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This paper represents a contribution to empirical debate on the persistence of innovation in the firm, by exploiting an innovative panel database that, for the first time, links three waves of the Italian Community Innovation Survey with an administrative data source providing economic and financial information for firms in the Italian manufacturing sector, 1996–2003. By using both a dynamic logistic model and a Granger causality approach, we show that in order to innovate successfully it is much more important to have an adequate flow of profits during an appropriate time span rather than high profits only during one period before innovation. Our causality tests prove the existence of a dynamic interaction between innovation and profitability: successful innovation can, in the short run, generate the profitability conditions that can then enhance the financial resources needed to reinvest in new technological opportunities, thus causing the firm to persist in its innovative behaviour. We have also shown that another important source of persistence is represented by past innovative experience. A firm with consolidated innovative behaviour would have a higher probability of future successful innovation with respect to a firm that occasionally (or accidentally) innovates. Persistence in innovation enables a firm to take advantage of substantial technological and organizational learning effects, which improve with time.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper was to test the effect of organizational innovation on product and process innovation (while controlling for endogeneity). Our hypothesis was that organizational innovation should have a significant and positive impact on technical (product or process) innovation. We control for endogeneity by using a Poisson estimator that accommodates a binary endogenous regressor. We test 10 potential instruments using a battery of test criteria and settle on five. All results are presented using the five instruments to avoid expectation bias. In general we find that organizational innovation does impact technical innovation positively. With the 2009 data we find that the mean of the average treatment effect for product innovation is roughly 1.7 times that of process innovation. For the 2009–2012 data we find that the impact on product innovation is roughly 1.5 times that of process innovation. For the 2012 data, we had anomalous results for process innovation, such that organizational innovation reduced the number of process innovations by 2.3 per year. In terms of Canadian government policy, the results lend support to the view that technical innovation is not the only innovation that matters. The right policy mix may encourage firms to experiment with and adopt more organizational innovations to enhance technical innovation.  相似文献   

We find a divergence in the literature regarding the treatment of how organizational innovation affects innovation and performance. One point of view suggests that organizational innovation impacts performance only, while the other suggests that it impacts technical innovation and firm performance. We use the framework of Crepon-Duguet-Mairesse (CDM) to control for endogeneity; we also use two different measures for organizational innovation. Our contributions to the literature are: the CDM framework in this context is novel; prior research either did not/could not control for endogeneity whereas the CDM framework mitigates this. To discriminate between the direct and indirect approach, we implemented AIC and BIC tests. We find that for the innovation equations in all cases and regardless of which organizational innovation variable is used the direct model is preferable. In contrast, for the productivity equations, we find that in all cases the indirect model is preferable. Thus we do not have a definitive statistical test for which model is superior. Yet, it is our contention that organizational innovation is a new routine within the firm that should impact technical innovation. Furthermore, organizational design theories deduce that organizational innovation should impact technical innovation-implying that the direct model is indeed preferable.  相似文献   

Drawing on a longitudinal data of Spanish manufacturing firms, this study explores the persistence of technological innovation and exports, their potential complementary relations and feedback effects. Empirical results suggest the presence of both true and spurious state dependence in all three activities. True state dependence in technical innovation and exports implies intertemporal spillovers relevant to the evaluation of innovation and export policy measures. However, given that results also suggest spurious state dependence, firm-specific characteristics should be taken into account in promoting technological innovations and exports. In addition, we find a strong complementarity between product and process innovation both through a contemporaneous effect and via unobserved firm characteristics. However, concerning complementarity between innovation and exports, results suggests complementarity only through contemporaneous effects. Finally, we find no support for the causal link from past product and process innovations to current export activities.  相似文献   

We empirically investigate the pattern of complementarity among four organizational practices. Firm-level data were drawn from the Community Innovation Survey, carried out in Luxembourg. Supermodularity tests confirm the crucial role of organizational innovation in raising firms’ technological innovation. The pattern of complementarity across organizational practices differs according to the type of innovation (i.e. product or process), as well as according to whether the firm is in the first stage of its innovation process (i.e. being innovative or not) or in a later stage (i.e. sales of new products).  相似文献   

集群式供应链组织衍续(即产业集群在同一地域形成完整或近乎完整的供应链)不仅是产业集群升级的主要途径,也是产业集群及其企业技术创新的潜在机理。文章根据产业集群所表现出来的供应链组织衍续特点,来分析产业集中度(MAR外部性)、集群式供应链组织衍续(Jacobs外部性)与集群技术创新之间的内在联系,在此基础上提出相关的假设,并以“武汉.中国光谷”光电子产业为例,来实证产业集中度、集群式供应链组织续衍对产业集群及其企业创新行为的影响。  相似文献   

This study aims at determining the major factors supporting innovative persistence based on an in-depth analysis of the internal organizational processes of the state-owned medical institution, ‘Eye Microsurgery’ Complex in Moscow. I propose a systemic approach to the study of innovation activities, which incorporates aspects of evolutionary economics, institutional analysis and dynamic capabilities theory. The study explicitly incorporates the changing external environment as a factor shaping innovation dynamics. The findings suggest that at the earliest stage of the firm's development, the interaction between the nature of the technology and the nature of the demand, the presence of prolific innovators and a certain organizational structure that supports learning, effective knowledge production and accumulation are determinant of persistence in innovation. In later periods, the availability of resources (material, financial, specialized human capital), external collaborations, specific production techniques, well-organized technological diffusion, and motivational factors are the elements providing the basis for innovative persistence. Leadership plays a crucial role in supporting innovation and organizational transformation.  相似文献   

社会结构、市场结构与企业技术创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文建立了一个基于社会结构与市场结构的技术创新系统模型,来解释企业的技术创新行为,认为企业是社会网络中的一个行动者,其技术创新行为是一种社会行动,它会受到人际关系和社会结构的影响.作为一种结果,社会结构会影响市场结构,从而两者共同作用于企业的技术创新过程.在这个过程中,对企业的社会资本分析是非常重要的.推动社会结构、市场结构与技术创新活动的协调发展是深化我国经济体制改革进而提升企业技术创新竞争力的重要途径.  相似文献   

越来越多的企业利用不断推出新产品获得市场与消费者的青睐,以建立长期竞争优势。企业若能成功推出新产品,除能以独一无二的新产品提高产品与市场的价值之外,更能提升企业整体竞争力。然而,在现今竞争激烈导致产品生命周期急遽缩短的趋势下,使得产品创新在企业日常营运角色中的重要性日渐增加,企业若能掌握产品推出时机,并且藉由创新延长产品生命周期,就有机会维持企业在座业中的领导地位。本研究以3M作为个案研究之对象,探讨渐进式创新、技术突破、市场突破以及激追式创新等四种不同的产品创新类型对组织绩效的影响,期能藉由实际个案与相关数据显示产品创新与组织绩效间之关联性。研究结果显示,无论属于何种产品创新类型,对组织绩效都有正向的影响。若能激发激进式产品创新的产生,更能透过新产品或新技术创造新的产品践,亦能强化组织的竞争优势,成为组织竞争优势的根源。3M超过百年的发展历史以及不断创新的历程与经验,使它成为商业历史发展的裹程碑外,更成为现今各企业的典范与楷模。  相似文献   

The paper aims to provide an original contribution to evaluating several kinds of relations between four areas of innovation activities – training, technology, organization, ICT (information and communication technologies) – and industrial relations and firm’s economic performance. Quantitative evidence for a SME‐based local production system is provided by exploiting two datasets: the first is derived from a direct survey carried out in 2005 collecting data on innovations, labour flexibility and industrial relations; the second is represented by a panel of official balance sheets data for the period 1998–2004. The analysis is divided in two consequential parts. We first examine the drivers of different innovation strategies and subsequently we exploit innovation indicators as potential drivers of firm’s productivity. The results show that training activities and organizational changes have strong links with many industrial relations indicators, thus emerging as industrial relations driven innovations. On the contrary, ICT and technological innovation seem to be more influenced by firms’ past performances than by industrial relations. The analysis on labour productivity drivers shows that training activities are the most relevant factors; then, ranked consequently, technological innovation, organisational innovations and, finally, ICT also appear to impact on productivity levels. It is worth noting that the role of ICT emerges more robustly when endogeneity is specifically addressed. Finally, the role of firm size seems here to be overshadowed by other drivers.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the implications of a technology sourcing strategy maintaining a focus on the rediscovery of old technologies. Specifically, we study the different impact exerted by old technological solutions, distinguished on the basis of their organisational and industrial origins, on the innovation value. We develop a set of hypotheses about the impact exerted by four distinct types of old technological solutions (firm core technological heritage, firm lateral technological heritage, competitors’ technological heritage and others’ technological heritage) and test them on a sample of 1189 biotechnology patents registered at the US Patent and Trademark Office from 1979 to 2002. Results strongly support our hypotheses, revealing that: (1) using both firm core technological heritage and others’ technological heritage has an inverted U-shaped effect on innovation value; (2) employing firm lateral technological heritage is positively related to innovation value; (3) a negative relationship occurs between competitors’ core technological heritage and the value of subsequent innovations.  相似文献   

The value of technology roadmaps for technology planning, technology selection, and technological innovation has become widely recognized. In this article, we explore how technology roadmaps can support virtual innovation and innovation factories. We also consider how technology landscapes can provide metrics for technology roadmaps. We explore how knowledge of patterns of technological evolution can be incorporated into technology roadmaps to detect opportunities for innovation and possible market limitations. Finally, we discuss how agent models can provide the basis for simulation and possibly for self-organization.  相似文献   

当今时代,组织学习越来越成为企业创新的一条重要途径,然而学习中会面临一定的技术复杂性,技术复杂性在组织学习对创新绩效的影响作用中究竟具有促进作用还是抑制作用值得探究。研究发现,组织学习(开发式学习和探索式学习)对企业创新绩效和协同创新绩效均具有显著正向影响;技术复杂性在开发式学习和探索式学习对企业创新绩效的影响中均起负向调节作用但不显著;在开发式学习对协同创新绩效的影响中起正向调节作用但不显著;在探索式学习对协同创新绩效的影响中具有显著的正向调节作用。这些说明技术复杂性可能会抑制组织学习对企业创新绩效的作用,但会促进组织学习对协同创新绩效的影响。最后,提出了研究启示和未来研究方向。  相似文献   

This paper measures the level of persistence in innovation using a large representative sample of Spanish manufacturing firms for the period 1990–2008. We determine survival in innovation activities using discrete-time duration models, which control for some of the existing problems in the continuous-time duration models used in previous studies (namely, unobserved heterogeneity and the proportional hazards assumption). This paper examines the relationship between the firm-specific characteristics of technological regimes and the persistence measured by innovative spells at the firm level. The results show that high technological opportunities, patents, cumulativeness of learning based on previous experience and accumulated R&D, as well as the use of generic knowledge provided by universities enhance persistence in innovative activity.  相似文献   

This article conceptualizes innovation as a process, where the scientific and industrial application of technological knowledge nurtures new routines and institutions, in order to relate changing business model innovations to innovation cascades. Innovation in science-based, high-tech sectors is changing its tempo, from the evolutionary pace of incremental novelties punctuated by occasional radical novelties, to innovation cascades. These cascades involve a long series of interlinked radical innovations, which can be traced through various scientific and technological indicators like patents and publications. Innovation cascades are relevant to industry, because they make the future less predictable. They are particularly interesting because these changes also enable the testing an abundance of new business models. Innovation cascades have a major impact on the number and sustainability of business models and on strategy. Business model innovations are visible not only in the existing organizations that undergo change, but also new organizational models appear. The case of biotechnology after the 1980s is used to illustrate our conceptualization.  相似文献   


Contemporary literature on innovation tends to overlook the issue of financing, whereas financial history suggests that banks have been essential to financing of new industries. Emerging literature ondevelopment banking, although inspiring, remains focused on financing policies. The article aims to rearticulate a coevolutionary nature of industrial and financial interests, following the works of Schumpeter and Minsky, by looking at the 4 cases of national development banks, tasked with long-term financing of industries, from newly industrialized countries of East Asia—South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, and Malaysia. The study suggests that innovation in finance, as well as organizational innovation in financial institutions, represent essential elements of financing of innovative activities. Further, organizational innovation in financial institutions, such as development banks, might signify a disposition to face uncertainty, which characterizes economic and technological unknowns inherent in financing of innovation.  相似文献   

基于资源基础理论和持续创新内生机制,利用435家高技术企业2010—2018年面板数据,对多元化战略对高技术企业创新持续性的影响进行探究。结果表明,产品多元化与创新持续性呈正U型关系,技术多元化对创新持续性具有正向促进作用,产品多元化与技术多元化协同效应对创新持续性具有负向影响;动态能力强化了产品多元化与创新持续性之间的正U型关系,并正向调节技术多元化与创新持续性之间的关系。在动态能力调节作用下,高技术企业产品多元化与技术多元化协同效应对创新持续性具有正向影响。  相似文献   

在中国式现代化的背景下,如何发挥科技创新作为现代化的核心动力成为关键议题。本文以2011—2021年我国上市公司为研究对象,深入探讨并分析差异化战略在技术创新中的作用机制。结果发现,企业差异化战略的强度与技术创新成果之间存在显著正向关联,这种影响主要通过动态网络能力的构建与数字化转型机制的引入而实现。此外,环境的不确定性对差异化战略影响企业技术创新产生负向调节作用。拓展研究发现,差异化战略在提升企业创新质量方面的效果较为有限,尤其是在优质专利指数等创新质量评价标准上的提升表现相对减弱。研究结论为优化动态网络能力、深化数字化转型、克服技术障碍,以实现符合中国式现代化要求的目标提供了实质性的理论支撑和指导。  相似文献   

利用问卷调查数据,采用结构方程模型探讨影响企业技术创新的产业环境、组织文化和组织结构三者的关系。研究结果显示:产业环境并不直接影响企业的技术创新,而是通过影响组织文化和组织结构来间接影响企业技术创新;其作用机制通过两条路径实现,一是以组织文化为中介变量影响技术创新,二是通过影响组织文化进而影响组织结构再而影响技术创新。  相似文献   

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