嫁能力低的企业、处于经济上行期的企业、处于官员绿色政绩考核时期的企业以及管制行业企业中,协同作用更加显著。研究结果拓展了企业绿色创新的驱动因素,对政府推进环境治理、加速企业绿色转型提供了重要启示。  相似文献   

刘辰玥  王兆云  张枫 《价值工程》2021,40(30):185-188
环境规制与高能耗企业的创新绩效之间往往存在着密切的联系.本文以石家庄的医药制造业为例,选取2008年-2018年的数据来进行了简单的实证研究.结果表明:环境规制与企业创新效率呈正相关的关系.因此,要合理的加强有关部门对高能耗企业的环境规制,提高企业的创新效率和绩效,合理的调节地区产业结构,促进经济绿色发展.  相似文献   

文章利用CiteSpace软件,以2015—2023年中国知网发表的与ESG相关文献为基础,绘制了ESG研究领域的知识图谱。得到了以下结论:国内ESG研究起步比较晚,ESG研究各作者和机构之间尚未形成紧密的合作网络,ESG研究主要集中在融资约束、信息披露、企业价值、绿色金融、绿色创新和公司治理几个方面。国内ESG的发展可以划分为三个阶段,根据突现分析,责任投资、碳中和、环境价值将会是ESG未来研究的热点。最后从健全富有中国特色的ESG评级体系、加强对企业ESG“漂绿”行为的研究、深入探究具有代表性和启发性的ESG典型案例、将ESG与不同的时代背景结合进行研究、将ESG与其他学科结合五个方面对未来的研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

刘娟  赵晴晴 《物流技术》2020,(3):14-19,24
利用CiteSpace文献可视化分析工具,选取CNKI中国学术期刊网络出版总库的中文核心期刊和CSSCI来源期刊收录的2002—2019年间1009篇研究文献的作者、机构和研究关键词等进行可视化分析,分析国内逆向物流研究现状并对该领域研究关键词进行分阶段讨论。研究表明:我国逆向物流的研究在经历了快速发展之后逐渐走向稳定;国内作者和机构对逆向物流的研究较分散,没有形成紧密联系的“交流群”,但存在较小的研究主题团队;按时间顺序形成了逆向物流核心研究主题的四阶段演进路径:初始阶段、成长阶段、深化阶段、创新阶段。由此从逆向物流的研究成果水平、研究方法、研究侧重点三个方面提出针对性的建议,有利于该领域的可持续发展。  相似文献   

研究目标:编制中国绿色创新指数,考察各区域指数的分布动态、区域差异及空间收敛特征。研究方法:建立绿色创新指数评价体系、采用时空极差熵权法赋权指标,利用世界知识产权组织绿色专利清单在线检索工具和采用爬虫技术检索、匹配、汇总国家知识产权局绿色专利数据,采用社会网络分析法(Social Network Analysis, SNA)测度绿色技术创新辐射力,采用Kernel估计分析绿色创新分布动态演进,采用Dagum基尼系数分解东中西绿色创新空间差距来源,采用空间杜宾模型考察绿色创新空间β条件收敛特征。研究发现:我国整体及东中西各地区绿色创新水平均呈总体上升趋势,源于绿色技术创新能力、绿色技术创新辐射力与绿色创新制度支撑力三者“携手并进”;绿色创新水平较高的城市集中分布于经济发达地区并具有较高行政级别特征,北京、深圳、上海、广州及主要省会城市稳居前列;我国整体及东中西地区核密度图均呈现“曲线右移、峰值先升后降、宽度收窄后扩大”的特征;东中西区域内部及区域间差异均呈逐渐下降趋势;绿色创新存在空间β条件收敛效应,且俱乐部收敛特征也较为显著,但在不同空间权重矩阵、不同地区样本中收敛速度存在差异。研究创...  相似文献   

Despite general attention has been given to sustainable development and green innovation, little empirical effort has been made to explore the factors influencing green innovation performance in the context of supply chain relationships, especially in emerging countries like China. To address this research gap, from the perspectives of specific investments, we examine the role of specific investments in relation to the outcome of green supply chain innovation. Drawing on knowledge management theory, we propose that knowledge transfer plays a mediating role underlying the relationship. On the basis of the stakeholder involvement theory, we argue that partner social responsibility plays moderating roles not only in specific investments—green supply chain innovation performance link—but also in the link of knowledge transfer and performance. We tested the proposed relationships with a sample consisted of 331 questionnaires and validated responses from 187 high‐tech firms in China. The results generally support the proposed hypotheses, and the integrative model—moderated mediation—is also supported. As such, this study contributes to understand about how specific investments affect the performance of green supply chain innovation, providing new insights on stakeholder involvement and knowledge transfer in green supply chain innovation management.  相似文献   

高慧 《价值工程》2014,(29):304-305
运用文献资料、数理统计、逻辑分析的方法,对2004~2013年期间在我国体育类核心期刊上发表的艺术体操科研论文发表数量、第一作者专业背景、参考文献状况、科研论文类型进行了统计分析,并得出结果:10年来我国艺术体操科研论文数量呈波浪式增长趋势,于2009年数量开始逐渐下降;第一作者是非体育专业的研究人员较少;参考文献语种单一且数量少;艺术体操相关运动基础理论、器材、设备、测试设计、教学等的研究较少以及在中小学开展艺术体操教学没有受到重视。  相似文献   

In this new stage of global economic development, we hope to achieve both economic development and environmental improvements via innovation. Green innovation aims to meet the dual goals of economic development and ecological protection. The scientific evaluation of the performance of China's green innovation appears to be quite meaningful. Some studies have evaluated the performance of green innovation, but are limited by the use of a single efficiency measurement method. To fill this research gap, this article uses a combination of two methods to evaluate green innovation efficiency, which provides a more precise evaluation of efficiency. Specifically, this article uses the vertical-and-horizontal scatter degree method to construct a pollutant index and then sets that index as the undesirable output in a slacks-based measure (SBM) model to evaluate efficiency. To further study the regional differences in green innovation efficiency, this article uses a convergence model. Most existing convergence analyses ignore spatial elements. Focusing on the influence of spatial factors, this article introduces a spatial econometric model into the convergence analyses. This article draws the following main conclusions. (i) The efficiency of green innovation in the country as a whole has been increasing each year, and green innovation efficiency in the central and western regions has increased significantly. (ii) Regional differences have narrowed each year. (iii) Green innovation efficiency is significantly positively spatially correlated, which is reflected in the spatial agglomeration of regions with the same efficiency level. (iv) Green innovation efficiency exhibits σ-convergence and spatial conditional β-convergence. (iv) Spatial factors accelerate the convergence of green innovation efficiency.  相似文献   

Anchored in the resource‐based view theory, the objective of this research is to empirically analyse the behavioural factors affecting the green supply chain management (GCSM) performance in a fast‐growing emerging economy by taking an empirical data set of 101 responses from personnel in the mining sector. Behavioural factors in green supply chains are still a critical challenge—not yet a well‐explored academic subject—when the focus is on the mining industry of emerging economies like India; the lack of studies in this field could be a factor preventing the Indian mining industry becoming more green. In terms of methodology, original survey data were processed through AMOS 4.0, adopted for assessing the causal connection among the six constructs, that is, top management support, teamwork, workplace culture, resistance to change, green innovation, and green motivation. We further explore the input from the human side of GCSM by highlighting that top management support and green motivation are the most crucial behavioural factors that influence GCSM in the Indian mining sector. The study will be helpful for mining companies because it will enable them to identify the areas that require their attention for enhancing GCSM performance related to behavioural aspects.  相似文献   

基于共同前沿函数法的中国区域创新体系效率的评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用共同前沿函数法和超级对数生产函数模型,并使用中国大陆四大区域三十一个省市2000—2005年期间的面板数据,对区域创新体系效率进行了评估。研究结果表明,2000—2005年期间,中国东部平均拥有最高的区域创新体系效率;之后连续分别为:中国东北部、西部和中部。同时,本研究也提供了区域技术差距比重的评估,即相对于经济整体的潜在技术。实证结果表明,中国东部的创新体系是全国最有效率的,而且它的技术水平也接近于全国技术的共同前沿。这表明,中国东部,尤其是上海地区,拥有更先进的技术并成为其它区域的最佳方案。其它区域都能依据东部的创新体系策略为改善各区域的创新体系并追赶全国的技术水平。  相似文献   

The interaction between product innovation and companies’ activities aimed at improving the energy efficiency of production facilities has been relatively little studied, but is of great relevance to society and companies given the strong focus of governments on grand challenges like climate change, green innovation technologies, and environmental problems in general. This paper utilizes the 2009 European Manufacturing Survey for the Danish sub‐sample including 335 manufacturing firms. Through factor analysis, this paper confirms three main areas of focus of new product development: efficiency considerations, market attention, and greening of innovation. Logistic regression analysis demonstrates that while market attention is important for the development of new products, green aspects of innovation and efficiency considerations are important for production companies wanting to improve their energy efficiency. When these models are combined, the results highlight that energy efficiency moderates the effect of market attention to new product development. This paper therefore finds that aligning product innovation and energy efficiency is a complex and intertwined process – focusing on one may have indirect detrimental effects on the other. These results point to the conclusion that researchers and practitioners in innovation management have to consider more carefully the specificities and interactions of different types of products and process innovations and their environmental implications, and must formulate new, more sustainable managerial practices combining energy efficiency and product innovation. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment  相似文献   

The multifaceted nature of firm innovation has prevented researchers from fully explaining the relationship between firm innovation and green management. This study, building on the Schumpeterian theory of innovation, explores this relationship by examining three major types of firm innovation—strategic innovation, managerial innovation, and product innovation—and their respective relationships with green management, considering several dimensions of environmental turbulence as distinctive boundary conditions. We propose that both strategic innovation and managerial innovation facilitate green management, which in turn mediates these effects on new product performance. The results of a survey of 303 Chinese firms provide strong support for this mediating logic. Moreover, we find that market turbulence weakens the effect of strategic innovation on green management whereas technological turbulence strengthens such effect but the effect of managerial innovation on green management is not influenced by environmental turbulence. Our research contributes to the innovation as well as green management and sustainability literatures by offering a framework in which to analyze firm innovation and green management and by showing how firms pursue sustainability and prosperity under specific environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Based on a 20‐year dataset collected from the Web of Science database, this study aims to present a comprehensive knowledge map of the intellectual structure of the field of study of sustainability and financial performances in small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). A bibliometric analysis and a systematic literature review method were employed by analyzing articles published between 1999 and 2018, using the VOSViewer software. The study provides an overview of articles, authors, the most influential journals, and themes of research. The results reveal the existence of three themes in research: the role of innovation and entrepreneurship and their impact on sustainability in SMEs (cluster 1), corporate social responsibility in the context of SMEs (cluster 2), and green management and environmental issues for SMEs (cluster 3). In sum, this paper discusses prominent insights from the research analyses and recommends future research directions for the field.  相似文献   

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