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新世纪里,大至宇宙,小至粒子,物质科学的进展,将使人类进一步对世界复杂性和宇宙起源等问题的认识也将发生革命性的变化。  相似文献   

物质科学 21世纪,大至宇宙,小至粒子,物质科学的进展,将使人类进一步认识微观世界和宏观世界,对世界复杂性和宇宙起源等问题的认识也将发生革命性的变化。物质科学以研究物质结构及其相互作用和运动规律为基本任务,新世纪将在3个方面继续深入发展并将获得新的认识:向微观领域深入探索的粒子物理学、向宏观领域原点追踪的宇宙学、向宏观领域广度扩展的物性研究。  相似文献   

牛顿证明万有引力定律存在主观性、片面性,其万有引力与宇宙物质的结构无关,作用强度十会微弱。所有宇宙物质均表现出是引力能与质量匹配成的"内质能体、外引力壳"结构体,贯穿这一结构的引力能,即是宇宙物质万有引力。  相似文献   

对于宇宙中最基本的粒子,三千多年以前,中国的哲学家就开始想宇宙中最基本的结构是什么?中国哲学家思想的主流只有两个:一种说宇宙中间最基本的东西是可以分开的,分开的就表示是粒子的观念;另一种是说宇宙中最基本的东西是永远不能分开的,所谓连续性的观点。  相似文献   

<正>据《自然》杂志网站2013年1月3日报道,德国物理学家用钾原子首次造出一种低于绝对零度的量子气体。科学家称这一成果为"实验的绝技",为将来造出负温度物质、新型量子设备打开了大门,有助于揭开宇宙中的许多奥密。18世纪中期,开尔文男爵威廉.汤姆森定义了绝对温度,在此规定下没有物质的温度能低于绝对零度。气体的绝对温度与它所包含粒子的平均能量有关,温度越高,平均能量越高,而绝对零度是气体的所有粒子能量都为零的状态,这是一种理想的理论状态。到了上世纪50年代,物理学家在研究中遇到了更多反常的物质系统,发现这一理论并不完全正确。  相似文献   

粒子物理学标准模型是目前描述微观世界基本粒子及其相互之间力的作用的最好的理论框架,是描述物质基本组成和运行最成功的理论。它科学解释了大量高能粒子现象,证实了标准模型所预先构想的微观世界物质的结构。该理论推动着人类对世界的认识向前迈进了一大步,同时也引发了人们关于世界本原新的哲学思考。  相似文献   

力存在于一切物质运动之中,宏观至宇宙天体,微观至夸克粒子,无不演绎着牛顿的“万有引力”。企业管理运作也是物质运动的表现形式,既包括社会运动,又包括生物运动,自然也就蕴含着力学原理,产生管理力。为什么企业内部井然有序?为什么企业员工工作努力?就是因为有管理力的存在!海尔的斜坡理论揭示的就是管理力的作用效应。  相似文献   

科学界为寻找暗物质、暗能量耗费大量人力物力、以及科研经费,现在也没找到一个满意答案。光线是具有一定的静(或动)质量,同时光线也具有一定能量;宇宙光线可达百亿光年,并且全方位,完全符合暗物质、暗能量特性。宇宙光线和尘埃质量虽然非常的微小,但是与宇宙立体空间乘积,质量数据应该超级大。星系和恒星之间还蕴藏有超级数量的陨石;同时还蕴藏恒星群数千万年喷发的气体物质,恒星物质与能量绝对不会凭空消失。银河系拥有数千亿恒星,还有地球、土星、木星外溢的能量物质,绝对不会凭空的消失。太阳发射的光线和数亿年喷发的物质,既具质量又具有能量,但由于宇宙空间实在太庞大了,恒星能量被放到宇宙空间里,虽然质量不变;但是温度却很可能要降低到零下数百摄氏度,下面就是我对"暗物质"、"暗能量"的理解与阐述。  相似文献   

即使这回找到的真是“上帝粒子”,也不会像上帝一样是全能的,“标准模型”只是人类认识宇宙的伟大进步,人类对宇宙的终极真理的认识,还有很长的路要走  相似文献   

磁现象是人们最熟悉的物理现象之一。19世纪,杰出的英国科学家法拉第创立了电磁学理论,代表现代文明的许多东西,像电动机、无线电通讯、电视等,都是以电磁学为基础而发展起来的。进入20世纪,科学家对物质结构的研究深入到原子内部,发现原子内部也存在着微小的磁场,于是一门新的学科——磁化学便应运而生。1980年,一位日本学者成功地将磁化学方法应用于高分子材料合成,实现了磁化学研究的突破性进展,高分子磁化学的研究具有重大的实用价值。已经发现,磁场作用可以提高高聚物的聚合度和产率,并可控制分子结构的规整度,磁化学的突破性进展档志…  相似文献   

王锋  陈永远 《价值工程》2010,29(35):289-289
通过查阅资料和访谈专家,对我国高校体育教材从概念进行探讨分析,讨论了体育教材的作用和价值以及我国高校体育教材的现状。在分析现状的基础上,以"以人为本,全面发展"的理念为指导,提出高校体育教材建设应以促进学生身体、心理和社会化全面发展为目的,促使大学生终身体育理念的形成。  相似文献   

Enterprise information systems (EIS) process highly abstracted information. They, nevertheless, are concerned with material systems. Information science has become increasingly analytic. This article draws attention back to the deeply embedded motive forces of ‘exchange’ and ‘money-information’ in the empiric systems that attend its analytics. The article further points to a danger that excessive abstraction can disconnect decision information from that in the processes of concern to EIS.  相似文献   

The paper broadens the scope of environmental management system (EMS) research by describing how EMSs can contribute to inertia in present production systems. In conjunction with other factors this inertia can inhibit dramatic shifts toward more sustainable technologies and systems. Our approach builds upon technological lock‐in theory, which focuses on market coordination and technological interdependencies as generators of inertia in technological systems. Building on this framework, we call attention to previously under appreciated non‐market social forces and institutional structures that can further reinforce lock‐in. We argue that the co‐evolutionary mechanisms that generate increasing returns for physical technologies may also be applied to social technologies, such as management systems. The paper describes the emergence of ‘EMS lock‐in’ as a path dependent evolution occurring within the context of the larger quality management paradigm. While EMS may initially produce improvements in environmental performance, EMS may also constrain organizational focus to the exploitation of present production systems, rather than exploring for superior innovations that are discontinuous. The paper questions the enthusiastic private and public sector support for EMS implementation and instead recommends an ambidextrous management approach that integrates foresight and broader stakeholder collaboration. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

The real unit costs of defence equipment have been rising persistently since World War II, much faster than national defence budgets. Most nations have adapted by buying fewer units in successive generations of each class of defence equipment, and ultimately by omitting some classes from their armed forces. However current decreases in defence budgets will soon force most NATO nations (including the UK) to adopt more closely coordinated policies for force planning and equipment procurement, in order to maintain NATO's military capabilities.  相似文献   

Police investigation units represent a knowledge-intensive and time-critical environment. The amount of information that detectives come into contact within the course of their work is astounding, and enterprise information systems are applied to support knowledge work. Organizational culture is found to have a significant influence on the extent of systems use. Four dimensions of occupational culture were applied in this research: team culture, planning culture, theoretical culture, and traditional culture. Only the extent of team culture was found to have a significant influence on the extent of systems use.  相似文献   

The recent passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), considered the most far-reaching civil rights legislation since the Civil Rights Act of 1964, promises to raise demanding new challenges for employers. This article alerts readers to one example of what may prove to be a long list of unanticipated, but potentially onerous, repercussions from this legislation. Specifically discussed is the role of the ADA in the likely emergence of the issue of employee physical appearance. In addition to the role of the ADA, we explain how other legal forces, as well as organizational and economic forces, may propel physical appearances to the level of a formidable social issue.An earlier draft of this paper was presented as a symposium at the 1989 Employee Responsibilities and Rights Conference, Orlando.  相似文献   

Non-specialists might have the feeling that building statistics on businesses is a very simple task: it seems one just has to "add facts". But for survey statisticians, business statistics are extremely complex: great heterogeneity of the universe, definition of the statistical units, difficulty of classifying businesses, quality of the register, variety of accounting standards, sample co-ordination, or reduction of survey burden. This paper argues that the issues raised by business survey methodology are conceptual and not only practical. It describes different aspects of statistical processing and tries to analyse the special features of business statistics.  相似文献   

方泳  袁召云 《物流技术》2011,(3):134-137,141
物料单元托盘规划设计是应急物流系统规划设计的重要基础,针对应急物流系统的物料特点及当前存在的问题,采用现代化电子表格及VBA等工具,立足于应急物流系统物料参数及总体设计参数,参考国家及行业托盘选用标准,引进关键优化指标,提出了一种简单快捷的物料数据分析方法,进行物料单元规划设计及托盘设计选型,并以某应急物流系统项目为例进行数据分析方法应用及托盘设计选型的过程说明。  相似文献   

Most studies of employee involvement and participation (EIP) focus on organisation level, which is understandable given that employers have plenty of choice about how it should be implemented. However, even the most lightly regulated economies do not operate in a complete institutional void as some forms are regulated while government-funded initiatives also promote EIP. Employers' organisations, professional associations and other specialist organisations also operate as intermediary forces between the state and individual employers to shape EIP. However, these forces have not been analysed, an omission which seems strange given the ‘space’ available for occupation in lightly regulated economies. This paper compares the role these different forces play in shaping patterns of EIP at organisation level in four Anglo-American countries (the UK, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand) through interviews and documentary evidence at national, intermediary and organisation levels. While ‘hard’ institutional forces have some influence on representative EIP, ‘soft’ institutional and intermediary forces are more likely to shape EIP because they allow employers choice and flexibility in implementation and fit with national business systems in these countries. However, given such interventions are voluntary, they are also susceptible if government priorities change or employers are attracted by the next management fad.  相似文献   

本研究综合运用文献资料法、问卷调查法、教学实验法和专家访谈等多种研究方法,着重分析了现有的《理疗学》实践课教学计划、内容的不足。重新编写新的理疗学实验课教学内容,解决实验课教学内容简单以及与临床实践脱节的问题。学科的内容不应局限在传统的理疗实践方面,应扩宽内容,增加新的理疗设备的知识,增加临床实习见习实验授课学时,让学生真正掌握到理疗学的理论和实践知识,为将来从事运动队队医、科研人员、体育康复医生、学校保健教育等打好基础。  相似文献   

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