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我国电子商务立法问题初探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
电子商务作为一种全新的商务方式正在迅速的发展,为确保电子商务交易的顺利进行,电子商务立法问题显得致关重要。本文在分析国际电子商务立法现状的基础上,提出了我国电子商务立法的原则和初步设想。  相似文献   

一般而言,经营者必须向消费者全面宣传自己的产品,通过广告等方式展现自己产品的优势和特色,才能在市场竞争中脱颖而出。随着互联网和电子商务的发展,越来越多的经营者将宣传重心放在了网络上,网络宣传的低成本和广范围使得互联网成为了宣传的又一大平台,"团购网"、"秒杀商品"充斥着大量的宣传,而这些商业宣传行为有没有构成不正当竞争,我国现行的《反不正当竞争法》能否对其进行规制,都需要对我国现行的规定进行分析。虚假宣传作为典型的不正当竞争行为,对其进行分析,无疑能反映出竞争法发展的一个侧面。笔者分析了现行立法对虚假宣传行为的规制和问题,希望通过此,反映出当前《反不正当竞争法》的缺陷,助益《反不正当竞争法》的修订和竞争理论的完善。  相似文献   

工程招投标运用市场机制,树立公平、公开、公正原则,工程招标投标中的不正当竞争行为表现形式的认定,加快立法进度,加大执法力度防范工程招投标中不正当竞争行为。  相似文献   

返券销售的不正当竞争性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张鹏  孟祥秀 《经济论坛》2005,(5):130-131
一、不正当竞争行为的界定 对于不正当竞争的内涵和外延,立法上和学术界的见解不尽相同。例如,《保护工业产权巴黎公约》认为:“凡在工商业事务中违反诚实的习惯做法的竞争行为构成不正当竞争行为。”巴黎公约的这一观点得到了大多数国家的认同,制定反不正当竞争法的大多数国家在其一般条款中都采取了相同或者近似的界定。在没有特别立法而实行判例法的国家,  相似文献   

浅议发展电子商务的法律环境   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
电子商务是计算机网络技术发展到大规模应用产生的商务形态由于运行环境和商务摸式的改变,使得传统的法律体系难以适应电子商务的发展,需要新的法律规范调整电子商务的运行。我国在电子商务立法条件和立法形式上存在分歧,在电子商务法律环境方面相对落后于世界上电子商务发展较快的国家。文章从我国电子商务立法原则、电子商务立法现状、当前应着重解决的问题、发展电子商务的建议等角度论述了我国电子商务法律环境的构建问题。  相似文献   

欧盟的电子商务政策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1998年,欧盟电子商务销售额为6.5亿元,1999年为17亿美元,预计到2003年仅欧洲地区电子商务销售额将达到340亿美元。这些数据说明,欧盟将电子商务视为推行全球经济一体化和主导世界经济的重要战略措施之一,把电子商务的发展看作是欧洲地区在未来全球经济中赢得竞争优势的关键因素。因此,自1997年欧盟便从战略的角度来制定和规划电子商务发展的政策和框架,以指导欧洲地区15个成员国电子商务的发展。欧盟的电子商务政策无论在立法思想、立法内容还是立法技术上都是很先进的。欧盟电子商务政策的基本框架199…  相似文献   

电子商务的快速健康发展需要完善的法制体系作保障,积极探索和研究电子商务立法问题,加快建立具有中国特色的电子商务法律体系,对推动我国电子商务发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

立法、守法、执法──关于实施《反不正当竞争法》的思考李恩平,李沁生《反不正当竞争法》的实施已有半年,但是假冒伪劣产品仍充斥市场,损害消费者合法权益的事仍时有发生,虚假广告、侵权伪造等现象依然存在,种种不正当竞争行为尚不能有效打击与制裁。这说明,《反不...  相似文献   

2001年,我国的电子商务界更多地是对电子商务进行着深刻的反思和多方的探索:究竟什么是电子商务?究竟电子商务能否代表未来,而这个未来又有多远?究竟电子商务应该遵循什么样的规律与原则?等等。究竟电子商务立法是否已经具备条件?电子商务立法的范围和原则应该是什么?制定什么政策可使电子商务得到充分的发展?等等。显然,这些都是电子商务和电子商务法律方面的根本性问题。通过2001年的一系列事关电子商务的大大小小的事件和进程,这些原则性的问题的答案正在逐步解决。在电子商务的立法上,2001年里从不同角度与电子…  相似文献   

如何建立电子商务的法规体系是当前我国电子商务立法的热点问题。本在借鉴国外电子商务立法经验的基础上,结合我国开展电子商务的实践,对电子商务管理中遇到的热点法律问题进行了详尽地分析,研究并提出了电子商务立法的建议。  相似文献   

随着社会的发展,黑龙江省山货市场向规范化、产业化迈进。与此同时,市场竞争也日益激烈,在相对稳定的市场中进一步开拓市场份额是现在山货企业面临的主要问题之一。在信息时代的大市场环境中,计算机网络迅速发展,电子商务模式日趋成熟。电子商务不仅在日常生活中广泛应用,其在企业市场营销中也扮演着越来越重要的角色。黑龙江省山货企业要想在激励的市场竞争中实现突破,大力发展电子商务已成为一大新的选择。  相似文献   

陈榕芝 《经济经纬》2004,1(2):152-155
《反不正当竞争法》实施已11年,实践中出现的许多新型的不正当竞争行为,未能受到该法的规制。其中,商标与企业名称的混同行为就是一例。对此,应该在《反不正当竞争法》中增列其为不正当竞争行为的形式之一,并明确其认定标准及法律责任的承担,使《反不正当竞争法》更加完善。  相似文献   

Previous research efforts suggested that firms' overall e-business success tends to deliver greater organizational performance. However, few researchers examined how a firm leverages e-business investment to gain greater e-business success. Even fewer researchers investigated the different impacts of different levels of e-business success on organizational performance. This paper addresses two questions: (1) what capabilities influence a firms' ability to build e-business success and enjoy greater organizational performance, where firm-level e-business success is measured by e-business service capability and IT-enabled collaborative advantage; and (2) whether the two ways of measuring e-business success result in different impacts on organizational performance? We propose that a firm's application capability of e-business involving systems development and systems usage is positively related to a firm's overall e-business success, thus having a positive impact on organizational performance. We use survey data from 152 Chinese manufacturing firms and their B2B e-business systems participants to test our theoretical hypotheses and proposed model. The findings suggest that both systems development and systems usage have significant and positive impacts on e-business service capability, which in turn leads to greater IT-enabled collaborative advantage. This finding could be translated into the important role of a firm's application capability of e-business on e-business success. It is concluded that the application capability of e-business acts as one of the main mechanisms through which the e-business investment leads to greater e-business success. We also find that IT-enabled collaborative advantage, compared with e-business service capability, has a more significant and greater impact on organizational performance. This study extends prior e-business success research by opening up the ‘black box’ between a firm's e-business investment and its e-business success, and by distinguishing the relative impacts of e-business service capability versus IT-enabled collaborative advantage on organizational performance. Another contribution of this study is that the effect of context factors (firm size, industry, and system duration) in developing country on our proposed model.  相似文献   

伴随着全球信息化浪潮,人们在共享与交流信息方面摆脱了时空的束缚,传统林业企业管理模式受到极大的冲击,与,警战,林业企业必须加快各方面的改革创新,以便在网络经济时代的电子商务环境下掌握市场的主动权,提高企业的竞争优势。本文在简析电子商务内涵及特征的基础上,强调了我国林业企业管理创新的紧迫性,并从组织结构、交易流程、市场营销三方面对电子商务环境下的我国林业企业管理创新进行了深入探讨和研究。  相似文献   

赵双阁  艾岚 《经济与管理》2007,21(11):92-95
当前中国广告界存在种种不正当竞争现象,严重干扰了广告市场的竞争秩序,成为中国广告业国际化正常进程的一大障碍.这些现象产生的根源具有多元性的特点,而其中最重要的则是因为相关的竞争制度不健全.因此,当前亟需加强对中国广告活动主体之间竞争制度的研究.  相似文献   

梁雪 《经济与管理》2010,24(1):92-95
中国电子商务网站的发展存在着各级电子商务网站发展不平衡,普及率较高但质量低等问题。在今后的发展中应“以人为本”,统一技术标准和规范业务流程,因地制宜地发展电子政务,加强对电子政务人才的培养。  相似文献   

Abstract.  This paper has two objectives. First, it presents a survey of the literature surrounding the relation between political monopoly and economic development. Second, it offers an analysis of how commoners' high degree of tolerance towards unfair inequality of income distribution between theirs and the monopolizing ruling elites leads to poor economic development. We assert that free migration between states causes monopoly rent to shrink because it poses a threat to the ruling elites due to fiscal competition between states. The shrinking in monopoly rent implies a higher level of division of labour, which results in a greater extent of the market and higher aggregate productivity.  相似文献   

由历史、政策制度和市场共同影响下的中国农民,长期以来未能很好地取得真正的社会地位。农民参与社会事务的边缘化,城乡公共产品分配的不公平,城乡经济关系不平等等问题的存在进一步影响农业和农村社会的发展。基于对农民国民待遇缺失成因的分析,转变现有观念、改革相应的政策制度和提升农民市场能力,多方位确保农民国民待遇的实现,是新时期解决“三农”问题的必经之路。  相似文献   

The rise of populism in a number of countries is one of the most visible signs of the weakening of enthusiasm for trade liberalization and market competition. Market competition is increasingly denounced as leading to unfair results by those who lose jobs, and in some cases risk losing their employment prospects because of the pressure of competition, or those who see their wages stagnate or be reduced. Their perception is that pro‐competitive policies benefit capitalists and a small coterie of highly skilled workers to the detriment of the low‐skilled majority. In a number of countries there have been calls by politicians to reconsider the trade liberalization policy which was actively pursued in recent decades and to change the standard applied by competition law enforcers from a strict consumer welfare standard to a consideration of the trade‐off between efficiency and fairness. The competition community has, to a large extent, strongly resisted such possibilities, arguing that protectionist policies had failed in the past and that the concept of fairness is at best vague, lack economic foundation, and could lead to a weakening of incentives to achieve efficient static and dynamic performances. The article examines three issues related to this debate. First, we examine the theoretical and practical reasons for which some categories of workers lose in the competitive process. Second, we discuss the relationship between inequality and fairness and the contribution of behavioural economics to the exploration of what people consider to be fair or unfair in vertical relationships (i.e. between employees and employers or between consumers and suppliers). Third, we discuss alternative ways in which competition authorities could reconcile fairness and efficiency in their advocacy or enforcement activities.  相似文献   

WTO<反倾销协议>扩展了倾销原有的界定范围,规定低于成本出口属于非正常贸易行为,可以通过实施制裁来维护公平竞争.本文认为,低于成本倾销在绝大多数情况下属于正常的商业行为,其产生具有合理性,同不公平竞争没有必然的联系.恰恰是对这种行为的抵制,反映了目前的反倾销措施被滥用的倾向.  相似文献   

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