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We investigate the effects of corporate governance and family ownership on firm valuation through investment efficiency in Asian emerging markets. Using 3 years of time series data from the Credit Lyonnais Securities Asia corporate governance score for 10 Asian emerging markets, we find that good corporate governance leads to better or more efficient investment decisions and eventually to higher firm value. We also find that investors reward firms for improvement in corporate governance. The findings do not hold for Asian firms with a family or concentrated ownership structure. The results are not driven by changes in accounting standards in these markets.  相似文献   

We investigate the association of foreign share ownership with firm‐level disclosure and corporate governance structures in Zimbabwe, a developing country in Southern Africa. Our motivation for the study derives from the literature, which suggests that foreign investors: (1) generally have a preference for companies in which they are well informed and where their investments are more likely to be protected, and (2) avoid companies in developing countries because of weak corporate governance structures and low disclosure. Using data drawn from companies listed on the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange, we examine the effect of disclosure and corporate governance on foreign share ownership. We find that disclosure, proportion of non‐executive directors, institutional share ownership and audit committee independence are all positively and significantly associated with foreign share ownership. Our results also demonstrate that market capitalization, return on equity and liquidity ratios are significantly associated with foreign share ownership. These results are consistent with the notion that foreign investors have a preference for companies with effective corporate governance structures, companies with less information asymmetry, as well as companies with healthy cash positions. The results have implications for policy‐makers in developing countries in their endeavour to improve liquidity on stock markets through the participation of foreign investors. The results are also useful to managers in developing countries who are keen to increase the market value of their company, thereby reducing their cost of capital.  相似文献   

股权性质是股权结构的主要维度之一,由于中国股票市场的特殊性,股权性质的研究在中国就具体化为对国有股权优劣的争论。实际上,国有股权在转型经济中的作用一直以来都是存在广泛争议的问题,关于国有股权对公司治理与公司业绩的影响不仅在理论上存在诸多分歧,在经验研究上也没有形成统一的结论。原因在于既有的文献主要关注了国有股权对于公司会计绩效的影响,而忽视了从投资者保护的视角更加全面地考察国有股权在转轨国家股票市场发展中的作用。  相似文献   

股权结构决定公司控制权的分布,是决定公司治理结构有效性的最重要因素。如果说公司治理结构是所有者与经营者之间的权利制衡机制,那么有效率的股权结构与内部控制则是这些权力制衡的重要前提和手段。合理的股权结构与内部控制才能形成完善的治理结构,内部控制是完善公司治理结构的具体政策和程序。公司控制权矛盾的变迁是引发内部控制治理功能变迁的基本原因,公司控制权的和谐配置是内部控制功能实现的基础条件。  相似文献   

在研究公司治理结构与内部控制相互联系和影响的基础上,把内部控制置于公司治理的环境申,将两者有机结合起来探讨在公司治理下实现有效内部控制的机制。从实践上看,那些出现内部控制乏力或失控的企业,一般都在企业管理上比较薄弱,缺乏有效的公司治理。内部控制失控的深层次原因在于企业缺乏完善、健全的公司治理。有效内部控制的建立离不开完善的公司治理。  相似文献   

This article investigates labour's interests in corporate governance in the UK. Contemporary political economy conditions generate a confluence of factors that stimulates new demands and engagement strategies. Labour actors endeavour to forge corporate governance innovation through utilising cultural institutions in the regulation of firms in capitalist markets.  相似文献   

以2011—2018年A股非金融、非房地产上市公司为样本,探讨环境、社会责任及公司治理(ESG)表现对企业金融化的影响效应。研究表明:ESG表现抑制了企业金融化,而企业内部监管会放大ESG表现对企业金融化的负向效应,外部金融监管则弱化了两者之间的负向关系。抑制效应、放大效应和弱化效应在环境、社会责任方面体现较为明显,而在公司治理方面不明显。进一步研究发现,ESG表现以及环境、社会责任能通过融资约束抑制企业金融化行为,融资约束在公司治理对企业金融化的影响中不具有中介作用;异质性分析发现ESG表现以及环境、社会责任对企业金融化的抑制效应在国有企业、研发能力较强企业中较为显著,而公司治理在非国有企业和研发能力较强的企业中表现出正向的金融化效应。研究结果丰富了ESG表现影响企业金融化的理论机制,为完善上市公司监管制度体系、夯实实体经济发展根基提供了依据。  相似文献   

本文从公司治理与内部控制相互关系的角度,研究了两者在提高企业经营效率上的相对效果。通过公司治理与内部控制的配对分析,并考虑信息不对称条件下经理人的选择和路径依赖问题对经营效率的影响,研究发现,内部控制失效的主要原因是公司治理不完善。认为提高内部控制的有效性应从完善公司治理着手,建立起以投资者利益为核心、强化公司治理层的监督体系和高层管理人员道德风险的防范为内容的治理型内部控制。  相似文献   

民营企业公司治理的核心任务就是要解决企业治理和家族治理之间的冲突。以血缘和信任为纽带的家族情感与以法律和经济契约为纽带的现代公司理性本身就存在冲突。在民营企业公司治理层面,当所有权与经营权分离时,民营企业家就必须设计和探索出一条既能保障家族权益、又能实现企业有效管控的健康发展的公司治理路径。民营企业的家族商业表现同家族和睦与家族冲突息息相关。代民营企业公司治理需要在经济理性与家族情感、文化传统与现行法律、专业化运营与家族控股中找到合适的平衡点。民营企业公司在成长过程中,需要在公司治理的关键环节上进行设计和把握,从而找到家族冲突的解决路径。通过规范化与专业化的公司治理,实现企业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

本文在阐述企业治理结构和产权等相关概念的基础上,从产权博弈的角度对于当今典型的内部监控型企业治理结构和外部监控型企业治理结构的变迁作了深入的分析。本文的结论是:企业治理结构的变迁是产权博弈的结果。考虑市场因素和制度环境下的资本产权当事人之间博弈均衡形成的企业治理结构将是一种合理的形式。  相似文献   

文章借鉴国内外公司治理评价系统,构建了一个上市公司的治理评价指标体系,并运用该体系对我国民营上市公司的治理状况进行了定量评价,评价结果显示民营上市公司治理状况总体较差。民营上市公司治理指数与公司绩效指标之间关系的实证研究结果表明两者之间存在显著的正相关关系,并且治理指数对公司绩效指标有显著的解释力。最后,文章提出改善民营上市公司治理状况的若干政策建议。  相似文献   

股东和经理人之间代理问题形成的根源在于所有权与经营权的分离。由于经理人和股东在目标函数、风险偏好、期限视野上的不一致导致经理人的行为偏离股东的最优目标。缓解代理问题的机制包括公司内部的经理人报酬设计、公司治理结构安排,外部机制包括经理人市场、资本市场、公司控制权市场及产品市场的约束。文章还讨论了信息,尤其是会计信息在缓解代理问题中的作用。  相似文献   

We examine the impact of corporate governance on firm performance and stock return behavior using panel data for Indian listed firms for 2006 to 2015. Our results suggest that corporate governance improves firm performance. However, corporate governance information fails to provide excess risk‐adjusted returns to investors, as governance information is well assimilated in prevailing stock prices. In addition to extending the scant literature focused on emerging markets, our findings will prove useful to investors, fund managers, and rating agencies in making investment decisions and regulators in assessing the impact of governance norms.  相似文献   

公司治理的重要性已经得到理论界和实务界的认可。本文从两个方面论述了好的公司治理能够带来的影响,一方面好的公司治理能够提高管理效率,降低代理成本,进而提升财务绩效;另一方面,好的业绩使公司在资本市场上有更好的表现,即市场绩效,体现为公司治理溢价的存在。  相似文献   

This study draws from the corporate governance literature to investigate the implications of board involvement for international joint ventures (IJVs). We extend recent corporate governance research on the value of board involvement by investigating unique sources of complexity related to the nature of the IJV. We argue and find that board involvement can enhance the performance of IJVs, particularly for collaborations that are complex in nature due to their broad functional scope as well the level of market overlap between IJV parents. We complement recent research on joint venture control that has focused on the antecedents and types of control, as well as studies on formal (e.g. contractual safeguards and monitoring) and informal governance mechanisms (e.g. trust) by providing empirical evidence that IJV board involvement is valuable when directors undertake their control and coordination responsibilities. We advance corporate governance research by providing evidence that joint ventures possess several unique characteristics that shape the value of board involvement, thereby showing that applications of corporate governance theory to joint ventures are useful, but should be made with care.  相似文献   

浅论内部控制和公司治理的互动   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宋莹 《价值工程》2011,30(30):99-100
文章通过分析公司治理和内部控制间的交叉融合及不同之处,强调两者的相互促进和逻辑整合,提出了在公司治理环境下内部控制的改进之处,从而充分发挥公司治理和内部控制的作用,以达到提高公司价值的目的。  相似文献   

本文采用2009至2018年我国A股上市公司数据,实证检验了中小股东参与公司治理对企业财务风险的影响以及相应的作用机理。研究发现,中小股东参与公司治理降低了企业的财务风险。中介效应检验结果表明,中小股东参与公司治理通过监督管理层和约束控股股东影响了企业财务风险。进一步研究发现,相对于其他企业,在信息环境和法律环境较差的企业中,中小股东参与公司治理对财务风险的抑制作用更加显著。本文结论不仅验证了中小股东参与公司治理的有效性,还发现了中小股东积极主义与外部环境的替代效应,为鼓励中小股东参与决策、完善公司治理机制、保护中小投资者利益提供了一定的参考依据。  相似文献   

This study examines the association between corporate governance and accruals earnings management using a corporate governance index consisting of 55 individual corporate governance measures. Prior literature has focused primarily on certain individual corporate governance measures, overlooking the multidimensional character of corporate governance. Based on a sample of firms listed on the Athens, Milan and Madrid Stock Exchanges, we find an inverse relationship between corporate governance and earnings management. Corporate governance provisions seem to constrain the tendency of management to manage earnings leading to higher credibility for financial statements. Additional tests suggest that the negative relationship holds for large and middle capitalization firms but not for the small capitalization sample. In addition, corporate governance provisions limit upwards but not downwards earnings management. This study emphasizes the multilevel character of corporate governance and suggests the usage of comprehensive measures of corporate governance in the academic research. This study also stresses the importance of introducing corporate governance mechanisms in order to ensure the integrity of the financial reporting process. Practitioners are expected to evaluate the corporate governance provisions that each firm has put in place, whereas policy makers are expected to mandate the application of a wide range of corporate governance mechanisms. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

本文以我国上市的16家银行为研究对象,根据其2013年半年度报告,基于公司治理视角,选取9个具有代表性的指标,利用SPSS19.0软件对我国上市银行风险控制能力进行因子分析。实证结果表明,基于选定的指标和数据,各种机制的重要性按递减顺序为:内部治理中的股东治理机制、外部治理中的资本充足率监管机制和信息披露机制、内部治理中的董事会治理机制。为提高风险控制能力,加强和完善我国上市银行公司治理,应从优化银行股权结构、强化监管机制、重视境外战略投资者、完善治理机制方面作出努力。  相似文献   

为了使内部控制、公司治理,以及风险管理在动态中不断适应企业的发展,促使企业内生出减少财务舞弊以及公司治理失效的内部控制和风险管理机制,本文引入了风险管理审计制度。这种制度通过评价、鉴证、咨询和报告来促使企业形成自我纠正、自我完善、不断提升的公司治理循环,也有利于提高公司的治理效率。  相似文献   

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