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近年来,受国际航运市场影响,我国内河航运市场持续低迷,内河航运企业金融支持明显不足.目前,国家正大力倡导内河航运市场发展,推行内河船舶标准化改造,提升节能减排效能,而金融支持在助力内河航运市场快速发展中起着重用作用.本文在对广西西江内河航运市场发展现状深入了解的基础上,分析研究了企业的经营模式和金融需求特点,有针对性地提出了金融支持西江内河航运企业发展的创新模式和策略,在金融促进内河航运市场发展模式创新方面做了有益的探索.  相似文献   

针对内河航运水污染的现状,分析了目前内河航运水污染控制方法和手段中存在的不足之处和我国经济发展的现实需求,提出了基于激励规制理论的内河航运环境税政策。对内河航运环境税的制定原则、理论基础、设计思路及构成要素等进行了具体的探讨和研究,研究成果对于有效控制内河航运水环境污染,实现效率公平和资源优化,实现内河航运的可持续发展提供了有益的思路和参考价值。  相似文献   

江苏发展内河集装箱运输的对策思路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文介绍了江苏内河航运的现状,阐述了发展内河集装箱运输在江苏经济发展中的战略地位。根据腹地外贸进出口及其流向,决定外贸集装箱生成量与流向的原则,预测了江苏发展内河集装箱运输的前景。认为促进江苏内河集装箱运输发展重点是加强港口航道的配套建设,加快江苏内河二类港口的建设,加快开辟内外贸航班建设,积极争取国家政策支持。  相似文献   

鹿特丹港和安特卫普港内河航运的开展对当地经济的发展具有重要的推动作用,形成多式联运,促进了腹地集疏运网络的发展,扩大了经济腹地。借助内河装箱运输系统,其物流园区促进了港区工业发展,实现城市分工协作,进而优化区域产业结构,对我国开展内河航运具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

对辽宁地理位置、综合运输数据及各个运输方式发展现状进行分析,对辽宁发展综合运输宏观环境进行评价,总的来看,辽宁省交通发展基础良好,经过数十年的建设,已初步形成以公路、铁路为主体,港口为门户,民用航空、内河航运和管道运输相配套的立体交通运输网,有效地推动和支撑区域经济及现代物流。  相似文献   

鹿特丹港作为欧洲枢纽港之一,对欧洲经济发展起着重要的作用。它在世界航运界中的地位与其地理位置及荷兰政府大力发展内河航运与港口经济的政策有关。文章主要分析了鹿特丹港与荷兰内河航运发展中的互动关系。  相似文献   

内河航运是由航道、船舶、港口、运输保障以及管理等生产要素构成的有机系统。内河航运要成为有竞争力和可持续发展的行业,要求各生产要素合理配置,相互协调。只有实现优质运输服务,才能使得生产要素系统化,而其关键又在于拓展港口功能。因为港口是物流网络的结点,是水陆交通综合运输体系的枢纽,应该充分发挥其优势,建设港口物流中心,确  相似文献   

随着内河航运的建设发展,对内河航道测量的要求越来越高,同时对工期的要求也越来越短.本文结合广东省内河航道测量,对GPS RTK技术水下地彤测量的原理及步骤进行了探讨,提出了实际应用中的应对措施.  相似文献   

航道是发展内河航运乃至国民经济不可少的水上交通基础设施。加快构建和谐航道与和谐船闸,让广大船民心情舒畅的开船跑运输,不仅是航道管理机构的职责和发展水运经济的需要,更是构建和谐社会的重要组成部分。所以加强在新时期下加强和谐航道的建设具有很重要的意义。  相似文献   

在历史长河中,内河航运这种古老的运输方式,对中华文明的发展产生了重要的影响。我国早在4500年前,就开始制造舟楫,商代即已有帆船;夏、商、周时,黄河已成重要的运粮干线。春秋战国时代开凿了鸿沟、邗沟,秦代修通了灵渠,至隋代则开通了南北大运河,从而形成中国古代水运的兴盛时期。明代郑和七下西洋,为世界航海史册增添了光辉一页。建国以来,内河航运对推动社会进步、发展国民经济发挥了重要作用。内河航运是国民经济的基础产业,是综合运输体系中重要的组成部分。  相似文献   

在全面综述环境审计基本概念和内容的基础上,根据国际上环境审计的发展趋势,笔者尝试在宁波市内河水质治理工程项目审计中应用条件价值评估法(CVM)对该环境项目产生的经济效益进行量化分析。结果显示:受访人群平均愿意为改善水环境的支付金额保守值平均为76.70元/户,取样居民小区内每年居民总的支付意愿是6.89万元,即居民对改善新河水质产生经济效益的估计价;对位于内河周遍房产所增加的支付意愿保守值平均为81.60元/m^2。通过引入CVM法量化的项目经济效益,直观地反映出政府投资环境工程的绩效。研究结果不仅用经济学方法把环境质量用货币价值表现出来,也为政府在环境治理项目审计中完善有关环境绩效的审计提供了技术上的支持。  相似文献   

根据模糊综合评价原理和城区河道污染治理的系统性、综合性特点,从经济性、效率性、效果性和政府行政效能方面,建立了城区河道污染治理绩效评价体系和模糊综合评价改进模型。利用建立的改进模型对浙江某市城区河道污染治理的绩效进行评价与分析,取得了较好的效果,为城区河道污染治理绩效评价提供了可量化的科学评价依据。  相似文献   

Since the rise of the railway, and the later development of road transport, the economic value of inland waterways in the UK as freight carriers has steadily declined. The reduction in the economic importance of canals has been somewhat offset by their growing popularity as a recreational resource, and by the amenity value which they provide to that part of the population living in close proximity to them. Focussing on two case study areas, this paper uses an hedonic price model to estimate the economic benefits which residents gain from a waterside location. These benefits may have important policy implications for those bodies who own undeveloped land bordering waterways.  相似文献   

The 1960s were a decade of rapid change in overseas transport technologies. That decade saw the introduction of container ships, hovercraft, massive tankers and ore carriers, LASH (lighter-aboard-ship) vessels, freightliners, and jumbo jets. Many of these will achieve their full potential in the 1970s. These new transport modes have not only had an effect upon the design of ports but also upon the procedures required to control their development at a national level. Whereas in the past there may have been no technological reason to exercise any national control at all, the current situation makes it unrealistic and inefficient to leave individual ports with power to plan and implement their own major developments. The basic theme of this paper is that the state of the technology for the transport of bulk and general cargoes is such that competition between ports for the business of British exporters and importers will result in higher than necessary overseas total distribution costs. Because inland transport costs and times are so much lower the effective hinterland of each port is much larger than it used to be. However, against this has to be weighed the fact that individual ports now can have the technical capacity to handle in a year a large proportion of British cargo of a given type and on a given trade route. Therefore, as the natural, long term tendency would be for port (and perhaps shipping) monopolies to develop it is in the best interests of the users of port facilities for national control to be exercised over them. In the past the threat of local port monopolies was thwarted by local user representation on port boards; now the likelihood of national monopolies requires control at a national level.  相似文献   

This paper provides an overall assessment of water transport in Song China based on the 1077 commercial tax data. The analysis demonstrates that the extension of waterway networks, especially the major waterways that linked the north and the south, greatly reduced transportation costs. Development of 11th century water transportation was due to two reasons: the emergence of a national market during the Tang–Song transition and the massive construction of canals by the government.  相似文献   

内陆港口物流竞争力培养刍议——以重庆为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
坚持对外开放,着力提高开放型经济水平,对于促进重庆市国民经济又好又快发展具有重要现实意义。港口物流发展是重庆作为内陆开放城市的重要基础和关键环节,把重庆物流成本与物流效率作为突破口显得尤为重要。文章比较分析了当前影响重庆水路运输和航空运输外贸物流成本和物流效率的因素,提出相关政策建议,希望对重庆改善外向型经济发展环境,发展港口物流,提高区域经济吸引和辐射能力起到有益参考。  相似文献   

The Community Based Fisheries Management (CBFM) approach has made a significant contribution towards improvement of fishers' empowerment of inland openwater fisheries in Bangladesh aiming to manage their resources efficiently. This arrangement introduced CBFM approaches named fisher-led, community-led and women-led approach. A wider range of local institutional arrangements as community based organizations (CBOs) have been established through participatory process with legal entity. Now, the CBOs as local institutions and fishers are more empowered in participation of fishery management under co-management arrangement. The study reveals that there is still lack of institutional arrangement to be achieved at optimum level. This paper presents and assesses the empowerment status of the fisher communities in inland openwater fisheries under co-management arrangement in Bangladesh through Factor analysis and regression model. This study might have policy implication to replicate the community based fishery management approach to promote empowerment for better management.  相似文献   

《China Economic Journal》2013,6(3):257-275
This paper investigates to what extent income growth in the Chinese provinces is linked to growth and income levels in neighboring provinces. We find that the rate of income growth in a province is positively related to income and growth in neighboring provinces. However, we find no evidence of such positive interdependence between growth in rich coastal provinces and their immediate inland neighbors. This suggests that there has been little synchronization in economic growth rates between these regions, and/or that the immediate hinterland of the coastal growth centers might have been bypassed as China's manufacturing sector has migrated westward.  相似文献   

张宏波 《经济地理》2008,28(2):232-234
在国务院《东北振兴规划》和国家海关总署新的报关模式背景下,文章提出了建设长春国际陆港区的设想,并进行了必要性和可行性的分析。在对长春国际陆港区的概念设计的基础上,提出了建设长春国际陆港区的基本依据,进而提出了以长春铁路货运口岸的改造升级和龙嘉国际机场完善功能为核心,建设长春内陆港,再构筑内陆港特色经济区的设想。最后对建设长春国际陆港区存在的问题进行了思考。  相似文献   

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