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量化年、月尺度水资源供需服务,识别水资源供需特征及风险,对优化流域水资源管理和国土空间布局具有重要意义。利用SWAT模型量化赣江流域年、月尺度水供给服务。基于人口、GDP空间化等数据方法,结合逐月需水权重实现逐月需水量化。运用动、静态水资源安全指数(WSI)分析赣江流域年、月水资源供需风险时空演变特征,结合ArcGIS识别风险用地类型。结果表明:(1)2000、2010、2020年赣江流域年水供给量总体呈东、北多而西、南少的空间分布规律,水供给主要集中在4~6月。(2)赣江流域需水不断增长。受地理环境约束和社会经济发展格局影响,呈现北高南低的总体需水空间格局。高农业用水占比(60%)及农业季节性需水特征使流域月尺度需水表现为1~3月、10~12月的点状以及4~9月的点带状高值需水空间格局。(3)赣江流域水资源供需矛盾以低风险为主,供需风险上升。风险发生时期延长,7~9月是三期的主要供需风险期。供需风险主要分布在袁水流域、肖江流域、赣江丰城段,赣江下游区和赣江吉安段。(4)耕地是水资源供需风险的主要用地类型,袁水流域的建设用地水资源供需风险最高。(5)流域耕地面积缩减,主要需水作物水稻播...  相似文献   

周晓芳  周永章  欧阳军 《经济地理》2011,31(11):1930-1936
为调查了解喀斯特聚落风水的特点和空间差异,从喀斯特地貌和风水的关系出发,选取地貌上具有代表性的红枫研究区、鸭池研究区、花江研究区三个案例地区,基于野外地貌实地调研和风水民俗的调查,探讨不同喀斯特地貌区的风水要素、风水空间格局和风水空间营造的差异.研究表明,喀斯特聚落的风水空间要素由区域喀斯特地貌特点决定,风水空间格局充分体现了地貌空间差异.因此,风水空间差异与自然环境特别是喀斯特地貌空间差异一致,即差异大小的规律为高原峡谷区>高原山地区>高原盆地区;喀斯特高原峡谷地区的居住风水空间格局也最具传统风水文化的特点和地方特色.  相似文献   

朱乃芬 《经济视角》2006,(12):55-57
水是基础性的自然资源、战略性的经济资源和公共性的社会资源。从吉林省水资源自然状况看,具有我国北方内陆省份的典型特点:水资源总量不足,时空分布不均,水环境质量不高,水资源承载能力不强。全省人均水资源占有量1500立方米,仅为全国的2/3,为世界的1/5,属于全面缺水的省份,资源型、水质型、工程型缺水并存,已成为制约全省经济发展和社会进步的重要因素,迫切需要建立健全一种支持生产发展、生活富裕、生态良好的节水机制,来调整以水资源优化配置和高效利用为核心的生产关系,促进生产力发展。目前,吉林省节水机制的实质是政府主导(整合中心)…  相似文献   

<正>我国水资源总量比较丰富,约为3万亿立方米,为世界六大重要的淡水国家之一,其中地表水占到了90%以上。但如果按照人均计算,我国人均水资源占有量不高,大约排在世界上第130位,属于严重缺水国家,其中宁夏、河北、山东、河南等六省(区)属于极度缺水,其人均水资源量低于500立方米。另外,我国水资源地区分布不均,水土资源不相匹配。黄土高原的降水量年际  相似文献   

根据近日出台的《浙江省水资源保护与开发利用“十二五”规划》,浙江省按地域特性和水资源分布及开发利用特点,结合行政分区,将全省划分为六个水资源区。它们分别为浙北杭嘉湖区、浙东萧绍宁舟区、钱塘江、台州区、温州区以及瓯江中上游区。  相似文献   

湖南喀斯特旅游地质资源分布广泛,类别种类齐全,美学性和独特稀有性共存,科研学术价值重大。但是,在喀斯特旅游地质资源开发过程中,湖南还存在旅游地质资源的开发基本上停留于商业价值层面;重视开发利用景区资源,忽视保护资源;一些旅游地质景点的可进入性差,开发力度不足;管理水平不高,资金投入不足等问题。所以,湖南省旅游业应坚持科学价值和商业价值的开发有机结合的原则;坚持旅游资源与生态环境的严格保护、合理开发和永续利用相结合的原则;加强专业人员的培训,提高管理人员的素质;实施全方位、多层次的深度开发;加大资金的投入,加快基础设施建设。  相似文献   

目前西部地区农业水资源利用存在的主要问题是 :水资源时空分布不均衡 ;水资源开发利用不均衡 ;水资源浪费大 ;水质污染严重。西部地区农业土地资源利用中的主要问题 ,除土地利用率低 ,利用方式落后 ,经营粗放以外 ,最突出的是土地荒漠化和水土流失严重 ,农地质量不断下降。鉴此 ,西部大开发应以生态环境的恢复和建设为核心 ,以水土资源的保护和永续利用为重点。本文从提高农业水土资源的质量、利用率和利用效率等方面 ,提出实现西部地区农业水土资源永续利用的对策  相似文献   

水资源短缺已成为制约我国经济社会发展的最重要因素之一,而雨水作为重要的水资源并未引起人们的重视.本文针对城市水资源的短缺,提出了雨水利用的必要性;通过对径流雨水水质特性的分析研究,提出了合理利用雨水资源的途径,并结合工程实例提出了雨水利用的工程措施及配套政策.  相似文献   

水资源短缺已成为制约我国经济社会发展的最重要因素之一,而雨水作为重要的水资源并未引起人们的重视,其原因是多方面的.本文针对城市水资源的短缺,提出了雨水利用的必要性;通过对径流雨水水质特性的分析研究,提出了合理利用雨水资源的对策.并结合工程实例提出了雨水利用的工程措施及配套政策.  相似文献   

容丽  熊康宁 《经济地理》2005,25(1):16-21,32
采用实地抽样调查数据,从地理学、心理学、行为科学的角度,运用模糊数学上的综合评价方法,将喀斯特环境与贵州西南花江喀斯特峡谷地区当地居民的心理意识及行为作为一个相互作用的系统来认识人地相互关系,将喀斯特石山区生态环境、社会经济条件的特殊性与心理意识相结合并进行数理分析、相关对比和模糊综合评价的整体性进行综合定性与定量研究,从人的数量,更重要的是从人的质量(素质)和行为效应与预测的角度,揭示了喀斯特地区民族心理意识与人地关系的基本特征。  相似文献   

Irrigation water rights and their governance structures constitute the foundation of local water institutions and profoundly influence water resource allocations, irrigated agricultural productivity and other consumptive water uses in the arid climate zones. This article explores the regional structures of irrigation water rights and water governance and empirically analyses the priority effects of water rights on irrigated agriculture at the micro level in Idaho, an arid and semiarid state in the western United States. We integrate a unique data set of water rights and water supplies with agricultural features and environmental characteristics into our empirical analysis. Results indicate that seniority in water resources allocation has significant, positive effects on both the average crop revenue and crop water use efficiency. Local water rights structures differ significantly in seniority and water sources from region to region. In response to the heterogeneity in local water rights structures, the aforementioned effect of allocative priority of water rights on average crop revenue per hectare and crop water productivity varies significantly, reaching up to an 87% difference, when measured across regions. In addition, the priority effects of water rights are nonlinear, which reflects the influence of historical patterns of water rights establishment on water institutions to date.  相似文献   

我国水资源严重短缺的基本国情使农村的供水与用水的矛盾越来越突出,加上城市和工业对水的需求日益扩大,农业水权的转让逐渐成为一种趋势。在农业水权转让的过程中,农民用水权益的保护成为了亟须重视的问题。目前我国农业水权转让制度不健全,使农业水权在向其他领域转让过程中出现了损害农民用水权益的现象。因而,分析农业水权在转让过程中对农民用水权益的影响因素,从而提出保护对策,为完善农民用水权益保障机制提供基础。  相似文献   

Water footprint in a region is defined as the volume of water needed for the production of goods and services consumed by the local people, Ecosystem services are a kind of important services, so ecological water use is one necessary component in water footprint. Water footprint is divided into green water footprint and blue water footprint but the former one is often ignored.In this paper waterJootprint includes blue water needed by agricultural irrigation, industrial and domestic water demand, and green water needed by crops, economic forests, livestock prochtcts, forestlalands and grasslands. The study calculates the footprint of the Jinghe River basin in 1990, 1995, 2000 and 2005 with quarto methods. Results of research show that water footprints reached 164.1 ×10^8m3, 175. 69 ×10^8m3 and 178. 45 ×10^8m3 respectively in 1990, 1995 and 2000 including that of ecological water use, but reached 77.68×10^8m3, 94.24×10^8m3, 92.92×10^8m3 and 111.36 ×10^8m3 respectively excluding that of ecological water use. Green water.footprint is much more than blue water footprint; thereby, green water plays an important role in economic development and ecological construction The dynamic change of water footprints shows that blue water use increases rapidly and that the ecological water use is occupied by economie and domestic water use. The change also shows that water use is transferred from primary industry to secondary industry In primary industry, it is transferred from crops farming to forestry, and animal agriculture. The factors impelling the change include development anticipation on econonomy; government policies, readjustment of the industrial structure, population growth, the raise of urbanization level, and structurul change of consumption, low level of waler-saving and poor ability of waste water treatment.With blue water use per unit, green water use per unit, blue water use structure and green water use structure, we analyzed the difference of the six ecologieal function districts of the Jinghe River  相似文献   

关于我国水银行制度建设几个问题的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
水银行作为水权租赁和水量买卖双方的中介,是调剂用水余缺、节约水交易成本和促进水资源可持续利用的一个有效工具。水银行制度建设要解决与水资源行政主管部门的关系、规避运作风险及化解交易外部性等三个大问题。作为一个经济组织,水银行要独立于水资源行政主管部门,水资源行政主管部门可以运用行政手段和经济手段来管理水银行,还可以参加水银行交易以满足公共利益的用水需求。在水银行交易出现“空头”,即买入量小于卖出量时,可以运用休耕、水库余水、地下水、节水和水管部门“公开市场业务”等方法来调整,或在出现“空头”之前就采取向卖方预订一定水量的选择权等方法。水交易具有很强的外部性,降低水银行交易外部性的方法有预防性措施和补偿性措施。  相似文献   

Existing institutions allocating water in California reflect prior appropriation water rights established when water was abundant. These allocation rules queue users and do not encourage water conservation. Increased water scarcity and growing valuation of water's environmental benefits are inducing a transition to water allocation mechanisms that increase water efficiency in agriculture. Transferable rights systems will lead to market-like water allocation, induce farmers to adopt water conservation technology, and may not face strong objection from senior water rights holders. One must weigh the efficiency gains associated with transition from water rights to water markets against the transaction costs associated with installing facilities that enable water exchange and trading .
Transition to water markets may preserve the agricultural sector's well-being while allowing the transfer of some water outside of agriculture—in particular, for environmental benefit. The cost of policies proposed to reduce agricultural water supply while encouraging water trading are inversely related to the extent of trading allowed. The more farmers trade water, the less costly reducing water supply is to agriculture. Policies reducing water supply to Central Valley Project contractors and allowing trading only among these contractors are much more expensive than are policies encouraging trading among all agricultural water users in California .  相似文献   

我国水资源过度开采、浪费、污染等现象严重,面对日益严峻的水资源形势,水资源短缺将成为全球未来发展面临的最主要问题之一。本文在可持续发展战略的指导下,明确水权的涵义,进行水资源使用权交易的费用效益分析,指出水资源使用权的交易有利于提高水资源利用效率和加快节水型社会的建设,实现水资源的可持续发展,对我国水权交易市场的建立和水使用权交易具有一定的理论和实践指导意义。  相似文献   

Research on the flow of virtual water associated with agricultural crop production and trade has focussed almost entirely on water quantity. It is pertinent to consider and quantify the opportunity costs in terms of reduced water quality associated with crop production. This paper investigates the impacts of water quality on virtual water trading by creating a proxy for water quality impacts by calculating the amount of water required to dilute nonpoint-source agrochemical inputs to relevant water quality guideline values. The quantity of water required for dilution of five agrochemicals (two nutrients; nitrogen and phosphorus and three insecticides; azinphos-methyl, chlorpyrifos and endosulfan) was estimated for five crops in South Africa (maize, wheat, sugar cane, citrus and cotton) and compared to consumption of irrigation water (blue water) and rainfall (green water) for the same crops. Results indicate that the volume of water required for dilution is similar to the total sum of green and blue water required for crop production, but significantly greater than blue water use (irrigation use). For all crops phosphorus losses require greater amounts of water for dilution than for nitrogen, while pesticides result in the greatest water quality use. Estimates of water quality use are based on assumptions for a number of input variables (i.e. fertilizer application rates, percentage loss of agrochemicals from cropped areas). A Monte Carlo analysis (5000 iterations) was run to randomly select input variables from within defined ranges. Water quality use was calculated and expressed as a factor of blue water use. For all crops the average factor indicated that the volume of water required for dilution of all agrochemicals was greater than that required for irrigation. The results of this study clearly indicate that the impacts of agriculture on water quality need to be considered in virtual water trading scenarios. The incorporation of a method to predict impacts on water quality provides a comparative tool which generates a more holistic frame of reference for decision making with regard to impacts on the water resource and virtual water trading.  相似文献   

从水文化视角出发,筛选出嘉兴历代地方志及代 表性诗画中的62组完整八景序列,采用“三位一体”的方 法,以“自然-社会-文化”系统解读得出:嘉兴八景聚合了 “物态-行为-精神”3个层次的地域性水文化,以水适应性 景观展现出水乡人居环境营建中的生态智慧,融合共生形成 了“人境合一”的内生机制;其地域性营建特征为“以物为 基,因水而生”“以行互联,因水而兴”“以文传情,因水 而美”,推动了水域景观风景化和生态化的发展。提出江南 水乡的完整保护可从内生机制出发,兼顾水生态、水实践和 水人文的良性循环,以此营建具有典型地域性和生态性特征 的可持续水乡景观  相似文献   

农业水资源配置制度改革   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国是一个水资源十分短缺的国家,而且水资源地区分布不均衡,大部分地区存在不同程度的用水短缺问题,与此同时,我国还是一个水资源浪费严重的国家,全国农业灌溉水利用系数大约为0.4,这意味着有60%的水被浪费掉。要想减少水资源的浪费、提高农业水资源的利用率,就要从农业水资源配置制度这个根本问题入手。  相似文献   

宁夏平原天然状态下作物水分亏缺研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以宁夏平原为案例,对天然状态下的农田水分平衡状况进行了深入的定量研究,采用长系列(1961~2001年)、短时段(月)和多种作物类型(8种)相匹配的操作方法,建立农田水量平衡模型,计算得到了宁夏平原各个县域单元、各种作物、逐年、逐月的有效降水、盈水量、亏水量值。结果表明:自然降水不能满足作物生长发育的需求,水分亏缺是宁夏平原天然状态下农田水分平衡的主要特征;不同作物水分亏缺程度差异较大;宁夏平原未来农业发展必须推行"以水定产"战略。  相似文献   

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