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国际金融危机背景下我国国际收支格局发展趋势研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本次国际金融危机是全球经济失衡加速调整的结果,我国也受到一定程度的冲击和影响。国际收支"双顺差"是中国外向型经济增长模式下外部失衡的体现,也反映了全球经济失衡条件下中国在国际经济利益分配中的不利现状。本文通过论证全球经济失衡背景下金融危机的爆发必然性及其对全球经济失衡的反向冲击作用,审视本次国际金融危机对我国国际收支"双顺差"格局的影响,提出在当前保持我国经济增长的"双依靠"策略。  相似文献   

全球经济失衡的调整及中国对策:一种政治经济解释   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国金融危机爆发以来,全球经济失衡及其调整逐渐成为世界主要国家争论与战略博弈的一个焦点问题。本文在分析全球经济失衡的内涵与性质的基础上,重点探讨了全球失衡的国内调整与国家间调整,认为寻求国内不同利益集团的利益平衡和主要相关国家之间调整成本分担的平衡是决定全球经济能否实现再平衡的关键。  相似文献   

2008年全球金融危机是对全球分工体系中的贸易分工和金融分工严重失衡的一次总调整。从失衡到再平衡的过程是一个成长的过程,未来全球经济将进入艰难结构调整期。站在新的历史节点上,中国必须将反周期政策和纠正失衡的结构性调整结合起来,实施实体经济与金融经济的双平衡战略,培育中国内生增长的新动力,通过产业轮动与区域轮动启动新一轮经济景气周期。  相似文献   

全球经济失衡与中美博弈   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前全球经济失衡问题的出现和加剧吸引了各国政府和学者的普遍关注。文章通过对全球经济失衡典型事件的历史回顾,探寻了全球经济失衡的内在原因,并就这次全球经济失衡中备受关注的中美双方的利益关系进行分析,发现美国的单边思维与中国的多极化思维是这次全球经济失衡产生的根本原因,提出中国和美国在经济全球化的进程中要加强合作,中国应加大金融改革和汇率政策调整的力度;美国作为全球化受益最大的国家,应该搭建更大的国际舞台来接纳其他国家。  相似文献   

此轮始于上世纪90年代由于美国经常账户赤字持续恶化引起的全球经济失衡,引起了人们的高度关注。该文从“中心”、“外围”体制可以维持长期失衡,美国逆差不会殃及其经济发展,暗物质假说改变了人们对全球失衡的认识,失衡本质是跨期优化选择,调整失衡不利于世界经济增长五个方面分析了全球经济失衡的存续性;并从美国经济战略即贸易赤字是美国推行的一种有意识和精心设计的战略、美元贬值的一石二鸟效应,中国不应该且无力承担调整的成本,欧洲对全球经济失衡无动于衷,以及东亚国家货币缺乏升值动力等方面,研究了这次全球经济失衡不可调整性。  相似文献   

金融危机背景下中美经济失衡面临的新矛盾与化解之策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中美经济失衡是中关贸易中经常项目失衡的问题.在全球金融危机中,中美经济失衡又面临着新的形势.金融危机导致中国经济发展中的外部环境恶化,经济增长速度减缓,失业加剧.为解决面临的困境,中国需要从对外经济战略、满足国内市场需求和提高竞争优势等方面进行调整.  相似文献   

闫小娜 《金融评论》2010,2(6):64-80
本文试图对全球经济失衡背景下的国际资本流动,尤其是美国国际资本流入的基本模式与特征进行梳理,并在此基础上考察各种不同因素的解释力,希望以此来促进对于全球经济失衡现象的整体认识,并对危机后的国际金融格局做出更为准确的判断。本文认为,由于主要贸易盈余国家对美国的金融产品是刚性需求,因此美国的贸易逆差也必然伴随着资本的流入,并且.流入美国的资本显然已经弥补了经常账户的赤字;从2003年第3季度后,获取收益不再是资本流入美国的主要原因。并且金融危机对资本流入美国的影响是显著的。在为应对全球经济失衡所进行的调整中,以中国为代表的新兴市场国家除了应该调整贸易结构外,还需要更多地从资本流动的角度出发,提高自身金融体系的能力,发展国内外币金融市场,推动本币国际化,逐步减少对美元资产的刚性需求。  相似文献   

李向阳 《资本市场》2006,(11):20-22
目前全球经济失衡及其发展方向的争论日益高涨,但最终无论采取哪一种调整方式,中国经济受到的影响都将是首当其冲的。全球经济失衡的调整已经成为影响中国经济发展的一个主要外部风险。  相似文献   

2008年席卷全球的美国次贷危机对中国经济带来前所未有的考验.我们不仅仅要应对因美国金融危机造成的在美国直接投资的损失,更要应对因金融危机导致美国经济衰退甚至全球经济大萧条对中国经济的影响.因此,研究金融危机对我国经济的影响,具有相当重要的现实意义.  相似文献   

论全球经济失衡   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
傅瑜  徐艳  何泽荣 《经济学家》2006,(6):103-109
全球经济失衡是当前世界经济的一大特点。在研究国内外有关全球经济失衡的观点的基础上,本文认为全球经济失衡实际上是国际经济新格局正在形成的表现。研究一国经济的对外失衡不应该仅仅研究贸易项目或经常项目的失衡,而更应当研究整个国际收支的失衡。全球经济失衡的根源是美国的失衡。一个国家的对外失衡是国内经济失衡的表现,中国贸易顺差与人民币汇率升值与否没有必然的联系,从根本上说来自于中国经济的转型。在解决全球经济失衡中,主要国家的货币政策的协调主要表现为汇率政策的协调。这一协调是解决经济全球失衡必要的、但不是唯一的手段。解决中国经济对外失衡的关键是治理中国经济的内部失衡。  相似文献   

This article argues that there are underlying changes in the world economy due to growing integration of the national economies which are more profound than the events in particular commodity markets, and that our national economic policies should be significantly shaped by these changes. Integration is defined in terms of the convergence of prices on international markets. It is occurring in the markets for commodities, factors and technologies. The freeing of trade multilaterally and unilaterally and the formation of regional trading arrangements have all played a part in greater global integration. Global and regional integration have changed the nature of the international markets in which we trade and require corporations to change their production and marketing strategies. Governments have an increasingly important role in negotiating international and regional agreements and in providing an environment that allows the domestic producers to compete on international markets. There is, however, no need to change the unilateral trading policies of Australia.  相似文献   

Global monitor     
Until recently, theories of war in Africa and other underdeveloped social formations have foundered on notions of ‘poverty=war” and vice versa. Newer thinking, however, asks questions in line with classical Marxist perspectives veering away from dependencia, relating war in the ‘dark continent’ to issues of class formation and (“primitive”) accumulation. Christopher Cramer's Civil War is not a Stupid Thing in particular raises historically and comparatively grounded questions about the relationship between coercion and ‘development’ that challenge both dependency and liberal thinking. Yet, as assessments of contemporary writing on similar issues (including ‘post-conflict studies’) illustrate, the quality of this type of thinking in no way guarantees its intellectual hegemony.  相似文献   

Partly reflecting structural advantages such as liquidity and strong investor protection, foreigners have built up extremely large positions in US (as well as other dollar‐denominated) financial assets. This paper describes the impact on global wealth of an unanticipated shock to US financial markets. For every 10 per cent decline in the dollar, US equity markets, and US bond markets, total wealth losses to foreigners could amount to about 5 percentage points of foreign GDP. Four stylized facts emerge: (i) foreign countries, particularly emerging markets, are more exposed to US bonds than to US equities; (ii) over time US exposure has increased for most countries; (iii) on average, US asset holdings of developed countries and emerging markets (scaled by GDP) are very similar; and (iv) based on their reserves position alone, wealth losses of emerging market governments could on average amount to about 2¾ percentage points of their GDP.  相似文献   

Alan Ingram 《Geopolitics》2013,18(3):522-545
This article describes the emergence of a new geopolitics of disease following the end of the Cold War and offers a framework for thinking about it. Three main questions are asked. First, why is disease now a geopolitical issue? Second, how has this new geopolitics emerged? And third, what are the implications of the emergence of disease as a geopolitical issue for the meaning and practice of global health? It is argued that disease is now seen as a geopolitical issue in terms of four main dimensions: destabilisation, sovereignty, the instrumentalisation of health, and geopolitical economy. Second, this new geopolitics has emerged in the context of larger debates about globalisation, development and security, and has emanated primarily from Northern institutions. Third, drawing on critical approaches to security, it is suggested that while the securitisation of health offers certain benefits, it also carries risks. The article identifies a number of critical tensions in the new geopolitics of disease as a way of negotiating these risks and anchoring the concept of global health security in a larger vision of health in an era of globalisation.  相似文献   

We empirically identify global macroeconomic uncertainty using a dynamic factor model, where the conditional variances of all factors are modeled as stochastic volatility processes. Applying this methodology to OECD data, we find the early 1970s and early 1980s recessions as well as the recent Great Recession of the late 2000s to be associated with increases in uncertainty at the global level, but heightened uncertainty during the early 1990s and 2000s slowdowns to be mostly confined to the national levels. We also find that global uncertainty unambiguously lowers national growth rates and raises national inflation rates, and that key macroeconomic variables like oil, commodity and stock prices as well as global liquidity act as drivers of the global dimension of uncertainty.  相似文献   


This paper provides an intuitive additive decomposition of the global income Gini coefficient with respect to differences within and between countries. In 2005, nearly half the total global income inequality is due to income differences between Europeans and North Americans on the one side and inhabitants of Asia on the other, with the China‐USA income differences alone accounting for six percent of global inequality. Historically, income differences between Asia and Europe have driven a large part of global inequality, but the quantitative importance of within‐Asia income inequality has increased substantially since 1950.  相似文献   

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